

[After Effects] Motion Boutique Newton 2.1.22 | Win/Mac

发表于 2015-6-4 09:02:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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/ M$ O* R9 h; t& X9 G--------; E9 Z# U5 r/ d2 n6 X& X: z5 {9 ^
- Launching Newton with the Effect Controls panel opened (or similar panels) was sometimes causing a crash3 F; E0 r5 R& c, a
- Motion path of AEmatic and kinematic bodies were sometimes incorrect& V/ P" P6 P4 x" ^
- Delaunay triangulation (used when creating multiple distance joints at once) was sometimes yielding a crash* v# Q" s' b9 Y
- After resetting transform of two bodies connected by a pivot joint, joint anchor was staying at the same position
! n! d5 f8 C! n" P; @! x - Fixed bugs in Undo/Redo system
, t8 }# c3 ]$ N+ B6 @* V  r9 M& h5 g$ P: A0 {6 ]
2 v* u4 n$ l( a- g8 d7 @-------! G6 @. M7 F4 w
- Added an option in Load Settings dialog that allows you to choose between layerID (AE internal identifier, comp specific),
( ^8 s( V: \3 R7 X layer index or layer name, when importing settings file. In previous versions only layerID was used, so a settings file was
& I  Q" p$ b8 v: P tied to the comp used when saving the settings.
9 [0 s/ I% h- n - Added Randomizer dialog that allows you to randomize the value of a property for every selected body or joint# C2 M* A/ ^" W& W! T
- Added Copy/Paste Body Settings and Copy/Paste Joint Settings commands in the Edit menu and context menu& i' v: k( g# J, u
- Added an option in the General prefs to specify whether the (body) color must be ignored when pasting body settings
2 A  K" x! w, T# m) W1 ` - Added an option in the General prefs to specify which body identification method must be used by Newton when it auto-loads
% }8 a$ G& o9 R last scene settings (in previous versions only LayerID was used)* S: B  K0 ^, t1 t6 W3 S
- Context menu commands are now enabled/disabled according to the current selection (in previous versions they were always
7 a$ B" u2 f3 U enabled), J( \+ {# P& Z& c" K% @' R
- File path of the last loaded settings becomes the default path when loading settings
- I0 B( i/ H& u  g) R- b! G - File path of the last saved settings becomes the default path when saving settings
/ W( O- D1 c  E1 o - UI sliders moved with the mouse step of 0.005 instead of 0.001
- a6 T& a4 i9 ^- Q3 h! b - Auxiliary dialogs (prefs, randomizer, keyboard shortcuts) have now a window frame* T; l- k7 G; K: k9 J0 o/ R* [
- Load/Save settings dialogs have been customized to better fit Newton's appearence8 O. H! N+ T, D  F$ G
- Updated documentation
2 K- [6 @" X. i/ \ - CC 2014 compatibility) i, T5 n1 q) A

: ?. i4 m  T' L! R, T; J( e$ D3 U  S9 a8 \: Q" n$ n

, R' z8 Q3 S- _# m0 DInfo:
1 T' |, A8 e" |/ K. G' yNewton interprets 2D composition layers as rigid bodies interacting in a real environment.
& A8 ]$ z5 [2 ]3 N0 y6 i' c) uNewton provides many simulation controllers such as body properties (type, density, friction, bounciness, velocity, etc),
# ?8 O- V+ B! k2 R$ fglobal properties (gravity, solver), and allows the creation of joints between bodies.7 a0 l9 P! V8 W" ^/ L' h8 A% H' K9 ?
Once simulation is completed, animation is recreated in After Effects with standard keyframes.3 \+ L( K% P, |/ }: W

5 b# p, W3 x! Z; Ihttp://aescripts.com/newton/" u' e$ J+ F+ M4 z6 f! `( F
" b6 t, \: s" t, E; X4 n- F+ O& w
Download:; i' a7 ]( X$ |" ^5 r  l5 f! p
Link(s):1 n: ?) R. T7 U6 y! d% M" L
: m  P( z2 U' C: xhttps://mega.co.nz/#!NgwQSYiL!TFkH1kvVfFt8LWSY-KAdzR23hq0VoaQq1HHQiwtWPiE
; `% E( |; ^  |' I" u2 h" g5 }! w$ C* Y% w
Zippyshare:! W+ R: Z% Q7 q6 B; v
9 A& g8 u( L' E9 x, y# k- v' H

. Q8 P" `4 z& z0 e! m( dInstructions:& b& \/ D9 c$ M" d
Win: Extract the archive and copy Newton folder from the Win folder to AE's plug-in folder
. i1 u' {3 B2 Z& Z  R. h2 BMac: Extract the archive and copy Newton_trial.plugin package from the Mac folder to AE's plug-in folder
+ f0 l- O# R3 y8 O  H5 B/ ]4 D" Z: x* [* I& A
Note:' G4 l; `4 i) q& X
In the Mac version, the plugin package's filename contains the word "trial". It is not trial!; @! n! Y  O0 \" U* Y, B
If the filename is changed the plugin won't work, so don't change it!
+ o: F% j& G6 h: |  m$ E. }/ _4 |If anyone of you Mac people knows how to get around this issue please PM me or something.
" |, \0 E7 H  r8 Z% U1 I6 N7 A& l9 d0 G# O/ o; M


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