
标题: Solid Angle Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA) v1.0.8.0 [打印本页]

作者: cgpersia    时间: 2015-10-29 09:24
标题: Solid Angle Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA) v1.0.8.0
本帖最后由 cgpersia 于 2015-10-29 09:37 编辑
$ Q1 q* e6 |: M2 h2 [0 d0 N& b0 H4 s- N  J9 H! d9 n( @
Program Name: Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA) v1.0.8.0+ d8 v2 ]3 m2 }) K
Program Type: MAXON Cinema 4D plug-in
/ |9 R6 X# j. P1 ?" ~2 W* RDeveloper: Solid Angle S.L.
" u; C2 F+ o# u/ Y# d( DHomepage: www.solidangle.com/arnold/arnold-for-cinema-4d/
; C, h# b4 u( V3 L# Q7 zRelease Date: October 28, 2015
- M) a+ Z: ~. M7 x- ^Interface Language: English
3 a6 H2 ?/ k6 S8 D1 D% JPlatform: MAXON Cinema 4D R15/R16/R17 (all products except Lite)2 m8 R  l* m) L1 L) a6 C: ]
File Size: 11.21Mb / 11.16Mb / 11.2Mb
' G3 w' t* U' j( }" F. F( J4 k1 n
) s8 a. r* O! h. PArnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Cinema 4D interface. Arnold is a global illumination system incorporating modern ray tracing and physically based shading techniques. Arnold offers greater speed, more power and higher quality. This gives studios using Arnold a distinct competitive advantage - especially in big-budget productions.
* @8 K% r! |; Y. ?
' {; G' E) X2 c* i2 X" e& JOver the past few years, Arnold has been used to create unique visual effects in major VFX feature films, animated features, and high-end commercial projects. Sony Pictures Imageworks was the catalyst for the professional adoption of the product and will use Arnold in all upcoming films.
/ j; m& T: c( b8 B
) x& D3 \& i, x% X, @1 L( hArnold uses cutting-edge algorithms that make the most effective use of your computer’s hardware resources: memory, disk space, multiple processor cores, and SIMD/SSE units.
! B2 ]" J# z' n- a/ l" E+ C/ _
6 u- T, s4 V1 }8 H6 ~$ RThe Arnold architecture was designed to easily adapt to existing pipelines. It is built on top of a pluggable node system; users can extend and customize the system by writing new shaders, cameras, filters and output driver nodes, as well as procedural geometry, custom ray types and user-defined geometric data. The primary goal of the Arnold architecture is to provide a complete solution as a primary renderer for animation and visual effects. However, Arnold can also be used as:
& @$ C+ Y  o% Q& s" b; k* e• A ray server for traditional scanline renderers& x5 o" _( q: F7 B8 Z0 j; R/ u  a
• A tool for baking/procedural generation of lighting data (lightmaps for videogames)& i& ?. y4 i1 a$ q8 h8 V  `* ?  _
• An interactive rendering and relighting tool
1 v0 w  q; R+ g
3 d2 [3 d- p) A5 O9 {8 l" ~Why is Arnold different?
6 _5 x! ?/ w9 g. F2 PArnold is an unbiased ray/path tracing engine. It doesn't use caching algorithms that introduce artifacts like photon mapping and final gather.
/ z1 n( o1 b  Z4 i8 E0 E' N' ?5 H" X  ~$ d
1 w2 t/ }% q7 ^! g) G' ?9 r• Seamless integration with C4D: objects (instances, cloners, deformers, generators), MoGraph geometry, hair and splines.. }8 V: b: B$ z3 r
• Support for both native particles and Thinking Particles.
% Y& W! c8 w! u7 C4 O  r• The fastest interactive rendering (IPR) of all Arnold plugins, allows parameter changes to be rapidly previewed without interrupting your work.
# q4 f. \: `" j; M! a) {• Arnold Shading Network Editor, a node-based material editor.
: K5 p4 }1 n$ `4 _• A comprehensive list of shaders and utilities, including vertex maps and per-face materials." s9 W+ m0 y" ]( l( U
• Volume rendering with OpenVDB.
! R5 q9 }; z" F& ]: [& K: t+ P• Deferred, render time generation of geometry with the Arnold procedural node.
2 u4 z3 k0 z8 L6 B7 d! a/ @• Native linear workflow." x( D& H& s2 C9 j* H0 Q& X) _% E
• Team Render, including single-frame distributed rendering.
4 [- N; T; [. I% G/ y5 S2 [• Support for third party plugins like X-Particles and Turbulence FD.- \0 U5 \4 `( k1 I" [3 s9 z2 U6 g* w

$ l: V: t9 N' x) Y7 }4 `2 \What's new in v1.0.7.0:/ B/ V# B1 A5 }; @0 V
ENHANCEMENTS5 z/ o! [: L, @7 u! ^
- Display Arnold Light in the viewport
9 U) g# h% D+ @" g- Display Arnold Sky in the viewport  z1 `3 S  K# Q  _# z6 G, t, f
- Optimize Arnold Sky in IPR
6 ~' s1 x3 D: D- Select light type directly from the plugin menu
, A$ E2 h4 M; j) g& o- Make Arnold Light work with the C4D Lighting tool4 e. t2 t) g! K( l! U. a
- Add a namespace option to ASS export
# K' r+ }; Z( R+ F- Make AOV name parameters visible on the UI  P/ G# z: j0 e% G( P7 z0 j& j
- Export reference object (Pref); B5 B; R' u7 V, }0 f! M
- Support for light blocker shader
6 }/ x: t3 M8 L4 A4 C* r  N- Add bitmap loader for .tx files' V9 d5 T* F; ]5 X% ]
- Add shadow_matte AOV for shadow matte shader
" K) V2 Q' W' k( A( IFIXES* E6 I, g0 ~& z
- Arnold Sky rotation export is wrong
5 t2 D. X* }9 v5 ?- Crash on quit when the Tx Manager window is docked- C2 @: M5 @8 s4 C% W2 T5 Q: H
- Crash when IPR is redirected to the viewport and viewport is maximized
% B1 J2 }+ v+ r, l- IPR does not update when moving Focus Object of the camera* X& @5 x# G( D. ]( C
- Wrong ASS export using simulators (e.g. Emitter)
9 d$ j$ n$ X- H- K- Change label of standard.dispersion_abbe
/ g5 `% Y7 c. k. O- Fixed shadow opacity in shadow matte shader6 ]; q( T. j/ O. t8 ?' {
- Show correct output data type in network editor
, J& s/ Z. d( L7 I' X! ~' d- Bring the network editor window to the front when clicking open5 f+ Q/ C0 l# e& c* s
- Crash when rendering xpTrail in Constraint mode with motion blur; K' O3 _8 P1 E. o: f9 q: L% Q
NOTES% u' m5 {+ [+ Q2 z. m
- Limitations of Arnold Light viewport display:: [( `4 \! H3 {: f+ h& g
>> Arnold specific settings (like. color texture, radius, etc.) are not supported.' z9 T. T6 t) I( {5 ^. p
>> Skydome light is not supported.
' K0 d) H$ S1 g2 i. m# T- Limitations of Arnold Sky viewport display:5 ~* c& d$ k4 c  @
>> Physical sky is not supported.5 n* O5 L8 J2 Z# w: m) d) w
>> Lighting is not supported.; L' L7 i5 q1 M' R: f
>> If a shader network material is linked to sky color then only a root image shader is supported, UV settings of the image shader are not supported.! I$ g" r, V5 h7 A

# U; \& Q) R& Q3 t' {& Q0 z: v) D
) A; E9 P! M6 L9 R) `http://www.solidangle.com/arnold/download/#cinema4d
" [, ^$ N5 P( I4 u& V( O+ Y. V; d, W% n3 W- I* S
Solid Angle Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA) v1.0.8.0.zip; h1 r2 {' i- q, ]: d

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