
标题: AEscripts BeatEdit 2.1.007 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2021-10-14 10:38
标题: AEscripts BeatEdit 2.1.007
Program Name: AEscripts BeatEdit
) n$ |! @8 ~# l3 r; ~Program Type: Video Plusin
- @! ]  |" e( H4 D7 `8 K' j; H# _Developer: AEscripts3 ^$ t! u6 O4 O; U3 U& }- q" n
Release Date: Oct 11, 2021
3 v# N  i( ?6 g' zHomepage: https://aescripts.com/beatedit-bundle/( k$ v; p0 F6 ^2 N
Language: Multilingual/ G4 f0 H7 j6 f/ L" M. X& J
Platform: 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3
* R7 P' c4 R1 v* Q" K) IFile Size : 6.88 GB& g" w/ g; \/ v6 H9 L

. z, q. e2 L/ M/ lFeatures
8 H- r/ l" y& Y! B6 m: |robust, state of the art beat detection
9 V7 T" k& r; R  bcreate sequence markers or clip markers
" ?3 V+ a- S6 f9 qcompatible with the Automate to Sequence function in Premiere Pro4 _, p& h2 C3 r4 ?* {% n  x) a  y
easy beat selection5 U0 q& J" l( X' a. d5 i8 T
detect only beats or also other "rhythmically relevant" peaks for more variation
. w& B7 y' k7 Nbatch manipulation of markers (create, move, delete)4 y& t, o0 R2 z. {4 F. Y

. p  |  G9 ]# _1 x& vEdit in sync with Music. \' n) X+ \5 M7 [8 V
Editing in sync with music has never been easier. BeatEdit detects the beats of your music and represents them as markers in the Premiere Pro timeline.
  C. C4 @  D- I# m
Auto-Create Slideshows and Rough Cuts that change to the Beat2 h# l; Z; W9 G5 E# |
. a5 [0 F3 Q6 W  r
Use the beat information to generate fully automatic edits in sync with the music. If you need more control, the beat markers can also be used as guides in your manual editing process. What's more, the automatic edits can be easily tweaked in the timeline.

+ k2 v, S( Q5 b; @5 n; xFull Control
' l' H* H9 r. I" B
BeatEdit offers detailed controls to select the beats you want to work with. You can subdivide beats to create faster patterns, and select beats very easily. To create more variation, BeatEdit can also create extra markers at locations that are no beats but other rythmically relevant peaks of the music.
. G( ]9 A; v+ {, o

$ c) ~( z4 Z6 g  B4 f. a7 x8 dNew in V2
- y- x8 g" e% cload music directly from the Premiere Pro Sequence: q# V# N, h& ?2 Y( d; T
move markers tool
0 e" ~$ L0 f/ l% E$ fbeat info panel (see bpm, number of selected beats and more)
! i2 l9 S4 e1 C2 v' p0 I) Swork area support (create, move or delete markers only within the workarea)7 R7 |  @/ ]! Z7 z
new user interface with resizable sections
, e7 e; ]' k" `. z/ k' t+ w+ D" \support for Adobe Premiere Pro 13.1.5 (CC 2019) and newer
6 K( d  H& U6 ^- r/ abeat at the very beginning of the song is detected properly" D. j# M, n" W& n
performance improvements & bug fixes
; v0 l9 k% Q) `! t1 O6 j' E3 G1 v1 ~& N
Robust Beat Tracking Technology
BeatEdit relies on highly robust beat tracking technologies developed by music research groups around the globe. The beat tracker used (IBT) is developed by the Sound and Music Computing Group at the INESC University of Porto. BeatEdit also relies on the MARSYAS (Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals) framework developed under the direction of George Tzanetakis, Associate Professor at the University of Victoria.

! W+ T) Z: T" F' N2 XLimitations
BeatEdit only works with audio files (wav, mp3). It cannot load audio from video clips and also does not take into account any effects or modifications - like rate stretching - that you applied to your audio in the timeline. If you need to work with rate-stretched audio or audio tracks of video files, you need to export them to a wav file before importing them into BeatEdit.
# J9 r4 O! |+ M* G3 v" a0 A3 L8 n2 O
8 G% _/ v9 \! m% s2 a4 u2.1.007  (Current version)  -  Oct 11, 2021
% u) G4 y$ n3 y; d' bFixed issue with "cannot convert" error message.4 I/ \* B9 m$ M
2.1.004  -  May 10, 2021
% [* H' u3 u& w2 V9 n( d- added support for aac audio files
$ _: F6 Z7 L! c2.1.003  -  Apr 19, 2021( B7 @9 Y  G. \5 R& m2 }3 a
- new quantization feature for improved beat detection0 b' Q# w1 R/ b3 i2 M
- fixed copy/paste issues/ [6 v7 e5 M: }
2.0.006  -  Jul 11, 20205 \: Q' d8 r6 b' q/ A
- added workaround for slowness on CC2020's new world scripting engine
# ~+ p8 P$ T0 I( _. f2.0.004  -  May 25, 20200 Q7 g+ _! R3 r) M3 ]
- fixed issues with creating clip markers when some markers already exist
) o# F+ R6 g  T- O6 U! c2.0.003  -  Sep 26, 2019! H+ V) ]: A/ r/ U, Z* Z. u- C
- load music directly from the Premiere Pro Sequence: a) f% Z# X3 _' E4 J5 c/ U
move markers tool
; ]% [3 M9 c  x+ K9 O4 _9 k# \- beat info panel (see bpm, number of selected beats and more)+ w0 }; N  ], B1 U
- work area support (create, move or delete markers only within the workarea)- ~/ i' P+ d2 _
- new user interface with resizable sections1 @3 [' A* b2 J+ H) Q
support for Adobe Premiere Pro 13.1.5 (CC 2019) and newer
! a4 u% X( {9 z$ F0 U( Z- L. o3 [- beat at the very beginning of the song is detected properly
& K& }! `! M4 }" w8 W% tperformance improvements & bug fixes
; G, `8 X( d) O1 R( _6 |
( \7 o4 ?1 y9 [( B* J' B- s& E1 x& L4 s3 u$ p
% H" V  `& W" B, F& h* U0 }

  q9 f8 s& t) Q1 a: y  @# Z) g  {( T, n  U
1 n/ f, h' r+ {* mhttps://aescripts.com/downloadable/download/sample/sample_id/728/6 A& T# }- a! N& F
  z6 N* f  B* ^" H' y7 A' Z4 I, U
AE BeatEdit 2.0.005.zip
2 b$ `: v3 d2 q. `3 Z3 gBeatEditPr_v2.1.003.zxp
  f$ A; [! g+ lPR BeatEdit 2.0.006.zip5 H" D- v/ m& o1 L/ C/ X. |# A
9 R' L1 D; s4 ^1 \% ?

4 _+ ]: x/ G1 g' M5 X
7 X6 P/ q( g* G& H! U+ v# Q (访问密码:702844)
+ s' {" X, `5 D3 ?3 V5 C! K6 v6 ^7 w! e3 o9 N) {+ k

' F4 g) Q2 b1 P! h/ J- O9 G1 G8 |" {* i" t7 u3 n$ b. }* z

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