

Digital Film Tools: Rays v2.0v3

发表于 2014-12-11 16:28:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: DFT Rays v2.0v3
" V! w+ @/ z( y0 I7 Y! k% X! g# ZProgram Type: Photo/Video Plug-in
# v$ f) L$ J/ ^+ K# M  ^: lHomepage: www.digitalfilmtools.com/rays/
4 i+ b8 h: n% S2 N7 Q6 ?2 tRelease Date: 1/30/2015 3 j7 @. ]) E% a. d9 ^8 W
Interface Language: English - l5 V1 e& N1 `, J% A
Platform: Win64
6 f) l. }2 r1 K; gFile Size: 37.2 Mb
7 t0 c2 j0 g# Z1 T0 x# d0 O
. O4 N% h4 K7 Q( o/ rDigital Film Tools: Rays - Create stunning and realistic light ray effects quickly and easily. Known as volumetric lighting in computer graphics or crepuscular rays in atmospheric optics, this dramatic effect adds polish and style.
& i8 c5 Z. O. Z& V3 _
0 d8 _/ w1 B  \" GSince the rays are only added to highlight areas, they have the effect of passing through objects and add a third dimensional quality. Add shafts of light streaming through clouds, rays filtering through a forest canopy, beams of light on a foggy night or rays shooting out from text. Rays adds a striking and dramatic quality to any image.
* X2 ?/ X  j$ ^( ]* m, f, D( X2 \- f4 L/ \( ~
7 ?/ e! Z" n- T) x4 b6 Z  Z$ e- Set the ray length and brightness" p; ]- R2 Z6 C3 z; g1 Z3 e  k
- Control ray direction with an on-screen control
. r2 P6 s5 X0 C- Customize the color of the rays using a color picker6 u" v2 o& k: R1 M
- Threshold control to specify where the rays will be visible& W4 I8 k3 ^5 b, w9 x) B4 G; o
- Add your own light source to generate rays
9 P- D  y! X' u! z. ^7 ]- Randomize the rays& x8 u/ f; n) n, O
- Add texture inside the rays for a more natural and organic look
9 p2 n- l% _: ~" [5 M& Y' R- Modify settings with sliders
9 o; X2 v! O2 ]3 z8 S- Sophisticated but easy to use masking tools (Photo plug-in version only)
) O. W0 M* }. o$ L$ A3 O- Layering system for multiple film stock application (Photo plug-in version only)
! `6 F/ \" ~1 `2 v4 B- Modify settings with sliders
: D0 R% }2 t% q
7 I7 g$ a* X+ J) A+ dRequirements:9 m+ c$ v0 r5 C$ M, I" S  Q7 \
- Windows Vista, 7, 8 (64 bit)
9 S8 O) @. B9 u; @; r8 P- Photoshop CS5 and up (64 Bit Only)+ j% W# ^7 F: t
- Photoshop Elements 13 and up (Non-app store version)
. j- }0 |. g' B: D- Photoshop Lightroom 3 and up
1 O: r  M( r& r$ x' f5 s! n- After Effects CS5 and up# N: {, r3 ~4 V) V: |5 r2 m8 k% _$ ]
- Premiere Pro CS5 and up
& c5 r5 {( o3 V& R- Avid Editing Systems (64 Bit only)6 q8 c% p8 {. _' w) _
- Assimilate Scratch v8 and up- v8 D! l3 D: L- m0 x
- Black Magic Resolve v11 and up
& v7 y9 K' ?, w$ n& K+ o1 ]% v* e- Sony Vegas v13 and up+ J: P9 E3 \2 E( p- B! l/ _
- The Foundry's Nuke v8 and up
( P: R8 ~! K, b. UVERSION 2.0V3 RELEASED 1/30/2015Bug Fixes
    0 W( W+ R+ Q$ ?9 D( n
  • Delete Layer* h/ d. |! ?) B9 D) Z' I5 e
    You can now Delete a layer when multiple layers are present.
  • Nuke Plug-in Naming
    ' {& x/ b/ f# V- @Added prefixes to the plug-in names so as to not create conflicts with Nuke's internal node naming.* }% M+ X: U/ K  M$ H/ ?
# S8 k2 @+ e; K
VERSION 2.0V2 RELEASED 12/03/2014Bug Fixes
    % k3 t* u3 d8 l* ~  u2 g7 P
  • gputool Not Signed on Mac9 k1 X6 @+ ~* f6 m0 E" A
    The gputool was not signed on Mac.
  • gputool Settings Not Working Correctly
    2 ]/ a5 }1 ]% x! _The gputool's settings were not overriding the preferences set in the photo and video/film plug-ins.
  • Mac Pro Dual D700 FCPX Issue" O: b, N" R5 {" z$ p
    GPU acceleration was not working properly on Mac Pro Dual D700 graphics cards in FCPX.
  • Windows Installer - Check for OpenCL7 j  ?! y, C' b7 {4 i
    The Windows installer now checks for OpenCL before installation.
    ( N- T/ y0 Y* `& d0 V
VERSION 2.0 RELEASED 11/09/2014
    ' z- I  f7 I" I) G
  • Light Source
    / S. [' x2 G: |2 y  N7 O/ i7 \5 IA circular light source can now be used to enhance the generation of the light rays. It is particularly useful when the image does not have strong highlights.
  • Texture9 J: K$ f/ y- q* y% t9 ^
    Texture can be added to create more natural and organic rays.
  • Blur
    4 T# o, z8 _" W( b! t- U0 FThe rays can be blurred.
  • Layers and Masking$ N: w$ m) S5 e6 |& n* \0 X% Z
    Photo plug-in hosts now have layering and masking. Mask types include: Gradient, Spot, Path, Snap, EZ Mask, Selection and Paint.
  • OFX Host Support! y% Y0 `- Y2 U9 o
    The OFX plug-in format is now supported making it compatible with digital intermediate programs Assimilate Scratch and Blackmagic Design Davinci Resolve, the Foundry's Nuke compositing software and the Sony Vegas non-linear editing system.
  • Retina Display Support
    7 J; a) u, O4 wSupport for Mac Retina displays has been added.
  • User Interface - New Preview Size
    4 S$ f/ L" ^1 M# i9 f) {A 4096 pixel size was added to the Film Stocks user interface Preview Size preference. Images can be now be previewed at 1024, 2048 and 4096 pixels.$ H: X5 L4 ?- @  r6 q

8 s+ H9 K8 Y8 z# z- \5 P
* e) u& G5 K- d' w
- q' x: A$ y+ ~- o# P3 wDownload:2 F9 U3 t/ [6 a' ~, O
Rays- Q" E- w' V- ~: J
' x: L" R8 t9 Z! CRays-2.0.CE.exe' b- Z, g8 r' g
9 ]6 X, h! d  |# d: I
7 M3 z2 v) R: S% A7 g! o5 C


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