

Koji Studio+Advance Film Color LUTs for PR, FCPX, AE and Resolve (Win/Mac)

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Release Name: Koji Studio+Advance Film Color LUTs for PR, FCPX, AE and Resolve (Win/Mac)8 h4 J: I. T9 @# ], d
Program Type: After Effects / Premiere Pro Plug-in' T* h. m+ }" M' q9 Q/ L: X
Release Date: July 31, 2015
/ I; ^( {3 r; a* \  ~/ ?Homepage: http://www.kojicolor.com
8 i, o- |; g6 X' C  v. [5 j' Z7 AInterface Language: English' ^1 X& d+ i8 @6 Z, ?
Requirements: Win64, Max
# W" B1 w+ @$ @( E& L) hFile Size: 10 MB
; C( z1 g9 e, Q) T8 K
8 @/ p) }  z% g一、Koji Advance# r$ w8 Y- `! H6 K- X, I; B- ?
Full-featured film emulation plugin for Adobe Premiere (Mac and Windows), Adobe After Effects (Mac and Windows), Final Cut Pro X (Mac only). Also includes LUT files in .cube format for loading into LUT-capable cameras and field monitors.
8 L$ Z" V$ V0 p$ Z
1 {1 c9 k( Y' ?Koji Advance is designed to work with a wide variety of video formats, including DSLR, REDlogFilm, Arri Log C, BMDFilm, BMPC4KFilm, Sony SLog3, Canon C-Log, and Cineon.
" D% v% B/ b, V- q3 H9 |  I  j
& ]/ q7 u/ C' j$ I/ jAs a full-featured software plugin, Koji Advance has many advantages or simple LUT files. We have built in a number of powerful color correction tools including an advance auto white balance, temp control, lift/gamma/gain, density, printer points, and advanced film grain taken from real 35mm negative stocks and applied adaptively.
( Q* N$ ~+ k; y% Y" b0 D
7 A2 w2 T: q  WKoji Advance takes care of most color space conversions for you. You can simply apply the Koji Advance plugin, refine your creative grade, and you are done. There is no need to figure out how to convert from your log format to Rec.709.
4 E! i. V/ x# \; w7 W/ ~+ B2 ~
8 G' j& \  V# EKoji Advance also includes a set of standard .cube and .3dl LUT files than can be loaded into LUT-capable cameras or field monitor. Loading the Koji LUTs in-camera helps to expose properly for the LUT you have chosen. Loading the LUTs into a field monitor allows you to preview the shot for a client in a way that looks more “finished” and impressive./ e: \1 `0 w! e6 g9 I2 {
9 U' W. h, h- u4 J
Koji Advance is designed to be a starting point for your own creative grade. Just like physical 35mm print stocks, Koji digital print stocks are a medium, not a finished “look”. Once you have applied Koji Advance, you will find that making subtle adjustments to the exposure, color, and film grain will allow you to craft your own look very quickly.
4 C5 ]1 O$ N4 @. g
, i& z8 T2 I9 g; q  zKoji Advance includes six 35mm motion picture film stocks. Each started out as physical print stock which was then carefully measured thousands of times and checked for accuracy. This information was then translated into a 3D LUT that could be applied to your digital footage.
" }0 i( }3 t" N3 M$ J" |* g$ R! E6 [4 d7 h3 c( @! S' c2 s9 L
二、Koji Studio
7 v; x# E, S7 q/ W3 V; {+ TAdvanced film emulation for experienced colorists. Includes technical versions of the Koji film stocks with full color separation, as well as DCI-P3 output for Cineon. For Davinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Speedgrade, and Autodesk Smoke. Also includes Koji Advance.; d) n" B5 w: P: W/ ?4 b

, a. y' i6 c1 |+ {Koji Studio provides a technical version of all Koji print emulation LUTs with full color separation. These LUTs provide an option for a richer, more striking print emulation and are designed for experienced colorists (they will look unbalanced “out of the box” and will require correction). Koji Studio includes DCI-P3 support for Cineon.; E. [7 Q* X; c; a
* T. b+ |6 s: Z( i4 w4 V' z
Koji Studio also includes Koji Advance.% ~6 }! m5 b! `- t7 g
; L& x' M* B; L
Koji Studio is a set of standard .cube and .3dl LUT files than can be easily applied to your footage. Simply choose a Koji film stock, apply it to your clip, and then use the color correction tools inside your editing or color application to refine and perfect your creative grade.
3 K/ E+ K! B5 B- v- C( e. L1 E( g. M3 V! L$ h& o1 W5 B
Koji is designed to be a starting point for your own creative grade. Just like physical 35mm print stocks, Koji digital print stocks are a medium, not a finished “look”. Once you have applied Koji, you will find that making subtle adjustments to the exposure and color will allow you to craft your own look very quickly.2 s1 Q/ z: b5 m" c; G  ]

: V$ q: U1 K: i( |4 LKoji includes six 35mm motion picture film stocks. Each started out as physical print stock which was then carefully developed and checked for accuracy. The color response of the stock was then measured thousands of times, using specialized equipment and processes developed for the digital intermediate workflow. This information was then translated into .cube and .3dl LUT format.# H- z# z; H; p& f3 _

8 |1 e/ I7 N- ~- zKoji Studio requires MacOS 10.8 and higher or Windows 7 and higher.& l$ c% g0 X, I7 e+ |/ q

+ G  v3 |: w5 c* c0 W9 Ifilm stocks:
- S3 a9 v& Q1 d2 XKoji 2383
) N! i/ l) _) a5 _! d. j: Y) sKoji 2393
% v, U; E/ y8 ~, w! p) k& XKoji 3514# W2 ^, k1 p1 t
Koji 3521
2 ]7 @) p: K' e7 X: ~* e, ?Koji 35235 b4 s( F) y5 ~0 @+ W5 _2 h7 B* k
Koji 2302 (black and white)
$ i" l# i9 }! E4 P/ @7 r! R
' j) M' y  t8 s  ]supported source formats:
: d( w& C/ P* V% e" Y, UREDlogFilm
. L/ B) G) ?6 o# M* x9 QArri Log C
6 w0 {2 \$ u1 s: W$ M0 LBMDFilm0 y: s4 n( _8 G9 Q
BMPC4KFilm* P' B# ~" E, h8 K
Sony SLog3
  @; S$ h& w4 ?9 `Canon C-Log( z2 K( K9 x' P; D
( v8 m; P' x* R4 v" C$ r* QCanon DSLR. ?! F5 }8 d- m. F' P/ A6 n
Magic Lantern
, W4 f! a8 @+ k3 m' ?Canon C-series( g4 M! x" p1 c
8 C8 c7 T0 v- r! J, r( YGH2 hacked- N: k8 j3 ^1 N, ]
Blackmagic Video, I/ D! W1 e% ^+ P3 `7 `
Sony FS Video8 p8 I# _1 u3 W2 Y/ \
% ^& P: ]: w: b/ u5 o% s
supported destination formats:' O9 F) b9 k2 p: X
( I/ u5 E  V& `1 [) Q; ]DCI-P3 (for Cineon)
  {; \3 W. q" i5 o; b/ `: m* `+ q6 l# d# o( L$ P
LUT formats:2 T( x* Z7 g! d8 i
.cube2 K$ l" u3 y  m/ I) X/ l
.3dl3 O2 h! u5 Q( p0 \

0 a, [; |( d+ p1 ]0 Acompatibility:
" e1 I/ M3 {1 N& m  z: o) fDaVinci Resolve
( p. e' @% k" l5 JFinal Cut Pro X: p+ `- s0 |" Z) x5 p+ D
Adobe Premiere
; T- ]4 {4 q4 xAdobe After Effects
6 A* [! e- j: V/ X) IAdobe Speedgrade
6 L' {+ D& ]7 _# J$ a- e- e/ OAutodesk Smoke( ]! v) i9 i+ e/ z
Autodesk Flame
, ]5 W: T5 G! `+ Y2 K8 T% c3 c2 S9 ^8 J5 ~
operating system- L( n8 s. \& G2 g' C2 Y2 I
MacOS 10.8+
. M( S& {: I2 b7 U# _7 d) E4 KWindows 7+
8 }2 C% C5 H, p2 E, l5 [) M- j  r- K& x- p( o* M
2 T2 M) ^# g" R0 r% ^% f7 X

$ h9 U- e/ g% g. d/ \7 S***Installation***
# `4 a- ]3 a, v4 ^. Q1) Inside Koji Advance v1.0.0.8 for Mac.pkg”or “Koji Advance v1.0.0.8 for Windows.exe”This will start the installer., w* T) p& w# z' E/ s
3 _. q2 j2 Q5 Z; ]! D" d
2) On the custom install screen you can choose what plug-ins and files are going to be installed. The Koji Advance for Mac installer will automatically be set up to install Koji Advance for Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Adobe After Effects. If you do not wish to install any of these options, simply uncheck the checkbox next to that option and they will not be installed onto your computer.  # k* X2 Z0 e/ Y0 t
! p/ Z* |5 y( E! d  ^: r6 q
3) After you finish running the Koji Advance installer your Koji Advance plug-ins will appear in the following locations:% r1 V1 a( ]- h( Z6 S6 y7 ^

; G% y" j# k$ k& \5 X—Adobe Premiere Pro—
8 q' ~" i  \- fYou can find Koji Advance in the Effects tab in Video Effects > Koji Color > Koji Advance
6 o# J; X; p, b3 h5 |1 l  R1 ~; r( P; \: i8 Z+ v& Q( t6 o% f: G
—Adobe After Effects—
. V. E( j  l" Y7 p; l8 KYou can find Koji Advance in the Effects menu in the “Koji Color” section.
' U- h) p/ ?9 W
! g/ g4 V* ]. }9 E- X. Z& {—Final Cut Pro X— * d! t7 f+ m- y- k
You can find Koji Advance in the Effects browser under the “Koji Color” category. You can also find Koji Advance the Themes browser under “Koji Advance”
! Q/ ^) o& r: X1 z& A- [) P& O0 J' t# ^2 M! Q+ \
*Note* / U- j9 B1 |. p& X$ p' y
If you had Final Cut Pro X , Adobe Premiere Pro, or Adobe After Effects open when you ran the installer you should close and restart those programs before using Koji Advance.3 p% M) L& A$ y! j* w
$ j! c" V4 ?) O# ^% C$ d6 u8 r
4 ?  ~$ z3 l$ H  b& s6 _

* k- K) r. D% n( c$ ?; kDownload:
4 J* f6 c% K6 t; R. s+ xKoji Studio+Advance Film Color LUTs for PR, FCPX, AE and Resolve (WinMac).zip8 y2 m1 B7 ~: ~8 s" ^2 N0 D


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