

[BluffTitler] BluffTitler Pro V12.3.0.1

发表于 2015-7-27 18:45:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: BluffTitler Pro V12.3.0.1
, z* o/ ?5 k* y. I; {8 T& JDeveloper: Outerspace Software
" h; _* |$ I- F* QHomepage: http://www.outerspace-software.com/download
9 V2 C9 P, y) ^/ gRelease Date: April 22nd 20165 ?# X( G7 P7 g
Interface Language: Multilingual
3 A. r- `/ {- O( @Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
4 l4 H0 U  m9 `$ o/ ?File Size: 23 Mb, m1 d) [; i! l6 p$ r! N. @* I2 b
/ u- d" x: ~3 N

- v" T+ G5 ?6 u, eCreate dazzling 3D titles for your videos with BluffTitler. Want to impress your friends and clients with cool 3D titles? But don't want to spend a fortune on professional 3D animation and video titling software? BluffTitler is the easiest way to add spectacular 3D text animations to your photos and videos! Other 3D programs always seemed too hard to learn and too expensive to justify. But thanks to BluffTitler, I can finally create all of the cool animations I only dreamed of before!" J8 L: [; G& B9 E

, W9 }1 m  J$ |& WEffects that can be created with BluffTitler include:7 `/ p- D+ Y! W  r
-golden beveled titles
3 k. n/ x% ]( s  T' R' F5 k, a# y-blood dripping titles; X  G4 g6 G* ^
-JPG textured titles
3 w* E6 l% B- g7 W) W( w; d  n-MPG textured titles, h" E. q! e+ U5 {% a
-slimy titles! e1 H! z) W( Z& W( m  G
-hairy titles
2 `: e2 f/ M5 j, `-exploding titles
" a) C# d4 a4 ^* b* \-reflection mapped titles( r: Y# H+ ^- c0 I
-twisted titles( ^$ b* V2 p6 b8 w+ A
-cartoon shaded titles
. n1 Z+ ]* F; ^: R! O: U6 J* X-golden glowing titles1 S* N! j8 I( r7 B# ~" s2 n$ a8 w
-spooky lightened titles: y3 f7 q& v3 J
-titles with silver spikes4 E" ^, @% |4 V& G; k4 ~/ X
-jumbling titles- {6 M( `) T+ q! B; d+ R
-inverted titles( M$ ^' ]' e/ Y- @! h
-bouncing titles
6 L  B, i& n  W2 l9 O. @-powerfield emitting titles
* G7 @% ^* q  ]' ~8 h: h4 y-titles with flying hearts& N0 o5 p( N: ^, ^
-pumping titles
8 x) `+ `/ Y/ U. Y* Z-plasma backgrounds. _8 D( ?; j/ {  `" B- s: @4 Y
-background videos morphing into donuts" q5 t, N  G8 s( q* A
-particle effects% h" K6 @, H) B+ b; E5 j
-MP3 audio% {) k+ c8 E2 A7 I  D
-morphing JPG pictures
0 |' S& F" X1 I6 z-exploding video backgrounds; ]* p$ B/ F" ]  V9 h9 e
-fractal backgrounds6 {2 V4 ], K( y# v* e4 h

) Q( T/ h9 m. _: F* t3 n$ z0 n. _: X/ M, t" V
8 g9 e5 n2 c: I4 H: M6 S; v! dReleased: Friday, April 22nd 2016
+ G0 V) t, _. N8 m0 S: b$ f, U2 new properties in the camera layer: Brightness and Gamma3 I% m' v0 n, M# Y3 G
2 new properties in the sketch layer: Texture position and Texture size3 R# U7 O2 l; L4 p  O5 M. w% L
Normalmap and displacementmap effects now have a Normal strength property for fine tuning lighting- t. Q' Q4 v' @: Y
Normalmap and displacementmap effects now have a Border size property for blending the borders in the background6 x. q3 r; _2 d7 f+ ~. A' @
Support for 48 bits displacementmaps. H* `6 d+ W0 K
<particles /> tag in the text and scroller layers displaying the total number of particles
. v3 H2 U7 w5 S8 `3 P" h
, z% P( f; R! g& D5 t- [( JVersion 12.35 H; |* E% R6 V
Released: 2016-3-244 Z, B8 q! ~5 J7 u6 Q. h, y7 f/ Q
MP4 export (requires Windows 10)7 o6 k/ L) X: n1 y! Z8 e* d
Motion blur Learn more
+ ~; z. \  Z$ ^( e, f7 @Support for HDR displacementmaps Learn more
+ q, y3 [3 X6 J. B4 T! P( T2 N! gImproved blur effect. All effects using a blur are updated. This includes the Blur, CameraBloom, CameraDepthOfField, CameraBlur, CameraTiltShift and CameraSoftReflections effects
. x. X' H0 X- p+ K, \+ l6 `New item in the Settings > Options... dialog: Stereoscopic format
, j" S+ @* t: C) SThe Filters/ColourInvert effect now accepts a mask as the 2nd texture
* C2 i) I* U8 |3 M% o. j9 V2 K$ IThe Filters/PixelBeams effect has more properties% \8 F! Q& g5 [8 S# S6 ^& y( Z# q
To speed up rendering, the default style of the picture layer is now Single sided$ j4 y3 N: d* N; J$ Q4 Y  J
Changed behaviour: the light and lens flare layer flares no longer rotate towards the light
, m' _. v. ~/ h/ A3 C/ tThe Media > Change text... dialog prints the number of characters
9 M- }# B6 p; @9 T* g6 ^0 X7 new effects: Camera/CameraBloom, Filters/Toon, Filters/Noise, AdvancedMaterials/Alphamap, Filters/Spheremap, Camera/CameraSoftReflections and Special/Oscillator% x& t2 W# L) K" R% o3 G! ]0 n
9 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_DWDD, V11_Fragmentation, V11_Psycho, V11_Water, V11_Water_ReflectionMap, V11_Mardou, V11_4bit, V11_BlowUp and V11_FlightPathModel
# U- K: N. i+ e7 J) g% |- M2 s, R% E+ }9 n) v- X
1 A3 U" `" a2 D" XReleased: Friday, March 11th 2016  s1 _+ ]% i6 |) {) q5 J
Improved blur effect. All effects using a blur are updated. This includes the Blur, CameraBloom, CameraDepthOfField, CameraBlur, CameraTiltShift and CameraSoftReflections effects
' Z: d! {" x( |6 F8 mMotion blur Learn more
! @0 y/ j0 l) k6 xHigher quality MP4 export$ D* x9 q9 {4 S' R+ f
The Rotation and Size properties are now available in picture layers using the Skybox style
2 e$ v$ `4 \' _. u" x* o2 g; ]& DParticles can now be attached to picture layers using the Skybox style1 i0 V0 q: F- O/ {2 J8 P& _8 u
New item in the Settings > Options... dialog: Stereoscopic format
* W% q; v- X4 Z* k1 _' F' Z3 new effects: Camera/CameraBloom, Filters/Toon and Filters/Noise
6 Z' U3 v/ q; v9 V6 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_DWDD, V11_Fragmentation, V11_Psycho, V11_Water, V11_Water_ReflectionMap and V11_Mardou( B. L! R6 N" X  p" I6 \) p' L; m! N
Bugfix: Filters/Median effect fixed. ~8 ~4 U$ B0 s' o8 E# }
Bugfix: the vertical alignment of particle layers using a model layer with 2 or more submodels now works correctly (3rd dropdown particle layer)
; B' j7 M0 V- n! c% lBugfix: the font and font size always incorrectly affected the vertical position of text layers using the Circle, Wave, Spiral, Roll and String compositions. This bug is finally fixed! Since many old shows depend on this bug, it is automatically simulated when loading old shows and can be turned on/off in the <Control> F2 dialog
7 X3 b1 }1 f9 [Bugfix: stopping exporting as MP4 is now correctly handled
7 W* P0 t7 K. D- @! [/ c" b% ]+ M- W, L9 D! g
Version A5 R8 Y. r2 N" ?' b
Released: 2016-2-16" e' \9 K; [( h8 Z# K6 O9 n$ N
Option to set the temp folder
3 _# M! Y# H  G) s! Y. b* i2 new effects: AdvancedMaterials/Alphamap and Filters/Spheremap
& g( X% F& [& K0 i+ b8 n/ W! N% z" c
$ K+ e) H) c3 t# t3 b& uVersion
- u& ^! O; P! f" p( UReleased: 2016-1-294 T% d' x0 w0 z. j7 y; d
MP4 export (requires Windows 10)" U( z9 {) {: {% g) _: V
Improved alpha compositing mirror layer reflections
& Z# E/ ?" S. H9 g9 h$ `  {2 new effects: Camera/CameraSoftReflections and Special/Oscillator
1 W9 {5 v1 O; C4 |2 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_4bit and V11_BlowUp
# w) e. q+ `* d5 A" T) P6 w; CBugfix: starting BluffTitler by double clicking on a BT file with the Always show toolwindow on startup option now uses the right menu( A$ ^; @0 r0 V2 N/ l
Bugfix: compatibility issues fixed with LAV Audio Decoder
0 X( H0 m: c5 ~+ b$ ^+ Y4 S4 @Bugfix: adjusting props by clicking and dragging in the render window
5 f( }  i: l6 R, J) @0 E7 n+ E. n) s! _' G7 ]" z8 o
Version 12.2
; |! P/ p; a. t1 _' }( P0 r& pReleased: 2016-1-6
$ l2 w# _6 A$ D  s7 D' BStyle dropdown in font dialog5 ^, ?3 j% i/ t+ H9 t5 y6 v& }
Alpha channel DDS files is now used1 n/ w* Q$ j0 ^! j9 T
Improved quality alpha channel exported pictures  E+ @  {4 _$ S; f
Optimization: file browser is a lot faster) v6 L" [6 K- H) a: Q& K
If the Chameleon property of the particle layer is negative, the particle colours are taken from the target layer instead of the parent layer0 L3 @8 l0 ?& V
Convenience: case sensitive font name errors are automatically fixed
' E; E9 c! O0 H1 d7 Y! wNew item in the Settings > Options... dialog: Default show. This is the show that is loaded when you choose File > New show! R- \5 E# h+ w6 {' W" \
Restored feature: left clicking on a glyph in the Media > Change font dialog adds it to the text. Right clicking removes it
, c0 r, _8 Y: b1 E8 new effects: Text/MarqueeLights, Filters/Collage, Filters/Copies, Filters/TiltShift, Camera/CameraTiltShift, System/CameraViewWorldSpace, Special/Filmstrip and AdvancedMaterials/GlitterDress& R" F9 g$ M+ E
8 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_FlowerInTheWind, V11_PageCurl, V11_LetterMagnets, V11_Harmonograph, V11_LaughingMirror, V11_PixelBeams, V11_7Copies and V11_TypeBall_Additive
1 d  Q# k( b* r- \- g  \6 ^  `' QConvenience: case sensitive font name errors are automatically fixed
# H! S( ~) D) ~
1 U; l! P. j  }. D/ }Version
' E! N- T) s* c& E" B& MIf the Chameleon property of the particle layer is negative, the particle colours are taken from the target layer instead of the parent layer1 V* U$ I7 ^- e9 x8 X, @- X. R
Bugfix: DDS files can now be downloaded
# \& I' l6 m6 l" C8 P4 fBugfix: <Control> + M now uses the correct file dialog
# d5 p' F' j3 R6 }5 M, o6 ~+ J2 L$ m0 m. K: L' a2 s3 I5 K) i" }
/ @$ \2 f  c( M) _1 T" oBugfix: Filters/EternalZoom effect fixed
7 F7 P5 X- ]1 H( i4 h7 GBugfix: V11/V11_Fur_Additive effect fixed
) q0 C- p; W5 \  @( {$ o9 q4 g# Y$ B1 new effect: Filters/Collage
  a4 |: c% C3 a: a" V- S3 l5 old effect added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_LetterMagnets, V11_Harmonograph, V11_LaughingMirror, V11_PixelBeams, V11_7Copies6 e! X' b4 B4 {9 K, M2 r" r1 C) t

0 v% Y) k4 |' F$ i* Q; x( zVersion l) D1 _8 |' x9 U
Style dropdown in font dialog
. P4 H. T9 ?1 f5 W6 Y5 lRename: Shearing property text and sketch layers renamed to Italic
1 ]3 F$ m2 y0 k9 B9 J$ LImproved translations: Dutch and Arabic
  Z2 @2 B, f: E. U1 k) mBugfix: FX Writer prop of V11_MarqueeLights_Phong now works as expected
+ ~# C9 T& G" Z* w5 VBugfix: ZREAD effect pass prop is now used
8 y2 `! h; L$ r. E2 ?& t1 new effect: Text/MarqueeLights
' O# Z, q/ s" }0 F8 m1 ^- [1 old effect added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_PageCurl
9 K: C8 Q8 p, h% C6 n$ X1 `: \- v) r5 n* K7 Y5 ]: i
Version y' L0 H4 l' l! Z$ \) u/ R( w# S
Bugfix: Windows 10 timer issue fixed- ~2 g8 L9 S8 `5 v( U. t
1 old effect added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_FlowerInTheWind
- N8 M* j% P* M* f! x) S% \2 K# P: j; N2 W; {* H% V: N1 }
2 |: ^. y+ k/ B  b5 vNew item in Settings > Options dialog: Default show. This is the show that is loaded when you choose File > New show1 [1 @; g" O3 D! y+ v' E
Restored feature: left clicking on a glyph in the Media > Change font dialog adds it to the text. Right clicking removes it
  z5 u' F. X- MSelecting a recent show no longer keeps the resolution unchanged
  ]4 v8 v- X, V% Q% qBugfix: clipping a scroller layer now works correctly when attached to a container layer9 S5 e! F' g7 ~1 B' m& O! E) I

6 b" ~8 T- l0 t9 j7 sVersion 12.1# }4 H  e; a  q. B
Restyled power buttons, file dialog and about dialog: n% M, h1 [+ v. N4 u1 B1 ]
New explosion templates and presets: choose File > Open show... and select Particle/Explosion1.bt
$ x( j2 F. o9 {4 ~& [& ^& U) VDriver tab in Settings > Options... dialog6 s" N! H1 Z2 r
New texture type: furmap Learn more
9 U( f4 u6 \' W. Q2 ANew star shapes in the picture layer: choose the Star style and use the 3rd slider of the Star property. ?" P' m* Z7 s+ ?+ k" O! r. ]7 ^1 X
Sketch and EPS layers can now use the same EPS file- m, M+ i, d- |+ _2 @
The Circle style of the picture layer can now be turned into a pie part by using the Morphing stage property
( Y$ D7 S# O$ h+ {Reset all properties by holding down the <Shift> key when clicking on the Reset button) z2 R! p  n3 @
The help screen (choose <F2>) now displays the rule of thirds to help composition
! X1 D: H+ ]/ M2 f  b% E6 u5 \! }; I: LBugfix: streaming video and audio fixed/ T4 R2 R$ L4 u# d" n' N6 k9 `- [
Bugfix: File > Open show... now works in player mode
; @/ Y6 h1 a* K7 O! G/ MBugfix: black screen problem fixed on older graphics cards with effects that share vertex shaders between passes such as CameraBlur and CameraDepthOfField2 J. p$ [# z! \0 t* P$ t
Bugfix: skin antialiasing issue fixed$ e1 ^; d$ ]* o6 |9 I0 _1 t8 Q! q
Bugfix: effects using timed animation now play correctly when editing$ X6 v# x: |6 J! _3 e
12 new effects: Special/ParticleFilmstripAdditive, Special/ParticleFilmstripSubtractive, Special/GradientFeather, Special/Fragments, Filters/Posterize, Picture/RubiksCube, Filters/MagnifyingGlass, Filters/CarvedGlass, Picture/TurkishMap, Picture/ChineseFan, Special/UVMapperAdditive and Picture/BeachballSticker3 f7 r! n' I$ z) e" l
29 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_Blocky, V11_LittleBigPlanet, V11_CubeMapDDS_Lightened, V11_NervousTic, V11_Split, V11_Charcoal, V11_ColourMap_CartoonMap, V11_GradientWipe, V11_Blubsi, V11_Spotlight_Beam, V11_MagnifyingGlass, V11_MagnifyingGlassMT, V11_Circle, V11_ReelOfFilm, V11_SambaSoul, V11_FlightPath, V11_WalkingBix, V11_ParticleFilmstrip_Additive, V11_FilmGrain, V11_ScoreFlipper, V11_BumpMap, V11_ReflectionMap_Additive, V11_ModelRepeatMask, V11_Stripes, V11_DoubleVision, V11_Fur, V11_Fur_Additive, V11_BenderFur and V11_BeachballStickers+ e  ]  e) g* b

, E8 T7 M6 W6 _9 M6 K. t$ s- bVersion
' ?4 \. g5 {5 R) ~- Q- M# D/ eReleased: Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015$ H, Z% J9 N  {6 R4 w9 ]
New explosion templates and presets: choose File > Open show... and select Particle/Explosion1.bt9 h0 U% O$ f9 @. n+ J" i7 V4 J+ m) }" r7 R
6 new effects: Special/ParticleFilmstripAdditive, Special/ParticleFilmstripSubtractive, Special/GradientFeather, Special/Fragments, Filters/Posterize and Picture/RubiksCube  r) d5 g, t( P; H! Z
Reset all properties by holding down the <Shift> key when clicking on the Reset button
# I9 p. p6 t* G4 _2 M. ISpecial/Clip and Text/TextClip can now clip individual letters
) f6 A! n' @" k/ l1 w) d- F  wrename: Max age property particle layer renamed to Lifetime/ F( v& V# O, m3 z5 ^$ P* ^9 H
bugfix: File > Open show... now works in player mode
7 H3 `0 u# ~# T8 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_Blocky, V11_LittleBigPlanet, V11_CubeMapDDS_Lightened, V11_NervousTic, V11_Split, V11_Charcoal, V11_ColourMap_CartoonMap and V11_GradientWipe
' l+ ?0 ?( k6 J2 G
$ E) M+ E4 z: k3 V$ H9 _, \' bVersion
; ^( V' D* m1 qReleased: Thursday, September 3rd, 2015+ K% N6 f9 w& {! z% D2 ~. P' ]
2 new effects: Filters/MagnifyingGlass and Filters/CarvedGlass
- l0 k+ G. Z; E. m) G6 d! JDriver tab in Settings > Options... dialog* @/ i" s$ h2 B
VJ/VJ_SpectrumAnalyzer_2D effect now uses alpha channel of 1st texture5 L& G$ n6 F7 H- e; j( ~$ P/ w8 G
bugfix: streaming video and audio fixed9 ^2 \/ d- T6 L9 Y- g
bugfix: V11_RipplingReflectiveWater can now handle transparent pictures
# _5 }1 c4 R: D, zbugfix: back of Picture/Plane2Roll and V11/V11_Plane2Roll is no longer horizontally mirrored
* |/ O! V) r! S) o6 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_Blubsi, V11_Spotlight_Beam, V11_MagnifyingGlass, V11_MagnifyingGlassMT, V11_Circle and V11_ReelOfFilm
* ]; T! T* @8 ^) z6 j
0 [0 \6 |5 e$ _Version T5 c4 ?1 r1 |- L" C  l
Released: 2015-8-25, O; X* _, T  \) n& o
3 new effects: Picture/TurkishMap, Picture/ChineseFan and Special/UVMapperAdditive
# |; q8 q: L2 W: r+ d6 n9 ibugfix: black screen problem fixed on older graphics cards with effects that share vertex shaders between passes such as CameraBlur and CameraDepthOfField
6 \* `, `( e$ O5 wbugfix: Effects/Special/UVModifier fixed* N# M1 H8 M2 m9 U2 u' q
bugfix: English locale fixed  h# ~7 T5 Q- ?6 e
3 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_SambaSoul, V11_FlightPath and V11_WalkingBix* a$ A* @  ~! p7 q  e

7 Z# o# c, S# xVersion L! o1 n1 D/ a. V+ i5 Y
Released: 2015-8-7
$ ]% v3 D: A+ ^# eRestyled power buttons, file dialog (yellow folder icons!) and about dialog; m3 S) a1 Q. h& S2 ~! ]- N; N
Bugfix: the Special/UVMapper effect now takes the aspect ratio of the texture into account
- Z1 t: U) \4 D( ^! i! x% t5 c3 uBugfix: skin antialiasing issue fixed
% Q1 F' @2 |8 e: a7 [4 k9 OBugfix: effects using timed animation now play correctly when editing5 p% U9 W3 V- D% g5 j1 G7 T
0 ?' \6 K( \& H9 s* M1 x
Version [9 c  Z7 e: k0 o2 ]* x8 Z6 d) T
Released: 2015-7-31
: t6 w$ i3 T5 u2 O9 q) GAdapter dropdown in Settings > Options... dialog4 v& F0 f4 O. B) l
Effects can now share shaders between passes resulting in less memory use and smaller CFX files9 }( ~$ a6 v$ m& m6 i1 B
The installer now warns you to close the old version when updating
$ ]/ U, V8 }1 }8 v" m( }Bugfix: the V11/V11_Clip effect no longer uses additive blending7 `  N. k) Q; E$ z+ e3 a; k
3 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_ParticleFilmstrip_Additive, V11_FilmGrain and V11_ScoreFlipper
9 e3 B* e* D; D7 n. z# X9 ^6 b5 e5 ]+ t" W- {' V7 X
Version; |; G, T+ b+ I7 r
Released: 2015-7-15
' O$ o2 L' M7 T3 l0 d6 i( jNew texture type: furmap Learn more$ h; h+ u  d" e: ^) O2 r* Y
New star shapes in the picture layer: choose the Star style and use the 3rd slider of the Star property9 j0 L% M- y) o
The Circle style of the picture layer can now be turned into a pie part by using the Morphing stage property5 ~( c* @% a! }) M) r2 a4 h
The help screen (choose <F2>) now displays the "rule of thirds" to help composition
* x8 t" Y7 x; j/ ?$ P" _/ qA fully red screen is now rendered if no camera layer is found; c0 p6 t( n) t; L8 ?0 y# w
8 old effects added to the Effects/V11 folder to ease importing old shows: V11_BumpMap, V11_ReflectionMap_Additive, V11_ModelRepeatMask, V11_Stripes, V11_DoubleVision, V11_Fur, V11_Fur_Additive and V11_BenderFur
" \7 [& f& q: y3 Z4 r1 h. B& ]% K" Y$ u. l
1 [* ~$ D& m8 Y8 l" ~8 }3 ]Released: 2015-6-10( }0 ~7 O. e! Y( {# W
DirectX 11) ?( e& A" L/ }) S& Q  \- R
BluffTitler 12 is powered by DirectX 11. This makes installing BluffTitler painless (DirectX 11 is part of Windows) and gives us access to the power of the latest generation of graphics cards!
4 p* F  @. L) \$ uNew GUI buttons" _$ [- W  m3 M; f; \$ p
The GUI buttons have been redesigned: nice, clear and modern! Learn more3 L! _  }& R% b5 }
In-app lessons: D! W7 x# _/ W! M8 S
Lessons are offered as show files: choose File > Open show.... Learn more
9 I* s2 J# \& s3 C' }- o3 yMirror layer
1 m8 |4 K  V8 ~/ rWith the mirror layer you can create perfect reflections on planes. Learn more
' h3 H, }# B- F* X/ `3 ^5 iCubemap layer
! y/ C8 |! d$ ^With the cubemap layer you can generate spectacular reflections on round surfaces. Learn more
  v" p% O& @" s8 ENew 3D models" I/ O+ X7 y2 P4 L
Our alien friend Bix and his robotic sidekick EZ have received a makeover and a 3rd avatar model is introduced. All models can be fully animated. Learn more
$ @6 Y- G/ X7 ^8 V: T- W  t7 IDisplacementmapping Learn more
& z$ H; P( {. r/ ~% ?Thumbnails' P. h; n- `% @  ^
This makes scanning and selecting shows, presets and effects so much easier! Learn more1 B9 F  R( W6 e1 C+ x
Depth of field (DOF) effect. Learn more
- ~6 {( H6 R! r' E1 hFog effect. Learn more9 O% P6 h3 Y0 v9 E& Y- \
Render window resolution independent of export resolution
7 S1 [" ?: p4 Q" YThis makes editing more relaxed.6 \6 K2 Z: @$ p
No more reloading
* i9 w6 h# g6 G+ h) Z/ P+ HMedia files no longer have to be reloaded when you resize the render window or go fullscreen. This makes the app more responsive.
( G: j, d3 M8 J& y  [8 T4 y* ^One global quality setting& \0 ^- V3 K& \! q% V' P- h9 q9 Q
In version 12 there is only 1 quality option: the menu items Settings > Low/Normal/High quality. This way you no longer have to worry about hidden options affecting the quality.
) p% y  [" W1 r/ i% qOne options dialog+ a- c& p  m3 {% p0 I1 Y3 Y# f
Version 12 has 1 options dialog with 3 tabs: choose Settings > Options.... With 1 options dialog you no longer have to worry you missed some settings.
6 t2 f- w' O( h( p/ s8 RNew menu item: Edit > Change all effects$ \& g9 Y! }4 \' S. F6 C
Number of textures per layer increased from 2 to 3. This makes more complex effects possible, take a look at the Effects/AdvancedMaterials folder.6 b, o9 \. v6 d5 z7 N
Number of lights increased from 1 to 4. This greatly improves realism.
) F: \" s+ z  }4 p& v) D! E. tSupport for all 5 DirectX 11 shader types: vertex, hull, domain, geometry and pixel shaders.
9 c' z8 V2 o* P* y3 p( {Number of effect properties increased from 10 to 16.
9 r( g% c- V+ JNew particle layer property: Damping. Learn more
, C& k5 e9 q4 Y: i# r; U: F1 w+ pAdjusted picture layer property: 3rd slider of the Star property controls the shape of the star.1 _6 o/ v8 I' L/ l2 u: ]1 `0 W/ ]
DDS cubemap thumbnails
0 c7 {. ?5 N) Q+ y- jImproved lighting model% j% V2 h9 G: ~( c9 Q
Unicode viewer in Media > Change text dialog4 v- y! z  u/ v
Change the texture of the active layer by dropping the file on the render window
* w- M9 V' W1 v9 F1 X$ A  q' [
  _0 V0 X) u/ N. ^OS : Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Vista or XP (32 or 64 bits)& q. T4 E% i1 ?  \# S( h/ m
Language : Multilingual
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GMT+8, 2024-4-23 17:42

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