

NewTek LightWave 3D v9.6.1

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Program Name: NewTek LightWave 3D v9.6.1
0 L* Z& z# l- s: ?- o" H/ G! M( {Program Type: 3D animation
) V# C  w& i1 l% t5 ZDeveloper: NewTek, Inc. 7 e' z- s- Q$ ]
Homepage: www.newtek.com/lightwave
9 J7 k  X! q. f! ^# cRelease Date: 8-Jun-2011 8 s; c. G/ m2 M) |9 p
Interface Language: English - O5 j# u1 t/ |1 p, k
Platform: Windows XP
, }! H1 y7 P" k' lFile Size: 99.6Mb* L3 [, L0 P6 g& {+ ?
1 x) f5 z; Z, q9 W$ u$ L
LightWave 3D v9 is the perfect combination of power, speed and value. Long considered one of the easiest 3D animation systems to learn and use, LightWave 3D is versatile enough for any application from award-winning visual effects to stunning hi-res print graphics, dynamic video games, powerful motion graphics and more.
: A5 o5 ^. n  t+ |, Z. _
$ E, C" b' |, o# RLightWave offers modeling, animation, dynamics, volumetric rendering, particle effects and a motion picture quality rendering engine with unlimited render nodes making LightWave the centerpiece of the most cost effective 3D production pipelines in the world.
! t4 w% G1 m5 w; O" o3 N  K9 \/ |  o3 t, H: f: N' l5 o' A
New techniques for displacement mapping, and support for ZBrush displacements have been added. New shading models, such as Blinn, Oren- Nayar, and Ambient Occlusion now allow for a tremendous versatility for artists no longer bound by the original shading model in previous versions of LightWave. Of particular note are the new shaders for sub-surface scattering, anisotropic specular and refl ection shaders (which allow for hromatic aberration), easy to use and offering a spectacular visual impact. Artists and technicians have more power to access, with the inclusion of the popular Relativity 2 expression system in LightWave v9. $ o; w6 Y9 x. l, }- A; _& r
: u9 I: H& t: L  s3 @2 U5 U
This system uses easy “expression wizards” to create associations between almost any scene component or animation channel, and has been used for some incredibly complex effects that were a snap to set up. All these changes and more make LightWave v9 the best solution for all 3D artwork needs. Whether you are modeling or animating, working in fi lm and broadcast or for print, dealing with organic or inorganic objects - LightWave 3D is the tool for the job.
. D( u( H1 P  ?, \5 Y
7 D# |# K1 w' QSystem Requirements:; V/ L' D5 {4 ~
- Operating System: Windows XP ) B8 I4 u5 T, w2 _/ w: X6 P
- Processor: Intel or AMD ; i  Y( z8 D$ C1 ^0 Y0 q
- System RAM: 512 MB minimum requirement, 1 GB recommended + U1 M  o2 A  v) U$ z9 k
- Graphics card: nVidia FX 5200 series (minimum) or ATIFireGL V 5100 (minimum) 4 s" Y0 T8 b" G6 [% B
- Graphics support: Full OpenGL (OpenGL 2.0 support, or ARB_shading_language_100 OpenGL extension in earlier versions, required to use GLSL features)
! ^; x- u. ]5 t7 W% u! L- Graphics driver: Latest from chipset manufacturer
* i; W/ c6 o- q- l" o+ h: T- Dedicated video RAM: 64 MB per display minimum requirement, 128 MB recommended
  p( u6 r; i. }  D9 `" W' ^- Minimum resolution: 1024x768 minimum requirement, 1280x1024 recommended - C; \# a+ l) \6 y8 W
- Hard drive space: 230 MB for program installation (not including content) 9 N" U3 o* n! g7 ~9 \
1 I" H- f" Q) F& _; F& T' E, ~
Release Notes: - b! o, Z1 r$ s( q* k! _* J- }5 q
LightWave v9.5 new capabilities include a complete hair and fur solution, new lighting system and many improvements to animation, global illumination, rendering and workflow. & ?& a4 S- L5 q

( f4 j" T' }8 ALightWave v9.5 Update Includes:
* L3 \: {( S4 A, q' I- s/ Y2 W' T3 ACharacter Animation Enhancements:
: L; G- O4 h' {: E, \3 f- New Hair and Fur System
) ?2 A) A2 _- u1 w. N: n7 w( y- Enhanced IK and Animation Systems / {2 U6 f; \# N) A: s- S+ R
- New Collada, FBX and OBJ I/O
2 E+ ], i* c2 s# G" Z  Z# P- New IK Calculation Options for Faster Performance
7 A, j- ]+ M$ \. Z# ?( j- New Bone Type - Joints 6 L# P4 Z, N3 u) s! J
- New Objective Options for IK 2 K& H6 N  U( X6 d
- IK/FK blending * d/ w% f( o; Z  I, @  R
- Multi-threaded Mesh Deformation Evaluation . j) O. `% G2 D1 g) \9 n
3 Z% |& W% o* O) a  C- UV Unwrap/UV Relax 6 @3 d% q- d; ?, y2 v, m! O
- Symmetry Tolerance
' H+ C* c/ d6 {$ E* FNode Editor Enhancements: ' |1 _" h8 @" K; b' z" i
- Interpolated Soft Rlections/Refractions ' y9 E5 |" H. \8 Y  j  @) l
- Support for New Light API Functions 5 s' i$ h* t* ~/ G
- Oren-Nayar Shading Option for Many Materials
( z" l7 Y1 X# J4 Z- ]% c' u! j1 E% q" j& F1 u0 V  o1 O$ B
LightWave History
/ s6 G5 \3 r4 C0 ?* b2006 - LightWave 3D 9.0
+ T9 P0 g' w5 @) @! CReleased 13-Jul-06
$ P: q; r# t2 t4 N9 c, m: Ibox and logo courtesy: NewTek  
5 Y. B$ }/ W( e3 N9 o6 Y! aBoxshot  and Logo
: z7 [) g0 _. {# ^" S& ]This is the second evolution (6.0 was the first overhaul) of LightWave and the feature list is very exciting!
6 O8 B$ x1 D1 T2 O1 X( R' z* y) p4 n5 K: |3 q1 I
2007 - LightWave 3D 9.23 d  V& w: o+ c$ z0 h
Released 25-Apr-07
* t/ R7 m6 C& f* D, s; v- }Improvements across the renderer and shading pipeline% ]% b0 [) A% {6 K2 o2 V
Three radiosity modes: Backdrop, MonteCarlo, Final Gather% t" p( m& N! a4 Y! }: m
Interpolated radiosity switch for fast radiosity solutions for any of the three modes
! x. F+ u) ~+ jPhotoreal motion blur and adjustable shutter efficiency to eliminate strobing3 D# r$ q6 W% Q4 J+ Y2 G0 x; j
Photoreal depth of field
( x% o, K' @3 m- E7 i, s5 YPhysically correct materials+ w! d  M2 D6 h% N
Much-improved Modeler OpenGL% c, Q5 g' z- A  w( F3 g# Q( x# `
Layout previewing of motion blur/depth of field" t1 p, _4 ?4 m3 g

; [2 T3 j- k. P8 p2007 - LightWave 3D 9.3" I) w  p% z5 J6 t2 l% `
Released 17-Aug-07: O; \' [: e. Y/ ]# g
Point/Edge Rendering in new cameras
& t; B$ z' j7 W! v* L7 j5 U7 TSingle-sided area lights
1 _/ D! U3 _9 E, \OpenEXR image loader/saver- d( D" F8 n1 `- S9 c
Volume stacking (means an end to using reversed geometry to indicate changes of IoR)* p5 ]! y+ ^2 p! C+ L  D; B7 p
New subsurface scattering nodes Fast Skin and Sigma 2
* D# _& o8 h& VMacintosh Universal version for improved Intel-based Mac rendering (roughly 3x faster on average)
8 A; ^1 k$ C; n  J# p9 w9 Y( V: o% `4 }/ N& B8 h: I' m$ G! V
2007 - LightWave 9.3.1
. w6 w! ]$ P5 d  CReleased 20-Nov-07  W5 Z- m, b# S* D
A maintenance update that provides improved reliability and speed enhancements to the additions made in LightWave v9.3.2 f  T4 g" |3 z
(note: the Windows installer contains both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions)# n$ `) H) B1 H8 @
" N5 a5 w8 G& {- p0 A. x  V( P0 v
2008 - LightWave 9.5' D1 i! ~: ?  P
Released 12-Aug-08" ?  F& G3 b6 f+ D+ X- m/ A' t
Enhanced radiosity with disk-based cache and unique animated radiosity caching mode.) k2 L2 p  N. G+ H8 K
FiberFX hair and fur rendering system supports combing, dynamics, raytraced fibers, radiosity-shaded fibers and modeled fiber creation.
; e; e1 @- W; h' |3 \Much improved IK/Rigging features, Same As Item controller, improved IK stability, Pole Vector, Align to XY Plane IK goal.
2 R0 |) ~) P/ I1 z1 @' y; E6 I% o1 T) FJoint bone types, easier to rig, allow correct twist along their lengths and allow for stretchy limbs.
. ?1 s9 E0 m* Q& ]3 C2 cHDR antialiasing options in the image viewer." Z1 R* Q7 Y. O) g8 `' q0 l
Lights are now an API allowing for third party lights to be coded with the SDK. New light types included are Dome, IES/Photometric, and Spherical/Ball lights. Area lights quality improved.6 d3 a3 w; l8 q
Collada, FBX added and OBJ I/O support improved.
+ b9 d1 p% ~1 E% d/ H2 wInterpolated Soft Reflections/Refractions for Node-based surfacing.2 \  U7 T$ p9 y5 [5 a
Composition Overlays for composing shots.
7 N* C. I1 J, U) T7 M. \/ A: `1 YEXIF metadata support for images loaded and rendered.
$ ]) K& N$ Y* S# _. g6 _) LThis version was not available for Macintosh OS X, just Windows 32- and 64-bit.& ~4 U. |* I/ Z; G/ n* p
) _6 `# ^, ]7 D
2009 - LightWave 9.6: l/ ~" H1 u+ p' s2 U; j
Released 19-Jan-09
" I' U6 C7 Z! F8 hLayout 9.6 Windows version: J. K7 B. Z7 N$ r
FiberFX Cloning - Provides the ability to place multiple instances of hair on the same object
" Y; O/ y( Q. lLayout Snapping - Allows the quick connection of one item to another, saving time and additional steps9 u0 o+ L2 b2 a" H
Ray Cutoff - Enables artists to decide at what point to stop further ray bounces when rendering a scene with many reflections, refractions, and transparency, saving significant project time  D$ M( |* \% ^! p% m6 b/ F) E1 \1 W
New and Improved Buffers for Export - Enables multi-pass pipeline users to output more buffers (layers) in high dynamic range, rather than be limited to 8-bpc (bits per channel), for greater flexibility9 R1 j) p! h. f
Multi-Threaded Pixel Filters - Provides faster rendering for projects that integrate pixel filters7 Q; r/ r; U3 H9 a9 L6 ]
Depth Buffer Normalizing - Allows 3D scene elements exported into film or video footage to automatically blend properly, even if moving relative to one another# G& Q) Z( @9 |
Open to Other Render Engines - Other rendering engines conforming to the LightWave v9.6 SDK can be used directly from within the LightWave interface3 i8 u" ?+ i4 ^* n5 B$ n
Three New Nodes: C+ ~+ h0 p* T3 s# B/ G
Car Paint: Greatly eases the creation of a complex polished surface  M( V) K, x0 A5 z) @2 Q6 ?% C( h
Flake: A procedural texture based upon the flakes often seen in car paint. v1 ~& ?' S  H* A+ x
Curve: Allows the creation of complex gradients
( Q) ^) U, X" g* l$ \5 l; P- _7 NDrag and Drop - Allows an icon of an object or scene to be directly dropped into the Modeler or Layout window to load
2 ?0 ~* z2 ~( Q$ T. A4 L1 b% m, q5 a- _! B
2011 - LightWave 9.6.1
- }9 m8 ^  @" R. M- `1 iReleased 8-Jun-2011
5 T6 x! U% p1 W0 eThe last release of LightWave 9 was actually publicly made available in June 2011 (although it had been available to open beta testers for a year before), long after the release of LightWave 10. It added a couple of bug fixes, but more importantly a 64-bit version for Mac owners.9 ~# A8 t' D5 W2 @# C" A

, i7 z- P6 Y. }1 {. A
/ ~, O- [& y5 T- D( j7 n
- P8 ~* f$ }# ]' _/ M, v
7 u" c6 a8 y' f( A1 n/ P: G6 i  m8 \. |+ O5 k
1 H8 X0 X7 J* U. L0 N5 l

' I( M3 p8 ?7 R0 o: v+ x; r$ W% K0 J9 u) ^% ~" A3 F4 X# e" g

. q! \- A$ y* C1 u: g0 O  {0 g8 p9 L$ Z
3 N4 M" u! T9 a6 W4 `& D
5 C9 U2 L; z- m- X0 U3 sDownload:


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