

NewBlue FX V3.0 Build 120817

发表于 2014-12-15 12:51:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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can use the Plugins in Edius 6.51, Adobe AE and PR x32/x64, Sony Vegas Pro x32/x64, Avid Media Composer/Xpress, Pinnacle Studio, Corel VideoStudio, Magix, f( B; u6 I; I/ m$ A/ \/ o
1 ^( B! J( f+ j- e7 C" [Last updated package plug-ins from NewBlue.
2 K& T# X" T4 AFor ProductAll NewBlue VideoFX plugins UpdateEnhancements in Release 4.0 include: : ^% k* S# B+ Y, L0 B. }
– 64 bit support for Adobe CS5: After Effects and Premiere + S# P! I3 H( E7 ]+ ?
– New Windows Installer
/ [9 Z: D/ c4 c) k; f– Install multiple platforms simultaneously
7 N8 v# {1 d! b! N7 `5 k( ?– Improved 64 bit support ' n( A1 {) {- X
– “Check for Updates” feature: ( q9 E$ Q  X& J, E: L
– “Check for Updates” button in Info dialog provides information about the latest bug fixes, features, and download link.
7 t0 j0 G  r6 T( _7 o- Y. B6 O" ]0 I– Edius Improvements ) z& n# R& v3 z& W' H  o# P( [; f
– New Edius-centric UI " H4 c  o* s7 A: V' s! Q5 \$ K
– Better integration - L7 l9 E/ g, y6 @* n* R
– Faster processing time
9 `( a. f; Z$ R– Consolidated fixes " x3 U$ o( w. U7 _# [
– Tool Tips ! ]' t: I: L1 B: A  k
– All NewBlue UI controls have tool tips that appear when your cursor is over the control ' Z* @$ s0 ]! ?2 E5 ?/ ]" O7 N
– Double-click reset for NewBlue UI controls 4 F' H+ \) S* }4 p8 X2 U$ V! y2 C
– Stabilizer
( M1 O) u% m9 M; `– New rolling shutter support * b4 q: t+ t3 x/ j/ Z! a
– Consolidated fixes and improvements
1 H- t0 @& d) Q: d– Significant CPU optimization for all Windows products8 F; Y' t  k" h% |
This packet included:
7 x# Z9 P( g. K/ \$ |' WNewBlue3DExplosions
' C) G  X* t7 U$ p% qNewBlue3DTransformations
- _1 y  L$ D7 c  `; C0 iNewBlueArtBlends
8 C* I1 h% T; L) @NewBlueArtEffects- U5 r1 {2 p0 Q: E3 h" n
NewBlueAudioEssentials# V; I0 x8 k) p$ M: U
NewBlueAudioScrubbers$ q4 U2 @2 }6 D; q2 t% O3 F
NewBlueAudioEqualizers" B9 L* r+ w5 N7 p$ L. C$ C5 ^8 E
NewBlueAudioTools  t8 D. k0 i% d7 d# b# t
7 y5 v+ o* L3 I! [AVCHDUpShift& o; o8 ~& `; i
NewBlueColorFast7 Y  a( s- Z% H9 a7 D, p* |4 x4 x
$ {5 `6 o/ A; @2 C8 B4 qNewBlueLightEffects
0 m% g- R$ r" k! f8 {NewBlueLightBlends
$ e  h" m) H4 S- h  G" s7 ZNewBlueMotionEffects3 c2 f9 [3 E( x
2 d+ f. h  c& U  ANewBluePaintBlends! |  I( c" x6 Z! P
NewBluePaintEffects  P- J2 F" V6 N3 U- S
NewBlueSoundBenders5 B6 l( s5 r0 H- D" l4 O+ j
NewBlueSamplerPack# h+ j8 e4 }3 p8 p# p9 A& t
NewBlueStabilizer6 g4 y  j9 l. d0 c0 L
NewBlueTitlerPro; A5 |  K3 N$ F6 k9 B* X  [  M
) M) ?, v7 V8 tNewBlueVideoEssentials2# M; |5 W5 N9 u* s* Q5 E1 C
4 m/ M8 m) {+ Y; K- u- GNewBlueVideoEssentials4( S7 H' U6 h- l) c# l. |5 O
: p" S4 Q3 K$ F3 W* \
) M  m/ r) n& F9 E4 k& T- ~" k# z; p
$ n" ]( l7 d# K% F7 |
+ ~* ?+ t5 b. d0 M) ]0 x
: p- C* q' l) M% d  e- X  J6 }$ f: n/ Z
3 N: S% `" O  y1 ?+ X  [+ Qhttp://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/d3ce5c3b/
5 ?4 @5 x* \* {7 x8 R0 ~http://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/941fac4e/& b! l& L7 D4 c" W
http://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/e12cf938/8 D  n% K# b$ ?' F
1 G- v3 ~- F8 r& z  \7 Qhttp://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/bec033c1/. O0 i! L# j  v( Z0 f1 D
http://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/43a3e530/. k4 b+ x: }& Q. N" E( U! _
http://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/94cd2e36/* J" p/ }$ q" _0 u
. M# o( A( y9 \8 Q5 i- A" vhttp://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/283edf04/$ X; c5 J( t* J% ?, H0 V5 G
3 i4 I- ?' z% v* x3 Z4 ?http://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/7586741b/8 Y# J. m8 x9 `  O4 m
http://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/a5d18bab/. C3 a: x4 M# m+ F; G6 L
http://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/a3985399/, H' H# U9 y* H, o* O3 a' ^
3 J0 Z1 D. n2 M) j; khttp://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/1c66c4c0/
# E* ^' j; o5 Y- J+ a' a( q% Qhttp://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/fba5c06c/6 v7 B: h- y! W- r+ p9 V' Z/ |' u. R7 d
% V- P& n3 o) v  P, ohttp://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/1e6b3edd/; n+ O6 E2 g, M, A1 P
  Q- W: c4 }& y2 F6 X; qhttp://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/a1580b08/
; Q: _+ A% O& X. ^, v# U; Ohttp://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/7bfc8f5d/4 r9 |, _/ L  q: t8 _: \, ~" }
http://filemarkets.com/file/sgzyedius/ad80ac56/) r. D+ m5 X  l
& o5 ^% X5 B$ X' R. P4 o3 {% c4 P/ H( i  y2 p$ j# f" L, N
或者- F9 s, u0 i. c
6 O; w" @; u: ]3 q# c* x. x0 ?+ Y2 Y) B
9 P- X- `' ^6 p0 ZNewBlueLightEffectsForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe) ]) f  Z! m" P3 `2 A" N& D
NewBlueMotionBlendsForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe6 G" ~+ v6 K& l& s* K, A1 m
NewBlueMotionEffectsForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe3 K8 F# z4 V0 z  s
4 C. y( Z, ]: a( K# ]NewBluePaintEffectsForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe
- J8 O( h* m& e/ `7 i' \2 ]NewBlueSamplerPackForWindowsSetup14.exe
* \' J, N+ z( iNewBlueSoundBendersForWindowsSetup13.exe
% t( w7 d5 p4 `! eNewBlueStabilizerForWindowsSetup14.exe4 U: c8 }' L+ c) j: \6 Q
NewBlueTitlerProForWindowsSetup10-120815.exe3 I" i) F% ?3 b; [( ^
8 q( O* V; L- m3 j/ m' JNewBlueVideoEssentials3ForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe
& F) A9 V( ?$ r* Y4 M0 ?: \NewBlueVideoEssentials4ForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe' L# D# `- }7 P7 x) m
NewBlueVideoEssentials5ForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe7 O+ S" e8 E: }& l3 ?& p4 _3 S5 N! g
" N! N9 i: [9 B, B% UNewBlue3DExplosionsForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe
& K$ U: y5 e+ ?. sNewBlue3DTransformationsForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe
5 ]1 L$ o% n" F7 B) [% UNewBlueArtBlendsForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe
! o5 k8 r2 l) T) d/ KNewBlueArtEffectsForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe
  d+ S9 J8 [! `. LNewBlueAudioEssentialsForWindowsSetup13.exe
& q) q8 \- L' O5 p/ z( @NewBlueAudioToolsForWindowsSetup13.exe5 h& L: U+ ]3 B
NewBlueColorFastForWindowsSetup30-120817.exe8 @* m9 ?& y6 G, W9 a
" {! u9 O% a* f- _, z% y' S7 y% [5 a2 B2 }$ n& j$ Z% i; S
会员高速5 [( U" l9 g# |' Q+ c: x( j
+ p3 b  x& J$ I" F9 C
1 X/ B. Z& c; J& s
4 M; v; n! g1 H, h
官方地址0 l3 b+ t" U* L2 s. u2 s

$ S$ `3 @' j( ^! z6 D2 ?9 A5 X9 D* y. f' M# G$ o5 V# p
$ [7 T6 F) b4 b% d6 b) w9 ~
- o5 l/ {* E  K# A
1 @; E$ C3 t5 V7 F6 j' G


GMT+8, 2024-4-19 09:14

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