

[Photoship] Corel ParticleShop v1.5.108 Plugin for Photoshop & Lightroom

发表于 2015-8-29 20:46:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Program Name: Corel ParticleShop v1.5.108
1 C7 H7 |, f/ u* f* DProgram Type: Photoshop Plug-In5 S7 @! c( F- l' l' T0 H' g0 j
Developer: Corel Corporation% L; u# O$ Z- V# M/ U
Homepage: www.painterartist.com/us/particleshop/photoshop-brushes/2 d; j+ Y! c2 X( o3 X
Release Date: 20.01.2017
+ f# P. u0 v  V5 F1 Y0 D' b% CInterface Language: English+ I$ ]6 v6 t" D
Platform: Adobe Photoshop CS5/CS6/CC (64-bit ONLY)
% @; C. v8 z& Z; f8 t1 Z( ZFile Size: 102.87Mb / 17.91Mb) P; M" ~) [* X) `8 `
( V0 y1 U6 T# q9 Q8 U
! _0 |7 S  G) Y2 {; W! [
Corel ParticleShop - The Photoshop brush plugin that powers you with strokes of genius. ParticleShop includes 11 productive brushes to get you started adding Dust, Fabric, Fine Art brushstrokes, Flames, Fur, Hair, Light streaks, Smoke and Starbirth to your images today!. T' @. L# G. K# y8 r9 ?& o0 H
) p* t! l( w+ O/ g) F7 c$ W9 M
Particles take you anywhere you can imagine0 G9 w- L+ t. v- N% C0 S$ D- _* Y  _/ C
Create one-of-a-kind effects with ParticleShop, a powerful NEW Photoshop brush plugin powered by Painter. Experience living grab-and-go Particle brushes that are easy to use with a pressure sensitive tablet, touchscreen or mouse and allow you to artistically enhance photos, designs and illustrations with strokes of genius.
/ o: S1 ^/ O( C- f" f4 D2 S8 f5 y; e) h5 R) T' Z6 E' P) k
Why should you try ParticleShop?
) Y0 f5 u! I; m' eExplore an array of imaginative brushes, including debris, fabric, fine art, fur, hair, light, space, smoke and storm that will produce awe-inspiring results in no time. No experience, customization or time-consuming learning is required. Plus, the plugin is only the beginning! Enjoy infinite inspiration with our extra brush packs available for purchase.; [6 E1 b; _% U

3 ~; t8 [0 B0 Y" [! }Evolutionary Brush Technology Powered by Painter+ y2 _6 l) b$ G1 c. h3 g& P: {
Leave the physics to us; no static stamps here! Experience the fluid strokes of living grab-and-go brushes that spring, flow, gravitate and glow. All based on your individual pressure and expression. Artistically enhance photos, designs and illustrations with realistic awe-inspiring results.
) a( u  h, E5 r1 Z
1 G) b/ H- U3 Z1 Y% r4 H: O0 f. J8 UIntuitive User Experience
& v- j' I9 G1 s+ D2 bCraft your visual masterpiece with the Photoshop brush plugin built to perform with a pressure sensitive tablet, touchscreen or mouse. Free yourself to create, rather than configure. Every adjustable control is instantly visible and understandable thanks to our natural and straightforward UI.
8 ]7 n: `) r. X$ k' }+ ]3 E! p: d8 C  c$ d* h7 A/ M
No Upgrade Required
/ {1 o/ a- }' M( [4 \Create with the software and hardware you currently own; nothing more to buy or add. ParticleShop is ready to go at launch. With the freedom to simply plug ParticleShop into a variety of host applications, including Photoshop, you can immediately generate visually brilliant results.
3 W0 f- H$ h: ]4 U& ^  `; \7 S$ {* q6 D- B& B& h8 G9 ]
Infinite Expression
( }8 [7 p$ E  L2 i2 m! N3 {Achieve mind-blowing effects with physics-based brushes that will follow your every move. Design like a pro with chaotic storms, hairy creatures, flowing gowns or sci-fi superheroes. With more imaginative and realistic brushes on the horizon, you’ll be able to expand your creative talents by altering both designs and photos.
% }) i- q" B5 x2 \7 s4 b6 Y$ k$ v% H% `* D
System Requirements" W+ R, u8 E8 N8 f
Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 7 (64-bit, latest Service Packs)
8 l; F5 u* h* B/ u' p8 x) C- xProcessor: Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon 64 or AMD Opteron (Intel Core 2 Duo or higher recommended)
/ C' n5 v0 `# n0 j  Y% _% P: [/ [7 v! |Ram: 2 GB (4 GB recommended): [- M5 m# o7 l, k$ [/ K( u
Hard drive: Up to 650 MB for application files*: P2 D9 j2 V+ B7 b) ?8 ~6 |; e
Display: 1024x768 resolution (1280x800 recommended)
$ d* R; E7 s% w% Z5 I! U- POther:
% C  z9 P1 q  |- Mouse or tablet
; E- W6 V, Z$ F# H; w- h0 m# N! |- Safari 7, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, or higher7 v6 k5 L! C' o0 B8 W
1 U$ y  A, m4 y" H: m& W& n+ @! s
Host applications
6 b5 V4 c! x  p; y! z5 m" U6 j- Adobe Photoshop CS5, CS6, or CC
; ?9 [( W6 `* x! W- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CS5, CS6, or CC
! v! O1 x+ }! t9 x) |- Adobe Photoshop Elements 136 u. s4 N; N# I. z# S/ D
5 V8 {; _4 Z& E, H. T) P- Corel PaintShop Pro X7
0 ?$ _  H. ^# G2 |! T3 }2 P: G8 R
What's New in Version O& G* K1 X/ }$ ?" l  ]
- The Adobe Photoshop common plug-in location, enabling detection of Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 and later versions6 A& T! P- U  g1 P& @8 Q
- PaintShop Pro X9$ B5 |& B! D- J2 s: z# A
- The CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and CorelDRAW Technical Suite common plug-in location
# s7 ]1 N1 x$ g
$ q* P' C* S3 t7 j2 ^- V" ?What's new in v1.2.566:
% v7 q$ R0 ^) C5 Y) |* `- Quick Launch panel for Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 and later (latest updates applied)- M$ R  c9 F+ @$ m( l, X1 b
>> To launch the panel in Photoshop, click Window > Extensions > ParticleShop Panel.9 w5 }8 e. ^9 y! }; |$ H- \( L& e
>> For more information about the panel, please visit the ParticleShop Help Center >>5 a7 G+ e$ b- V: w' u2 _% K, _
- We recommend you work in the Photoshop default tabbed document view. If your image is in a floating window when you launch the plug-in, the floating Photoshop window may appear above the ParticleShop window and you may not be able to access the plug-in controls. Dock the image window in Adobe Photoshop before you start ParticleShop.9 X3 K- M" z" R3 C& H/ y
- Enhanced brush ghost performance has been improved.
2 Q: Y% p/ v* Q$ ~( t, P/ x# t- j3 T8 T, z' g) V
What's new in version
' |- o0 S/ q( c- This update includes the option of nondestructive editing for applications that support layers.9 o) m! g3 p/ N/ B
+ d0 [( d: D% d
Setp:8 k0 u( Q( }. h/ K1 }6 c+ l1 l" o+ |1 h
1 - Open the key gen with a windows PC
& b/ R9 p* j2 C2 - Installed the plugin (osx) with a serial provided by the win key gen.0 T$ b9 F' l9 O# w$ E
3 - Replaced the file with the crack.
2 ?; t) D* X/ t6 i0 @To replace the file you need to & v' N+ r5 F$ N4 M- s4 P( }
Right click on the particleshop.app > Show package content
( C3 R4 l; c% T/ v' j7 Q9 S: O3 pthen go to content > macOs > Replace the file. ( You can save a backup if you want)$ E" Y  f$ ?- ^/ u
4 - Done, forget about the other options in the keygen.
+ d  N/ D( y$ I8 \4 e- k+ V( |: D/ D  B( S% T

& V0 Z1 Y1 p4 [$ r7 ]& |9 l$ S4 O. c, X! O$ c7 j% @$ _+ h

& S1 @( S" z5 c% ]: i" [# U/ s. x# P% B! a4 o7 J) R9 e; t+ N
& V% \$ g& ^7 {. e6 A4 n

: L$ y% t3 ^0 J( B5 `8 d
  E; {; r  e! t5 [0 ~
: n" I; q, y  BDownload:
% s: C+ T0 i2 [! gCorel ParticleShop v1.0.516.exe  x2 r; f3 h8 W" H7 Y* j5 V. c* u
Corel ParticleShop v1.1.0.549.dmg
. u2 M2 S0 T0 D9 h4 PCorel ParticleShop v1.1.0.549.exe) ~9 \" D8 B( _  T7 R# ]+ n
Corel ParticleShop v1.2.566.exe
- @; q9 S- K0 b/ TCorel ParticleShop v1.3.570.dmg
9 P" q4 Z6 h( P! s( T2 hCorel Particleshop v1.5.108.exe" c2 B# w' A( J( A, {! J& F

+ D! O, K7 q* n" |: vhttp://www.corel.com/akdlm/6763/downloads/ParticleShop/03/ParticleShop.exe& z0 v8 ]  ~" {+ @8 A0 S
http://www.corel.com/akdlm/6763/downloads/ParticleShop/03/ParticleShop.dmg2 \) \' a8 P' H/ U$ L8 ^1 j
" D! h6 w4 V( o0 ?) s5 f) V: Y" _
http://www.corel.com/akdlm/6763/downloads/ParticleShop/02/ParticleShop.exe$ M0 M3 ~0 c6 |' @
! M8 W, P, C& s' z/ p. Y2 a  y/ n7 b2 e1 f, t
* F" l5 E) S) k7 H$ k1 j" yhttp://www.corel.com/akdlm/6763/downloads/ParticleShop/01/ParticleShop11.dmg
: b6 l, g0 j4 d2 F! D3 j' D- N- ~: Z, y) @8 j% r
会员快速" Z  u6 ~8 `- w$ L; ?, p/ ^) n
; r  R2 h" T% K& ~, A


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