

[Other] FXhome HitFilm Plugins v1.0.5723

发表于 2014-12-15 15:36:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Release Name: FXhome HitFilm Plugins v1.0.5723
3 j6 z, o7 g1 e) tProgram Type: Video Plug-ins! J, k1 S  y2 v6 ]/ o. B
Release Date: Jan 20, 2015
3 _: D+ L7 R  A6 P& S4 S  K! NHomepage: hitfilm.com/plugins
% ?5 R0 W! _7 R( SInterface Language: English
5 C8 E1 |4 @6 |" J" P% wRequirements: Win64
6 O0 Y  d! }- F- P" H3 ?File Size: 21 Mb0 ~2 O9 e8 o" ?* e% q

+ D' c; B+ c  s) h5 e1 r5 t3 K& pHitFilm Plugins - The ultimate VFX, compositing & motion graphics collection. This versatile collection ranges from visual effects and green screen compositing to motion graphics and color grading. There's something for every project. You can install HitFilm Plugins to Vegas, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X and Motion. The 130 HitFilm Plugins have been selected to provide power, flexibility and value. / Q# }$ E7 z: g1 G5 u% H$ m8 j+ C
/ G3 }; T; ?. M. r
Explore 3D muzzle flashes, distortion and warp effects, 3D extrusion, rolling shutter correction, temporal manipulation and much more. The HitFilm Plugins become part of your existing workflow.
% |. }2 s8 z# T: O" a% ~- O- O8 Q7 g5 H1 Z* X
HitFilm effects are available for the first time as plugins GPU-accelerated and optimized for high performance and professional rendering quality. Over 130 plugins - This versatile collection ranges from visual effects and green screen compositing to motion graphics and color grading. Theres something for every project.
' E! a# h, i" w7 F* c0 X4 H' I
4 ], q, P, f( a7 SEffects & compositing
0 R' L+ A  c# G- G6 _8 CThe 130 HitFilm Plugins have been selected to provide power flexibility and value. Explore 3D muzzle flashes distortion and warp effects 3D extrusion rolling shutter correction temporal manipulation and much more.
2 S( z8 U( P3 [* j
9 i0 W  B$ e4 J2 ?Organic particle arrays - Create complex systems of thousands of particles with extensive fractal shape and dispersion controls.
  ]5 L1 R# L$ h; [3 |* H  }7 f3 W7 n
Keying & matte generation - Composite layers using professional chroma key integrated spill suppression procedural light wrap matte clean-up channel controls and fine color correction.! s* Y9 e; v) |/ x& B( K0 z: T

6 D1 _. l+ ?  J) x2 ?" @$ ~Lights & flares - Design beautiful lens flares and add procedural lens dirt anamorphic streaks volumetric light rays and high detail glows. Fully customizable and can be used individually or in combination.) C% ~* l4 X- T7 L& T8 `* {- c, u
) g5 ]  s0 Q* m  u' O' V% X9 I  d
Pyro effects - Explore explosive visual effects including customizable infinitely variable 3D muzzle flashes procedural fire simulation and fully animated lightning and electricity.0 P' h8 i) ?7 j# i

' g5 X# d) W% p6 @2 bCinematic grading
' E/ O7 T; ~( n0 x% V* F; H0 fOver 30 HitFilm Plugins are dedicated to color correction grading and visual styling.0 L0 |) s6 }  \" A% T8 r+ B" G

: N# o6 @# L' m" W# ?$ K9 tColorist toolkit - Your actors look their best with pro skin retouching and vibrance boosts to local detail and saturation. Meanwhile cine style creates a highly customizable cinematic look with s-curve and palette enhancements.
2 V" w! C* K0 @5 o; v( K4 D# G& \2 V% U- c, [! B5 h  C9 _" a4 ^2 x
Visual power - Realistic film and TV damage grunge bleach bypass and 3-strip processing simulation day for night with integrated horizon split cartoon edges and newspaper half-tone styles are all easy to apply with extensive customization.
& ]! U/ ~# W/ h3 m# N) c# K8 L& w- S( C' Y, D; D
Over 130 plugins
3 l/ x" R$ o6 a" w! qHitFilm Plugins is a huge and varied collection ranging from procedural visual effects to compositing and color grading.
+ ^2 W2 I" F, r7 c6 E
4 Y3 C5 \1 C9 W3 U# i! r$ THitFilm Plugins includes over 130 plugins:
2 t3 y2 k/ Z0 |1 qBlurs:  k8 x2 m7 C4 E* d2 T$ j
- Bilateral blur
7 A) R! a& U3 t- @0 J1 @# U- Diffuse
; U3 y! [, I0 g- Lens blur
% v2 V9 z; h  l2 G7 B- Motion blur5 j' ^1 U1 l- @! y4 Q( C
- Radial blur
$ A8 n# f" y; L: j' O4 m# s9 J- Zoom blur
6 e1 ]+ u" x: x  c8 L) a0 c6 `# A" G, v# Y! p; T- {
Channel:$ y9 n5 _7 \: `4 f0 ^# n* M: W
- Channel blur9 _) B* M  }/ ^
- Channel mixer
2 s7 P2 i6 U7 G) l3 @- Channel swapper9 j2 w5 S0 t' x% b8 j8 H6 D% |
- Channel time shift$ s; ]9 d9 q2 a: I- E; w

8 \- a, @* o. UColor correction:9 r2 M& m1 ^# m9 s
- Auto color2 w* X* H: |+ W2 p5 x/ e/ J
- Auto contrast7 d7 c7 X: `' A! ~' V
- Auto levels
0 k, w# i+ v2 o0 k6 j7 `- Color temperature
+ w: G% `  i6 s9 e- Crush blacks & whites
* m- s; W5 A+ |3 n5 ?0 w- Custom gray- w( g: E6 e* T4 z+ `% H
- Hotspots
5 X5 b  X! w7 w% L3 `- Pro skin retouch% ~4 C( L0 \- o. `
- White balance
1 I- w9 Q% |1 J! W
! H7 C' [2 \" D6 Z& X/ _9 ~Color grading:
/ @9 t: P/ }+ [- Bleach bypass
1 @( f' v/ k/ p- Day for night
/ I+ |6 S3 }+ Q) V- Duo tone
; d! c3 y5 S; _, ~! Y5 q6 d# b1 U- Grading transfer5 f! D: r3 ^; E8 L
- Hue colorize
: h5 {8 K! E6 |' ^1 S- Hue shift. `/ l4 y+ x$ H. T) k* v0 B6 r
- Shadows & highlights
4 z; T! |3 e$ X- Three strip color
) e# `( l( V: z5 {3 f- Two strip color
& ?  L$ _- q  Y$ I- J8 X- Vibrance
  M0 c8 s0 ^* J1 u- Vignette) m; O) p3 x" \/ b& Z+ ^: }

0 n5 S  g+ T: ]) P0 ]Distort:5 u) B. u0 C, Z. M
- Bulge6 Z# f* `& K: z5 e0 I5 y1 L
- Chromenator
( F4 P  M' r5 V- m+ x  u! O- Derez% y& T9 G* N$ O
- Displacement3 N( ]5 Z! Q* a) o
- Insect vision
/ ^3 k7 v4 X  m  E+ I- Magnify
* @- c/ S9 q$ B" [! t" V% p1 [- Mosaic
3 V* A, @  ?; ~" {1 _+ @- Twirl, E1 w5 M. P, _' U$ v
- Waves
4 U, W; S3 C1 y- \2 X# c8 W& X8 J- Witness protection% a2 G- i" S- m8 z: [. ~8 p: T

  b" j9 Q6 ]9 R* pGenerate:
! p3 I$ R9 w1 N8 G2 r7 k- 3D extrusion
, P9 N8 [) W3 ?2 K4 ~. L- Audio spectrum 1
6 ^. E! e4 s5 p5 A, c0 y- Audio waveform 1% J$ x) w) g& g. `( v
- Auto volumetrics* p! @) {4 r5 c% M( U( W$ W
- Caustics 28 }& `. l5 |$ G" r  L' n
- Clouds3 F5 i, a% Z9 M+ X5 g: Q) O
- Drop shadow, K, n0 |, C3 \
- Fractal noise
* F4 n' j4 `. v1 k+ Y8 b- Grid
! N% a, V( C/ o5 k: R& n- U% W- Letterbox
4 q+ N8 V& w6 l8 \5 ]2 h- Pond ripple, |% i/ Y% O: [: T
- Radio waves
5 O$ G( t; y' t$ \$ m1 k* I- Reflection5 p9 X0 x- Z" t1 G
- Sphere
" `8 F( v" _4 H! |" ^/ `- Split screen masking 3
/ p; p$ H& q' q/ l5 R# U- Tile
' w5 l& N1 p6 U& |& I! {3 ~- Timecode
) V* F. h! P% b. ~4 ]% c' P* a5 Z4 w% d( D7 A, q2 c. k# Z9 R
Gradients & fills:! Z( ~" T0 m5 n
- 4-point color gradient( _, c* {4 ?) j
- Color gradient
0 R7 ^7 a/ t7 G. p- Radial gradiant
- U: j% _  t5 d5 y6 J0 m2 {5 o: {  H, x# v. Q
& _; E' M* o  O4 v- Film damage
5 k. N& U, E# g% \- Film grain6 Q2 G; l0 R: ~3 a0 l# q
- Flicker
( P1 X  [. C8 m- Grain
0 h" E( I: r& u$ b' C) N- Half tone& O7 o% w- W& s) q4 w, T
- Half tone color
. c7 I  x+ j4 W3 o2 K9 B- Jitter1 ?' v1 ~9 e, ?0 g3 Y# g
- Lens dirt
7 ^$ L" d: x3 {$ r4 Z% [, i- Noise  ?/ ]; p1 E5 o/ o4 V- N
- Scan lines3 ~! x$ {8 g3 [0 @4 B' B) A
- Shake
. X- j/ j7 l$ f4 Z# m- Stutter
) m5 C( Z  `2 d) A! }, d- TV damage2 q7 c7 q9 N, s7 X- {4 }( u

+ t3 R, s- F% U1 v; t7 W8 {4 `6 {Hosts:' P) ]+ F- [/ C. X; h! Z
- Adobe After Effects CS6 & CC
( Y+ P8 v' o, b$ F7 A& P. }- Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 & CC
$ |, l' R+ k2 f( |- x4 x, B; Y- Sony Vegas 12 & 13
( V  T+ C+ Z4 F# _3 K' K3 H& t
) d6 ]0 C) i! o# r( U  s* ]System Requirements:# B! a% g; h- h& L/ T
- Windows 7, 8 (64-bit)
1 q' F- M0 t2 |3 Z" H- Hard disk space: Up to 600MB
; w1 C" k1 v+ s1 T, g0 j- Processor: Intel Core i3, Core i5, Core i7 or Intel Xeon (Nehalem)
% A% {1 |. y- \- RAM: 4GB
; ~' I5 V4 ^( r' I+ y8 G- Graphics card: OpenGL 2.0 capable hardware with at least 512 MB video memory ( NVIDIA GeForce 9 Series, Radeon HD 5000 series, Intel HD 4000)
/ N# N$ q# `4 o/ y( s0 j( T4 L5 `8 k7 ^( j- V; |4 c

$ d- y+ o0 s$ }: f- H; sDownload:
2 U% ]4 x3 u+ c5 W0 t$ A8 M1 z' `HitFilm Plugins v1.0.3716.31881 CE.exe$ E% z6 C# T3 ?% L: H9 g! G
HitFilm Plugins v1.0.2807.rar- l9 ^. U) I2 @. R; b1 o
HitFilm Plugins v1.0.2930.37426.msi: a  t" Q' O1 ~' |: U- q
HitFilm Plugins v1.0.3521.34014.zip
3 q- P& \1 J+ o3 ~# |" C% {& t9 bHitFilm_Plugins v1.0 CE.exe$ X6 Q9 S8 u! n4 a2 o
FXhome HitFilm Plugins v1.0.5723 CE.exe
  k6 C2 Z2 i$ q! I8 w


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