

[GenArts] GenArts Sapphire Edge v2.04 Win/Mac 系列专辑

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Program Name: GenArts Sapphire Edge v2.04
7 X- x3 u  G( Y& w! N+ GProgram Type: Video FX, Plug-in
$ Q" N( N4 {& k  j/ LDeveloper: GenArts, Inc.
4 [, p% w; X+ o+ \) qHomepage: www.genarts.com/software/sapphire-edge/after-effects9 i+ [$ n" D1 y& @4 q
Release Date: 23 Jan 20172 Z' t- C! ^6 {' {9 N0 z
Interface Language: English/ L3 y1 d( Q% c' M. ~
Platform: Win64
  c6 c* L1 N3 j! g8 v. tFile Size: 34,16 Мб
; m: P# D5 m% U2 A9 j- y; [1 f- o. S% L+ O5 s
Sapphire Edge AE visual effects software for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro users who want to edit quickly to meet tight timelines but who don’t want to compromise quality. With innovative FX Central Preset Browser, you can preview looks on your media and modify as needed, saving considerable time while delivering outstanding results.
, t" ^2 V; X1 ~  z8 @
  Q7 x9 S+ x$ W' [, WIntuitive controls and high-quality artistic visual effects make it easy for you as a Premiere Pro user to jump right into editing using the Sapphire Edge plugin without documentation. The Sapphire name means you can count on the fast rendering, beautiful images, and the highest level of system reliability. Along with the quality and ease of use with our intuitive controls, Sapphire Edge plug-ins provide nearly 600 preset visual effects and transitions displayed in a visual browser tailored especially with busy video editors in mind. It also frees up more time to be creative and deliver superb results that give you a competitive edge.
( d3 }3 ?+ t* d: \0 h5 ^' i6 i& v
4 j/ v+ l: ~6 W4 {6 E- K. PBenefits:
: l% J: h( `! B; S7 A* ^* Y  Z& X- Achieve the perfect look quickly$ y% d& f' K0 m
- Create your best work within project budget and time constraints5 A( X' X, O$ ]5 ?
- Get fast results with minimal adjustments - means more time creating and less time deliberating& r. o/ J3 o+ d3 a
- See creative options in context of the content and quickly compare and select different looks
3 b; D7 W* z$ p7 |: h3 Y# g- Quickly deploy new effects- Y" {% s9 W" K* H
- Save time with fast render speeds
4 E& H2 D! V. `" H4 c- Get the core tools and controls that you need in your toolbox
) C% l$ p) ~+ I- w: f. N- Jumpstart a look with presets and then customize as needed
; I8 g( n, m: y. |! x( [- Get the most out each effect and look with tutorials, ]4 Q9 a; j: N* s: P% q- {
- Rapidly select, deploy, and customize presets
. }. p. n8 k9 R! Q3 G0 t* d7 Z, l- Get the highest quality image results
: K) n; q- ^2 A  s. Y5 M9 [& B, U! Q( ?; T* o1 x1 [; v
& @& v- v! L; g! \1 N- 575+ preset looks generated from 31 effects and transitions5 q; E3 Y& \4 `  k' s' w( d
- Visual browsing and previews of presets on your actual footage via the FX Central Preset Browser" A. @- X, R6 y0 T& z. v8 P# f1 g
- Ever-expanding library of professionally built preset looks via a one-year subscription to FX Central, which enables users to get new looks every month
7 [& C  M! {9 E9 Y! G) e# B4 M- Integration with the FX Central Web site, so you can access the newest looks directly from your editing application* W) A& ?  T# v5 O1 T
- Streamlined user interface
7 [& O- G; L# v' _% y3 l, {9 k- Powered by the Sapphire Engine
! ?- h8 m, K6 ?; L& m7 s- GPU-accelerated for Nvidia CUDA cards  Y8 f; _% S: j2 e/ `
- Multiprocessor support  @  i- Y" j$ l3 `9 }
- Floating point processing
/ ]/ H# R0 ?3 B$ Y3 P* D8 T- Resolution-independent
' J& `! V3 ?: C9 b- Realistic lighting effects like Rays, Glare, LensFlare, Glint, and Flashbulbs
/ r  i' X( W8 C8 r$ ]- Stylize and color-grading effects such as FilmStyle, FilmDamage and TVDamage, Kaleido, and Halftone
- l% C2 _6 K5 ?7 M- Numerous effect-based transitions effects such as DissolveLensFlare, DissolveGlow, and DissolveBlur
+ X0 M6 i7 f, q+ {$ y& O' R8 J' _) Q% B- n7 [/ g+ m
What's new:$ a+ o$ s, S) g1 M) `) J  S% |8 _
- New Effects - Sapphire Edge v2 features 9 new filters — including Rays, Glare, Glint, Flashbulbs, Shake, Kaleido, SoftFocus, FlickerRemove, and Halftone- and 4 new transitions - including DissolveFlashbulbs, DissolveShake, DissolveAutoPaint, and WipeFlux
  B0 e) U' j2 a- T+ L- Adobe Premiere Pro Compatibility - For the first time, Sapphire Edge is compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects3 C- ~' k: O! G( [9 B
- Web-Integrated Preset Browser - Now, the FX Central Preset Browser automatically downloads new looks collections for you, so you can use new looks without leaving your editing application. You can also Shortlist a look from the FX Central site, and it will instantly appear in your FX Central Preset Browser Shortlist
$ ?( Q- S: L9 m! ^7 p& z- Enhanced Preset Sorting Capabilities - Filter presets based on your Shortlist, ones you’ve applied, what’s new, characteristics and tags, or by date used. Sort presets based on their name, number or date of application, popularity, author, creation date, or custom lists6 ]* q9 k) e0 Z% h4 F1 r
- Ability to Save Presets - Adjust a current preset or create your own from scratch% @5 F9 V8 B3 C& J/ i7 z# Y: l
- Ability to Create Custom Lists - Organize your favorite presets by project, type of work, or however you’d like
# b. K2 w& l, N* ^- [- Auto-Tracking in LensFlare - LensFlare now automatically detects bright spots to automate movement without keyframing
" ~- \! Z) e7 g) W) b0 t- Animated Previews of Auto-Animated Effects - Preview animations of presets that do not require keyframing for movement from within the FX Central Preset Browser
% z7 ^  g8 {  E4 ]
6 c/ y8 }+ J9 j7 G. gCompatibility matrix:
, k/ v% ~0 T2 d/ `OS: Windows XP or greater (64-bit)
5 j/ n- ~& S/ q$ T- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 or greater
+ D6 r3 M0 ^! }/ h' k- Adobe After Effects CS5 or greate
0 b: O4 Q, S& z# T! H6 ?- Final Cut Pro 10.1
$ Q* W5 O: F1 t# B( s# {1 p" _7 l/ u: m
New in Edge 2.04:0 E/ v8 l& B& J4 `* q
Added support for Final Cut Pro 10.1.
' J& F: M/ n3 ]  J+ p
1 z/ G% c$ T8 ]  sNew in Edge 2.03:
/ u: \$ @* V: j, q* b- `' cThis version renames several presets from Technicolor to VintageColor. It should be fully compatible with prior releases.
4 n7 I( b! }6 W" q5 `( T. }$ n  M! ]- c% L' V, X+ f
New in Edge 2.02:) `$ e& s+ U8 n( h5 r
Added support for Apple's Gatekeeper in the Installer2 N- L$ X* ~0 q% O* D& W6 \" N
LensFlare: fixed an error when element Brightness is set to zero or Tint is set to black( x9 {" [/ Y; |+ A
' V3 r+ B0 U9 S) \5 U! ]% B
New in Edge 2.01:$ j( X, n. y5 t% w# j; J
Fix for "no transform for 0-bit images" error in Final Cut Pro X
( W2 v& J7 y1 Z: ?! CSeveral other fixes for Final Cut Pro X, including support for FCP 10.0.5% S% m+ A) J+ z8 O! a
Improved detection of network errors in preset browser
+ s4 Q; |9 \4 h9 pImproved keyboard navigation in preset browser
  Y4 P+ r5 l% C) c" B0 r7 [0 eImproved "My lists" navigation behavior in preset browser# J( Y: G; s0 Q
Updated documentation
& x$ b; Y  n7 N4 k1 V* U- K5 O  k- n9 o/ A( e4 v# Q
New in Edge 2.0:, ]  C# P* q, s0 l2 H9 a- t3 ~
New Effects; ]& q6 w3 e- |1 p
New Transitions6 x6 B! l( A& m0 n5 e* _/ u
Save Preset4 W: n' K; F1 {( ^4 V& y
FX Central-Connected Preset Browser
9 ~6 E/ `2 ^& o% R1 r( W, [Single License for All Hosts (AE, FCP, Vegas)0 _; V& g0 ~$ ?6 r

5 ^/ l! f# p, i/ T! H& C2 ^! }0 D' m. @6 U% j  Y2 ]
8 L3 U0 _; g- |  b" n4 ^
Download:) `  p3 s, v% f; I
Sapphire Edge v2 for After Effects
$ q' r6 W3 s4 \1 j/ c+ chttp://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/sapphireedge-ae-install-2.03.exe" a' B- ~( C6 X" b$ Z
9 f$ W- y) f8 G/ b. ~$ M# ~: zhttp://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/sapphireedge-ae-install-2.02.exe  p1 g* A5 i/ p. [
  y, s: b0 K4 B& ahttp://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/sapphireedge-ae-install-2.0.exe
0 q3 p  G6 S" Y* Q% ihttp://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/SapphireEdgeAEInstall-2.0.dmg
( K' i1 o# w, `: C2 \) G4 B& h$ O& @- l3 D9 y+ g( Y) l
Sapphire Edge v2 for Final Cut Pro
' V: O: P4 ~: H7 f8 r( h" W3 c0 mhttp://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/SapphireEdgeFxPlugInstall-2.04.dmg
* _- F6 A: X  i$ j' G+ P8 }http://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/SapphireEdgeFxPlugInstall-2.03.dmg
% ~( ]2 L2 }4 |" o; Z: qhttp://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/SapphireEdgeFxPlugInstall-2.02.dmg
9 @+ q) B0 b8 r4 R9 Q- bhttp://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/SapphireEdgeFxPlugInstall-2.01.dmg+ f  ~# G$ |. Z
http://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/SapphireEdgeFxPlugInstall-2.0.dmg3 F4 y6 J8 q" b1 L( A
6 z& U2 C8 A8 J, \8 |% x+ B
Sapphire Edge v2 for Sony Vegas
) a: }+ X9 `# `( z( Dhttp://files.genarts.com/sapphireedge/sapphireedge-ofx-install-2.03.exe! A& l( U' h& S4 r; X+ {2 G


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