

[After Effects] Video Copilot Element 3D v1.6.3 Build 495

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Program Name: Video Copilot Element 3D v1.6.3 Build 495
: j) D7 L3 H( N' b: x9 Y) o% b+ TProgram Type: AE Plug-in
- X4 F5 ^2 b* g7 d) X9 oRelease Date: July 1st, 2014* N# p- G% R8 @( E9 V0 C' H; k
Home: https://www.videocopilot.net/products/element/update// u# U& V0 w: S* C7 c+ q
Interface Language: English
3 U9 T4 B/ p% \% Y% z% ~Requirements: Windows / After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS68 A4 b5 I. i- D' v% D; U$ N
File Size: 85.1 Mb  T; w6 Q5 r  `* ]8 d
  S7 Y1 ]! K9 L" D( r& P# f# \/ K% z
Element 3D - 3D Object based Particle Plug-in with a fast Open GL 3D Rendering Engine. Import and animate 3D objects inside AE in 3D formats: OBJ files (from most popular 3D software), C4D Files (without animation). No polygon limit! Element supports your UV texture coordinates so it's easy to rebuild and import your textures! Element 3D uses a unique particle array system that can distribute 3D objects into any shape! Use real 3D objects as particles. Easily Extrude and Bevel Text and Mask shapes!
0 X# _) g! N; o, ^. r( m
( _. V( N/ b* E( I+ Q# H9 q! y+ X8 qElement 3D is designed to be used whenever it will save you time or make your job easier. By working natively inside After Effects, you can make serious changes to your scene like change materials, add lights and even animate the camera without the intense re-rendering of traditional 3D.+ v( l5 _, p" @( ^# u
, A( Y/ D6 |) O6 U4 v% A1 W) ~2 v- a
One of top features has to be the world position pass which allows you to create a 3D matte for compositing other layers with Element 3D Objects. Since Element 3D and plug-ins like Particular have their own 3D space, getting them to interact can be a bit tricky. But with the World Position pass you can easily combine Particle and stock footage in a snap.( @$ [2 w- o) i. B" R
7 b' U" M* h! M
Unlike a normal Z pass the World Position Pass does not rely on camera distance so your matte will stay spatially correct. Think of it as an XYZ-Pass! With a normal Z-depth compositing you can only place a layer in front or behind objects in front of the camera. But World Position Mattes can be rotated and moved around with ease. A short tutorial will be released to show how easy this feature works and some other new features as well!" x5 w6 o3 B" a% M4 t! x

9 {6 V& |0 M' S0 g: MFeatures:
9 K3 R( R# `+ e! o8 M$ Q- Animated OBJ sequences
/ i3 R% r; u" L- Draft rendering mode
' f+ |. p1 ^; d- c' N8 g- Custom anchor point control
; }$ L3 x6 ]1 C- Ambient occlusion per material
( b9 w" n! ]+ f. v- Real time glow with chromatic diffraction   Z+ W- \# E" r0 ^5 f" b5 u! S* L
- and much more...4 c6 O3 g2 u# K" Y' U

; L7 x' a4 p* t3 V9 y7 ONow featuring:
7 D' k+ ]! ]9 A- Group nulls # }8 i2 H8 Q3 ^
- Scene relinking
0 J% j8 f3 r1 y: `9 n7 ]- World position pass -replace model option
  h) m2 ]( |, Y. ?3 [- Plakar and polygon mapping types ) w% @4 j3 _" c$ {" d
- and much more...
# ]1 `' J$ X+ j2 a5 b6 E8 s) p; ~* s2 j) S/ b
Update History:9 M3 q; a, x: K6 j
ELEMENT 3D 1.6.3 UPDATE - build 495  June 17th, 2015* H7 n% D" Q7 {! J  r. D( R9 [
Updated Installer for CC 2015
, M4 |5 f$ E7 _& \9 P( Y
% t2 u5 z3 \/ X' RELEMENT 3D 1.6.2 UPDATE - build 490    July 1st, 2014
: I$ f+ L- g. D5 c7 u1 I, GUpdated Installer for CC 2014
5 w! g) E6 w: @' A/ hFixed bug that was causing some startup crashes# l. s$ l# a! |  y& l" v0 I
Other Various Bug Fixes
1 _6 I( [+ E. z% n
8 R) g* G4 H* m1 E7 D$ e  {7 I$ sELEMENT 3D 1.6.2 UPDATE - build 485  October 8th, 2013' R8 s8 M7 z9 _" c' v% A; A. g# A
Added support for Jet Strike pack.
4 s$ g7 M) ^& Y) ?  wFixed replicator not working properly when using a 3D object.+ e$ Q; j: s: a$ [+ q* F8 C
% M7 p/ r; S* b7 [& @; R1 I6 \
ELEMENT 3D 1.6.1 UPDATE    June 3rd, 20135 H+ K+ H9 c; O' T6 r0 u' d
Fixed incorrect World Position Null when using downsampling.
/ c& @  y: N& @Fixed Matte materials when using Supersampling.
# m6 ~) h0 |- C- dFixed slowdown when using 3D Object replicator.
. V1 W% k1 p0 s. M! j. I+ u0 \Fixed crashes when using Generate 3D Position.
2 g8 m# |. a3 ?6 t1 ]1 SFixed crash when using Multi Processor rendering.
6 l5 ^4 F' C& ~2 Z5 k5 N. H* C* D' WFixed environment map not relinking properly
: S' f. ^" y0 C# QChanged Default settings of Extrude tool
& y8 u. K5 R2 s! y  q* DAdded CC directory to installer
, X  l2 U% c2 g; z! O/ }" Y+ N' e+ v6 Z) ^# k$ P
ELEMENT 3D 1.6 UPDATE     March 26th, 2013
' P& C- o' R: P: BAdded world position pass.) e9 m) o( ]. p
Added scene relink.
. ]. h2 H7 L1 \3 k. p! A% n$ ?Added replace model option.
1 ]/ w5 }1 _; SAdded a subsampling mode for post effects.2 D) s1 W  o2 E* i% U9 h& J) t
Added planar and polygon mapping types.
. i/ Y2 `, {4 f; n  H0 K* I  ?Added render order.
0 Y  f+ d) n8 {& V  n+ PAdded group nulls.
% c, ?( ^7 a, J8 a3 yAdded generate 3D position null.
5 l6 ^1 Z& X1 T) E5 ~) fAdded shape order animation mode.$ M  y2 b7 L' P6 y, G: d
Improved automatic relinking.. \" v/ l, t8 v! l" [. o" [# x2 j
Fix: issue with baked animation in different groups.$ I. v. V# `' |6 Q6 C5 u9 V
Fix: crash due to path aspect ratio fix.
$ u- o7 l: U  W& b2 eFix: occlusion map was rendering below diffuse.
8 r9 I! o. ]1 K; ?Fix: masks with different aspect ratio than layer.  I# n! R2 u- D( w7 U
Fix: baked animation wasn't working with 3D object replicator shape.1 z& R/ }' I5 Y7 ~8 p
Fix: rendering issues on OSX.' W% ?7 d! s0 Q( }; U
Fix: crash when rendering empty scene with missing assets.9 a3 R9 B- s4 ]: c, N9 U, G
Fix: licensing popup on Windows when opening old projects.
' ^) C8 f. i+ H4 I3 v3 f8 v
; W+ z, x  M# m& g1 C; HELEMENT 3D 1.5 UPDATE    January 22nd, 2013
! Y# j4 w4 t5 O0 f+ F& Q2 ^9 g+ cAnimated OBJ Sequences Support
8 N8 o& C& {# UBuilt-In Glow Rendering
2 M6 B  {) z  R+ C2 |9 Z# GCustom Anchor Point Control
$ s8 G* v% H2 v0 mNew Particle Distribution Ordering & Repeating Options/ n" i) o8 ~0 l- D
Ambient Occlusion weighting per material
$ ^: E% U6 w9 |Multi-Sampled Ambient Occlusion  @; m$ R7 d/ D2 h& h0 x4 P% ?$ r
Taper Fog Mode
, R2 ?7 Y/ m: d, E8 E) |New Layer Grid Array Mode
- m7 P. h9 P, e) L$ m4 p1 h( GNew Draft Modes
8 i6 k$ C7 C) ]- \Improved 3D Extrusion
0 h. G3 w  X/ oMulti-User Installer Support
* R$ |" |7 R. z4 {Better Multiprocessor Rendering Support
4 j' }2 s3 G& uUI tweaks. _1 ^3 K1 Q- P2 |! h4 j' F
Several bug fixes; j9 h" p9 r: u1 U- R; i

! Q, \, E  h2 dELEMENT 3D 1.0.345 UPDATE    August 3rd, 2012; w) `3 ^; L. C6 Q: k$ e1 F* L
Added supersampling option.; T& {- u6 R! T% I2 K; {5 @4 J
Improved extrusion engine.
( ^3 ~1 K0 I( ]# ]+ g7 DSeveral stability improvements.' S% N6 V; u1 W% f9 v# n; R
Fixed fading custom textures.6 \' A) n( \) D1 V# p6 E5 D& y, Q
Fixed crashed with multiprocessor rendering.! q, v1 D! i# |, g
Fixed licensing issues.# h6 R7 b$ S, F( [* u: z4 r9 ~
Fixed scale normalization and anchor point issue.
" n3 _1 s# ^* \2 h/ w" P' R9 NFixed missing texture preview.* e) V% Q4 H6 Z5 a
7 Q" v, d( d8 H6 f5 Q" A
ELEMENT 3D 1.0.332 UPDATE    July 12th, 2012
3 a+ b& H% ^# r; x) N. }Fixed issue with Radeon HD cards and Mac OSX.3 `$ D" ^& g9 `# y
General stability improvements.
2 p+ G8 j* w9 xIncreased username field in activation dialog./ J1 U- Q" G  L" P# b) N
* h, W, [/ b4 H# N: [& {- Windows XP SP3, Vista and 7, 32bit and 64bit supported.8 X- q- {1 r: ^4 o( T* G
- After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5 and CS6
# T- S9 r6 F( o3 F9 c
) v% P0 n  v, h0 M1 RSupported Graphics Cards:  ^" p/ ~+ _( U7 }0 n! t
- A 512 MB Graphics card, and 1GB or more is recommended for large scenes.  j' I3 G* M7 E7 e2 b
- Geforce 8800 or better. Including Quadro 4000 or better and ATI Radeon 3870 or better.
% c4 r- f, k5 {- _% ^5 [4 |! iNOTE: Be sure to keep your graphics card drivers up to date for best performance.5 b+ [4 B' z. P' @/ D
1 T5 N" C3 k# j' A2 E% o$ r  k0 @

0 s# u! k8 `8 b7 ]; |! m! Y2 f* c8 H$ l8 X+ u' t$ x
' R3 q6 A* S. CElementInstaller 1.0.345.exe
- |$ B1 V* T8 P* SElementInstaller 1.5.409_Win_Full.exe' a+ D, _# s% ?: A; n
ElementInstaller 1.6.0_Mac_Full.dmg
+ R- e) ~$ B- ]7 z+ i; GElementInstaller_1.6.0_Win_Full.exe/ M8 x7 S- h4 c2 u; T
ElementInstaller 1.6.1_Mac_Full.dmg0 `' @5 o4 g1 j  b/ {
ElementInstaller 1.6.1_Win_Full.exe1 M) `' V2 n0 B" h8 L1 \! D
ElementInstaller 1.6.2 (480)_Win_Full.exe
+ G  [/ }# K/ U2 CElementInstaller_1.6.2_(490)_Win_Full.exe
- E) r! L3 o# c* ~ElementInstaller_1.6.3.495_Mac_Full.zip
2 Q7 O, m# ]6 `: X8 Y. dElementInstaller_1.6.3.495_Mac_Patch.zip
5 S% f8 a" H/ w: |ElementInstaller_1.6.3.495_Win_Full.zip- J& `0 ]7 a6 `8 T! }9 G
* M3 i2 d, l6 l6 dElementInstaller_1.6.3.495_Win_Full.3.zip, G8 d# ^; I: `6 ]! d

0 l+ h1 p2 k; K: G2 X* {  ~OR
# P5 |9 m* Z2 X5 q( k2 n* f7 ^ElementInstaller_1.6.3.495_Mac_Full.zip
0 y* y8 o  F/ |# yElementInstaller_1.6.3.495_Mac_Patch.zip
/ j# U& Q. P: M0 t, H, K: D4 y2 CElementInstaller_1.6.3.495_Win_Full.zip/ T1 K; j' X/ C3 z- K
ElementInstaller_1.6.3.495_Win_Patch.zip; z, ~$ i8 B8 O3 }  G0 J


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