

The Foundry MARI 1.6v1

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Program Name: The Foundry MARI 1.6v1
) C6 i+ X- m, W# z5 FProgram Type: 3D digital paint tool
" Z3 ^( ^) X! ?7 T$ z; aDeveloper: The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.
% D5 O1 m4 c9 w4 v' o( i# w9 EHomepage: www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/mari/* |" K( I$ }& _2 A: b
Release Date: 14.02.2013
  ^# \4 p& _; H0 q4 a: O% XInterface Language: English6 l' K0 a. ~' |6 L; V/ d5 @! S  `
Platform: Windows 7 64-bit0 H( I* W- X! ]7 N
File Size: 158.3Mb
3 _/ c+ O0 r$ m2 n2 A: b+ V
5 w; |) J$ n& NThe Foundry MARI is a creative texture-painting tool that can handle extreme projects. MARI was developed at Weta Digital to handle the massively complex, highly detailed look development work demanded of the texture department by projects such as District 9, The Lovely Bones, and Avatar.9 b8 N! L8 Y% X- R" r6 b
3 H  I( I$ G. ^$ [  ~
MARI has a creative toolset which puts many stand-alone 2D paint systems to shame, allowing artists to concentrate on painting. The user interface is responsive and fluid. You can paint directly on to models and view the results immediately. Save time and take texturing way beyond what was previously possible.3 \- c7 ?6 t0 {, B

1 r- g/ x$ D1 c# W# `/ nMARI's unrivalled ability to deal with colossal textures in vast numbers allows their development in intense detail.
+ Y( w8 x1 n2 ^% M& J  n1 h+ m2 Z- c) x/ C7 _' o
Speed - Save time and money by seeing the results of your work immediately. Cut down on revisions. Wave goodbye to the paint, render, review, rinse, repeat cycle of old. Load all the textures for a model into MARI simultaneously and remove the need to split up models.* n. L: V4 ^/ Z1 @
& {1 a% ^& H+ g! L8 W! n
Paint - A creative painting toolset second to none, focused on the artists' needs. With a paintbrush engine finessed under intense production pressure, MARI releases artists from arbitrary restraints and allows them to work naturally with the model.4 i( m" S; `' b

- v! @  y- }6 }6 E6 m2 d# jContext - In VFX work, context is everything. What the model will look like in motion, from multiple angles and against the background plate, is critical. MARI lets the artists see the model in context and paint on it right there.  }7 }  ^' l0 o

7 V3 T6 c& v! V- j( t0 p8 B7 oAnimation - Textures channels need to change over time. Whether it is a blushing maiden or scratched and dented armour, animating textures are a crucial part of what makes a model appear real. MARI lets you animate and paint your texture channels frame by frame.3 d2 U4 J3 o- F$ ?6 Y( S9 ?# f
  @2 n; U* U* a, `8 s$ P8 v
Workflow - Efficient Integration into a complex workflow turns a great product into a powerhouse. MARI has an open and extensible approach to UI, geometry, cameras and shading, and runs on Windows and Linux. It supports colour management, light and texture change, while import and export happen in the background.
  f0 W8 ]+ r  ~
/ f  ~1 P0 C5 U! Q8 i3 s1 v8 {User Interface - A clear and intuitive user interface allows artists to focus on what is important. User-configurable tool shelves allow them to organise their workspace efficiently, and a customisable real-time 3D shader lets them see what they're doing.% e; K9 J+ {( W  C/ n. K  u
; n  U5 c: c+ J  ?8 U& s
. U: S/ [2 N' W9 ~Painting:
8 s& f+ m. R* m& Q- Fully customisable brush engine
) E7 j  }* a1 J% |7 H* d- 'Paint through' and 'clone from' between layers and textures (including 'clone from' on-surface)5 m$ d0 z- ~: K% I
- 'Slurp' brush for smearing and dragging texture4 ^( O0 R% H0 ^' H  }. p8 S$ F
- Paint canvas transform, grid warp and free-form 'pin' warp
; I. K- g, W5 J, Z6 K- Blur and sharpen, including on-surface, multiple UV patches simultaneously7 {4 ?5 h5 n& {# F# N% C
- Advanced 'healing' brush for seam removal and duplication of texture detail
4 c* `9 v' S9 e3 {. Y/ `# S- F& r, K# \1 Z
Environment:; i2 W+ Q. L: f$ w
- Filters with real-time preview5 ~3 n' K( U% u' f6 q1 |5 Z
- Advanced channel masking engine, including mask painting, surface falloff, masking one channel to another, and by depth
, h2 ^/ ^, m, V; b- Supports customisable real-time 3D shader preview (e.g. specular highlights, displacement preview via bump mapping, ambient occlusion, layer blending modes, colour correction and more  `# w. D& Z1 i5 }: X' s: F) ]
- Customisable tool 'shelves' for brushes, colours, reference images, sharable between artist and projects
2 P- a) A2 a, y+ h6 L- Floating point, 16 bit or 8 bit channels
& }3 @( n- ]; L) Z- e8 \/ x- All painting and shading tools are available in 3D projection paint mode and 'flat' UV paint mode
  i$ n& J7 v* A* j9 G  Z, v! Y- Background plates for reference7 m0 s- {! w" C; N
- Imports multiple camera moves through which the model can be viewed) u  [* r! F' ^
5 D# I4 q( ]1 Y
Models:6 P+ J8 N  [7 C; T; r8 T2 x
- obj model format support
2 W( W, _  Q" v/ S( y- Multiple objects, versions (e.g. high res or in key character poses), instances, with or without baked animation
' H: a3 [) o8 Q( {. d6 J1 j' C- Interactively handles very large 3D model data sets, scaling to over 1 million polygons for a single topology or mesh
" Q2 T5 u5 R: c# `* e3 f- Supports large textures up to 32K x 32K pixels( `/ K! G; v) F
- Handles thousands of textures per model, over many channels
2 [3 m* Q1 q# [% c  B7 Q- Seamlessly supports hundreds of UV texture patches
4 i1 ~0 ?5 k  \3 t9 {8 E- Handles animated geometry and animated textures6 ~7 E- z- J3 C) v. b8 }
- Isolate, select, mask and hide geometry per patch and face5 x9 C$ D4 ]: ~3 z4 _
- Customisable lighting and rendering modes
! J) l: S1 _/ [/ L( }( h+ T- Massive geometry and texture data sets not limited by the amount of RAM
3 T/ d8 V& ?. a# e+ E
  G+ v& u$ G2 i! T' SWorkflow:
0 ^$ P, A( H3 B; T: g- Linux or Windows
5 P9 D) r  h; ~+ E4 M- t# F* i& [- High quality turntable rendering8 R& B: Y. D% T
- Flatten and round-trip projected textures for modifying externally (for example in NUKE or Adobe Photoshop)
% ^& l2 Z: f* u- Open and extensible approach to UI, geometry, camera, shading, and supporting light and texture exchange5 w( \' F; u3 V7 \/ s0 L
- Import and export as background tasks, allowing the artist to continue painting, G# [8 ~. Y( f2 `9 J/ i
- Embedded web browser for quick access to community forum( x8 W- d1 `* U4 r& W
- Fully featured and open playtime colour management system
* W3 {" ~4 _- Y/ P- Filters with real time preview and fully featured colour correction
4 t: H! H9 L; U
: P5 v# _% c2 Y2 X% [What's new in MARI 1.6?& C* f( X' i  _% [: d
• AMD graphics card support Radeon HD 7850, HD 7950 and FirePro W7000, W8000 and W9000 have been officially tested and added to the Tested Graphics Cards list.
3 m; g, b6 w% @% D( _& f• Vector Paint and Vector Inspector tools give you the ability to create flow and normal maps to specify the direction of paint flow on a model, and to monitor changes easily with the inspector.
8 A# N* B' \2 l8 b3 z# e9 n2 D• Vector paint blending modes help create flow and normal maps with the specialised Vector Paint tool.* t$ J' O6 |! k+ g3 V, }5 g
• Vector shading modules assist in creating flow and normal maps by setting the vector field information, displaying flow visualisation.
# `" E5 Q5 x0 t' l: N! I• New brush cursor options mean the brush cursor for the Paint tool can be changed to display an outline of the currently selected brush.
3 P7 L: `3 b2 V5 {• Projection Cube and Projection Sphere shader modules allow you to project cube map or spherical texture files onto geometry for a faster workflow.9 Q& ?* u9 ]8 h( q% n; E
• New options in the Hue filter and the Diffuse HSV shader module allow you to specify desaturation calculations based on HSV or HSL values." H: v. i2 L3 y# F! N+ C4 b

! d% c# \8 U6 OSystem Requirements
  }# h1 B' O2 `- Windows 7 64-bit, or a Linux 64-bit operating system (Fedora 12 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4)
5 O. C% X7 W' E$ f; b& |- Quad-core processor0 `0 ^0 Y1 l( }" K* w* _' c
- 250GB disk space available for caching and temporary files (or a minimum of 50GB if you're working on a small project)
% C3 i5 X( Y( s! N. o- At least 4GB RAM
& K! R) C) w* `- @4 N- Display with 1680 x 1050 pixel resolution  H% b/ A/ @% ~% |6 C1 ^
- An NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 1GB of RAM and OpenGL 3.2 support (see Tested graphics cards below)  n4 E* o9 t# y; H4 i1 e
Virtual Memory Requirements. x% j( K! D7 D8 g/ [8 f
It is recommended that virtual memory be available for MARI to use, especially when handling large projects. The use of virtual memory improves stability, helping to prevent data loss on large projects.
% z9 G( E4 P% F; j# r+ ]8 PTested Graphics Cards9 W. a2 t4 w% I6 y1 `7 @( J. u
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480/580/680 *
4 @8 k3 b6 c. [4 rNVIDIA Quadro FX 3800/3800M/4800/5800 ***
' m  X* v" h* K  fNVIDIA Quadro (Fermi Series) 600/4000/5000/6000 *
7 g  m; N/ l9 S: `. L1 ~2 O5 fAMD FirePro W7000/W8000/W9000 *
9 U3 i% |$ E* U+ ~# q/ V" C# dAMD Radeon HD 7850/7950 *
9 c6 b, H6 |7 p" [# r$ {* The displacement preview feature in MARI is currently only supported by these cards. ; G1 v5 K( R+ P
*** Please note that as of Mari 2.0v1, we will cease to officially test these cards. If we deem that the issue is specific to the card, the support provided would be limited.
" w- F" R+ V9 E4 C8 J* b3 t1 M2 U1 j8 I3 ]
. i$ p3 `, S" p- _
' A6 e6 Y3 Y( R" y, A( n
Download:; I8 s% W* J/ t+ c4 J+ y* e' i
1 H1 b$ n7 o% `6 E6 whttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/mari/releases/1.6v1/Mari1.6v1-win-x86-release-64.zip4 S# B; _2 I5 K3 \; |
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/mari/releases/1.6v1/Mari1.6v1-mac-x86-release-64.dmg: Z, _$ b- C6 |, v
6 W7 b1 `2 ]: ^+ t+ P  {
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/mari/releases/1.5v1/Mari1.5v1-linux-x86-release-64.run- ~- H  l8 ^3 k3 n+ o- w
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/mari/releases/1.5v1/Mari1.5v1-win-x86-release-64.zip' q0 ]3 j1 v- f
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/mari/releases/1.5v1/Mari1.5v1-mac-x86-release-64.dmg  H( |% b1 S8 \# S3 F
/ I8 i! U& G9 ]" v; o
- A9 X9 a# i' T! {9 Uhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/mari/releases/1.3v2/Mari1.3v2-win-x86-release-64.zip! w1 j8 X: S# q) ]! t1 X
" |  X5 C. C9 e# ^2 v9 n' K1 P' D8 m* o3 @2 ^$ f: j
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/mari/releases/1.2v1/Mari1.2v1-linux-x86-release-64.run: b9 w7 C: v$ C. I* M6 t
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/mari/releases/1.2v1/Mari1.2v1-win-x86-release-64.zip$ {& \4 Y$ t$ o
9 m8 Y% L4 R$ x% m- W/ T6 o. y+ E+ H4 E4 N


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