

[FilmConvert] FilmConvert Pro v3.06 AE/PR/PS/OFX/AMC/FCP Plugin 系列专辑

发表于 2014-12-22 10:22:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Program Name: FilmConvert Pro v3.06 Plugin
0 t' o6 _2 y' ]6 RProgram Type: Video Plug-in" w; O1 [* t% T  T1 w/ s  g
Release Date: 17 Dec 2019 ! e4 m& k% n8 N
Homepage: https://www.filmconvert.com
# b  b# F* G5 k8 YRequirements: Win640 l; \/ t( p- A; ?0 w, S& g6 Q% s- j' r
Platform:Stand-alone/After Effects/Premiere/Photoshop/Final Cut Pro X/DaVinci/Vegas/Scratch/Avid MC7. S" o6 R8 K& u, [8 ~

" L2 J# N# b* Y- pFilmConvert Pro - is a film stock emulation plugin for After Effects, Premiere Pro. Give Digital camera footage the color and grain of your favorite film stocks. We've said a lot about the digital versus film debate, and a lot of people have a lot of different opinions. Film still had a technological advantage over digital until really the last few years or so, and now we have digital sensors which can match or exceed film stocks with dynamic range. " H# _' z: C8 X3 z+ I1 I
" o" Z3 G' v3 U: j4 ~
Either way, with digital sensors being "too clean" for some people who have loved the look of film, there is a program called FilmConvert that takes the color information of specific cameras and actually uses that to determine how a specific film stock could best be represented using that sensor. Click through for some videos of the program in action.2 T  j5 N2 @) ]& ^) b8 u& h
. P% q8 p+ D% Z, d3 \( u* W* R
Applying FilmConvert to your media* H# [1 m* {* ]" L% R
Once FilmConvert is installed, you will want to apply it to your footage. To do that:
( s& M* q, S) ]1 m4 L0 b
5 S- z( o. W) J: \+ O/ u( }First open up After Effects or Premiere.
+ m+ W2 f& D3 I; R) P$ `# h& E1 V4 HCreate a new project, or open up an existing project.
% E+ l6 t- T2 x/ M! i' c) AIn the case of a new project, import some media, and drag it onto the timeline (Premiere) or a composition (After Effects).
- R* q# [3 p+ p8 C6 Y& b6 BIf in Premiere find the Effects tab. In After Effects, find the Effects menu item.7 b+ x" v& A* @3 Q
Go the Film Emulation category, which currently has just one item FilmConvert. Drag the effect onto your media.5 u& Y" @; [# Q1 l

/ c( Q7 k% f- S, Z8 q2 [You will now see some color changes, grain and FilmConvert water marks on your media!( j; g. e5 ?. v% I; q
NOTE: If the Film Emulation category is not visible in Premiere, close Premiere, then re-launch with the Shift and Alt keys held down until the welcome screen appears. This will clear the plugin cache.
( M3 E5 M; P" o8 u0 D+ s7 S
8 t1 e3 y* K& E: @Camera Controls
9 M* v. S" R: @- A( O" z- Source Camera Selects the camera (or camera type) used to shoot your footage. This setting is required in order to apply the correct color correction.
' x) M+ m" r! Z2 V+ K- Exposure Performs an adjustment prior to the film emulation being applied.) k* k9 ], {8 y
- Temp Adjusts the color temperature. This assumes that the clip temp is 5600 (daylight). Moving the slider to the left makes the scene cooler. Moving to the right makes it warmer.
5 A1 y2 d) d; [8 V2 e5 [2 A; N4 N( |( Y! {' o
Film Controls
) t; j) v0 f/ K- Convert To drop down Selects the particular film stock to be emulated.
5 K5 U) T+ O3 {# [0 p- Size drop down Selects the negative size to emulate. Smaller values such as 8mm are fuzzier with larger grain. Larger values have smaller grain.- G8 P/ k; `, p& k" _
- Film Color slider Adjusts the balance between the original digital camera color palette, and the film color palette. Typically you would leave this at 100% film
* ]2 s+ u4 D# H7 a- Grain slider Adjusts the amount of grain applied to the image. The default is 100%, which is an accurate representation of the grain for the selected film stocks. Some stocks have more grain - such as D3200.
# ?" N! o+ T# B6 I5 o; W' G1 o2 I- Blur Slider Adjusts the amount of blur applied to the image when either an 8mm or 16mm negative size is chosen. The default is 100%, which is an accurate representation of the amount of fuzziness that will be present with the selected negative size. The blur is applied before the grain.
, i+ c) @. s- p( |" w8 z4 |' L0 S. ?( W
History& ]% @' s1 ~  i/ P* M) i, R
Version 3.06 / Date: 17 Dec 2019 # q5 {7 |" f9 G" V6 N
Fixed grain for stills.
! m2 ~. c: W- [1 m
: b& r" \, e# E( P) K- }Version 3.05 / Date: 26 Sep 2019
5 J$ L4 J$ w' ^9 Q9 {2 [4 R8 nMetal fix for Premiere Pro v14.0( P3 i( `  y5 n! W" k& g5 p" [$ I

& n7 @2 k: m) G" U, fVersion 3.04 / Date: 26 Sep 2019 . a  S% o- A- [' L  K
Fixed some error handling for AE when using OpenCL.* z" S2 F3 }+ H( k& e1 L" i
( B' ?$ ^/ Y5 P3 _) p# z) k; T' t) E
Version 3.03 / Date: 17 Sep 2019+ H$ f+ h8 ]- q) U9 m
Fixed (again) the position of the camera chooser UI for people working with multiple displays.
- I6 o8 I$ e& q* q2 C6 j, X6 J* g
9 F) U( x# \4 g7 @+ CVersion 3.01 / Date: 11 Sep 20193 _* x8 w1 L2 @" p. d$ ^6 a& N* h/ ]% }3 N
Fixed position of camera chooser UI for people working with multiple displays.
* p1 N. X: a- `1 h8 n; W+ ~$ M8 M
! `2 }- S9 G/ c7 H) \9 o  s/ G- OVersion 3.0 / Date: 03 Sep 2019
+ N) p5 V* k7 x" A, g- MFilmConvert Nitrate initial release.+ g4 f7 z  j' n" W! Z3 n1 L4 N

( k" C! o( F' |$ M1 i! Z& x- CVersion 2.40 / Date: 14 Jun 2018 / MAC6 Q7 O# f$ n  U4 ~: C& k
Fixed race condition in OpenCL renderer (Premiere Pro only).
3 \0 {: {( R5 }2 K
& p& j# \; Q9 ~% W9 GVersion 2.39 / Date: 07 Dec 2016
5 c  ]/ k' Y. Y2 f- h: n0 k! pRebuild using latest CC SDKs to hopefully fix loading issues that some people have experienced.) L! P# v1 P3 x7 P
/ Q* y2 D( q* j. [+ ?. b
Version 2.38 / Date: 10 May 20160 E* H$ H& c& ~2 k( J
Added slider to control the level of softness used for 8 and 16 mm film sizes.) p: K7 U% v9 `, w) m

2 T: a, c5 U* m- t9 W, BVersion 2.37 / Date: 31 Mar 2016. Q& ?1 ?. q; |, Q( D
Added size options for LUT export.5 m8 S2 Y1 M; s1 J0 p2 q
4 H* j9 S; e/ q/ E3 E
) m/ R( Q, v% ?$ H# \# N7 A
Version 2.36 - 5 Nov 2015
9 j4 A  x" `! P& pRemoved the requirement for Win 7 machines to have a WIC update.
$ `/ C$ ~' [9 S1 o: o3 W4 [Fixed a typo in the version reporting of the plugin.
2 K9 f0 c4 {: U* l0 _9 G( _Tweaked OpenCL memory management for After Effects.
5 S% v8 Q/ x  I
$ D, E; v# Q! RVersion 2.35 - 24 Sep 2015
! j/ c2 k  Q* b- z; w$ Q$ m) Z7 KFixed an OpenCL memory bug in AE and PP CS6 that could cause the GPU memory to be exhausted.
6 P! O) b! K( l9 O: d, ]
( |  I3 B6 |+ xVersion 2.34 - 1 Sep 2015
3 e8 P. Q8 V$ k$ JFixed render bug in AE.
+ w  J5 G1 x& k  \7 }( F; LPre CUDA Compute Compatibility version 3.0 capable graphics $ u' U) m( d7 T; N% V
cards will now fallback to OpenCL rendering rather than software.
" C. }# a( j2 ^0 E+ y# f" c
" R2 J* E$ G8 X# H( J4 `Version 2.32 - 11 Aug 2015' Y* s1 a6 b$ e; q7 ^' r
Added a fallback to old style renderer for CUDA cards that do not meet CUDA Compute Capability 3.0 or higher.
, K; b- W' }6 g; K# X$ V3 v  r5 L' f8 L
Version 2.31 - 5 Aug 2015
4 S' y! J! o) R  ], _Added Mercury Engine support for CC versions, this includes OpenCL and CUDA.
4 E8 B9 Q( i& R* uLicensing is now cross platform.9 U1 C( u# @# P7 b2 M
8 l, R4 B0 F9 @3 u
Version 2.30 - 28 Jul 2015
$ Y4 ?- y0 H0 b% GAdded Mercury Engine support for CC versions, this includes OpenCL and CUDA.
8 V3 u# r$ G2 N7 g3 q8 Y. M' MLicensing is now cross platform. 0 p/ L! Q" A$ M1 x9 p* [( ^

( V1 ^0 F2 z. GVersion 2.18 - 25 Mar 2015/ \, e" e  M+ N, D6 V) }5 K9 L
The plugin will now load without an OpenCL environment present.
4 L: ^. K1 D2 O$ q& d" w3 JSoftware rendering will be used.* Y6 O3 q$ d$ u+ R
3 {6 q9 v8 m2 I5 o8 m2 K4 U
Version 2.17 - 22 Oct 20142 v$ B" F0 n" ]$ P: @' p! T
Added support for interlaced sequences." `& D2 r& h. }. O
; u$ x- e6 v* c7 C$ x
Version 2.16 - 25 Jun 20145 o% O3 `6 Q( N
Added 3D LUT size options. Fixed bug in LUT "Save As" dialog. ; D6 m1 J' `) m
' {* ^% h; P$ c) H7 `% h6 n3 V- q
Version 2.15 - 17 Jun 2014
% y  P, H7 o$ U3 k$ Q8 LAdded the ability to export a 3D lut of all the color changes made in the plugin.+ D5 M1 \4 W* G0 l2 E. U" [
7 U$ @% h" F: u0 A  n! S5 a1 `" H
Version 2.14 - 9 Jun 20143 |1 ?, Q! x1 w- a# q
Added improvements to the camera chooser UI./ m8 r* |% b0 S, ]/ T, k  N
  x0 \3 ^2 D( W% k, K. Y. b
Version 2.13 - 25 Apr 2014
( k. V* [+ c- c3 _  lRebuilt to support older Windows 7 installations.* ?1 h  F: @4 p. \2 c2 F: h
" l0 V; Y7 C$ f, s
Version 2.12 - 3 Apr 2014% R, ^/ k" g+ q7 M* H
Added: 7 q# _& ?6 j/ r3 y" [
Sony F55 profiles. ' B% F6 n. z: F. l. t
Canon 5Dmk3 ML Raw Profile. ! J# ~  Y: Q: e2 E! W4 `$ y+ ^
BMCC additional profiles for varying exposures.
3 U" r, j( I; s0 U0 k; q  X8 [2 @; ^. m
Version 2.11 - 27 Jan 2014
9 ]1 \8 f4 ~7 P0 b4 I/ aFixed activation problem that would not allow v1 licenses to be registered. 3 Z; `5 I% t. r/ |
Fixed OpenCL kernel bug that caused problems with footage from the : q$ r2 t) o$ n( G8 T
Canon C100 in very bright regions. * P9 s+ V) X) f5 T5 Q4 U4 z" d0 A1 W
Added new Camera Chooser GUI.
/ C: M+ C/ N0 `9 x  FNote that this version installs alongside the v2 plugin as the camera chooser
$ E& k% [. _& R+ E' k, EUI will not recognize values from pre-existing projects.$ C/ M, b+ b$ x
9 b4 y$ C1 _# _1 v+ D; O2 v
Version 2.09 - 18 Dec 2013; i6 {- u" c1 S0 ]
Fixed bug in software renderer where below zero values where not being clamped.0 b, E+ O2 x7 }* p! j7 w/ g
- l2 T8 R+ i, E9 j0 b4 ^& l
Version 2.07 - 22 Oct 20133 @9 u3 D4 C0 ]# J* {/ l
Added BMPCC profiles.) V$ C) C2 _' F) N3 r/ S, L' n8 M

2 k& C9 y( S3 q# f3 ~5 o& GVersion 2.06 - 19 Sep 2013* |" M* |( \0 U+ g
Added support for the Sony FS700
; ]/ J8 e+ f0 k0 i$ |( a4 y% e$ a2 N; O" W% j- ?) J: @
Version 2.05 - 5 Sep 2013
4 p' H% ~" U+ a8 H  k" MDefault to CPU renderer, as some people can't get the OpenCL code to run.
9 f  i3 g% [2 [: D1 L/ AFixed grain bug in GPU renderer... grain was colored when using black and white stocks.
& J- O4 {- I0 G* w
; d& H' D: c$ m8 E; K  eVersion 2.01 - 27 Aug 2013
) |! w( k3 M$ h/ j8 }; vAdded OpenCL fix for a problem some people have been experiencing.
$ I6 F: Y9 t7 z
! `- L* l1 l( u) j. t) k- IVersion 2.0 - 22 Aug 20139 O- u7 \. U0 r5 z
Added Color Corrector, Levels and Saturation controls.
& t8 }! D; I* k- v3 Q; lAdded GPU accelerated rendering.
8 N* R0 u, {& m7 C, W
" j4 g- I& s* x; G% wVersion 1.34 - 3 Jul 2013
7 Q/ g3 r) I$ ^/ H9 p  y- U, vAdded new camera profiles for:- ' I. h% o% \8 r- i
Canon 600D, Canon 6D, Canon 5dmk3, Canon C100, Canon XF300, Sony EX1 and various RED cameras.
$ ?( s% _, _! T  G; V2 d( Q4 @
: r! l) @4 E& L* l2 [( e  VVersion 1.32 - 13 May 2013% v6 a/ _9 ^4 A9 n9 S
Added Camera Packs for:-
# U$ s* p3 w+ Q1 |& Z  C/ R3 VNikon D800, Nikon D7000, Canon 550D / T2i, Canon 600D / T3i and Panasonic GH3." n5 i' Q3 j5 j+ h3 Q6 ~( `5 c+ l& L

- f$ q( s9 l# F  d0 H+ K9 T9 [Version 1.31 - 8 Apr 2013
2 U0 Y% u, L9 _, U; Y# T  YAdded new camera profiles for BMCC, 7D/60D, 5Dmk2, 5Dmk3 and GoPro.4 ^7 ]& g2 A7 [" ]
" G, n( f! k0 q
Version 1.3 - 8 Apr 20131 y6 w* t- L! X) c8 U6 ~
Added new camera profiles for BMCC, 7D/60D, 5Dmk2, 5Dmk3 and GoPro.
! P- n0 P8 V* Z6 J% I: I0 b
( q, J+ P& Y( }, [0 s, @7 wVersion 1.2 - 12 Feb 2013
; F% y5 p* ]& t9 tAdded Support for downloadable camera profile packs.
4 I3 G) X. H* l/ CRED camera support now moved out of main product
. N7 b# }& q9 Q8 _: ?/ h& gbuild, into a profile pack.5 h" Z( ?5 D5 P- ^1 x9 G

. Y6 X. U# J, UVersion 1.1.1 - 27 Nov 20127 i* s3 b' ~. U; g% _! f
Added GH2 and 5D profiles. ( h1 J9 d9 i9 P6 L# `
Added bundle license support.7 ?7 U9 c& X1 b) p; r/ F
! f; K; x  r/ h) ]5 Q2 N
Version 1.0.9 - 30 Oct 2012% p: j' M1 P" x" [# d4 {) W+ m
Preview renders in Premiere are now reconnected when reopening projects.6 ?& C# u. j; |1 _8 ^3 C
5 O3 N, O; k6 e+ O: ^: x; F
Version 1.0.8 - 11 Oct 2012( s! f8 w, L, e+ N
Undo stack fixed.3 q* K  O( T6 z, z
- s$ B; ^6 a" J
Version 1.0.7 - 5 Oct 20125 v+ B, O2 z0 ]
Registration fix only.
0 ~3 Z4 E& _$ c& k; O" R# J7 H: M( r2 s% y
Version 1.0.6 - 24 Sep 2012
; Y) R$ u# T( o6 X8 M32 bit render path fix for Panasonic cameras.
& l4 Y5 p! n) h3 c8 [) N" h+ K
% b) {, g; L& f1 wVersion 1.0.5 - 19 Sep 2012
8 Y, r  X1 y3 Z5 G, w% nInstaller fix. 2 V; N! s  E3 w+ {# J
Grain Improvements.% L5 A2 q5 M* h. R( _8 O( J9 q

, L- o) j" ?6 ?7 h2 n' @Version 1.0.4 - 20 Aug 2012
/ b' ~" ]3 n9 c" Y- j: ^/ ~Minor fixes and improvements.
9 I" O" w, i/ W
& V& s2 h% _9 n# uVersion 1.0.2 - 6 Aug 2012
/ ]$ _. U: u0 J; Y8 b' ?( }  T+ _Black and white stocks update.& v- A1 ~% e+ V; `2 j8 A% W
; Y2 J( v5 d5 ^  I) o( m+ Q
Version 1.0.1 - 16 Jul 20121 t; l6 a0 V9 K- r& p
Initial release. * f) ^9 u" e  G& i3 G$ U; j. K
Please let us know your feedback and comments. 2 l4 c9 U2 e( \  l5 a, z

3 d' Z  B7 v4 ?6 w1 q$ i  ^Note for RED users:
) u/ K: U) P; m# dFor best results using FilmConvert in After Effects or Premiere Pro, please use our provided RED source settings preset. It is pre installed and simply called 'FilmConvert'.7 j; X5 J# s) [& @( y

, \: e& C: d4 a# A" _System Requirements
! j. T1 a: H$ C) YAdobe After Effects or Premiere Pro CS5.5 or later. " O# T( f& X, U' X% ~9 n3 l3 E( O. c
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 10 and 11
! f  }) n1 j; B1 t5 q# qBlackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Lite 10 and 11 ) B! O" S) U! W% T$ ^) q; W
The Foundry Nuke 7 and 8
9 I3 d" H& i- a, jSony Vegas 11, 12 and 13 - 64 bit only for all versions 2 Z5 q+ `+ T$ R0 l
Assimilate Scratch 7 and 8 : N, j# t7 `/ Y( s, }4 a3 l
Apple Final Cut Pro 7.0+ or 10.0.7+ 0 Q# s3 W/ N9 D
Apple Motion 4.0.0+ or 5.0.5+ . K+ }; f( s: x- K
Avid Media Composer 7 or 8.& O% }6 ~  S8 ]
9 Q* c' _) P4 D! P' P1 o3 I
For FCP 7:
; E; W8 z7 L% [* s+ POSX 10.6 or later is required. ' n8 j. K1 i3 R6 A; I5 p6 T7 V/ ?+ y

9 y& H# A4 \* U' q5 T$ G. vFor FCP X: 5 Z2 W7 s* S" O* y! h; a9 x
OSX 10.7.4 or later. Mavericks or Yosemite are strongly recommended.
5 \& ~9 y( D) m5 N% OAn OpenCL version 1.0 capable graphics card.
& K  ?- X2 e$ XHD rendering requires a minimum of 256 Mb of video memory
$ W5 F. J" l3 \/ w4k rendering requires a minimum of 1 Gb of video memory.
4 ~8 Z& T3 `; n
( M6 a5 K) b% ]For GPU acceleration:
' j- ?' G, ]+ C' M' GAn OpenCL version 1.0 capable graphics card and runtime system...
& e$ m0 {% X1 Mif your machine does not have an OpenCL.dll, the plugin will not load. 6 g6 m+ a4 E) Z1 g
HD rendering requires a minimum of 256 Mb of video memory   y( h7 g7 N- S# g$ [$ a
4k rendering requires a minimum of 1 Gb of video memory.
' K2 r! D  j& J  j: D/ i8 a' M: m4 U( Z6 H( ?, U9 @5 J9 ]
8 ~% E. S0 l( P6 k7 q( \/ n
- n3 ~% j, M8 l0 i, Q1 e下载地址:
. T" I* g5 V! @/ J% e7 o- H一、FilmConvert Pro - After Effects, Premiere
! ?1 d& T7 n$ N6 ihttps://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-AVID_v1.0.7.exe  J/ ?* U9 _7 S2 E7 D
https://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-AVID_v1.0.7.dmg  d  Z5 _9 P% A4 Y+ W
https://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FC+Nitrate/FilmConvert+Nitrate+OFX+v3.01.exe( F! `+ b. V2 Y" _* p  M
( X1 J) `7 D. r/ W! O$ Y0 t+ Lhttps://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-OFX_v2.20.exe3 ^: }, O) z) @: w9 ?
7 X( c/ k: U0 f& X. F5 `3 F. nhttps://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FC+Nitrate/Notarized/FilmConvertNitrate.PP-3.06.dmg
8 z2 W1 Z" v  R; y3 P$ b$ E- Ahttps://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-Photoshop_v1.07.dmg" \" B/ ^4 |1 w$ W: P6 l# e4 v
. w! {& b( n- `5 o$ \- ~( D7 z- e+ E5 }9 M; |
https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.39a.exe6 c  x( h7 M& @& n0 b1 v. j
9 c' S4 y- f1 p, `https://s3.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.39a.exe
, L+ b  l' C8 q( r$ i7 Ehttps://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.39a.exe
) s' U* |; s' v! e" Fhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.39a.dmg! _6 T$ c# A, ]1 D/ f5 d
https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.39a.dmg" f$ `) w. I4 v/ F
% f# E# [# {: _% qhttps://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.39a.dmg
8 u( P1 o7 D) x8 fhttps://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.39a.exe
! y' Z' I6 `! B+ n# h8 j5 k/ `2 V6 xhttps://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.40b.dmg
: V5 @, y% }% d+ Z0 d0 e0 O
( X0 ]$ `" d6 X( V+ uhttps://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-AVID_v1.0.7.exe
! K, n) `0 M& a2 ?https://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-AVID_v1.0.7.dmg3 v" F" D; e% o$ ?
https://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FC+Nitrate/FilmConvert+Nitrate+OFX+v3.01.exe/ i' w' s- ]5 t7 b, ^! u
https://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FC+Nitrate/Notarized/FilmConvertNitrate.OFX-3.01.dmg" c* o2 T) H. r
0 c& {6 z! o& r, L2 k- y/ dhttps://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-OFX_v2.20.dmg; W  ?0 L& a' A  q( x5 ^( d- |
" R$ G0 i4 n4 n. ^https://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-Photoshop_v1.07.dmg2 t' O4 T* I& N' e
https://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-FCPX_v2.5.dmg+ b# Z9 H' q3 y6 e7 z

1 @/ I% p! w4 w% d( k' B" ihttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.38.exe
/ u7 K! t$ p' u, t. \https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.38.exe
8 u& ^9 r& O+ R3 ihttps://s3.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.38.exe/ E5 i: h; e  w4 i# T
# _6 j8 h0 m& u5 F: u; _( N2 T; Lhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.38.dmg8 W8 ^7 o3 J' x, X- v# N& w) u/ s0 A
( g" P. {4 q6 ~6 z6 ehttps://s3.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.38.dmg( C' Z! _! z* l- Y5 l/ H( X
https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.38.dmg5 j. Q# z& d& m( K2 Y

9 Q, [( \6 ?) P0 Ehttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.37.exe) ^7 u! u, H1 ~, a- p3 v  L
$ D9 X3 i7 U5 _9 shttps://s3.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.37.exe- F% L7 e& ]; M5 A6 H, d
& T$ i/ d; Z/ ~& L# |' u2 a9 {! Ehttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.37.dmg
  L, G- _. L6 s$ e! k: ?https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.37.dmg. W. M! |; u: O# X& l. W9 K3 {: V
https://s3.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.37.dmg  c/ b9 Z+ p& c
+ `4 K, _" [* X6 s5 M, @6 D0 M( n" q" o1 @4 b2 X6 ^. A

! D" ]9 n& V- y/ n) E( r. xhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/filmconvertsg/FilmConvertPro-AE-PP_v2.36.exe
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四、FilmConvert Pro - Photoshop7 _+ e; |0 g1 i  i, ^; D( k4 d
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五、FilmConvert Pro - AVID
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9 X8 b  m# w* r3 r, e% nhttps://s3.amazonaws.com/FilmConvert/FilmConvertPro-AVID_v1.0.7.dmg
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