

The Foundry Colorway 2.0v1

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Program Name: The Foundry Colorway 1.2 v2
8 o; v* I" _! H9 ]: l  R. v+ VProgram Type: Color & material editor post-render
( q7 C$ Z# v" `1 G/ I" WDeveloper: The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.7 M: Q  X/ O2 ]8 t8 S4 o; |
Homepage: www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/colorway/
/ |" B5 t" g& O, e: B8 TRelease Date: 03.12.20145 a' E& R' F9 [0 Z
Interface Language: English! P" a8 p1 f5 Y5 b6 X- Q
Platform: Windows 7/8 64-bit6 L5 v  _6 N: @1 A$ S

4 M5 G8 a4 @' U3 `* |Colorway allow you to edit colors and materials in a project to develop different looks without changing the basic design. COLORWAY is an application that aids creativity and focuses the decision making process, recognizing that a team of people involved in making design decisions have different goals and expertise. COLORWAY significantly streamlines the iterative design workflow bringing clarity and efficiency through fast, non-destructive material and lighting changes.
8 m( j; r+ z7 B$ M5 ]. n7 X, C6 A% }. g6 W
COLORWAY Presenter is a free, approachable application that enables customers or colleagues to review and control 'looks' in real-time. Clients can also review and make modifications within predetermined material and lighting options.$ e( v4 Z* Z+ G/ r

0 A% ~2 P" f. k8 [: {COLORWAY kits are also free and enable users to set up, prepare, render and export scenes for COLORWAY, making it easy to tag materials or lights to be editable in COLORWAY.! T$ F' r4 a6 l9 ?

* c* S% Q3 e: ^4 r, w% D, H‘Looks’ created in COLORWAY can be imported directly back into 3D using the COLORWAY kit.7 d4 J) Y( U' f% b* E
) b+ V; r$ L  s: A+ ?1 _
) M# w! x9 K6 \1 W2 k0 N• Iterative workflow - Make almost limitless changes to your 3D scene's colors, textures, decals and even lighting set-ups.
& B0 r0 r0 v$ J) J0 G• Realtime, GPU powered updates - Make instant changes without the need to re-render. Changes to renderings are stored independently of the source image." x/ Z2 A; F# V0 b
• Virtual lookbook - Save multiple image variations and ‘looks’, enabling clear downstream communication and design review.* {" ]* `. x# J4 P' x8 z* u) T
• Share ideas - Send desired configurations to the free COLORWAY Presenter app.
. G. E  j% N: m! ~- M( B; g$ f" s8 H• Finalize the image - COLORWAY Presenter lets clients iterate on images choosing from options defined in the full COLORWAY app.
+ D5 @! A7 L. B; s4 V2 [$ {( v4 e8 ?! Z
System Requirements9 F$ K6 U5 I0 x% ~4 V
Windows 7 64-bit (SP 1), or above
' r* @$ w  D# I' u0 ]' y) DDual-core processor
/ N* ^6 K% b7 P  ~/ R( t+ cMemory: 4GB RAM' g- `0 ]% k% L$ G9 k  Q7 u
Graphics: GPU with 1GB RAM or higher (OpenGL 2.1 and above)
  A/ y9 C1 b- ^/ Q7 H; V* K5 tInternet connection required for license installation
5 Y) @5 E7 v. g  \: I; G! z) t. m0 ~2 z
6 B. D" x- t4 N; ]http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/2.0v1/Colorway2.0v1-mac-x86-release-64.dmg& X8 Z" V. m: l% d7 _( u
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/2.0v1/Colorway2.0v1-win-x86-release-64.zip. y9 E& N" x2 d. Y, @: k5 {8 b
, v' a- c; r1 I2 x4 Z- ^
  A4 q, Q& y! V. Z: Phttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.2v2/ColorwayKitForCinema4D1.2v2-win-x86-release-64.zip
& b- C; F+ H& u8 xhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.2v2/ColorwayKit1.2v2_Modo-win-x86-release-64.zip
6 {4 Q3 M* k, K$ X$ a+ B( m: Chttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.2v2/ColorwayPresenter1.2v2-win-x86-release-64.zip0 O) D  |0 m% l5 F+ ]' I" c% z& ~4 N# D
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.2v2/Colorway1.2v2-mac-x86-release-64.dmg4 O8 K9 p) [  T/ y1 s2 t
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.2v2/ColorwayKitForCinema4D1.2v2-mac-x86-release-64.dmg% j( C; F( ?1 z
+ F( w  ?0 E1 Phttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.2v2/ColorwayPresenter1.2v2-mac-x86-release-64.dmg8 i. Y  ~8 y: b( b' n
- m: a  t' N$ E- c! [6 e! a9 F
/ Z& U5 l' y7 Bhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.1v1/Colorway1.1v1-mac-x86-release-64.dmg9 u# t7 |0 b& v' w% r6 g+ n
' Z! _+ g$ T& D8 L+ @* N, U
+ x3 n' S- @4 R' E' Fhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.1v1/ColorwayKitForCinema4D1.1v1_Cinema4D-mac-x86-release-64.dmg
7 C  g& V  [7 e' K& }. n5 z. E
  r8 S( i  v4 j! O0 Bhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.1v1/ColorwayPresenter1.1v1-win-x86-release-64.zip
" z! u/ ?2 E7 `) ^- {http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.1v1/ColorwayPresenter1.1v1-mac-x86-release-64.dmg
3 M7 Y( U3 t. S* E
" v; j- \1 c5 {) Y, a& X2 S3 l+ }http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.1v2/ColorwayKit1.1v2_Modo-win-x86-release-64.zip
' C7 b  x9 e( vhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.1v2/ColorwayKitForModo1.1v2_Modo-mac-x86-release-64.dmg
+ \. r. ]$ X: a7 f3 p- T* }9 Z# W0 @  R0 V; [% @: Y
4 h% {( ^2 `- lhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v2/Colorway1.0v2-mac-x86-release-64.dmg, p, @/ W; T% u7 ^: \' Q. S. h
' z/ Z% k* Z8 S- Q9 }# u5 U' q
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v2/ColorwayKitForCinema4D1.0v2_Cinema4D-win-x86-release-64.zip6 l) v6 n8 K7 z/ T: V$ B4 x
http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v2/ColorwayKitForCinema4D1.0v2_Cinema4D-mac-x86-release-64.dmg, r7 B9 \6 ?  B3 V  }
9 O, l3 c* l9 n
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- R, O: r0 _8 q# V( e& [  j' K' g; L$ F7 z& G* e
: p" z# g$ z9 J& C) G% thttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.1v1/ColorwayKitForModo1.1v1_Modo-mac-x86-release-64.dmg& l0 ^, h' z+ v

: S8 j' v4 A$ ^8 V" |http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v1/Colorway1.0v1-win-x86-release-64.zip/ N5 J6 d* N& R
( n0 ?) z! o5 {, ^4 v( m
! ^4 l9 f) ?. {4 O  i+ L0 k0 Qhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v1/ColorwayKitForCinema4D1.0v1_Cinema4D-win-x86-release-64.zip
8 {/ x( b4 L& g9 [4 v3 o( fhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v1/ColorwayKitForCinema4D1.0v1_Cinema4D-mac-x86-release-64.dmg. J- L" ~8 e0 P; L" z3 W3 G6 e+ p

  y: O+ q& d* o8 O  R5 Ihttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v1/ColorwayPresenter1.0v1-win-x86-release-64.zip( F' \9 E8 f' \, r2 u; g" m/ ?
0 d8 L9 |7 m  D) f! j
& T8 g7 P" O/ e/ V5 X' q4 ^http://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v2/ColorwayKit1.0v2_Modo-win-x86-release-64.zip
) G) w+ }. D! O3 L4 B% Lhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v2/ColorwayKitForModo1.0v2_Modo-mac-x86-release-64.dmg
; R6 N3 _9 _! Q$ K3 d' F3 ?# {) ]0 x2 A) n' n: A
' r9 \, N1 ~2 \0 Zhttp://thefoundry.s3.amazonaws.com/products/colorway/release/1.0v1/ColorwayKitForModo1.0v1_Modo-mac-x86-release-64.dmg( V. y) ]+ E3 b1 q

' n- s. o$ a! _6 c% ^; |) A8 }2 F  A- H


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