

[Avid] Pluralsight - Editing a Music Video in AVID Media Composer

发表于 2016-3-8 14:45:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Release Name: Editing a Music Video in AVID Media Composer
  L  {- p2 M  t- e% uType: Tutorial, Training2 ^  O7 I5 E! x+ F
Release Date:  Sep 26, 2012
1 v* t9 f2 s/ c  e+ f2 d! TAuthor: Pluralsight
9 k3 _- A, {# a% c" y3 F0 S3 QHome: http://www.pluralsight.com/courses/editing-music-video-avid-media-composer-2243
$ f/ L; L8 K5 m0 `( TLanguage: German
' C0 y# ]4 u5 I: V$ G  m) O  n9 {Laufzeit: 3h 16m
- D2 q( _3 Z2 X, g1 H4 {) |1 pFile Format: .rar * e# M- w; u9 D4 U
File Size: 1.52 GB  {% Y8 I+ o# x! }

1 Z  l" U( @* T0 Y3 QThroughout this tutorial, we will get to know AVID Media Composer inside and out by creating a music video quickly and efficiently. We'll take a look at the workflow in AVID as well as other third-party software such as After Effects and DaVinci Resolve for VFX work, color grading, and onlining. By the end of this tutorial, you will have all the tools and knowledge to go safely exploring the realm of the AVID Media Composer on your own. Software required: AVID Media Composer 8.4, After Effects 2015, DaVinci Resolve Lite 11.
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Download:% I5 t+ u$ P9 Z% Y  o, b% v

2 A5 K% c' |. ^0 BPluralsight - Editing a Music Video in AVID Media Composer.part1.rar
, e) O- h7 Q2 g8 t& U& XPluralsight - Editing a Music Video in AVID Media Composer.part2.rar1 i2 o5 I5 @5 B& a" I! L; H( I
Pluralsight - Editing a Music Video in AVID Media Composer.part3.rar
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1 H, k( V3 P6 v


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