

[软件] Digital Vision Nucoda v2015.3.038

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Program Name: Digital Vision Nucoda v2015.3.038
) O5 i+ G) o/ F, b' d' n: TProgram Type: Color grading and mastering' K/ T* c5 K6 P* i4 \
Developer: Digital Vision
9 R4 H( A7 `6 Y, ]! PHomepage: www.digitalvision.se/products/nucoda_2-0// ?9 b# d; H$ u
Release Date: 2016-04-06
- G2 c1 D3 C) uInterface Language: English
1 p3 |* T' y" M* d  ~# _Platform: Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit ONLY
7 e+ @- N8 o( N& jFile Size: 506.26Mb
1 C/ \; |; _6 w! i1 r2 h- V- s
2 I2 z" T& X. I* RNucoda colour grading and mastering solutions have been used on many of the best known films, commercials, documentaries, music videos and television programs around the globe.: X' Z4 u9 X. S6 c9 |

+ w7 B. ^% }4 Y% A& T- p: Y/ MAt Digital Vision, we understand that our customers need more than just leading toolsets to create sophisticated look enhancements. More importantly our solutions need to work with multiple camera and file formats, allow for collaborative workflows and deliver finished content for different viewing platforms, including stereoscopic 3D. In a nutshell, Nucoda was designed to offer a lot more than just colour grading.+ B: S' X% p& _, i3 S6 v: O
: c$ {7 U8 \% h% A0 I$ ^9 r9 j2 ^
Nucoda' @' ]$ j$ B0 |9 ?
Nucoda combines a creative tool set with a very tight integration to the Avid workflow, including full support for Interplay. Setting new standards in the highest quality, Nucoda is a fully featured ACES grading system, featuring HDR grading and real time EXR file format support.
  s. i! q3 w2 _/ T# n* o" k9 ?
5 l2 _3 Q( j4 n1 C& |) ^With an industry leading colour toolset used by clients such as Keep Me Posted, Encore, Pixar and Disney, Nucoda creates complex looks and visual styles for animation, working in 2K/4K and stereo. Included with Nucoda is a range of image processing tools called DVO Classic, consisting of DVO Grain, DVO Aperture, DVO Regrain and DVO Brickwall.# U2 Y4 n8 V1 v# u; W6 K

+ J1 ~8 G: P6 R; d& m( {* BNucoda Look
4 R3 j$ W+ o4 L% XAn entry level grading solution based on the industry-leading Digital Vision image science technology and Nucoda colour tools. Nucoda Look is ideally suited for use as a pre-grade assist station, either in the post production facility or on-set. It can be used as a preparation station for the Nucoda grading system to ingest or conform video or film content directly onto the timeline. It is also an excellent post-grade deliverables system.+ n) a" F0 y8 i& u8 z0 ?
/ |+ O/ k7 q/ D8 W2 S8 H
Core Features9 K4 x" {  h' Y6 G! P
• 64 bit native application makes use of all available system memory and cope with even the biggest images, including 4K.: {4 V, @8 T' V% x3 m3 p+ H  g2 j
• Familiar non-linear timeline layout and processing material in a natural and flexible way, with multiple video and audio tracks.* Y7 ?! V+ E5 ]
• Timeline and shot bookmarks allow for better organisation and retrieval of information.
' h; ]0 [8 {3 g• Versioning, easily add different versions of shots to the same timeline.3 B5 B1 }3 u) F8 t/ W  U7 c, F
• Import and conform support for a large number of image formats including standard list formats like AAF, and EDL" }) M6 }" S9 J+ y) g7 G* x( }6 e
• Automatically extract metadata and conform sequences.
: i% w2 F5 S1 V& P• A powerful library for managing all imported and referenced material with sorting, searching and sophisticated metadata handling./ V  @1 r$ c' P: n7 p
• Automatic library folder creation and item naming options on file import based on user configurable metadata extraction.
; M+ W' t, Q8 K. A: d) P- |1 _4 k• World class interoperability with third-party systems supporting industry standard formats like Avid DNxHD, AAF, MXF and QuickTime.1 J# G1 g9 p# h& o# h
• Read and write DPX, Avid DNxHD, MXF and QuickTime formats.. e+ U+ w: A9 [
• Every tool has extremely powerful isolation and routing functionality.
4 h% J/ p; {1 I1 b• Isolation can be matte based, user-defined shape based or undertaken via sophisticated keyer functionality.
6 R  @. U) b" i" w0 E• Layers can be selectively cached to streamline operations and greatly enhance user interactivity.3 {# h: w" M( t7 a& H5 e2 B: s
• Multi monitor support with different resolution configurations makes working on complex timelines a breeze.
: T5 u7 o' c0 U% ?. m8 q1 G  M7 c• Effect save and recall – save and recall effects using notes, from single effects to complicated multi-layered effects.
" U6 V2 y/ T9 V; G+ R• Create a library of notes and apply to any segment on any timeline in any project.
# ?4 E2 t9 L3 w5 ]# WRendering engine – unobtrusive background rendering ensures you always have the best results available without interruption.8 u4 R. P, q+ t, {9 {/ r
• GPU acceleration – realtime Master Layer accelerates rendering for Pan & Scan and Colour Correction work.( O% ]4 C% h) h  ^# c) ?) K% o
• Multiple formats can be used and delivered from the same timeline.
9 A( ~! K8 ^! f# s- b• Globally apply final crops or resizes.
; P) L* T" ^1 z3 h0 F) `$ ]• VTR I/O Ingest and output. PAL, NTSC, HD, 2K and 4k monitoring( n7 L/ A( F# p2 A6 q1 e
• Support for RAW files from Canon , Sony, ARRI ,RED, Silicon Imaging SI-2k, Phantom and Cinema DNG
1 ]3 R0 ]4 j: i7 X6 t! g5 U. |
5 P# Q0 H- @0 ]# cDVO Classic9 X- Q- F/ _: E8 Z- V2 F
Creative tools to improve detail, remove the unwanted and add that extra touch.8 p# `7 ?9 m0 N6 C1 c% I% M3 m( F
With over 25 years of research and development the company’s DVO image processing tools have become the most revered tool set in the post production industry. Providing the very best quality tools for restoration, enhancement and format conversion.
* T, E3 n! G( O4 }1 T' S% b6 |# H+ z7 m$ R' n! w8 v' d& q; d
DVO Grain – Need to manage grain?0 r6 R0 C. S$ k$ |9 C% V% c5 e8 k
DVO Grain manages the look of film grain and reduces unwanted electronic noise in film and video. DVO Grain removes the electronic noise generated by any video camera and older telecines and its advanced motion estimation prevents lag, smear and softening of the picture – even with aggressive settings.$ U, d; `! h% Y" i1 z9 f

" G( R" D+ w0 Q' `5 G" h$ J! b6 FThe mixer function on the final output allows you to bring back as much of the original noise or grain as you choose. This gives you complete control over the filmic look you desire. DVO Grain utilizes Digital Vision’s Emmy Award-winning PHAME motion estimation technology.1 q8 U3 M- }$ f: A9 l9 k

+ i/ J  A4 S( p0 x: G- gDVO Re-grain – Need natural film grain – fast?, S0 b/ N: Z) i" l! o8 ?4 x$ |# z
Use DVO Re-grain to quickly set up and generate natural looking film grain, matching almost any type of film stock. Use the intuitive controls to set grain size and sharpness, and match the characteristics of the highlight and lowlight intensities.
2 p2 {, k! E9 [: E$ A1 b$ i
0 P6 b& ~: W# kDVO Brickwall – Reduce compression artefacts
4 J$ i/ U6 l5 z# P6 z! A# RDVO Brickwall provides an extremely sharp cut-off at a user-defined frequency. This enables you to create an accurately defined spectral content of material for various types of compression pre-processing. Coupled with other DVO tools, the quality of the image subjected to compression can usually be greatly improved.1 d0 B- ^+ D  @1 i

- n+ Z9 J( L8 `) VDVO Aperture – Need sharper, crisper pictures?
/ A( |' F  E8 _% wDVO Aperture makes pictures appear sharper using a high-quality spatial filter. This is essential when you’re working with film scans. Film scanners tend to lose a great deal of high-frequency information that DVO Aperture can restore. Together with DVO Grain, you can now sharpen images AND creatively manage the look of film grain.3 O5 }! c' E; f1 Y# D1 K6 t
) ~# A. |2 o* u6 B. ], \" r  f
Fixes in 2015.3 Release 2
' E$ O* r6 W, I9 rNU-260 Selection button in CMS Effect dialogue needs to be longer to accommodate longer named LUT's3 x4 X2 p( o4 ^3 b& X# d( n6 S) M; X
NU-271 EDL Comment FROM CLIP not populating clip name
7 M2 S4 ^: W5 R/ e' r+ i0 I: ^7 dNU-369 Mouse scroll wheel does not scroll the larger bottom window in the file browser3 o' K- h* W# I7 @' d& Z: [1 k/ k
NU-403 Nucoda crashes when setting 'Radius' to '0' in 'Lens Distort'
- j0 m# H6 Z' H# |2 q# X7 ?3 wNU-592 Interactive Mode only works with DPX/ u* T5 q  Y" I( [6 l4 b
NU-791 Add preference to set the default height of the timeline
$ }8 t# \: n% r' `! h" W7 X' yNU-850 Automatically disable interactive mode when entering VTR layoff menu9 x8 y4 ?" E4 h( x3 m
NU-930 Interactive mode Should use caches after the input FX layer as source if they exist
! I; c2 v+ M0 O/ N+ {NU-1093 Using DVO Fix with Interactive Mode Enabled causes a crash
% ]  C$ g$ _* j  ^: i) @NU-1366 TC format for markers in Avid produced EDL's have changed in V8.3 - no longer import correctly% w- W3 c5 F9 ~2 r7 H7 \8 t$ \/ R6 }
NU-1404 Arri Raw files fail to render/debayer because of an issue with the Arri SDK and GPU
, w" ]- Q( E9 a* nNU-1410 Toggle Interactive Hotkey addition
5 s' ^+ |8 K8 e7 v; B/ ^7 i6 [NU-1433 Review playback warning letters in GUI (D P R)0 |" h  @6 @' C5 e8 M. k9 O1 ~- P5 N
NU-1439 Ext Formats picks up DNxHR & tags them as HDCAM then fails to decode them5 E' l( @* E  ?# l
NU-1447 Level and Color shift when exporting DNxHD / DNxHR files
4 L3 C1 o$ P5 j& @  ]8 YNU-1594 Create New Pop-up upon crash of Software - To replace minidumps- x) g9 j6 u% [4 a. ?9 g
NU-1651 XML Import fails when encountering Foreign naming for effects8 f4 c* H3 _, a9 Z
NU-1689 Storing a note with media on higher track to the active segment will cause the thumbnails to be black
: t  z+ \2 N: U+ X2 QNU-1650 XML containing reverse clips fails to connect to media, results in offline error for those clips& a; ^& k% I+ t. E. ^2 G
NU-1652 Selecting Quicknote as compare source does not work if the user is in events view4 l% c0 B0 M: A0 [3 E
NU-1698 The Transform tracker does not update the current frame when tracking
5 m9 p  D% \4 |! _1 ?NU-1765 Valhall - Creating Inverted Shape/Layer crashes Nucoda, B$ j: x7 W, ?. d7 P% S4 s# `
NU-1806 SonyRawDev failed to initialise with GPU usage error when Nucoda tries to use the Sony Raw SDK
% |; [$ V4 k/ Q! eNU-1819 ACES ODT is not applied to main output format9 T0 N7 W3 L0 R+ {: [
NU-1832 Exporting DNxHD 175x OP-Atom from 2015.3 produces shifted luminance values
' V8 B# |8 I/ ]+ a% O! w6 L( INU-1866 DNxHD 85 files didn't get an essence description on import1 \3 h7 p- f5 L+ U1 l
NU-1868 Update Sony RAW SDK to SonyRawDev 2.3.3/ G1 n/ i$ ~9 x; k" ]
NU-1870 Assertion "Open succeeded" violated in routine - Error when using Sony .MXF file, f: f4 `% f& x3 Z$ P9 [
NU-1872 DNxHD 185x exports via AAF are corrupt in Avid Media Composer 8.5 (Wrong XML)
& B; J" i3 N9 j. m$ TNU-1888 Kona 4 not clipping RGB444 output correctly; l+ E; P) R$ a4 M5 n8 R& A
5 e3 N8 C  v& A$ Z
What's new in v2015.3.020:8 \3 N& ~9 K/ Q1 B/ T+ l
- Video playback improvements, including High Frame Rates4 q9 Q2 y' a; d8 W$ O- s% m. b6 K8 g6 g1 e
- SDI monitoring improvements: y$ u7 {: N; e% b0 ?9 Q
- UHDTV support
( F- N1 m/ r. o; G2 @- Improved RED RAW performance0 M- m* t2 {+ R/ Z$ `. F2 r
- New and updated tools, including butterfly compare, chequerboard squares, show current compare mode and router tool8 j' {, g* p( ^
- Automatic cloning and caching of audio files2 ?7 Z" a2 {* V% ]7 j7 v
1 |" W2 j- b* S% I% h
' Z* G3 g/ o( e8 O  M9 D4 z
3 b2 ]& q/ g9 S8 s" Y0 h! x/ h
) b7 }! n$ F& Z% QDigital Vision Nucoda v2015.3.020.exe
) |, _: m7 W% `; h. L! C; L8 K9 ^Digital Vision Nucoda v2015.3.038.exe


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