

The EDIUS OFX Bridge

发表于 2016-7-15 09:18:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Programe Name: The EDIUS OFX Bridge
8 W* A9 X2 u0 l: o8 `9 fProgram Type: OFX Plus-in3 L/ a% L8 }0 e  j
Release Date: 2016-01-29
# S$ @  R& w' ]1 y) I# }  LPublisher: NewblueFX
4 v! {0 ]; C$ {7 e% g; \Homepage: www.newbluefx.com
% E; r/ K' N/ V) i! p  g4 uInterface Language: English+ g" l5 [/ H' x. D8 R
Requirements: EDIUS 8
9 r1 L5 M5 k/ L- oSize: 281 MB! D( {5 b! }1 ?$ E9 K% _
0 Y( m8 \, B, }- p- f1 @  |& V# x& D: M
The EDIUS OFX Bridge
& y3 a/ J( G8 X/ y& yNew for EDIUS 8 from Grass Valley, a Belden Brand, is the OFX Bridge. OpenFX is an open standard for visual effects plug-ins, and the OFX Bridge is a software gasket that enable plug-ins that adhere to this standard to work with EDIUS. The OFX Bridge has been developed in collaboration with NewBlueFX.
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With the first release of the OFX Bridge, we are supporting Sapphire from Genarts, Magic Bullet Looks from Red Giant, and Beauty Box from Digital Anarchy. Over time we will extend support to other Open-FX plug-ins.4 E6 o4 r$ w2 W: {. I

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/ C9 ]" a, x, d. Thttp://old.newbluefx.com/downloads/EDIUS/NewBlueOFXBridgeForEdius.exe% j) W) Y* O7 ?# s6 s


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