

MAXON CINEMA 4D R14 Studio v14.042 Retail Win/Mac

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Program Name: MAXON CINEMA 4D R14 Studio v14.042 Retail Win/Mac
9 q" j/ O5 D, E1 j: JRelease Date: Dec 27, 2012: g2 ~* v, G/ c6 k" s
Homepage: www.maxon.net- ^8 I1 m1 {6 C
Interface Language: Multilingual- G. \4 K# y( S' _$ t2 ?+ r
Platform: Windows / Mac OSX
5 }! a! r7 n" V& Y& ]& {File Format: .dmg
0 h! K2 m! I; o# UFile Size: 6.4Gb+ a6 a& A( q' B5 g8 k

  O8 T1 y! M- P% M/ @2 hMAXON CINEMA 4D Studio R14 - Everything You Need for High-End 3D. CINEMA 4D Studio is the very best that MAXON has to offer for professional 3D artists. If you want to create advanced 3D graphics but need a helping hand to ensure you create jaw-dropping graphics quickly and easily, then this is the choice for you. As well as containing all of the features found in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize and Broadcast, CINEMA 4D Studio adds advanced character tools, hair, a physics engine and an unlimited client network for rendering. The result is that CINEMA 4D Studio can tackle any project you throw at it with ease.# l  n& Q) b- l8 b
+ n% ~0 C) z5 n& l: {
CINEMA 4D Studio's character tools make it easy to create character rigs and advanced character animations. Adding hair or fur to characters is fast and simple with a powerful suite of hair tools that let you grow, comb, style and animate. The physics engine makes it simple to perform complex collisions and interaction between objects, be it just a few or thousands. Network rendering allows you to take advantage of all computers on your network to help render your animations faster." Q( u2 i/ }7 n/ f' @

3 [( E  p! A+ X9 o& m$ f0 IDespite being designed for advanced 3D, the extra tools found in CINEMA 4D Studio are still designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Generating advanced 3D effects such as hair is surprisingly easy and fast, with CINEMA 4D doing much of the work for you. For example, hair will automatically swoosh and sway as you move your character around; and making thousands of objects collide with each other only takes a few mouse clicks to set up.. ~0 F" E6 g7 Z& U) U: K

2 W1 D2 d% X6 E# ]9 yCINEMA 4D Studio lets you unleash your creativity and enjoy 3D without limits.
, Q3 ~  z8 z1 ^7 k& [
) |9 ]7 W% Y  M$ V7 A6 D! B8 B" QAll New Features of CINEMA 4D Release 144 v5 j: N1 a  P! E& c  h% D4 \) E
Modeling, Workflow, Interface & Picture Viewer:6 d0 J( e% W7 z$ y) M
- Sculpting as a new and completely integrated modeling method with sophisticated brushes, symmetry options, hundreds of presets, masking, layers, incl. levels and object baking
9 _1 i8 \: y% L- Powerful Camera Calibrator (Camera Matching) tool to reconstruct camera position, rotation and focal length based on images
; h4 o7 [( q( @8 D- New, totally reworked premium Snap functionality
+ I$ s* ^; n: q" L8 Y+ ^* x- Realistic camera motion (filmed by hand or SteadiCam simulation) can be easily created using the Motion Camera tag
# E6 h# g5 q7 L; P) @/ f5 o/ k8 r- With the Camera Morph tag you can animate steplessly between various camera positions, animations and all camera parameters7 `8 H7 w! `" I# j; ?- ^2 s
- New powerful Guide objects and tools with integrated snapping functionality for Architecture, construction and technical modeling
5 k3 a! w, M, k! A  {" E- Additional Workplane modes and new remarkable Workplane functions6 k  k! T% t8 H; C
- Enhanced OpenGL viewport now with real-time soft shadows  ?) A4 W9 p: o
- New To Do function
( U( W- Z8 D2 R2 Q& h" f- New To Do tag
  e  ?: J4 R" y8 t4 D: z- Task / To Do Manager
4 j) s. E+ B. P' C- Focal length can be adjusted interactively with one click for each camera7 a! a3 A% {2 y# ]' k
- The new Commander tool can be used to easily to call up any command+ f( b* D0 u, ~
- Gradient curves in the Picture Viewer filter  i( E7 w8 l# n5 X8 B: I
- Gradient curves as a post effect* [4 L. |$ E0 O+ m' r* R& {& {
- Raycast Selection (polygons, points, Objects, etc.) with RMB5 |2 A! u6 \* s3 \2 ^+ {
- Orthogonal views can be rotated around the orthographic axis! h3 x( R0 v: L* H$ j
- Viewport Object Highlighting: If needed, selected objects or objects to be selected are now highlighted with an outline (to be selected: white; selected: orange)
" o4 Z4 M6 s; K0 w; t0 z1 q- The length of the animation path (spline) displayed in the Viewport is now in relation to the length of the preview range and fades accordingly
, ]& O+ T1 [: I- x- Visibility of individual HUD element options can be switched.
* `- i) D" d5 Z* W$ x) {: m+ Q/ F- Project preferences can also be saved and loaded as presets/ b9 k5 v' H! y
- Seamlessly switch from one camera to the next in the Viewport (animated switching), B# ]$ I! r2 ~) O) N; }* v
- Null object icons can be assigned custom colors% i3 A" z2 x: L4 z, u4 D5 y6 }5 \
- Various guidelines can be displayed in the camera settings (golden spiral, golden ratio, cross-hair, etc.)1 P; }3 S+ x! S& _* {
- Light source icons can assume the light’s color
! ?. r6 `& R/ c- Improved export of Cloner object animations4 u4 \2 P: B, B
- Right-click option menu for primary tools
5 q8 [. L7 j- Y5 p( N# b: s. d) g- ~- New work mode for moving and rotating work planes directly$ u$ A- B/ ]% g
- Right-click on axis moves elements in the direction of the camera
) i; r; l# u3 ~1 y# N' e5 C0 t- Display of sound wave shapes in the Timeline’s FCurve view
# \1 {( {9 a, h  t/ G- New Timeline marker options
9 A; x. q( ?3 }" Z( M, W) I3 |) ?( W- Scroll wheel in the Timeline  |7 F2 ?) \% q* {! r' p9 C
- Tracks for selected objects can be folded or unfolded in the Timeline# X9 ]6 U! Y% V
- The Bump channel’s effect on the reflection can be disabled2 T: \: ?+ m/ N( F8 [9 o0 F! o
- New Displacement mode: RGB (XYZ Tangent)1 @+ y7 p8 Q9 e( ~
- New Brick shader parameter, i- h$ N2 z, m) I' _
- Vertex Normal coordinates displayed in Structure Manager) R7 [- T9 z1 J, I6 J
- Images can be scaled when saved using the Picture Viewer
3 d8 d3 F# e% O, h- Automatic selection of image size for optimized playback of animations in the Picture Viewer RAM, so every animation can be played in real-time  q  }  P$ T1 H, v: b
- New transparency option for the sun' G7 g+ g7 J  V$ W
- New MoSpline setting+ F7 f+ _/ v5 _9 t$ r6 f
- New Multi-Shader parameter (for improved mosaic images)( m% q1 N1 O  f; s5 [' U0 Q
- Interactive, uniform modification of brush size and pressure for all brush tools6 p/ H9 y4 j' }: J
- New brush size behavior
4 o/ t$ }) N- Z1 H- Displacement Baking
9 a6 A. ]$ a8 b. n6 n- Enhanced MoGraph Multi Shader; Q9 x: c6 B6 T& H! S: \
- Enhanced Brick shader
. S; r1 [: i% y6 j  M- Enhanced Fresnel 2D preview
# j" C2 u" A5 ?# a! d$ Y7 k- Specular Color + Specular channel unified
; R3 u" m! C3 `2 ?( o- Gradient GUI: One-click even knot distribution8 b0 J) I! a! l. Q
- Enhanced Watermark1 g$ Q& z' g+ U
- Displacement Baking1 N0 t4 U- c; W  g/ i
- Picture Viewer enhancements (create stereoscopic images by loading two different pictures)& O" e: B3 d4 N
- Highlighting of GUI elements8 z' C7 t4 x1 j( F  d5 p2 t
- Bubble help enhancements0 W  j3 p5 h6 U8 G8 o* O. y
- Add Point ID to pop-up dialog' L; F* P6 v/ S) ~' Y
- Better preview quality for Specular Highlight in Material Editor7 S: r/ p( E! c+ e2 a9 j$ y6 ]
- Rain Sampler shader: Texture map for rain intensity" G. }0 Z1 ]+ }5 t' X
- Color light icon
0 ?. m/ x& V6 [1 [7 ]% e- Picture Viewer: Auto-sync AB
2 ~, V! n/ `9 J4 C/ q- Create stereo images from AB-Compare3 H' Z8 |' }$ `2 A
- Picture Viewer: Save All loop4 s, ]5 I/ q2 S0 }; ^% T
- Watermark: Add placeholder for HDR threshold3 r! F6 c0 _4 [. k* t' u
- Watermark: Placeholders for camera settings0 x3 {+ d1 M, e7 @
- Watermark: Create some sub-menus in placeholder pop-up menu Watermark: CINEMA 4D version placeholder+ @& V$ O; \- n8 Z5 j
- Gray out / disable focus dynamics when Focus Control is deactivated2 v9 t4 a' M% l6 A" Q, S
- Add additional morph tracks to Camera Morph tag, Multi-Shader improvement: Blend used shader with clone color
- `" G' e. w  w% T& F  I- Sketch & Toon OMP support for CreateLines
) L' P( [* L, `- Command for switching layout from right to left (Arabic language); j2 D4 w  @7 I7 M1 G$ Y, l3 @/ J5 V
- Arabic localization and interface
% E8 @) ^0 t, R
0 W7 w) K. g( V1 z) L5 o5 O0 IRendering:! K" d( R( Z* _5 d3 L$ E' C) _$ P
- New, improved GI sampling/ X0 s8 ~( q7 [0 b; {! k
- New GI sampling method, Radiosity Maps( z4 E" o- ?8 ^% g2 M8 \* |8 [
- Radiosity Maps for significant acceleration of Q rendering and caching
' j3 L0 o. U) z- New GI sampler: Universal
* b' C9 l) F. m5 L! z4 f. E- Caustics rendering speedup
1 \) w5 S6 p0 {, \- Normal textures can now also be baked using high-res objects4 i( R% s& E- Y9 u
- Improved integration of objects in Projects illuminated using GI
6 k, X: d+ ]9 K1 B: A- The Physical Sky is much improved and is now even more realistic.
. a% p% z' ?' z8 v- Complete new high-class 3D Wood shader8 g5 q* V, Q9 y! n1 R
- New Weathering shader
. ]0 f% A' d7 a$ P& N$ t# ]- Brick shader: Add a groove to the gaps! }5 d* {# u' ]9 B0 P) ]8 }- p
- The new Normalizer shader can calculate HQ Normal maps using Bump maps, r9 |* N, T4 y3 z- Y/ b3 q
- New Subsurface Scattering mode: Direct
( @. Q: Z- U* v0 y" Q# Q9 z- `- New Subsurface Scattering mode: Single6 B# K! }9 I7 ]" o
- Global control of Subsurface Scattering subdivision4 e7 X5 |5 Y+ i7 y
- Enhanced SSS Shader (Direct Mode / Single Scattering)
) g1 Q5 f4 `9 ?0 [' y- Global option for disabling Subsurface Scattering for rendering
( r( R# o5 p9 E% R4 B- Combining sky and sun for physically correct rendering
; t' j# v+ x# K( ]/ ~, I
( y: B0 \9 A/ [( `Dynamics:; t8 c6 p+ p; u& a
- Aerodynamic functions for Rigid and Soft Bodies
  Q) P0 u% g7 F( a- Plastic deformation for most Soft Body Springs
4 {& M! Z7 b4 L6 ?& p4 l- Aerodynamic mode for particle modifiers Wind, Friction, Rotation, Gravity and Attractor' A4 R; g5 ]4 f9 I
- Torsion springs and linear springs can be modified or broken elastically$ N* G3 u3 D0 V8 e
- Fixed Connector type can be broken at certain Force or Torque values8 B7 D2 g$ `" L0 o
- Breaking detection7 q- Y' q' e; U& C3 ~
- Breaking limits for constraints
0 D$ `) u8 u! r( {/ K- Collision can be included or excluded for Dynamics baking
$ j0 a2 d. _! B- All Dynamics caches can now be baked directly from the Dynamics Body tag" o4 B5 Q1 E. g- @
- Global air density for aerodynamic Dynamics effects
+ a3 ]! @( A1 i* O4 _& @; a0 Q8 `; B( E
Exchange:, g8 t8 n% ~7 U$ S  O$ h; p) x$ `
- Positions Pass for 3D-compatible compositing applications (The Foundry Nuke)
+ o4 ]3 `, q/ K( M/ _/ d, D+ v6 ~- Position Pass: Added Support for different spaces
( w/ d$ }6 x# R- m- Position Pass: Added scaling parameter
& B5 Q; D5 J3 K8 v- Position Pass: Added RGB flip options+ U! R  q" k7 ]* S2 H0 ]- n1 K
- Position Pass: Change strings
2 d* ^  h0 b! {4 N- Position Pass: Added invert option for Z axis
$ S7 `3 l, V# I- l" \$ l! H* t: l- Multi-Pass files, including the entire Project file, can now be ouput for The Foundry Nuke8 m" G0 [) X" ^! c
- Native CINEMA 4D files can be saved directly from After Effects6 O$ |3 O) b% f5 i
- Native CINEMA 4D files can be exported from After Effects: M4 h" E8 S) ^, L( p
- CINEMA 4D files can be opened directly in Photoshop
! [$ ~2 w7 R% [# O" @- Support for 3D export format Alembic
0 [: y( I# Y$ T$ {* k) l9 a/ k- FBX now also supports splines/ I6 S3 Z( b% |: n" u5 z
- Command for saving a Project directly for Melange9 d: [4 F% O* ^6 @( q( d% e
- Camera options for After Effects export, W, S! X+ D( R+ ]4 u+ ?
- Light source options After Effects export! B: l( k* g/ b/ @( b1 X9 }
- Rename AFX plugin files
, [! |' B. y! z1 |/ E- Photoshop: default camera
$ e  i7 ^' ~: |) L( z; T% Q; f6 f  W1 N" Y3 M
XPresso:( l- l% d4 _8 B4 O8 I
- Completely new (GUI) XPresso design
2 @  p$ m/ H3 y- New Node connection: Curved
! t: g* c# {  ^$ O- Antialiasing of XPresso Nodes
5 v' m$ g0 [4 f1 Y- Performance View for XPresso Nodes
5 T0 f" U% l3 V3 m- Parameters controlled by XPresso are marked in the Attribute Manager
% K7 }$ h1 C: S6 }) c1 c- Determine in XPresso whether or not dynamics has been triggered in a specific object / tag6 S% Y: T' b- c6 j
- XPresso ports can be created via drag & drop
# i* f& x3 D$ X- New XPresso Node: Track Operator# V1 l! w" {  F  }+ k% E8 r( u
- Dynamics can now be triggered using XPresso
+ `5 {0 u/ A; j: v( P9 z' E2 x: t$ t5 C- U- New Dynamics XPresso Node: Dynamics Connector State
4 [$ A5 q1 f/ S' X# u- New Dynamic Spring State mode in XPresso, X9 |( o+ c# p  v
- 'Trigger By XPresso’for Dynamics Body
9 L" J. ?1 A9 r! X* b* q/ A- Enhanced Attribute Manager (new animation dots show if a parameter is controlled by XPresso)
2 R5 v# j) ]+ n* k! y% d# ]+ q- Bubble help for parameters controlled by XPresso4 ]% U+ v$ a* w1 F4 w; @+ s
- New ports for the Dynamic Body State Node! d  s0 v/ A  y6 T1 ^( m1 e
- Drag DescID to ObjectNode
$ n) A' M4 N; C: Q
) O: S1 A  ~; ], }% f6 UCharacter and XRefs:
+ I9 @$ I5 w. b* i# w- m- The XRef object can function as a Generator2 \5 N% p7 c2 V9 u$ e5 a
- Reference Container Active Object List
  R* m: F  R& W3 L& ?9 j2 @- `8 z" P- The timing of animated referenced objects (XRefs) can be influenced in the master Project
3 m" l% H, S/ @$ a7 ?( u2 G' `- Freely placeable XRef object pivot in master Project& I0 U8 w% D/ C7 q0 C: v+ k& Z+ X
- Several new XRef Manager commands
7 s- y. j* T5 v* `  S1 D- Various new XRef options
7 J# ]; H' S& ]7 B- In addition to other improvements, multiple bone inserts for the Character Component tag& F0 ~. ^# b7 f7 U. U# ?
- Joint weights can now be applied via Save or Load command% x. A* _: ^* [" B
- New Clamp option, Fix Axis) W% V  @* `! N3 \. L
- New, additional priority for Pose Morph tag1 Z6 @3 D  R# n. k2 c
- Materials can be assigned to character components1 P5 G7 W* ^/ n( A1 R9 G
- Layers can be assigned to character components
# e. i# Q& Y8 L" e' @$ n6 h- Freeze coordinates in the Character Component tag
6 }. q7 n: X( H8 D% l& `- Character Component tag Handles can be colored individually# {) j0 @; a" \  {2 w, y
- Character enhancements (Flexible Builder): f6 l" L+ m; U1 I8 n
- Elements on layers can be exempted from an XRef master Project when it is loaded
$ H- y% ^. A# T- Numerous additional settings for loading characters as well as new template files# l6 ~/ S1 }0 c1 v! M2 |7 f
- Tag to set default state in XRef; `  j. u% \: f' K
- XRef Point Modify7 Y9 J  `& B+ E: F  q0 J
- Offset for keyframes in XRefs
  z( \" C6 X: O6 ?8 u- XRef Manager Include check boxes: b* h# a& [1 E& i* H0 f
- XRef Modify options: Points, Mode; g% a4 v% ^4 b
- Auto proxy switch on render: b$ @' L+ a! H3 ~4 z1 h
- XRef layer shows icon
% \" |) T9 B* w0 Y9 O3 q9 W7 d  K- XRef Manager menus as commands
* I' G% ]& ~( Z5 e  c  w- Xref: Flush and Object parameter, Y5 }/ w8 H- q- E: z% B5 |
- Project settings for XRef import
8 o# F! O( G, i' H6 ?) o- Next/Previous Key also jumps to Child objects’ keys
# B! f' v2 K! h/ B2 f1 b- Merge Poses% n. u# U! n) y) o$ m& a5 @, Y( [
- Pose Morph Symmetry function8 X: I) K' u! v9 C
- Insect Builder - Add Antenna, Add Mandibles
4 ?$ j- \  b" k! L- CMotion - Change order in Action List
- M  ~" o+ ]2 M% A+ y- Builder object naming; b1 [! a1 H! @6 x- n( K' X9 a- q" L
- Builder layers optional& ]; s0 x; m1 A" {$ p. n2 P
- Export Weights to a file
) W) E+ j1 V, x  V0 O- Character object: Control which components to which a mesh gets bound
3 O/ X5 R% \! H) p  G0 h/ q8 n% \1 p6 H- Character Builder update dialog
" Z( [* H  E4 y( b2 L0 q- Character Builder bone insert controllers
8 K) E/ G5 }$ y- Character Object / Component tag Handle color now uses object color
' z4 ~0 }) X" y' N* V! @  N0 B- P2P Manager / Library
! H" ~+ m$ t/ s! o3 ^# k- Copy muscle shapes between states% j- t8 p; r$ J4 x4 @1 {* {2 e
- CA / additions to mocap mixamo builder template  r$ P. f' \$ x

  K  \) ]6 q( D; yCINEMA 4D R14.034 Important Notes
- t" V. e$ H+ L7 {This is the service update 14.034 for CINEMA 4D and BodyPaint 3D R14. This update is highly recommended for all R14 users as it contains many improvements and fixes.
- j6 ~) C! p1 }: i) t
8 n1 R# g1 f: _ANIMATION:
  ~+ c1 x6 \, g. i7 m& C  ]- Unexpected behavior of objects while setting keyframes has been fixed.
7 j7 t+ w% D4 n* G  N/ n  _% Q
2 u+ f  V" W7 @, c, G+ kBODYPAINT:
/ ?/ V: P2 e* l, U5 y* H- Remap for Normal map and BP Remap now works as expected.
! y6 Z2 N5 n3 Z1 J7 b% h9 e  w
8 O2 s5 J1 F0 S7 V8 k1 e- h) sCHARACTER ANIMATION, TEMPLATES:2 H- ?( R# ?. N- J
- Character Object Advanced Biped: Spread finger function now works) }7 c$ u0 ]7 E! }- x
- Character Object Advanced Biped: Knuckle option now works for thumbs as well
, C9 d& B- H3 N/ H7 x: k/ \5 `- Character Object Advanced Biped: Segment option now works for thumbs as well; b( p7 _7 U- e% f! l0 A
- Character Object Advanced Biped: Segment option now works for thumbs as well
4 Y' n; |5 N# S$ Q: k! V- Character Object Advanced Biped: Arm twist now works# s' _+ D/ ]# _# l- h0 X
- Character Object Advanced Biped: Knee twist now works
. Q* N+ P# W3 k' P1 w  _6 M3 D- Character Object Advanced Biped: Spread toes function now works
" V# `+ G1 |4 N+ E, e- ~- Character Object Advanced Biped: Some aspects in the character object have been addressed: Freezing, joint orientation, Foot Roll and elbow lock.
3 x: p( i2 Q' n- Template Character Object: Several typos have been corrected.: c9 z2 X+ v* G/ M7 t! }# k
- Template Character Object: Issues with objects not getting bound to mesh have been solved (Mocap BVH Poser).
8 Y/ A* F- l6 p, g- Template Character Object: CO_Bird in adjust tab component Tail now has tip-handle.* j0 p$ ]) l( W/ v! L9 k+ ~
- Template Character Object: CO_Bird toes can now be bound to rig.6 F0 K4 @5 ~8 k1 J1 @! h
- Template Character Object: CO_Bird with added walk, hips and legs now move correctly.
% g+ C1 o& R% t: r2 {  f$ ?- Template Character Object: CO Wing (bat) thumb now moveable.
- O. _" |/ g  W5 I3 b& A, l- Template Character Object: CO Wing, Pterodactyl R digits now curl correctly.
( _) i8 b8 i$ L- Template Character Object: CO Advanced Quadruped, several bone count parameter inconsistencies on spine, tail and neck parameters and display have been fixed.
1 v2 |- Q# U5 `& M- G- Template Character Object: CO Advanced Quadruped, ear (FK) bone count now new joints are added at the first joint's position.
! W. x, G- G: W. b0 |2 x- Template Character Object: CO Advanced Biped toes only spread to the right.
! G, v' j5 s( v- h- Mocap (Daz): Symmetry in the Adjust tab now works* E7 [: a- {: l4 ~- u! [6 v
- Mocap (Daz): Wrong naming for arm and leg has been fixed
1 e& |4 C( E. B  ?- Mesh deformer now also affects splines.' n! `. E+ A! z4 ^  B

5 m6 o7 U& i4 W, K) s4 z; c, l% ^EXCHANGE, MELANGE:
- R) f4 X8 P/ A" V- Alembic: Now TP groups for imported TP Geometry are created.
2 k/ N' Z& C8 t: S& t' V" C- e- Alembic: New check box "Use Original Path" in description for render override has been added.. R( ^/ O4 N8 I+ \
- Alembic: Now n-gons/faces with more than 4 vertices are supported.
3 v. n, p2 `8 K) z7 p+ G5 Z- Alembic: Subdivision in the editor is now relevant for Metaball export.) q% C7 j) H8 H! I$ W# m& e+ [
- Alembic: PV now does not update frame 0 animated Splines with wrong state.
# A* {5 k6 F6 i/ @. e8 z/ C. `- Alembic: PSR animation of parent object in "Points only" mode will not be ignored anymore.. x2 i8 E0 m' S8 W$ g' U+ e
- Alembic: Vertex Tracer is not mistaken for Hair on import anymore.
% k8 l: @9 d  \4 n% ^; ]  h- Alembic: On import HyperNURBS objects no longer lack subdivision levels and UVs.. k9 w* t" T; a, J5 M+ M
- Alembic: Wrong displacement behavior of exported animated Alembic object has been fixed.
: E  h8 n& ~& E3 J/ S5 |- S( ~- Alembic: Unexpected end of program when exporting Camera-Deformer has been fixed.( b% K. Q3 N7 `( C& m: W
- Alembic: Inability for export of Alembic camera has been fixed.
8 ~' T+ [. i: f% A- Alembic: All Alembic Cameras now listed in VP Camera List.
$ `, _* B0 v. e: B& X- Alembic: Alembic Morph camera can now be used.
" O' R0 e1 d' \4 s( v+ c- Alembic: Alembic generator now resets rotation parameters correctly.7 [& T- o9 r0 |/ I: o
- Alembic: Disable/Enable of "Update Geometry" will no longer cause an unexpected end of program.; A$ j" l6 m; p
- Alembic: Alembic export of Preset-File will no longer cause CINEMA to freeze.9 `' ~! Q6 ]; B# H" Y0 n
- Alembic: Alembic redraw issues have been fixed." e# P) N- n5 t# Z! n% t) d% f
- Alembic: Increased overall stability of Alembic import and export.
8 K0 [$ x: j2 }- j* t3 I( Z$ C/ V- Alembic: Issue with the scaling of Alembic assets has been addressed.& b3 Y# _0 }4 A
- Alembic: Export of splines in connect object now works.
% z5 z5 h" z& m6 S- Alembic: Export of animated Boole objects has been fixed.6 u# v) n. J8 M0 F) {
- Alembic: Newly created camera not selectable camera except in Object Manager has been addressed.) K% Z" B% T0 D$ x4 _8 A
- Alembic: Imported Alembic camera with enabled far clipping has been solved.
9 f/ C4 o. M% P  o5 ^1 E- Alembic: Geometry error with MoGraph Scale has been solved. Normals will no longer export incorrectly./ V# ]( V% N3 I
- Alembic: MoSpline will no longer be exported with unintended particle geometry.: W! g; ]) s6 R- t8 d, B+ @7 _
- Alembic: Normals error with PBlurp has been solved.$ f9 [, [, S" W' _( t* O7 _( b
- Alembic: No more missing particles if Export Particle Geometry is used.9 d! h6 ^# y9 @, U: d! V8 r
- Alembic: Change of alembic generator's position now will be used in Picture Viewer.& M: a( K7 F$ i- A: S& [7 }# i2 j7 q
- Alembic: Unintended change to offset of Thinking Particles has been addressed., }1 U/ Q9 I- n! |  m
- Alembic: No more strange objects are added to the scene when Selection tag is added.6 d6 P8 i1 y& B. ^* y5 E
- Alembic: Save Selection now also works with multiple objects.' x( Z6 @7 a6 x' N5 `0 A% U
- Alembic: No more wrong time range on import in 32-bit version.
/ t& p& }4 S% O# A- ArchiCAD: No more changes of materials after geometry update.4 i# j+ I0 M0 m' a2 R5 n) S0 |
- ArchiCAD: Issues with misplaced ArchiCAD geometry merge has been sorted out.
) q7 A4 I) u& N1 N+ t! A9 F: e7 @. V- ArchiCAD & Vectorworks: Issue of ignored 'lamps' objects on import has been addressed.3 _! H8 H! `5 Z7 V* U
- FBX: No more lost materials on import/export.
# ~  K1 _6 K3 O5 O$ y- FBX: Export Sky will no longer cause incorrect shadows .
8 d% a/ L; c0 k- FBX: No more vertical flipping when exporting multiple UVs.1 ]( b& e2 @0 r1 I1 q, f7 C$ v
- Melange: ArchiCAD, after merge, material will now update as expected.' L/ x4 r1 w6 @3 }  E  c
- ^* |6 h1 f# ~. h: w
4 k9 [& _0 f' W- \. K- Installer: Some minor issues with the Arabic installer have been fixed.8 i- p& t2 w1 \% J% d$ a
- Now new file formats can be used from the Command Line Render interface.
4 ?. b3 q* R+ Z/ ?0 |$ K- DateTimeGui: Time edit field now also updates during mouse drag on clock area.! j$ `( R7 a. c: t

  {* M% o3 X0 N0 _* pMATERIAL, HAIR, GLOBAL ILLUMINATION:0 m" X& J8 i" d3 R' z
- Issue with missing textures when Save Project with Assets + SSS has been solved.
8 M( r+ F, R5 X2 z) a- No more problems in SSS while saving with assets.5 N/ b) i. }6 [# y
- Hair: Increased overall stability of Hair.
. _8 p+ X& x  x8 _( [- Global Illumination: Radiosity Maps, will not produce samples that shouldn't be there.5 h, J3 b0 p# k9 D$ ^
7 ?0 C. j+ U* h+ a! z
7 l. Z& r, D  i% w# k- v% a- Modeling: Scaling of Soft Selection will no longer terminate the program.
( x* ]# h+ ], N& m. w3 ~. \- Modeling: Scaling with model tool in r14 now works as expected.
  ?. D3 h: p  m8 K- Modeling: Modeling with guide and layers will no longer freeze the program.+ Y! V8 q  k2 ~  h. E
- Modeling: Using Guide tool in orthogonal views will no longer result in wrong depth.8 i/ n0 }: |$ j5 k
- Modeling: Mid-point snapping now works on all edges.) ^# T9 P; y  x
- Sculpting: Issues with sculpting in modeling layout have been solved.
4 k% R- M5 ^, C9 \! b* {- Sculpting: Issues with display of unused parameters in HUD while sculpting have been solved.
3 E" j' y  Z+ b/ m: t7 g! m: T- Sculpting: Overall stability of sculpting has been enhanced.8 }, w8 n* f- [+ N4 V0 B3 v  [
- Sculpting: Problems with Pull-Draw Mode and rectangular brush solved.
+ r- C3 |) ?. ?% R: ]% b# g/ Y1 B- Sculpting: Optimized handling of sculpted objects in conjunction with rendering.4 n% i( a0 y3 I2 `% }

+ A5 \  \8 @& w* Z+ {, LMOTION CAMERA, PHYSICAL SKY:" y: I4 |- |' Y
- Motion Camera: Motion Camera and Camera Morph now use Film Offset parameters when inherited.
' @8 Z- a2 j/ T  L+ B! ^1 C5 L- Motion Camera: Rig dimensions are now correctly grayed out when overridden.. d$ D% f9 v8 ?9 j2 }
- Motion Camera: Camera object can no longer be linked as its own Motion Camera base link.1 Z: L" y. n- d
- Motion Camera: Footsteps in the Motion Camera are now in local space, no longer in world space.v
- S. d+ K0 l1 \( p- Motion Camera: Increased overall stability of Motion Camera.
- N! q' [7 J6 `7 b: b' k8 {0 `! F- Physical Sky: Problem while using more than one Physical Sky has been solved.9 N6 i4 G2 P* g3 k; q) z# k3 `
- Physical Sky: The merge of Sky and Sun is no longer ignored in editor.
- L# D1 M1 z! U9 c- Physical Sky: Horizon Fade has been fixed.* f/ K* a" h3 ]" [9 b( {5 U

, C7 j: ^* t8 D4 B+ l0 e+ [( ZC++ API, PYTHON:5 R; j7 v, E! B4 z
- C++ API: InExclude list now initiates MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKDRAGANDDROP when something is dropped into it
$ ]# k* ?9 \/ ]! B: R) K# A( y3 R- C++ API: InExcludeList CustomGui now triggers MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKDRAGANDDROP" Z5 N- j9 D3 D3 }8 F8 i
- Python: Overall stability of Python improved.. i" u4 c& c2 J" D
$ H" j$ k% M4 B
# j# h9 Y) S) X' r- Renderer: Bake objects now recognize excluded lights.
4 }* P0 a( c) U- Renderer: Physical Renderer used with Cloners and Radiosity maps no longer produce artifacts.+ ]5 y( {, n4 a; v; `
- Renderer: Physical Renderer used with Render Instance and FFD now work as expected./ i2 e0 ~% f5 s6 g6 j
- Renderer: Issue with field rendering and GI has been solved.
, D9 r9 N7 {1 n6 r" i- Renderer: White Balance now will no longer affect the hardware renderer.' ]' b7 }6 f  [$ E! d8 P
- Renderer: No more unwanted texture stretching when rendering with Physical Renderer.
% X) T) U6 Q2 _4 F, o# w- Renderer: Problem with texels not rendering has been solved.
5 f1 z$ V+ [* h" q- P- Renderer: Enhanced Stability of SSS with Direct Mode.
2 l4 K: J( Q: o7 S( F- Sketch and Toon: Shading now delivers consistent results.
4 }: {' z8 G5 V9 Z; W) m  M2 d- NET Render: Alembic now also works with NET Render.% L; G( p+ L0 v( P- h
+ ^$ j0 P! B% L) |: i6 m& B
* p6 ~8 c, g& R5 E# l/ r- Viewport: Dropping a material on a polygon selection now also works with HyperNURBS.
. a$ {, ?' x  Z8 ?7 \7 @2 p, J- Viewport: Perspective Viewport now updates when lights get moved in 4-view.  T  c; a5 Y& P4 y5 j
- Viewport: Deforming a point cloud will not produce invisible points in Viewport.
/ I) ~8 U) ]/ i  p( m$ J: A- Picture Viewer: Overall stability of Picture Viewer improved. [Mac]- S$ e2 o- y  q9 k$ v% ?& C6 d$ M
- Picture Viewer: The use of Proximal and Correction deformer will no longer suppress the animation.* s* h# q9 v  D7 g3 d6 {& v
- OpenGL: Stereo cursor pointer size issue has been addressed.8 z* }7 Z; e# C8 T* G
- OpenGL: Due to driver issues with OGL 3.2 on Macs with Intel GFX, usage limimted to GL 2.1 on Macs with Intel GFX.* `. l; t; l9 X, M) ^0 P

2 J, d; @  L9 B9 s; U, T4 XXMB:
$ J7 O+ Y9 h6 S/ I+ h  \- Physical Renderer will no longer produce wrong results when using Frontal mapping and GI.  [% T4 z2 u7 v
- Several issues with wrong or incorrect results while using the Physical Renderer have been solved.
9 n0 M& q% c+ n) V( ^7 e9 \" @# z4 b! ?( M, @5 @# J" d# t
+ ]. Z0 k3 f$ Q6 m- v" h- XPresso: Broken zoom fixed
, ~& {( P: j) S2 J- B- XPresso: PShape entry in the help has been corrected and can now be found.
4 _6 \6 V: Y9 s. M: [- XPresso: Point node returning wrong results has been fixed.
9 Z1 I$ ~' o6 J$ S* l- XPresso: Bitmaps from the Bitmap node are now added to project asset list.2 K2 v. g) Y8 E' ^. X6 D
- MoGraph: Increased overall stability of MoGraph.$ M) t5 S" _: {! A  j$ D
- MoGraph: Enhanced display functionality of weights.3 {4 X% ]% h0 K7 N" p; A  W
- Objects: Wrong naming in XPresso sub-menus fixed.& W9 l+ r0 X0 n. Q

$ [8 O3 ]9 D# r) L) c1 X+ n1 n! WXREFS:; G5 S! |2 z5 h) e8 [2 S( y. }
- Several stability and workflow issues in the XRefs have been solved.
) i, k5 l; ]% a; D$ I( m9 x* c) C& s: |! o- }4 w
OTHER:  Y* h3 W4 j# ^/ y) ~& h! G
- Issue with wrong naming on new .c4d files creation has been solved.
: }  ^3 ]/ t( h0 p% ?- Issue with broken Spline graphs in CMotion has been solved.
& A! o4 E1 N8 R4 I/ J; k- Some localization issues in Arabic version have been fixed., T- i0 A( t" X" F) w! d

% |' b+ P4 d5 G; sMinimum System Requirements 8 e. d. K/ R( x9 e" z/ i
- Windows XP, Vista or 7 running on Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2-Support; - H+ X; \& \9 f
- Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher running on a 64-bit Intel-based Mac;
" h( }4 S+ L! B- 1024 MB free RAM, DVD ROM drive.
% _. d/ A7 Q- Z9 D. r- Standard DVD installation can take up to 7 GB of disk space.
2 K% j' R" O$ c% T% `, g8 I8 p$ t& ]

% u. A* a; f- }0 B: l" M5 PDownload:
, z8 _9 d/ u% D# s链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6r6C8U 密码: uiyq8 W; O. B& \5 l( X: z/ c

. B' t# c9 T" }1 nQuickfix from CINEMA 4D R14.041 to R14.042
+ G- Y& I0 S& w; a5 X2 Vhttp://http.maxon.net/pub/r14/updates/c4d14042upd.c4dupdate.zip9 d6 i8 G: L% h% G
! z, f5 T! b6 _9 ^( ]! X
Update from CINEMA 4D R14.014/R14.025/R14.034 to R14.041
7 G7 q- `$ D6 W  Nhttp://http.maxon.net/pub/r14/updates/c4d14041upd.c4dupdate.zip3 B2 v: m7 T' l9 X
8 @: t+ D7 ]7 f: g9 O1 e
Plugins for After Effects CS3 - CS6 <> CINEMA 4D R14 connection.
3 T; P" S' V( q& Ghttp://http.maxon.net/pub/plugins/r14/aftereffects.zip


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