

[Adobe] Lynda - After Effects CC 2017: VFX Essential Training

发表于 2017-6-25 03:25:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Name: After Effects CC 2017: VFX Essential Training; q% z4 g- w3 U
Typ: Video Tutior
- M6 |' X+ p5 {. A( q  K+ R4 KRelease Date: 2/17/2017 - M3 Y2 @6 J; Y2 A+ o# p# U
Publisher: Lynda
: ~: `. y5 {; THome: https://www.lynda.com/After-Effects-tutorials/Welcome/504061/586885-4.html1 Q% P& B" L7 w0 @& n  h4 q% M
Frame Rate: 29.97' R" u; C2 O! Q# w% G" c0 x
Resolution: 1920x1080
( B, u, r5 L4 ]) Y, G. `Video Encoding: Photo JPEG
# D( `/ _: n+ Y) ]4 w: F3 o& yFile Size: 1.82 GB
) `) N; X  C5 H5 E; X
/ l5 ^) P& ?* h5 v2 @' C7 A: jLearn how to create stunning visual effects with one of the most widely-used and highly-regarded compositing applications on the market—Adobe After Effects CC 2017. Although this is an introductory course, if you're brand new to After Effects, check out After Effects CC 2017 Essential Training: The Basics; in that course, instructor Mark Christiansen starts from the very beginning, introducing you to the interface and other basic concepts to help you get up and running with the popular program.
  E: M' L* k& f" q$ M1 @
; l( M- e8 c7 ?  R8 ]$ E! cIn this course, Alan Demafiles dives into the fundamentals you need to start creating visual effects with After Effects CC 2017. Discover how to work with green screen footage, use rotoscoping to separate foreground from background, track footage, and add your own 3D elements to a scene. Learn how to use particles to create fire, use noise to replace the sky, and more. In the final, project-based chapter, reinforce your new skills by putting techniques into practice using real-world scenarios.
" i0 k( @7 S. B$ I( ~; M  ^, L
; F( V- c3 I- T9 e6 K' oTopics include:4 m% Y, J9 X% o! {* m
Creating transparency
6 B" E( h+ B7 Z* STracking masks in Motion- T4 m) I1 U, v0 x  S2 e/ q+ o
Utilizing the Roto Brush tool
, E) p6 Q: n. H6 QIsolating key elements with garbage masks$ [$ T( s1 e( A" M
Creating light wrap
. t% ?; ]! }' ^5 o8 J% h& F  J# MWorking with trackers
6 M6 d$ ~3 F; E7 yWorking with 3D layers
) p4 X8 v0 t" o3 r9 P; t/ z( o6 wCreating destruction with Shatter% q! u2 _8 D% H/ w' e
Creating fire with particles
; `6 O, U* @( x' iDistorting layers with the Puppet tool0 [% ]0 y4 [- D: y& ~5 v
Compositing 3D renders
8 c* i: V  @/ J2 ]+ tWorking with rendering9 }# W& v8 d  ]8 [( S

9 n7 G3 x3 d: [( y* h' s
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1 @0 _5 G9 E1 o  E) p& z4 G
2 D* P: p) Q9 l; x7 y6 q7 gDownload:3 w4 R+ Q; b) ]# b
Lynda – After Effects CC 2017 VFX Essential Training.zip


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