

LRTimelapse Pro 5.5.7 Build 691 延时摄影后期软件

发表于 2017-8-14 02:48:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: LRTimelapse
% a! C$ W5 {3 C9 x: ZProgram Type: Timelapse movies! y/ s+ x/ E% {- E& I) \& c
Developer: Gunther Wegner
! {: T- N- U' `3 E) L3 F( zRelease Date: 2018-12-2
4 n& \; Z0 y6 Y' A: e) N2 mHomepage: www.lrtimelapse.com2 q, I, l! l4 Z5 t! p. L7 d
Interface Language: English
; {7 r# Z( S! Z+ t  S; nPlatform: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 | Mac OS X
# }* ^  |, M: `3 I1 T2 q, LFile Size: 88.5MB/157MB6 ~4 m7 D% n/ W9 K: Z6 ?9 [; q/ t+ Q
; p6 k( k& J( g! c) c% c- w
LRTimelapse is the tool to make professional looking time lapse movies using Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Camera RAW or Adobe After Effects. Time lapse movies are getting more and more popular these days. Still-Photographers, filmmakers and multimedia artists are discovering this new and exciting facet of photography. Time lapse films are much more than videos played in acceleration - they are in fact photo-sequences taken in certain intervals, edited and combined to these exciting movies we all know from nature documentaries or the internet.
8 H, t+ k- k! w
/ B- p0 V( \4 o" h' {LRTimelapse is today being used by the majority of all ambitioned time lapse photographers and producers because it enables them to use their favorite photographic tools (Lightroom/Adobe Creative Suite) to produce time lapses with all the advantages and power that those tools offer for image editing. It allows them to easily deal with time lapse specifics, like getting rid of the tedious flicker-effect and even helps them to achieve the so called "holy grail of time lapse photography": smooth day-to-night transitions.& r) y) _" }. [/ Q" r
$ j& M6 ~  h2 |; ?1 o3 V# M% m0 c1 [
LRTimelapse will then take your movies to the next level. It allows you to continuously change Adobe Lightroom or Camera RAW development parameters over the time which enables key-frame animations like in video-processing. The great advantage over post processing your time lapse sequences in your favorite video production software is the much better video quality gained from the preprocessing of the Source-files (RAW, DNG or JPG).' f4 W2 ~/ y) u' f- m& J( W! R) m
# ~/ T8 T( Z/ Z: z! u1 n
Examples and Possible Uses7 Z8 `' ~1 Y, ~$ H* |) D
- Alter white balance and other parameters over the time (for example for sun sets)
& V" z1 G! b( B  K6 X( [& z- Make the "Holy Grail" of time lapse photography - (day to night transition) easy peasy
8 v* a' i* Q* R$ \* j0 V- Use the full potential of Lightroom/ACR for color grading!
& \$ A1 `  b7 _- Deflicker with one click
% N+ O. V6 e/ x- Make Ken-Burns effects (pan/zoom) on RAW-file basis2 J% Z, S* o# X9 i- q. [& _
-  Fade in/fade out
1 p. b: q$ R8 V" |- Continuously saturate/desaturate
) Q0 m8 g1 s6 Y4 r# b! H-  Animate Graduated/Radial Filters; O; S# v( ~. P) I3 r
- and many more...
; ]+ R& d4 [$ p; {5 S% u, H- [; h
New in  LRTimelapse 4.7.7
4 ~9 V& ^8 z" G5 S# HFixed metadata bug with GoPro 5 GPR files, still the GoPro images will be mirrored due to a bug in Adobe DNG Converter, check out this forum post.
5 S$ r9 w, q: U& T) x6 X5 o9 mAdded 1/3 stop lens values to the lens tagger (before only full stop values were present).. r0 v4 z% F; E0 k6 v+ g- l1 g
Fix: Aperture column in table was not updated after using the lens tagging feature., p# b9 a& c  O1 @% n% b
LRTExport: Added check for comma in output path that would make the export fail.% ?: V' i# ~/ |( n) e- h( L

0 _8 @: J$ j# ]New in  LRTimelapse 4.7.6# e5 M+ W4 D, I. F+ R
Added support for gopro RAW files (GPR). However, there seem to be no previews embedded in those files, preview creation will happen by demosaicing and be rather slow!( s% l8 R, Y, O, \# D
Added support for Phase One RAW files (IIQ). There seem to be no previews embedded in those files, preview creation will happen by demosaicing and be rather slow!
3 M% |4 e, \1 F. G2 ?& I) L; hIf the shooting type (M vs. A/Av) is not privided in the Exif-Data (for example with Leica Cameras), now a dialog will come up and ask the user which mode he used.: J# u' r1 C* `" ]+ P
Gradients positioned outside the frame were not correctly supported by Auto Transition. Fixed.
1 s6 n$ t9 b( k4 M$ eUpdated ExifTool to 10.52
# d' U4 N0 I, f% P  P7 tSmall fixes in the Italian translation
3 m" A. C+ @5 ]( @
' Q3 A" X. h6 V: I- f% ~0 m+ Z/ R: ENew in LRTimelapse v4.0.4:- w# h# M0 Y0 q
- If only one keyframe existed and hat a crop set, then LRT would have calculated the auto transition from this crop to the non-cropped last frame. This has been fixed – now, if only one keyframe exists, the crop of the first image will be used for the whole sequence when applying the auto transition.- k" Q- X3 Y: u. t5 I
- Fixed LR3-Mode Holy Grail Wizard issues
4 ^! L7 @* A/ A" ~- Added “LR6″ to Mode String in UI so that if you are on Process 2012 (most of you do), it will read “LR6/LR5/LR4-Mode” – I’ve decided to leave “LRCC” out because it’s the same then LR6.  t# J; s5 E6 J* V+ Y
- Using the LRT Importer on a folder that already contains a .lrt subfolder will now skip the .lrt folder and count the images to import correctly.
. S. h3 V1 P9 }: o7 g- Keyframes set manually by clicking in the left table column would not instantly be reflected in the preview.6 P( a9 p+ t9 z1 I; ]) H5 P
- Increased the size of the orange Holy Grail Keyframe icons in the preview a little bit.
7 G+ ~6 f# h/ ^9 {/ p( T1 m3 W. @- Improved handling of large XMP data with jpgs. Larger XMPs (with many brush adjustments) are now supported, but there are still technical limitations about the size of the XMP that can be embeded into a jpg – One more reason to work with RAW files.
4 C3 u( i7 }: B4 ]) L- In some cases files would not have been marked as changed after a transition had been calculated and thus not saved, although there had been changes.
8 a: ~, q$ r9 }  N8 a
& \7 w3 P+ F5 d' |+ Z; z4 s  ONew in LRTimelapse v4.0.3:
. Y. `9 O/ f7 O! [! Y+ P/ W' P+ @2 c- Performance improvements for Long Time Workflow% D! d6 e% m, m( m0 w/ O+ S4 X) f6 p
- Improved the accuracy of the Holy Grail wizard
; `' f& D$ [, x* b2 Y- ~: b( f) c' E- Fixed a problem with apostroph (‘) signs in folders preventing the visual previews from being created on Mac
# M8 s" ~2 v+ _" M/ F' G( v- Fixed a problem with the render encoder on mac that happened on some systems$ y9 @/ v7 k. _' w4 [& J; e
- Strg/Shift click on Play now plays from current position* j" i+ \. O4 F5 X, n
- Play did not hide reference area, if set
/ t8 S7 \3 @* D- Made the interval column a bit wider: z  S& |$ m: G3 v* t* Q( F

: e9 ~# t: Z* L# F* M' k6 c, |, J2 E$ {; \1 x( x& k$ Z
) _8 |+ g/ Y% y

7 {' \9 a  Q1 F: N0 A, l- ~: H
2 H8 x) t& s9 C* P  l
% x# A5 A8 Z+ ^& e  j2 r: S1 R% GDownload:
6 ^1 {1 r, A" K! ?; fhttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.2.1-win/- t$ V7 V: [! z. l
! T) z  s; j+ Y% Zhttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.2.0-win/% ?5 F* F4 l9 }: e3 @4 o
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.2.0-mac/& j" D0 E# e. ?" J7 n7 s
( J% B) V8 Y9 x% {https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.1.2-mac/1 b" K& D8 W) K' ]2 `
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.1.1-win/! m8 x" Q, ]* j1 B( _
4 [! M# C7 `( z1 ohttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.1.0-win/7 u8 t8 r5 q! g% g3 P5 Y
, s3 W$ K& n, k. o% i8 yhttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.9-win/) w' G* n! q9 y8 l7 s6 T  n! v
; D7 S" ^- J: s  P. W' N, ghttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.8-win/  y' A: Y, a3 L6 e3 N, p) h2 T. |
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.8-mac/( g: x6 |5 f  f2 ~
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.7-win/3 d2 T. M0 q5 `% a) M, w; M
) b2 |$ @' t  n. whttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.6-win/) Z) A! w0 s3 c# L
. F' A/ v9 h  |6 shttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.5-win/
) \, u) [2 n, y" p+ {: J, ]+ l' _https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.5-mac/  j6 ?. J4 v, _8 _5 S* @
" Y9 T7 F, _  Hhttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.4-mac/5 Z% W( M" A5 l' a! h" _
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.3-win/9 |; [& \5 S: P; w5 B) U% S% E+ x
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.3-mac/, g" d$ I# S1 v6 w1 A0 m4 s- R
9 q% ~' N2 X4 u8 A) _2 v# Ohttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.2-mac/8 B, I$ w& L! T& e. E
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0.1-win/9 e7 ~: x- V5 |( s
0 U; z) X6 \0 v( c* S: c3 E( y! Thttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0-win/. X& p  }+ W5 E$ Q' j0 [
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-5.0-mac/$ e& [7 \/ k: X: ^! m! f
2 C; \2 f/ P% X* |, i5 P7 lhttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-7-mac/, T1 ]- i6 t9 W2 T
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-6-win/- @+ O2 I" K) ^3 V) }2 U) T
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-6-mac/$ s7 a2 v1 u9 l2 B# F2 R
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-5-win/! H$ S4 a& K3 o$ q2 M* g: C
! ]6 b+ c# u4 E+ x3 u6 o1 V. Zhttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-4-win/
6 k  L" ?! e- O0 b7 s( Rhttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-4-mac/% I; a6 c+ D# Z& H. b- E
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-3-win/: y! x" i8 e- o8 w' u
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-3-mac/& z% @+ u* ^4 R) E& p) T2 ~$ C
) g/ j* J5 Q# g/ `% P+ s) X4 Fhttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-2-mac/
8 ]' n3 i; `0 q" n" c/ e% ~https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-1-win/# _( |! y7 U3 [4 R( C) u
https://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-4-7-1-mac/+ ^7 G: F  l& n: X. [! `3 p
. G' f: D0 B# |' y! t·
" r0 b/ p) E0 Y/ L·
$ V" C1 c6 W) m3 A) A) e2 M) f6 l·
  ^" @9 _' `& s! i! r·; [% e: r: i0 \) T
) `- H$ }+ y1 S; |9 v1 y2 Dhttps://lrtimelapse.com/files/lrtimelapse-2-3-2-mac/
: v+ C2 F2 q  u/ H# f
) A+ o, m) G, P6 k# ?" N, x; p7 g/ I
& M  g3 K4 E8 E/ S, k- c; Y9 i# q5 C, @& _


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