

FXhome HitFilm Action Pro 1.0.54

发表于 2017-11-27 12:50:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Release Name: FXhome HitFilm Action Pro
# N" y$ _& M/ ?& aProgram Type: Video Editing, Compositing( {% m3 ~+ v( a1 J1 Y; i$ a
Release Date: February 27, 20195 \! L3 h$ R, `
Versopm: 0.5; x; B* [8 M& @0 ?
Homepage: https://hitfilm.com/action-pro
4 K8 S7 }: i7 Q, l0 ?$ ]# jInterface Language: English3 ^7 i" `+ F- |& i
Platform: Windows & Mac) w" s! e/ O: D
Fize Size: 116 MB
& H4 m7 o* m$ z7 d5 m) S3 ?: J1 \
1 Q$ F* D9 \  I" ~8 QMake your move, build your animation
& ]8 T" }' |( r. tTired of tedious keyframing? Take animating into your own hands (literally) with our brand-new motion-building software: Action Pro Beta. Easily transform real-world motion (from your mousepad or Leap Motion device!) into professional 2D and 3D animations. No clunky graphs. No numbers. Record your moves and watch your animation come to life.
4 m( I  f. t& X& Y- a$ A: B$ N- J5 m4 i1 o) |
Draw with full 3D flexibility4 `8 [1 x/ X; Q: K. ~6 Q. V: A" y! ^# K
Go beyond simple lines and figures with the power to create 3D animations from 2D inputs and 3D animation paths. Didn’t get your drawing quite right? No sweat. You can easily condense, stretch, and smooth your animation until it’s perfect. Want to see your creation from every angle? Adjust the orthographic or free perspective cameras to change your point of view.9 w8 t6 i4 S- b  K$ b3 S

% C" e2 h0 v5 E8 fComing soon: VR and After Effects import: _5 ^" w0 {6 |" \$ M3 c: i
The best is yet to come— like the power to create animations in VR with support for HTC Vive! Want to add more VFX to your 3D animations? Action Pro already vibes with our all-in-one editor: HitFilm Pro, and support for After Effects is on the way. Stay tuned to get your (free) update as soon as it’s ready.5 c' D/ D7 W2 `  N2 X

, Z+ s2 I2 F1 @6 B+ @/ DFast performance at maximum resolution
7 U' s8 I; a( p5 J- HAction Pro Beta is entirely GPU-accelerated and non-destructive. What does that mean? Our software retains all your data so you can interpolate, smooth and stretch your frame-independent animations without losing quality. Undo actions without regret, your edit history is safe with us.
: d2 L; g# m( c9 }4 l% i& \
( L. Y. e1 A( y9 r7 N' m4 h5 ^Customize playback & export settings
& D/ V- j% p, t; i: cFine-tune the details of your animation with full control over playback and animation speed. Take it slow, speed things up, or watch your creation in real-time at full resolution. Need to go big? Action Pro Beta lets you set the scale of your exports— so you can apply the proportions of your 10 cm animation path to a real-life composite. Finish off your masterpiece with some killer VFX in HitFilm Pro (export to After Effects is on the way)!6 k/ Z+ X0 X% j( [' N# L6 ?
4 w8 M6 l6 V/ d( L1 k: P
Be the first to have your say$ e2 A# k9 I8 f. [! f
Early-adopters and animation artists, we want to hear from you! Action Pro Beta marks our first step into motion-building software— and we need you to make it the best it can be. Tell us what you think in our latest HitFilm Forum post: Action Pro Beta Feedback.
6 O% E/ K7 Q' Y+ A1 zWatch the introductionWatch the introduction
* p# t: e& @. ]8 v5 z
5 _6 f  y. Y# T9 T6 xVersion 1.0
: n6 V. u% P; M9 Y: l6 I$ y1 XCreate only the tracks you need to reduce the complexity of your projects." C, |; a8 V& ?# }$ {
The Master Track has been added to the sequence to allow you to apply modifiers to your final computed animation.  d6 W* K+ S( C  J4 Y8 f# O
Invert modifier added which can be applied to Items or Tracks.3 _5 G3 v: F- ?% E, {& y
Multiply modifier added which can be applied to Items or Tracks.
. b$ j0 ?( l/ F4 h* f- aHard clamp modifier added which can be applied to Items or Tracks.
( O$ ^) `, X' i" _Smooth modifier added which can be applied to Items, Track or the Master Track.
+ G  K; Y/ ?# z/ M/ {8 FA messaging system has been added at the bottom of the Window to give more clarity about what Action is doing behind the scenes.- N' s* d, t7 c8 r' @) ?% E
You are now able to create recordings within the software for perfect shapes including Circle, Curve, and Archimedean Spiral.
0 S( C0 i* i$ f/ r' [( [  s2 x# X" TThe sequence now has a slice tool for dividing Items." I$ V$ N/ ~) i
The sequence now has a stretch tool for elongating items.
0 V3 J% W0 f( [* f4 jA network server has been added to the software which listens for the complimentary iOS app.5 A: d0 X2 I$ w# C# }; H, }
Created Action Pencil - an iOS app which allows you to use your phone or tablet as an input device - coming to the App Store soon.! t8 U1 R' `# E0 B. X
The software can now import CSV files and convert them to animation data which, in turn, can be exported to HitFilm.$ f+ ~6 Q  `- K& p6 r" q8 [

6 E" u- U, p$ A% YSystem Requirements
3 K4 v) t6 k1 l+ ]8 {2 p  [Apple: macOS 10.13 High Sierra or OS X 10.12 Sierra7 f1 e) P7 f- X( y: |- V
Windows: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit), Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)5 K/ V& a' _/ l( c! P; w
Internet connection: Required for online activation
8 k4 p$ @6 K+ Q& }1 I4 e; U; uProcessor: Intel Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, Intel Xeon (Nehalem) or AMD equivalent.2 H( M$ \1 c( p* A* y; j. Z
RAM: 4GB (8 GB Recommended)! T$ E* M" L+ V
Graphics card:( T# e6 J: t$ j, h
NVIDIA GeForce 400 Series (2010)
! \& r. A# _. |3 Q. g0 J: |AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series (2010)
3 h- F( y1 U; i5 S$ g2 T; ?Intel HD Graphics 4000 (GT2) (2012)
0 R7 Q) p2 h9 ^( rVideo memory 1 GB minimum
- X" L- `# p5 \) h1 s1 P
- j' H) u: X2 K1 _" k  ?2 b  r5 p; }# ~" J2 Z2 u

+ ]  a# R  }& o
: L7 _, j$ ~3 v
! K. O# o+ h5 h; w0 G) W5 w  g4 R' ?Downlaod:
! D- \, M; |( z. MAction_Pro.dmg: L3 X- w# p$ P/ r  j! ~
Action_Pro_Installer.exe. U) c/ t) u1 X9 P0 l! V
Action_Pro_0.1.dmg" ?) L- V# o4 {1 `9 |! c' [
) ~8 _% K, K& I2 kAction_Pro_0.2.dmg( F* s1 j' P0 E/ ?6 Y! q3 _: n
2 b3 o. i0 P8 I" Q! sAction_Pro_0.3.dmg- x$ x! T" u* c3 I6 d
Action_Pro_0.3_Installer.exe; K, _* k( B  V  b) y
7 t3 f% e" K; o1 _# a" wAction_Pro_0.4_Installer.exe& U; [4 p# `( Z& J# X
: I, _" W; O. C& s& jAction_Pro_0.5_Installer.exe7 s. Q0 l; S/ u0 s$ u
Action_Pro_1.0.51.dmg+ I7 J$ S2 d; P; J3 D7 e
, L6 K) b4 L& `# S
4 o+ D+ Z( s2 x4 R' h( dhttp://installers.hitfilm.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_Installer.exe
) i% h) L; ]1 }) y# \/ fhttp://installers.hitfilm.com/action-pro/Action_Pro.dmg: j; p# q6 h2 _  f0 Y
http://installers.fxhome.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.1_Installer.exe8 w8 }+ a7 i% U" K- B* h
5 c, i7 V4 D) O* k+ }/ N; G; rhttp://installers.hitfilm.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.2_Installer.exe
: ?. F5 D7 l/ C$ B& ~. hhttp://installers.hitfilm.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.2.dmg0 |) L" Q3 c. @3 _8 i, S
3 K$ i- e; T' O$ @* Q% i/ vhttp://installers.fxhome.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.2.dmg
1 V# O# ^4 N- {1 jhttp://installers.hitfilm.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.3_Installer.exe
3 W) e$ Z" C, w. }& Thttp://installers.hitfilm.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.3.dmg: Q) ?' u" _, s7 |( A
, J) @. d3 [5 i& }/ O/ phttp://installers.fxhome.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.3.dmg2 H3 p, b" `5 U% D; Z& a: ~
http://installers.fxhome.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.4_Installer.exe3 y& F! y# k1 s* ^4 |
http://installers.fxhome.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.4.dmg' A! h1 ^. \1 y. d
http://installers.fxhome.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_0.5_Installer.exe+ D; r1 z7 R5 Y8 K( b" F
7 V( q/ k9 E3 X, p" lhttp://installers.fxhome.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_1.0.54_Installer.exe
7 O' d  `8 e& N% \& J" hhttp://installers.fxhome.com/action-pro/Action_Pro_1.0.51.dmg


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