

[DaVinci] Curious Turtle - DaVinci Resolve for Apple Color Users

发表于 2015-1-30 17:22:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Name: Curious Turtle - DaVinci Resolve for Apple Color Users
$ W& G" ~7 D' D' e) I; \6 |Type: Tutorial, Training2 z0 X& ]  |. }, E( b/ s
Release Date: 2012 0 z) o/ X+ {% U  X  D
Home: http://www.toolfarm.com/product/curious_turtle_davinci_resolve_for_apple_color_users
5 p$ {7 H+ s: w5 M4 S( YLanguage: English7 G' p! @/ z/ W
Running time: more than 5 hours
: \: b( J$ T- @6 v2 b8 S; LFile Format: .mov + Exercise and projects files8 S' _8 m, A9 a* a- m1 E9 d( D! X+ s
File Size: 3.1Gb
8 \8 h; e' A  Q( V. P
  l4 q+ w5 t, j6 Q  I1 {( b* RCurious Turtle: DaVinci Resolve for Apple Color Users - The essential course for those making the transition from Apple Color over to DaVinci Resolve. Five hours of 1080P video training taking you through some typical workflows from start to finish, and learning some instantly usable new tricks with Resolve's node-based grading. Not Just For Apple Color Users - Great for All Newcomers to Resolve. The main focus is for users transitioning from Apple Color, but this is absolutely suitable for any new user coming to DaVinci Resolve from other color grading tools.
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/ _' F$ {: Y* ?Ben Brownlee, author of Creative Color Grading for Apple Color, presents these tutorials. The focus is on practical tips to get you working quickly and in the right way. You start with system configuration and the best ways to import projects from your NLE. Naturally, the majority of the course is spent in the grading area, where you explore the power and flexibility of Resolve's nodal interface.
+ F4 B8 o0 w, X) v& M  T1 N
1 J- O! d' b" QIn addition to the core color tools, you will see how to create complex secondary corrections in the most straightforward and time efficient way. Outputting is handled both directly with Resolve or through an XML/AAF workflow, which maintains total flexibility between the edit and the grade.0 k9 y( D, b& o' n1 I! I( \
+ |5 O+ {1 n3 w# w" _
- 325 Minutes of pin-sharp video training in Full 1080P HD7 i1 P! G* J' d' y6 d
- Exercise and projects files (excluding bonus chapters)+ t/ ^" M- M0 q2 h, N! m8 {

  g* L) ~! t# m2 wContent:
& v" \  }: ^  t* A- Introduction* d+ J' r$ m* Y, N% f
- System Configuration6 \6 U) B$ b' w- f% d/ p; u, \
- Conforming the Timeline* G% j; d7 {* h0 F& u% N
- Primary Correction
1 o, o% e3 s( Y5 R: S- Curves and Matching Shots' b. D% X0 B2 x/ t& \' ~* i, L
- Nodes and Qualifiers
$ K' N% M* w, {: Q' Z) V- Windows and Complex Mattes/ A+ O4 O3 I+ L7 {5 @
- External Mattes and Mixer Nodes+ r2 H2 @) O; T1 W8 S
- Dynamis and Motion Tracking
6 m- N& [  f6 f- Versions and Galleries
1 G, `) M& @! g' Z- Output and Roundtripping
5 p6 N& A, u3 J$ r+ j4 \0 _4 B- Blur and Wrap-up+ Q& x2 |* X" [- Z1 h5 w
- Bonus 1 - RGB Mixer) r9 W3 v4 q; Q" k  K
- CourseOutline1Bonus 2 - Day for Night
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0 q9 \" q# r$ S7 o+ Q
- m$ E! Y2 F2 K4 @4 \( v9 p/ o

: n: c0 e2 m1 T- R, Y$ Q


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