

[Photoship] Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite Build 1736

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Release Name: Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite
/ C' F! Q: V" J9 A: ~4 i0 wProgram Type: Video Editing Plug-in
/ u! W' A# I; Q* fRelease Date: June 30, 2015- Y& h" N( t2 S
Homepage: www.imagenomic.com
/ W& E7 @$ X' o" ]Language: English
% |$ r4 P" s7 S$ l% [, ~/ m  _+ WRequirements: Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects  / Final Cut Pro X / Sony Vegas Pro and DaVinci Resolve. D' m7 U; _! p1 X, w
File Size: 14.3 MB
6 p; ]7 w7 n# |# _  O+ O$ O+ F7 K( v9 ]# p
Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite - released a set of 3 plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. This package includes: Noiseware, Portraiture and Realgrain.
/ d+ g$ m  Q9 U; ~* @1 l, D9 f; w0 Z& U; \( N8 w( d' `7 Q2 ?
Noiseware 5.0.3 build 5032+ h+ u$ w" a1 |
Noiseware Professional Pro - perhaps one of the best plug-ins for the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor, designed to eliminate noise in digital photos. The program has the function of multi-preview, allowing you to compare the results of the filter with different settings, and the function of bracketing the main parameters of the filter, generating a series of previews in automatic mode. A user-friendly interface makes it easy to perform image processing before publishing or printing.
5 Q6 ~; L4 F1 Z/ R
# ^+ k0 M, |! f- e$ p4 o9 EThe Intelliprofile algorithm developed by Noiseware provides for self-learning capabilities and automatically selects the most suitable filters and tools for each individual image. To achieve the optimal result, you no longer need to use predefined profiles, depending on the type of camera. The program allows you to efficiently and quickly clear images from artifacts that often occur when shooting at high ISO and poor lighting. The plugin can work with both 8-bit and 16-bit images.- D- L9 p5 o% Q' J' y% U
& g7 q, [6 v% `1 ~4 s% `
Noiseware Professional with high speed, quality and ease of use will remove noise and unwanted artifacts that have appeared due to high ISO values ​​and less than satisfactory environmental conditions.
( k  V7 k1 F  v3 Y2 T( [. @
7 q: I7 n* ~" A" t$ SThe IntelliProfile function is a built-in expert system that supports interference suppression operations. Using the methods of Artificial Intelligence, it analyzes and identifies interference distributions and effectively eliminates them. Using the analysis results and EXIF ​​data, IntelliProfile creates a data store that develops when a large number of images are processed. Noiseware improves the processing capabilities by fine-tuning the possible variables, for example, the level of interference based on the data store.) h0 P0 t' @' Y( E
DetailGuard retains the details of the image based on the tonal range and processing level, protecting them from unnecessary changes.
  f' f. m7 n! K' x
1 X2 }2 q$ S0 c% I# T3 _New in Imagenomic Noiseware 5:9 C5 b( s+ r) b  ~; r% [! X! A" s
New improved interface with the ability to select and adjust the background color, its brightness1 S3 p) p  x/ e8 d4 o
Improved noise elimination algorithm, which preserves more details of the image and is 25% more efficient
' U% s9 ^3 n6 B! ?, qImproved support for multi-core processors, which provides a 4-fold increase in processing speed9 ^: F( {, R9 ?
Full compatibility with Windows x64
7 L. A& o3 S# ^New preset manager with the ability to add unlimited number of user presets, sorting them into several categories and description. It is possible to import and export.
+ {& Q% X% j4 ?! O7 l" Z0 uA new system for managing the history of processing with an unlimited number of steps.0 x1 W% o! d) q; H
/ `) O7 u- y4 l3 M
Compatibility:5 i9 g! A5 ~8 i+ g% I
- Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 / 2017/20189 L8 O3 [( A1 q, m- ~% V

- d, T6 f4 e: G; _% b6 yPortraiture 3.0.2 build 3027
, A9 }5 k- B0 W) FImagenomic Portraiture - plug-in for Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, which allows you to retouch digital photos. You can eliminate skin imperfections by retaining the texture and other important details of the portrait, such as hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. In the plugin's settings you can specify the force of influence, softening, the degree of detail and adjust the sharpness, change the tone, brightness and contrast. A unique feature of the program is the built-in automatic mask function that helps quickly and automatically detect the range of skin tones on the image, and if you wish, you can manually adjust it to ensure optimal results - unprecedented accuracy and performance.3 s2 P7 n- [- ?! G9 v+ g! O

# ]$ V: X) h4 g) P" zProcessing images of any formats supported by Adobe Photoshop
7 W8 t0 U) A- c3 |9 ^5 K7 Z6 OIntegrated ICC support
+ X% M4 [* U( C( _( L% n- mSupport for Photoshop Action- q0 K; s/ I9 ^' @
Batch processing via Photoshop Action! n% O7 d1 f2 Z' K9 B, n
Support for RGB, LAB, CMYK and Multichannel2 R7 K" b! w# [  U+ k3 s% a. Z
Support for the use of special presets, n- D( t# M/ u3 u, y. T
Several modes for previewing the result
3 s: N2 f0 L/ ?+ A
# b  o, ~; m5 E# y; b0 Q. MIn the new version of Portraiture 3:9 J; E  j, x  ]: R) o
Significantly improved interface4 g& G( i# n9 P; Q4 a3 @
There is a choice of screenshots
% ~  {* }/ x6 d2 f% X6 \4 w' |  hAdded the ability to import and export presets with their description* h/ W' v/ ^7 K' _2 a
The skilntone mask (skin tone) can now be adjusted more precisely with the sliders& ]3 P; z8 E) B+ x3 \% u, b
Preview mask in real tim
5 e$ [5 B; C6 Y  `: D6 [& Z0 @: G0 w: R2 x7 i' K8 V; t2 W
$ N, `5 e/ |' \8 Z- Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 / 2017/2018
) o, x8 b& l+ h* u" U/ j- Adobe Lightroom CC 2015 / Classic CC4 U+ P5 G, w+ d6 n7 P3 d% H5 b
0 a; S( J, v& a4 y) T
RealGrain 2.0.1 build 2013
1 q3 J5 y2 V0 n; B9 dRealGrain Plug-in will help to stylize the digital image for a classic photo by simulating the graininess of the film, as well as adjusting the tones and color shades typical for different types of film. How many times have you wondered - how to get a picture with the quality (graininess) of a film or feature film? RealGrain from the company Imagenomic plug-in for you.7 S7 ~+ s7 v+ h, w# ^* G
1 l# ^8 s# F$ G) W& \
RealGrain uses unique imitation techniques, simulating grain patterns, color and tonal effect of films from various manufacturers (Kodak, Fuji, Agfa) in order to betray digital photography of the film effect. RealGrain - quite easy to use. There are many ready-made presets in the plugin. You can also create your own presets and settings. Imagenomic RealGrain will also help in the regulation of tones and color shades, typical for different types of film. Creating this effect, you can consider the type of film, scan resolution and other factors that affect the appearance of the image. A set of high-quality templates will allow you to apply ready-made special effects and stylize it to known varieties of color and black-and-white photographic film.: r( {2 J& e" d+ g& Y

% e. }8 Y" u9 G  f% b6 XAttention users are offered the function of automatic grain size adjustment taking into account the size of the processed image. A set of high-quality templates will allow you to apply ready-made special effects and stylize it to known varieties of color and black-and-white photographic film.
; B0 z0 r, ]) {5 W2 [% E; \) Z
6 L& H" Y& n3 `  mRealGrain allows users to automatically adjust the granularity (granularity) based on the physical size of the image, it dynamically generates accurate grain patterns for varying image sizes. A set of high-quality templates will allow you to apply ready-made special effects and stylize it to known varieties of color and black-and-white photographic film, convert a digital image in such a way as if it was shot on one of professional films ...7 k& l, m4 N! [. ~
! u* `" S0 d9 `* I2 e9 q$ p* M
Compatibility:6 {6 x; l' ~8 |1 f) d, x& X! x
- Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 / 2017/2018; z) D: P9 G4 }, o! e" Q! O

3 ]# t* ^+ A, Z7 [RealGrain controls for balance of detail, color and tone settings, provide excellent quality of the final product, are simple and easy to use. In addition, RealGrain includes precise presets for a number of default options. You can set your own work sequence that meets your individual requirements.- g' M! f5 K5 F: j9 y
* U" W8 r. C  y+ }) e

; `% o2 Y/ m' ~: R- o! R. Y; @2 ~/ B0 v) i4 J. Q2 X3 ~7 L
+ {1 G& _& m0 Z8 Y6 C

: ~& z4 R0 @! Q* V, n0 T9 _8 N- A! }' d& `+ j3 N5 E
Downlaod:# H: s! v1 B" r; \# ^' M
Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite Build 1411u5.exe
# i/ K- v( a8 J& KImagenomic Professional Plugin Suite Build 1411u6.exe( G: s& O( `0 ^! D& C* S% \
Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite Build 1411u7.exe# t7 U# l4 e! |4 N$ s
Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite Build 1706.exe
5 P: F! z1 @7 F$ d) D0 ~1 mImagenomic Professional Plugin Suite Build 1734.exe
/ o$ O" |3 ^8 `& h0 ^* r# ?7 T
, ^+ u7 a8 d+ P; p8 m' CImagenomic Professional Plugin Suite For Adobe Photoshop 1706.dmg
8 P$ f5 u, y6 T& w# ^5 ^Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite For Adobe Photoshop 1707.dmg
' e7 }4 D2 ]' P. bImagenomic Professional Plugin Suite For Adobe Photoshop 1708.dmg
, P2 m( `' K- H; oImagenomic Professional Plugin Suite For Adobe Photoshop 1716.dmg: u, D* N  r/ [% x# x
Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite For Adobe Photoshop 1718.dmg
" X4 V9 j' a" A, @! m# P- D& JImagenomic Professional Plugin Suite For Adobe Photoshop 1720.dmg
' g) @! `  N' B% t- X- _Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite For Adobe Photoshop 1726.dmg4 i( b0 L6 E! y, V' V! t
Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite For Adobe Photoshop 1732.dmg/ _6 L2 @5 e+ ^) r) \. N0 f4 ~! n
' _8 g: I8 v' t) C: x


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