

[Mainconcept] MainConcept MPEG Pro HD v4.1.1 For PR CS3/CS4

发表于 2015-1-30 21:40:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Editing High Definition video in Adobe Premiere Pro CS3/CS4 for Windows can be a real pain if you need to work with formats other that those supported natively within the application. Often times this means first transcoding the video from the native format on the camera to one supported by Premier Pro, wasting time and adding complexity to the editing process.
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MainConcept has a better idea; it’s called the MPEG Pro HD4 plug-in collection. These plug-in packages offer frame-accurate, native editing with smart rendering in MPEG, AVC-Intra and DVCPRO to Premiere Pro, including full support for Dolby® Digital, AVCHD and a wide variety of camcorders.$ E  d9 ^1 W/ Q7 B
The MPEG Pro HD 4 Plug-Ins offer native MPEG, DVCPRO and H.264/AVC editing within the Adobe video-editing flagship. Each version includes numerous ready-to-use project, sequence as well as export presets for consumers as well as for professional. The Plug-Ins for Premiere Pro are also the perfect solution for broadcast production environments that make use of high-end devices for professional content creation and editing. Currently available plug-ins include:
# c3 v) T3 y/ V* `# s) F7 w
# \: W& S7 s- y# {+ hH.264/AVC & MPEG
" b2 U/ Q* Y3 A7 A* I  k; tXDCAM 6 p0 p( s+ ^0 X5 h  C
  q7 o9 ]" m! E  Z% wAVC-Intra 8 J8 |3 _/ @6 t- h
Broadcast Suite (includes all plug-ins)
# D6 T3 L# U0 X% F+ M+ sBeside Sony XDCAM HD support, the MPEG Pro HD 4 Broadcast Suite now offers full support for the latest Sony XDCAM EX camcorder generation allowing ingest, editing, and export of such streams – including smart rendering – with Adobe Premiere Pro. The same is valid for the Panasonic P2 DVCPRO and AVC-Intra camcorder format, that additionally offers support for multichannel audio. Using MXF export for Panasonic P2 DVCPRO compliant camcorders, you can generate a P2 style folder structure (virtual P2 device) that includes MXF video/audio, XML files and thumbnail bitmaps. It is even possible to add clips to an existing P2 style folder. The MPEG Pro HD 4 Broadcast Suite Plug-In also includes the ability to capture from several JVC, Canon and Sony HD camcorders.
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Plug-In Comparison:
H.264/AVC & MPEGXDCAMDVCPROAVC-IntraBroadcast Suite
Panasonic P2 DVCPROPanasonic P2 AVC-IntraPanasonic P2 DVCPRO & AVC-I
AVC-Intra Class 50/100AVC-Intra Class 50/100

  J  _. y" Q+ p4 _: P" n- V4 I* r9 Z+ i0 I/ m0 I
Manual   }% [& I! `! R& L
High-Resolution Manuals:
/ q6 J' }% @; NIn order to keep the file size reasonable, the MPEG Pro™ HD 4 Plug-In includes a user guide with low-resolution graphics. However, we are making high-resolution manuals available for free downloading separately below, in zipped Adobe® Acrobat® format.# S, K. q9 z6 ~: o& V

  S( u- O7 F" [
& V5 P% c7 }2 K  V' ~3 b' W+ ]4 IEnglish (high-resolution) manual for MPEG Pro HD 4 3 [$ t; q: m- w5 A) A
Tech Specs
# b4 G1 o8 L, u9 x. G6 rMainConcept MPEG Pro HD 4 is available for Microsoft Windows. It is designed to work on any PC which meets Adobe Premiere Pro CS 3 and CS4 minimum system requirements.
0 C3 I/ V, Y1 tRequires Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 or CS4 (does not work with any version below CS3)
0 B$ o2 c; E1 `1 sFor HDV editing, the recommended minimum requirements are an Intel® Pentium® 4 processor 3.06 GHz or faster with Hyper Threading Technology, and 1 GB of RAM.
, u  @8 m- `7 sFor HD and AVCHD editing, the recommended minimum requirements are an Intel® DualCore processor 2.4 GHz or faster, and 2 GB of RAM.
# i/ _" J. M/ O+ C" D5 @For AVC-Intra Class 50 and 100 editing, a Core2Quad 2.4 GHz CPU is recommended as minimum system requirement.8 ~: a% v/ v  i# `
In addition to these requirements, video editing requires that your system is operating smoothly.
- Q" a8 {3 g( K) e4 O! @) N: H' zAttention:
* W- j: c8 ]2 [9 t: M! r0 i: |7 a: [8 L

+ w+ L8 F9 j( z$ YBefore you start to install the new version of the MPEG Pro HD 4 Plug-In, please uninstall the current one. Additionally, make sure that no other MainConcept or Adobe Creative Suite program is running during uninstalling or installing new MainConcept software.% M3 V& D: k; k- p2 M
Update , r- Q; d1 H0 X; h% Z" H2 `
The new version MPEG Pro HD 4.1.1 comes with the following fixes and improvements:' [. l! Q/ @: {8 h% }2 p
# C/ Y! ^4 f* f
Now supports import of Convergent NanoFlash and Flash XDR new MXF file format.+ o2 @3 }7 n0 l) h
Improved memory management: Less conflicts with Premiere Pro's memory management.0 N! A4 h7 N( i9 N/ y- s
MPEG-2 HD sequence preset templates for Premiere Pro CS4 with a wide range of render presets for high bitrates, Long GOP and I-Frame-only.
4 W, b  l; A3 u5 p% m+ NSolved installation problems when Premiere Pro CS4 was installed on a drive other than C:\ on Windows 7.; z, m$ Q# e( a: {- @
Entering frame size by keyboard in advanced H.264/AVC settings dialog is now possible again.0 V1 `- g( ^8 n5 l# |. ^
The new version MPEG Pro HD 4.1 comes with the following fixes and improvements:
& g, v" y/ w! L/ V) O
5 {, J) _# D5 K. RFull MPEG-1/2, DV/DVCPRO and AVC-Intra Smart Rendering support now also available under Premiere Pro CS4.
/ p" V9 x0 X  a' L3 x% }Improved timeline and source video playback performance with up to 20% less CPU load.
4 r! @/ ~& E2 F  \: l3 Z, ?Full screen playback on a secondary monitor in a dual view setup.
3 x( r* w  R+ u: ]/ \Optional 4GB split of P2 or XDCAM EX exports to an NTFS volume for the purpose of copying it to a FAT 32 formatted media later on.
  Y  Q: N9 C' i! j, u1 w8 kImport of Convergent NanoFlash MXF files# i2 q. q, N- K7 v9 Z4 w5 U( V
& X: Y1 p$ \& W) c% @& h; TMPEG Pro HD 4
  K8 R3 J! ^' ?& Q/ j. p8 S# G0 E1 D, W6 B) l

/ n5 W& B. V% E7 R$ v0 ODownload; _% A" E: f& u7 b2 a
China# [: y5 ?, \- k# `( D! i
MainConcept MPEG Pro HD v4.0.0.exe$ I. q& U. @, _% T- ]" Y
Mainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.0.2.exe
* E9 L+ c: k1 K& V: J! tMainConcept MPEG Pro HD v4.1.0.exe
6 ~( }' [9 I) e* ^; iMainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.1.1 CE.exe  强烈推荐
2 g3 I) Z4 ~8 cMainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.1.1.exe0 @# D( R. \, M% X
% f% I9 D0 x7 J4 ^9 F
Patch, m4 V- y7 G# e" ~
MainConcept MPEG Pro HD v4.0.0 Patch.zip3 @7 x* u' m9 ~8 G  ~
Mainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.0.2 Patch.rar6 e2 A2 J8 [8 h1 |- e
Mainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.1.1 Patch.zip
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1 d& |- ]/ @: g* e. S9 C! j% c' q# Z3 E! O
  J, ~/ D% u- O; P% c7 ~4 OMainConcept MPEG Pro HD v4.0.0.exe
) h; W0 }1 X7 s* C0 F& j+ t' qMainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.0.2.exe8 ?0 J$ R9 Q7 M8 b4 d8 g; f9 k; u
Mainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.1.1 CE.exe
" w$ H/ Y  g: b& [Mainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.1.1.exe
. X: {* B6 T, V4 m, e# F* A) ?& t+ {' U
# P/ t$ j- |. nPatch! f- Z( n8 `  l  e/ R! L
Mainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.1.1 Patch.zip
6 v8 @( k3 F7 i! a% d" [5 Q0 BMainconcept MPEG Pro HD v4.0.2 Patch.rar
8 N9 {5 G0 U% f. j$ k$ [5 F& X& L5 C* Y; Y+ v8 d5 C% X) ?3 G+ `1 V


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