

[Other] Debugmode FrameServer v2.14 帧服务器视频编码辅助工具专辑

发表于 2015-1-30 21:52:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Frameserver 2.14 (Adds 64 bit frameserver plugins for Vegas Pro 11 and Adobe Premiere Elements 10)
: F2 ?7 ^: ~* d( LFrameserver 2.13 (Improved rendering speed in Premiere)
: y2 E) T( V9 I, gFrameserver 2.12 (Corrected issue with alpha channels and audio clipping for Premiere)
1 d6 u$ m' W6 Z  F# k4 SFrameserver 2.11 (support interlaced sources in Premiere CS5 and CS4)7 \1 e  G  J  w- \, s5 _/ T' x
Frameserver 2.10 (with Vegas 10, Premiere CS5 and Elements 9 support)     
% F6 d6 n( A# O& F! @( B0 y( u, G% ^1 XFrameserver 2.7 (adds Premiere Pro CS4 support)
) q' R9 W& o( y8 L# ^Frameserver 2.6
: q* t/ [& j& G, ~/ G( n% v2 e! N3 x" P% s; k1 N$ F0 N
Usage Instructions 3 X# ]8 x; r3 W+ E& j9 m0 p
Sony Vegas/Vegas Pro Adobe Premiere/Premiere Pro
  C* C: G" f/ z/ n; bChoose menu "File > Render As" to open the default render dialog (make sure your project uses 8/16 bit audio, they are the supported formats).
2 }) t1 K% _+ M% h+ r8 D1 [$ K0 zEnter a valid filename for the output file. This file is called the "signpost" file. % f6 G. T$ e( l) q$ j/ O
Choose "Debugmode FrameServer" as the output type.
: n$ k4 _+ S/ l) |. w4 xClick "Save" to start FrameServing.
0 ?& f7 c, D2 z1 c" {8 WFrom timeline, choose menu "File > Export > Movie" and choose "Debugmode FrameServer" in the list of output formats. 5 L0 A  L0 o4 \0 e( P% A% _
Enter a valid filename for the output file. This file is called the "signpost" file.
6 |1 p- a- c6 Y3 O1 c) bClick "Save" to start FrameServing.
* Y& I+ s+ O2 o% y% j9 L4 }5 j% `1 |. O
Ulead MediaStudio Pro Pure Motion EditStudio
2 I/ B% P$ J* I! r9 LFrom the timeline, choose menu "File > Create > Video File" to open the default render dialog. " r; U) t4 }9 k) N2 W4 e
Enter a valid filename for the output file. This file is called the "signpost" file.
  U3 F! r# s1 T: d  D! K" SChoose "Debugmode FrameServer" as the output type.
4 c: Q% P' a% w7 r6 w6 [# ^8 lClick "Save" to start FrameServing.
; @: T/ P0 Q; u$ E8 ^# x3 aFrom the timeline, choose menu "File > Build Movie" to open the default render window. $ Y2 V3 Z. R' W1 @# B& V* B+ k
Choose "Debugmode FrameServer (project settings)" as the preset to use and click Next.
) l1 ~2 W2 f+ e9 ZEnter a valid filename for the output file. This file is called the "signpost" file. 6 a, R, \; o; X4 M& i+ W
Click "Finish" to start FrameServing. 8 y" P4 P# E. A* c1 x6 E

4 Q9 K: o' {' vUlead VideoStudio 2 |# b6 a: A! a3 x1 C8 x
From the timeline, choose menu "Share > Create Video File" and select the "Custom" template to open the default render dialog.
7 Z0 x5 h3 g. M( k4 F4 [% C8 a$ Q4 X& q. IEnter a valid filename for the output file. This file is called the "signpost" file. " ]8 E0 i! ~8 q; b. f9 E7 a
Choose "Debugmode FrameServer" as the output type. , s2 T# K9 k" F6 K
Click "Save" to start FrameServing.
) j' |% ]" y7 p: J- H4 P/ j$ K5 Y4 v
2 n4 _& H4 L2 a; R
Debugmode FrameServer 2.14 在系统中安装完成后你会发现在Vegas Pro 12中并没有FrameServer的输出项,进行配置后成功。
' Z0 J, B% Y  `& R方法是:用记事本打开Vegas Pro 12安装目录下的Release-x64.fio2007-config文件,在最后一行添加你Debugmode FrameServer 2.14安装路径:frameserver=C:\Program Files (x86)\DebugMode\FrameServer\dfscVegasV264Out.dll,然后保存,重启Vegas Pro 12你会发现Debugmode FrameServer输出项有了,OK!
0 q! q/ `* j$ k. C3 o0 n
1 |3 y8 @9 r# e- i' aDownload:
: `: x, M& {1 ^2 [% V) r' qhttp://frame-server.googlecode.com/files/fssetup-2.14.exe+ Y2 ~9 L( w4 j' @5 ]! W
# x3 w# A6 p* i& x! b* Yhttp://frame-server.googlecode.com/files/fssetup-2.12.exe% {" w% d  s3 n; i9 d# [  R; B
9 \+ L: J( t6 x+ K4 _http://frame-server.googlecode.com/files/fssetup-2.10.exe
% ?7 E& M9 X& |. t! rhttp://frame-server.googlecode.com/files/fssetup-2.7.exe) \" |  d) `- O/ h( J' }' K, {4 m
http://frame-server.googlecode.com/files/fssetup-2.6.exe5 n! S" b  T# o) V( C& M" t" n2 @
4 X- W, V$ J3 [" L8 r7 w$ C, W/ {& i* j% X; ?% ~* y
6 g5 L+ q  X1 }8 e9 b# I5 K5 W0 phttp://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=414201&uk=1021667433 K8 |. h5 n8 v& z5 U$ E# c* D4 X
" d( k9 P  E5 o  j' |, y0 k7 b
6 Z: H# v7 e4 g+ H( e$ n


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