

[Cinema Craft] Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 v1.0.3.1 Retail

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Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 (CCE-SP3) is a high performance MPEG-2 encoder designed and optimized mainly for DVD, enabling you to create the ultimate level of picture quality at high speed.0 p4 b& X* d, o" X- s0 t8 c& q
Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 is a software-based encoder, and highly utilizes processors for the fastest encoding.; O( b% v7 `- e5 G. N( E# a
It also implements highly intelligent and complicated algorithms to achieve the highest quality, which gives a great advantage over hardware encoders.7 _1 j# ^% l5 U- X( ^4 h- ?6 J8 C
Some of them are totally innovative and unique technologies of Cinema Craft Encoder SP3.
0 I$ U" r9 B$ L- _+ v% K
& ?" s! s' K+ V# p' _; rCinema Craft encoders produce pristine picture quality that is unmatched.7 _: H" D  O- w; o( |# ?. W9 m
With support for Quicktime Reference Files and animation sequences (BMP, TGA, TIFF, PNG and JPEG), no studio should be without this tool.- I$ R; i) D' x- [
Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 is a standalone encoding application and does not include a plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro.
2 V4 T9 m9 `$ f6 m* d( H& Z4 c7 K% f+ u' l
There is a growing need for much higher picture quality in DVD production industry.
1 k  i# c/ [6 [5 YIn addition to CCE-SP2, CCE-SP3 includes "CINEMA CRAFT Xtream" (CCX) encode engine that is highly rated by many compressionists around the world and has been utilised to create a considerable number of DVD titles.* S1 P  T  W$ [0 I# G" x" v
* w1 \5 Q( O  h
• Sophisticated Motion Estimation3 d% }6 j. s" P1 _' s! X4 X- g
• Automatic Field-based Scene Change Detection8 h0 D6 Q- J6 V
• AAGS: Advanced Adaptive GOP Structure
( J# n9 [6 }  j7 Y) m8 l• AAQM: Advanced Adaptive Quantize Matrix& b: e, e! f$ y5 A1 A
• VMPE: Virtual Multipass Encoding. l/ _" a2 a% |2 ~
• I-Frame Insertion            
8 n6 B4 D4 y! Y0 O/ x: o• Segment Re-encoding            6 d: y& ?; @' j. A/ ~* q
• Pre-Filtering (noise reduction, linear and non-linear filters)            / ?: K- F( B/ H
• VBR Bitrate Allocation Graph& [7 k+ ~3 Z2 G/ U5 ~/ X* o
• Hybrid encoding engine (CCX/CCE)& b; R9 r! g# b  ~5 e- ]) i* K
• Optimized for CPU (Maximum 8-core)
# Z! p5 p$ T% }( |8 [) P• High-quality and high-speed encoding by file input
& d' s. x! k2 z' f% I7 z7 @• Multipass encoding
' j6 ~1 E% }" l! q2 Y; [• Easy and Flexible Inverse 3:2 Pulldown with i32 file
& h. V' M: N$ j) x8 o/ ^* z  J
- q, L$ M$ F. s: T1 L* n' JEncode engine enabling high picture quality6 V; Y, n7 h1 q! V# H8 ]
CCE-SP3 includes Virtual Multi-Pass Encoding, Advanced Adaptive Quantize Matrix and Advanced Adaptive GOP Structure.; R6 V& |! g8 Y6 ^  t
The latter features can automatically optimize for the best quantize matrix and GOP structure for each GOP." E! M3 f" `% e3 ^* }: X4 M
' p$ Q, F/ G4 ~1 S( i3 @8 @+ Q
Cinema Craft Xtream (CCX) Encode Engine
; F; k# M# x4 m6 fThe CCX engine is highly regarded as the finest MPEG encoder engine in existence.
* z, d! C/ l: L  YCinema Craft encoders are used to produce a long list of released Hollywood DVD titles. What used to be the domain of sophisticated hardware systems produced by Cinema Craft is now available to you.
$ h0 f- c) m; q
7 }' |0 I9 {( N! V; nMulti-Core Processor Support8 L- c& {  z  ]6 Z0 `  G
With the advent of multi-core processors, it is like having a team doing the work of one.5 [  E$ x$ T4 z* g3 b0 g( |7 H
Particularly with a CPU-intensive task such as MPEG encoding, it is good to split the calculations among multiple processors equally.8 I; p0 m& y; V1 G' ]. L; n
With eight cores, each encodes 1/8 of the content resolution.! D9 a( R  @1 O! L- K* ^- N
This can make processing go very fast indeed, resulting in multi-pass quality that can be attained in faster than real-time.
+ o2 H+ I5 H/ X! ^9 Z
* e' [' A6 x+ ]+ v. M4 MVirtual Multi-Pass Encoding7 e6 x4 Q3 c% q/ I" S/ ^9 `8 J7 [
During an encode, there is a tremendous amount of processing. These calculations help to build a sophisticated processing model that gets smarter with each pass.# h  |( [) h+ W, b: V2 {
Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 not only does multi-pass encoding of the source, it also adds the sophistication of performing virtual passes in memory when scene changes and complex transitions warrant extra care in tuning the model.8 `4 H3 h+ x8 T& N5 Q* C
9 e/ T/ q, G4 \) o+ C$ i
Advanced Adaptive Quantize Matrix. I% c) B/ I- m- D( p8 {8 t
Perhaps the one area where the CCX engine really shines above all other encoders is the level of sophistication given to the routines that perform quantization.
4 b, a" _% u0 {' m* ^; SMPEG is highly compressed and a lot of visual information has to be discarded.8 p4 X4 ^; }# s
You want the end result to look good, not fuzzy." D6 \$ Z) @" G1 @. v
Most encoders simplify this step.
/ c! {( s& r/ R; Z$ q  f1 JCinema Craft Encoder SP3 adds GOP-level adaptation of the quantization matrix, continually adjusting to changes in luminance, light levels and motion.
' I. z( R" U# {  W3 k( JDuring each pass, the quantization becomes more exact. The result is awesome picture quality.
/ j; Y# I3 @, ?0 z
. Q/ @) W1 m# Z; x9 A( zAdvanced Adaptive GOP Structure
- [" c! a- ^8 ]$ Z7 H' S# |! Q, X8 ^Another CCX exclusive is the added sophistication of varying the size of the GOP structure depending upon its analysis of the content.; J2 ~+ R8 m, O6 ?5 e: c
Most encoders have a fixed GOP size and placement of the I, B and P frames. Not Cinema Craft Encoder SP3. It adjusts the size depending upon motion and scene changes.
1 G3 o5 H# `4 x  Y& T) [  [6 jWhen there is high motion in a scene, it will reduce the size of the GOP to produce a more accurate picture.
. f1 N' U* c5 B) T, g  @Likewise, it will increase the GOP size with scenes that have low motion.% Z- F7 ~* n! Y! F- L
" U; a8 o: b! T5 P6 ]! @
Segment Re-Encoding
+ {7 s- W. m  d2 T: iSegment Re-Encoding improves productivity because by eliminating re-encodes of the entire source every time you make a change.7 n2 y$ \. l+ @) b) Y
You can re-encode only the specified part of file with it.3 t1 u+ h) u5 t5 k) H7 A
It is now possible to re-encode only the segment that has been changed, thus saving a lot of encode time when you are under a deadline.
5 G) h6 z) X1 J% T# C3 z
5 I! [4 x7 J" K. j1 MFilters" P: B" [% t$ W2 `: S
The high-performance filtering feature is implemented by using the unique algorithm.! l2 b6 {& J0 ]0 v
; M5 a* c" b( {
Inverse 3:2 pulldown% J$ y' \. d' v9 S& b# O% L
Highly accurate automatic 3:2 pulldown detection is available by the unique algorithm.
% `) M& h3 q/ R" x! y$ R9 F4 J6 a- F1 l# Y4 z3 h6 D% Y
Watch folder, U- T' X& ~6 ?! a  t' R
Encode automatically the file copied into the specified folder just by specifying initial setup.  j$ r# A' b% O2 w1 b$ T

5 k/ V! t$ _, C3 u7 pInput formats:                  $ e# b7 D: ^9 ^& X
     AVI           6 E) ?9 {: C6 g4 b2 C+ M- b# _
     MOV (Quicktime)          ( C' \5 g( |5 R7 g& h- G+ L
     DV (file)          4 m$ h  n  z0 u$ Z
     Quicktime reference         
' X. |* Q; R/ |- C( V3 }- ]/ i  {9 G     BMP (sequence)            l9 V, Z8 \. {% j! S. `
9 D3 Z9 d( E& K     TIFF         
8 J$ C; r9 m  k     PNG         
! {! m1 I" W5 V' R- X     JPEG
# }2 W3 e. b5 [4 ]; I6 e         
9 ~$ y2 P9 X. L2 YOutput formats:               2 ~$ t. v5 z8 D9 {0 i) g. S
     MPEG1          1 R4 [7 X1 o' {; X" `% @, E0 C2 y9 Q
$ g( C% q  e; s     Video CD 2.0, SVCD 1.0
5 |, @8 }0 }1 s  V- a
' ]: f, k, g6 O6 H5 l% a" Y/ h* m% Q, C# H0 u' T
Changes from v1.0.2.1 to v1. (Monday, July 5, 2010):
0 y+ I: D' _' \$ e/ w7 T& Z# U- In marker list, timecodes will be shown instead of time.
3 \. \% `: z9 I. [5 w1 N- Changed so that when more than one source file are listed in the source list,
  W; y) E' }3 R% Q! \. e0 B' q   two marker lists, one for each source file, and the other for all sources are shown.9 y! c' c( _8 b  J/ w2 ?
- Changed so that frame number, time and time code of the frame viewer currently shown% ]$ ~- Y, n9 ^% C: i" b! M
   are displayed.
/ J. V. g6 l4 n  d- Changed so that viewer can directly move to the frame specified by user.
0 Q; Y+ C4 T  E% a- Changed so that custom template can be specified when adding a new item.
8 X7 c* Q& [: x2 M- Changed so that source files can be specified to command line parameters.
2 h' X: s7 O# C: A( ^- Changed so that source files can be added directly to item list.- P0 i- N. X" o
- Added source file properties window./ O$ N  e( |, v  ^
- Modified so that offset timecode can be set for each source file.
& u+ q& d( ~# A3 T5 r( o* r- Added shutdown option that is invoked when encoding is finished.: r6 _: s! \& I2 D( e% \
- Updated User's Guide& x1 Y/ N& S" p5 u$ ~' G

- V- b+ z) n. `% e' k) C6 Y8 [' _1 F# bHomepage - http://www.cinemacraft.com/eng/index.html
6 n+ y6 K8 T" Y9 |8 \# J2 [# s' c7 m1 y' p; M, V% ~
- j$ [8 [# D: z# v2 h
& A# }$ B+ z/ Q
Cinema Craft Encoder SP3 v1.3.0.3' \, ?; R& e- [2 g, p& B& U3 ]

. m1 U3 M8 S$ n, t% J3 q+ X7 {


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