

MAGIX SpectraLayers Pro 5.0.140

发表于 2018-4-7 12:01:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: MAGIX Spectralayers Pro 5.0 Build 140
- ^- b1 b/ @4 N0 }6 X# A" CProgram Type: Advanced Audio Spectrum Editor
- a; }3 E$ {: BDeveloper: Sony Creative Software Inc.
: m, k: {6 U8 N5 a" OHomepage: http://www.magix-audio.com/gb/spectralayers-pro/" l  M* A, S, Y2 I
Release Date: Jan. 03, 2018
' d: ?6 s1 W! j: R3 C* q$ w) PInterface Language: English
) O" v# [: b5 z* k$ I6 zPlatform: MacOSX
+ u  o; [/ [/ ~" LFile Size: 77.66 MB
' [9 \! q( s4 b; P+ Z. F- J/ z+ o6 i5 a
Adanced Audio Spectrum Editor. In SpectraLayers Pro 5, you can work with the individual sounds in an audio file fully visually. Transpose, extract and optimize sounds in ways never imagined thanks to the unique layers concept for the frequency spectrum. SpectraLayers Pro transforms sound into a unique visual world of multidimensional audio data. Outstanding program design, a high performance audio engine and seamless integration with other DAWs make SpectraLayers Pro one of the world’s most revolutionary spectral editing platforms.7 c. o% n5 R6 W

9 }; }# o4 [# K8 S4 lWhat's New:. ]/ e, d6 n, P* v  u3 P
- A visual Spectrogram for unrivalled sound design, editing and restoration
$ h* @) `% `9 g4 m0 h9 g- Make precise edits and create incredible audio in real time$ b  ?3 Y0 D  L: @) M9 U
- NEW! High definition Spectrogram for pin-sharp visual detail
! n2 z" ~" _% d- NEW! Redesigned GUI for a smooth and fast workflow; D: f4 q  p  F9 h. U! R8 W
- NEW! Professional tools for repairing and restoring audio
6 m5 }3 O! U& J! @( Y, ~2 r- NEW! Powerful algorithms for high-precision visual editing
% ]) N/ c1 ]) b( a/ I6 E* V0 ^2 n8 L+ A3 e8 y8 ]7 b* i
Enhanced user interface for the perfect workflow
) g1 q  |8 N+ ?' B, zNew buttons, direct editing of wave samples and volume control for groups are just some of the new program features. A preview is now available for every tool to illustrate the functionality of the tool before selection for use.
; @0 w# Y3 i9 [! D, O+ C% g1 L$ a
/ L' p* ]9 x  }# mSpectral Casting Spectral Casting
# M, j8 Z7 I! g9 c4 ~9 eUse the frequency spectrum of one layer as a cast for the overall mix. Using Spectral Casting, seamlessly integrate elements such as vocals into an existing mix by precisely "blanking" overlapping frequencies.
) x# k* r2 s+ T3 ^: @1 Z) a: t( y! J! t# w
Spectral Molding, ?+ G2 m" z# c) y7 Z% }
Spectral Molding Spectral molding uses frequencies to materialize crosses between recordings for creative sound design. For example, imagine a guitar recording with an acoustic texture of vocals!( L& p7 p, Q; Q. ]' ]' R5 v: _, C4 W

; }4 F3 t) Q4 d. SCleaning with noise prints
# A- \3 l4 @7 `) HSpectraLayers enables you to identify noise within a waveform in a matter of clicks and save it as a noise prints. This "print" can then be used for various types of noise reduction.; m$ H- R6 t! I2 M; k# x

& ]# b4 k% d) K6 KWho needs SpectraLayers Pro?
0 d4 @" ^- [1 g' k( r0 \1 r' X; g2 M/ ?" T* O
Audio mastering engineers% F5 S" f$ A  W0 }: U
From small fixes to radical, project-wide transformations, use SpectraLayers Pro to repair, filter, and remix audio in ways you never thought possible.
( ~9 ]' N$ Y8 R
! q5 l6 g- e% eSound design
: ?& v( ?+ V' a! f' p( v, Q6 hIsolate individual sounds in an audio file, select material by frequency, and construct new music directly on the spectral graph.( U9 `$ x2 [7 Z6 V- l/ F

! X& k2 M$ j! r: TAudio-for-video producers
3 @3 b. g6 j9 k. y/ i$ [  m1 hApply bandwidth-limited noiseprints across entire files, or perform surgical cuts to remove isolated sonic events.  {3 C: w) S; z& }

1 g" ^6 l! ]: P8 `; ^8 XForensic audio mastering
/ e4 [; M7 Q/ M& C  SAudio extraction is a SpectraLayers Pro specialty. Pull target sounds for analysis, replacement, or rights management purposes.* f8 c8 C$ i4 \( k' H7 d
3 K; a& r' M1 |5 i! Z
Audio archivists
3 K; B* F5 K( dIsolate individual sounds in an audio file, select material by frequency, and construct new music directly on the spectral graph.
6 ?3 u2 {' U# x6 d3 y1 G
' w4 H4 I: y3 N& |% _Remixing8 {7 ^5 |9 t3 m! s/ k: a$ y
Apply bandwidth-limited noiseprints across entire files, or perform surgical cuts to remove isolated sonic events.
' x- p8 \! D5 M8 ?- f
0 e6 \* F) [. F" F: y  ONEW! Heal Action
% W. I( W; _, x& D) s, M! sIn contrast to the Delete function, the "Heal Action" reconstructs types of background noise.
2 r1 J4 s& x( M! F2 E/ `/ g0 s9 ]1 A
NEW! Repair Frequency Tool: A+ Z2 n6 k" p, [
Repair damaged frequencies by dragging from one end of the frequency to the other.
: D/ w1 x7 E2 A6 \: g9 h( y4 f2 X  ^* c1 P' m/ z
NEW! Spectral Marker2 |% H/ u; Y  Y* z) |7 E! a% J, p' S8 I
You can now draw Spectral Markers and Spectral Ranges and save them to the project files. It's especially useful for a forensic workflow.
( b1 q6 z. Y: D! s5 m$ SRelease Notes:
8 c" Z, T! z- h5 Q( ]) h! {) EThe all-new SpectraLayers Pro 5.
$ k: ~4 }* z" O* b) d! H$ m" NSpectraLayers Pro 5 offers unrivalled audio editing and sound design that you can not only hear, but see. Featuring a unique spectral visualization of your sound, it really lets you get to the heart and soul of your audio. Make precise edits, repair damaged artefacts and create unique audio designs. The all-new version, SpectraLayers Pro 5, has a redesigned front end for a smoother workflow, added tools for restoration and repair, and an all-new high-resolution Spectrogram so you can see your audio, like never before.9 E+ u' N, E* O/ Q+ C/ p4 ^: g
( H! g4 _+ h+ W9 A) F" f
Brand new interface7 H/ Q0 t- h% ]; y
SpectraLayers Pro 5 features a new, slick and darker interface offering an easier workflow so you can focus more on the task at hand. The GUI features improved navigation and more logically grouped tools and settings. There are new Hybrid Slider Value inputs which can be be controlled by mouse, touch, number input or scroll wheel and Direct Wave sample editing.
- H) \( R& N8 `+ g8 C" ?) d+ |+ b5 N
) k  a9 H4 F, v9 @4 ?: B7 W6 {Heal, repair, select.4 |& w% }- w% W
Several new tools allow you to get full control over the audio restoration process. The new Heal Action feature automatically fills gaps in an audio file by reconstructing the ambient background noise around it. If you have a dropout in an audio recording, for example, Heal Action examines the audio on either side to rebuild the missing data. The Frequency Repair tool allows you to repair specific damaged frequencies very easily using assisted frequency reconstruction and with full control over the reconstruction process. Finally, Spectral Markers allow you to add and share annotations within the Spectrogram.
9 _" m  ]* @+ v) u" J$ x- n) y0 A7 I; l0 n- F# L  A
Your new cockpit.7 J3 i, X2 H: T
The high-definition Spectrogram display contains the world-first use of the powerful Fast Local Sharpening algorithm. This results in a high-resolution that offers pin-sharp accuracy, so allows you to perform precision edits, all in real time. The display has several adjustable parameters that really let you home in and focus on specific detail within your audio including Wave Range, Time Range, 3D Range and fine-tunable Frequency Resolution and Overlap.
1 _4 I( n2 M6 X' ]' m" L8 B9 g
& |6 T3 m- _7 }6 F8 x  |6 S8 {The new Composite View.
0 d7 a2 r4 N$ t8 y/ ?2 G- AThe brand new Composite View mode in SpectraLayers Pro 5 is offering you a highly-customisable range of previews of your final mix with the complete dynamic range shown across the Spectrogram. It reveals all the layers merged together with adjustable color-mapping and a color gradient of your choice so you can easily customise the preview of your mix to your taste. Within this mode, you can still make edits and use all of the precision controls.0 [: }' L, X/ }+ b0 Z

, Q; Y- |# q5 g( h' }- LThe new HD Spectrogram.. N5 Z$ A; K( `. r1 ~# |8 o* e
SpectraLayers Pro 5 features a brand new algorithm called Fast Local Sharpening which brings never before seen detail and precision viewing to the software. It was designed specifically for the SpectraLayers Pro and unveiled at the 143rd AES Convention in New York. The results are unrivalled, super high definition within the Spectrogram and features like Time Sharpen and Frequency Sharpen settings for high-precision editing.
$ B$ N/ {1 [7 ~( U4 S6 T" l2 x) B' U* v# e$ o, _# V
System Requirements:
3 T; H( q9 [  f' L  Z2 O: z% q9 k$ |- You need a 64-bit-version following operating systems:
9 m3 |; _+ B5 C  x2 G7 {- Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 10: o0 A7 _0 n  O) l: Q0 H1 v  J
- Processor: Dual-core processor (Quad-core processor recommended)+ P" P  q( q: O# ?$ \+ t
7 w" s- R6 @( p. d% T' `- Graphics card: OpenGL 3.0 compatible graphics card, min. resolution 1280 x 768# ]" I0 C6 A4 i  h2 z
- Sound card: Windows-compatible audio hardware
. b* B0 W0 P5 m" \- Hard drive space: 2 GB for program installation4 c9 t! c0 u0 x# Q! n
- Browser: Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 10 or Google Chrome 13 or higher4
; f0 n, I  ?' }( P& ~4 _+ i3 I6 E: X( B: N
macOS:- _$ E" R  O0 _5 h( t
- OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, macOS 10.12. |% p5 v: |' d, o
- Processor: Intel dual-core processor (Quad-core processor recommended)
5 S* q# d+ M* d# f  ]- RAM: 4 GB RAM
4 k9 Q) e( P5 L/ \2 @- Graphics card: OpenGL 3.0 compatible graphics card, min. resolution 1280 x 720
: W  k9 a5 V  E& _+ n( i5 H: o# z- Sound card: CoreAudio-compatible audio hardware6 s0 ?* ]7 N0 D' p' s
- Hard drive space: 2 GB for program installation
. y7 z  t- m4 Y- A2 N" G
9 Q. G2 F  c  X. M4 T* A4 b2 s: `' ^# ?- }

, B: ~$ Y, P# R* j7 E; f+ @: o
- Q$ }- }# q0 g, }; ~0 v$ S6 u2 G; U7 G2 p7 q  e
' z* F- t/ |4 {( IMAGIX SpectraLayers Pro 5.0.129.exe% ?  D/ j5 v7 I: J* y9 M: z
MAGIX SpectraLayers Pro v5.0.130.exe3 L" X3 J: @" Y4 N! U2 g$ H4 I# x$ s2 F
MAGIX SpectraLayers Pro 5.0.130_macOS.zip7 G) z, v. [4 H: f4 W) |3 j5 B0 U8 K# J
MAGIX SpectraLayers Pro 5.0.134 macOS.zip
; D) P2 O  u( u7 |* B5 i4 TMAGIX SpectraLayers Pro 5.0.134.rar2 L3 s; c# _$ S/ N- F' J+ j
MAGIX SpectraLayers Pro 5.0.140_macOS.zip4 m& L& _7 ~1 ~& l7 S" _6 c7 _4 s


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