

[BorisFX] Boris FX Continuum Complete 8 v8.0.4

发表于 2015-2-2 20:08:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: Boris FX Continuum Complete 8
# d' x2 U, l+ m# h6 oProgram Type: Plug-In
* Y2 k0 p5 U: |' h# g) ^! sDeveloper: BORIS FX, Inc9 [: D# z1 h( U: B
Release Date: November 2017; e# i8 y3 M  h6 u. d* s
Homepage: https://borisfx.com/products/continuum/continuum-version-8/
9 R( S2 T3 {- {# f2 _4 wInterface Language: English* _9 r7 n  B% U, p3 L, |' t" Y* [
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) | Mac OS X v10.6.8/v10.7- a. |% Z6 [- [0 S
File Size: 150.86Mb / 165.62Mb
$ |/ |) ~  ]1 P/ ]+ h! X- `" k# q: y4 }9 m
Boris Continuum Complete 8 delivered a comprehensive VFX plug-in suite for Macintosh and Windows. It included 200+ filters include 3D particle effects, image restoration and touchup tools, true 3D lens flares and volumetric lighting effects, keys and mattes, extrusions, color grading tools, time-based effects, blurs, glows, and cinematic effects such as film glow, film grain, and film process looks. All filters used either multi-processing or OpenGL hardware acceleration for an interactive effects design experience.! R8 d9 F, y' B; D+ M% n# r
- y& ]7 O) J' a3 B4 {8 `
WHAT WAS NEW IN V8* F, n: p; z/ h
BETTER PARTICLES8 a& C- o6 \  `+ [! A
BCC 8 includes several new filters based on a new, modernized BCC particle engine: Particle Emitter, Organic Strands, and Wild Cards. Targeted toward broadcast design and graphics creation, these filters significantly improve upon previously available particle filters.# Y# n" B/ u( T
0 y( _. R: K. A' D' p7 u
BETTER LENS FLARES, C$ A* j( Y3 ]6 Z2 O) P" _
BCC Lens Flare 3D is BCC’s next-generation lens flare tool featuring enhanced looks and integration. Thanks to GPU optimization, the filter is blazingly fast while providing highly sought-after functionality.
. z* E( M- f" u7 }5 H9 i" a% E
5 U: K3 m% p* X' x/ o7 UBETTER GLOWS! l, ~9 _. b" U, [! w: ?
The new BCC Film Glow effect includes a unique Crosstalk feature that blends the color of the glow with the image in a variety of ways, giving you the ability to generate looks that are not possible with other glow filters - a real game-changer for designers searching for new looks!
2 U' ?' P) ]9 r3 X6 g8 `- q7 u- t+ J; @# w. H2 Z4 y1 r
4 E8 M& D( g  }: o3 O( zBCC’s arsenal of lighting options has grown to include a new Stage Light filter that tightly integrates with AE’s camera and lights and nicely complements AE’s built-in lighting, providing a much-needed volumetric feel.$ }. {+ t+ P/ ]3 ?

  Q4 ]4 x; G9 x) n( H  O  vBETTER IMAGE RESTORATION: p% a7 @2 A' {' c' d+ Q
Undesirable light flicker sometimes plagues irreplaceable camera shots. What can you do about it? BCC 8 comes to the rescue with a new Flicker Fixer tool that automatically solves the most challenging flickering light problems. Now footage so critical to your project becomes usable again!
  J+ Y: w0 x  G8 v+ A; i5 j# ]; B/ r0 q5 j# N6 d
6 P- y$ r* t& e3 _- J7 J9 fFull-featured and easy to use, the new BCC Videoscope filter means you no longer need to switch to a custom UI and deal with work-arounds to check color levels; the scopes are built right in to your Composite window! With vector scope and waveform monitors at your fingertips, you can be sure that you will never exceed legal color limits - while maintaining the overall integrity of your effects.
$ N: M9 z5 l& a+ M5 u% L
. e; j- {8 S5 eWhat`s new in v8.0.3:( Z, P# C' R: I- M, q) R
- Fixes rendering failures and prematurely interrupted PTR for 3D Objects filters when running in AE CS6.$ O& Z) d6 P1 x/ u; Q, e/ u2 b. E3 b
- Numerous bug fixes for 3D Objects filters in all versions of AE.
0 r( U0 Q5 A3 R  dKnown issues that are specific to Mac OS:
) P1 E4 g7 J7 z  Y2 n' x9 N3 ]- U- On Mac OS, BCC AE cannot open presets that use names with non-ASCII text characters in them, and saving a preset named with non-ASCII characters will result in a file with unexpected garbage characters in the name.0 D' r0 m, T) O
- On Mac OS, loading an external media file from a folder named with non-ASCII text characters will fail and can result in a crash.. B6 R" B1 }4 B) [: k
- When taking an AE project that uses BCC 3D Objects created on Mac CS4 or earlier, and opening that project in CS5 (Mac or Windows) Texture Files or Bump Files referenced in the 3D Objects' materials will not be found by the plugins and will need to be manually reset to get the effect to appear as expected. (In this case a warning is displayed).2 w( @- l* ~1 |  U0 X9 z
- When using the 3D Objects category of effects on Mac OS, enabling the "Transparent Object" checkbox will result in the object becoming fully transparent (so this feature is not useful on Mac).8 q& d  w, O# \# E1 r
Known issues that apply to both Mac OS and Windows OS:
8 B6 v1 ?( G% Q2 ^8 Q2 m- BCC Optical Stabilizer will sometimes generate jitter artifacts in interlaced projects.
& Z; U6 u2 Q; s: c4 T# z- BCC Snow occasionally exhibits jumps in the flake position.2 `, o6 g, W; f6 i& Z
- In BCC Particle Emitter 3D the interaction layer is not working accurately with 3D Text layers unless they are precomposed at comp dimensions.. _8 D8 L3 q1 `3 [/ O
- In BCC Particle Emitter 3D, changing the Blend Mode in the Spawn group can unexpectedly affect the main particle compositing.
; p2 X& `; i$ Q0 y9 J- BCC Damaged TV can exhibit incorrect render details when applied to alpha footage.' `8 v, @7 h) G  v2 A9 m
- In Premiere Pro only, enabling the Use Individual Layers control in BCC Pin Art will generate a rendered error message.+ W( K' f! J6 M2 |/ s8 D* c7 n
- Several render quality improvements were made to Film Glow, particularly when applied to content with an alpha channel. As a result of these improvements, previously saved Film Glow projects may render somewhat differently when opened in 8.0.1 or higher.
% ?% k( w. l. _# B$ e- Due to fixes in random number generator pattern differences between mac and win projects, you may see differences between random patterns in saved BCC7 projects when opened in BCC8. The overall “look” will remain the same but the details of the random patterns may shift.* G+ {9 s( {6 H  L9 l7 `7 Z+ H
3 G1 [  n+ s+ e/ d, O

1 P0 y0 B3 \* T8 x  `+ eBCC AE 8 supports the following host applications:6 n1 X  i# U6 g7 g9 r* G
Macintosh OSX 10.6 and higher:+ U# X  M9 A1 }. S! b
- Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro CS4, CS5, CS5.5, and CS6, CC) |, D  x$ s' A$ p
Windows 7 32/64, Windows Vista 32/64, XP 32:
) y4 X. n! O8 s- n! b- Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro CS4, CS5, CS5.5, and CS6, CC
$ v% M6 c' r6 ^2 O; h8 N0 u5 E9 p; ]2 L& a

( [2 C- e0 {5 @. x4 F5 A" ?Download:
3 _3 L, `: M  @' rBCCAE800Mac_CS5_CS55.dmg
7 a. y, e. M: i0 y* ]& g# BBCCAE800Win_CS3_CS4.exe3 v3 U5 v) V. o
, c4 A" d$ t, @BCCAE801Win_CS3_CS4.exe
5 a- V) `9 k/ V9 [BCCAE801Win_CS5_CS55.exe
' n7 C: m8 r, d. l7 n2 T9 iBCCAE801Win_Units_CS3_CS4.exe+ g+ V& {3 C+ L' i9 o
" ~* c! T1 J4 f& c2 IBCCAE803Win_CS5_CS6.exe
0 Y7 z% z0 N, yBCCAE803Win_Units_CS5_CS6.exe
$ C7 z* x1 |* ^BCCAE804Win_Units_CS5_CS6.exe3 ~" b8 h. v% X/ B$ ?
' P5 o$ {8 B3 uBCCAE820Win_CS5_CS6_CC.exe
! D: R( J1 w2 C  ]BCCAE820Win_CS5_CS6_CC_Units.exe# L& u- M* P( @, Z2 ?6 Y# t
BCCAE82Win_CS3_CS4.exe% `+ ^& c, R3 D0 M
BCCAE830_5000Win_CS5_CS6_CC.exe' @# j( Y+ g+ q

# [+ [, V% Y) FBCC-AVX_8.2_Mac.dmg- S2 p6 m# D$ U. w1 K2 s
BCCAVX801MacMediaComposer6.dmg# F- m; k/ c+ `1 l
9 u0 V5 Z' h) G  U+ YBCCAVX801WinMediaComposer6.exe3 b, I9 n% B9 K
BCCAVX801_64-bit_Mac.dmg* W8 ?' M8 o  Y
BCCAVX801_64-bit_PC.exe5 I  j0 V3 C# \( h
BCCAVX802aWin.exe8 |; r6 k& X: {" [
' c6 H* G$ {* u/ r' r5 E; cBCCAVX802_64-bit_Mac.dmg
* z8 |0 B1 ^: iBCCAVX803Win.exe
& W9 _" R2 i8 u* c9 iBCCAVX803WinMediaComposer6.exe
( i7 n& }- ]8 @  TBCCAVX8041_64-bit_Mac.dmg6 A! h/ T& ~5 |) h7 g
BCCAVX8041_64-bit_Win.exe, I; p' j( w$ [+ M% [6 H
, ?. R6 v6 i, M3 z$ dBCCAVX811MediaComposer5Win32Bit.exe
6 p2 u( |% P+ [BCCAVX811Win32Bit.exe
& A' N# a3 Q! c# p) uBCCAVX811WinMediaComposer6.exe
& k: T# |$ ?/ z& H/ B* y8 r7 C# m; EBCCAVX82Win_64Bit.exe& e/ n3 D) ?% e+ A1 \

+ h4 [& I+ L& P) `http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE82WinCS5_CS6_CC.exe
$ `6 O' p/ B& }( E+ ahttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE82Win_CS3_CS4.exe# l. ?1 Q, |$ M& Q* }4 z
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE811Mac_CS3_CS4.dmg  e% N3 e+ j0 h' R( U
/ l. `  b8 Q. ]" G, w7 Phttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE811Win_CS3_CS4_Units.exe& T% ~' i4 c9 Y# n; R- @' N
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE811Mac_CS3_CS4_Units.dmg4 o8 ]. {  a. v: G9 t% |
1 `! c$ X8 y% c  g& whttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE811Win_CS3_CS4_Units.exe+ }! g, c0 _9 K3 Q2 a2 z7 Z
2 k; Q( \/ f4 `. a2 Y7 |) chttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE830_5000Win_CS5_CS6_CC.exe
0 S  u0 n7 P( chttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAE830_5000Mac_CS5_CS6_CC.dmg
, a( d- A6 T6 ^0 ]5 d5 p' i4 a# F; e8 z! g. P* f. X5 @
http://dl.avid.com/Files/2550/BCCAVX801_64-bit_PC.zip?id=2550&pid=826* L* _- Y+ J, B7 q
8 y! ]7 h  t, Y0 V  @6 P# W) Zhttp://dl.avid.com/Files/2634/BCCAVX802_64-bit_Mac.zip?id=2634&pid=8642 Z4 X- I% C3 K( m& H3 Q. }! x
http://dl.avid.com/Files/2633/BCCAVX802a_64-bit_PC.zip?id=2633&pid=863+ V' R& K  X: x- I7 H8 M
! X  s2 q9 v- S( F  A) Rhttp://dl.avid.com/Files/2680/BCCAVX803.dmg?id=2680&pid=8832 g4 N6 \& d2 p( ]2 V7 T/ v4 m
http://dl.avid.com/Files/2712/BCCAVX8041_64-bit_Win.zip?id=2712&pid=895- Y# l% s# N" N; W; v8 A9 S
http://dl.avid.com/Files/2713/BCCAVX8041_64-bit_Mac.zip?id=2713&pid=895' Z8 x6 J0 k4 p! K
1 |" b. j+ w6 w9 y" ihttp://dl.avid.com/Files/2760/BCCAVX810WinMediaComposer6.zip?id=2760&pid=907
& h* N3 ?) F2 [* H  chttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAVX82Win_64Bit.exe  ]* r* [6 s( H0 _0 k
7 O% K) ?7 K9 p* Y  Ahttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAVX811Win32Bit.exe
( u& J; @% j% @& u8 [- |: l1 thttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAVX811Win32Bit.exe* G$ A# X" m; A/ K
http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCAVX811Mac32Bit.dmg, F8 S* D" d+ u/ I& t% n" h

, n' s" N; b& G- g$ O# Nhttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCFxPlug821_32Bit.dmg% a. l, J# [9 {" B! y1 g+ |
# H; i2 l$ T" m2 g5 U/ _http://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCFxPlug821_64Bit_Units.dmg
, c; x% O, [! P( r) Dhttp://xfer.borisfx.com/BCCFxPlug820_32Bit_Units.dmg
) m2 V" u9 B  u- f
0 T- P  w0 s8 W7 F; N6 S6 I" z' `: C2 ?, _


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