

[BorisFX] Boris FX Continuum Complete 7 v7.0.7

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Release Name: Boris FX Continuum Complete 7: g: k, Q- n9 f, [' x0 N
Program Type: Video, Plug-in' B5 A! ]7 C- t7 K
Release Date: December 20, 2010
6 @: \% }! s$ w! e( p4 eHomepage: www.borisfx.com/after_effects/bccae/index.php
+ J- a, F2 Y" T6 p) yInterface Language: English9 X! g! y; h/ b- s! m3 q3 B
Platform: Windows, Sony Vegas Pro 10
7 W7 n  u( M+ A  VFile Size: 97.8Mb/99Mb
# ~8 I1 ?. Z' G) V  a  ?
5 ]- k* a5 E0 w( }0 X8 d5 g: PBoris Continuum Complete 7 for Sony Vegas Pro (BCC 7 SVP) - Video Effects Plugin for Sony Vegas Pro 10. Continuum Complete is the Swiss Army Knife of Visual Effects, giving Sony Vegas Pro 10 editors the most complete and useful plug-in suite ever created. This comprehensive collection of 150+ plug-ins includes 3D extruded text, keying and motion tracking tools, dazzling light effects, popular film effects, realistic in-camera effects, and image restoration tools. Customizable presets allow editors to quickly create high-end effects with no learning curve. Effects can be selectively applied via channel or region-based masks. All filters take advantage of either multi-processing or OpenGL hardware acceleration.2 c+ [2 Z% j9 Y
" w( D7 E$ g  M8 J6 \# p
Key Features for Vegas Pro3 I/ A" ^% T/ N; {9 d2 _
- BCC 3D Objects category of 3D OpenGL extruded text generators# _+ e" x! E0 P% N9 \
- Professional Chroma Key Compositing
, Y1 K7 G& h2 m. {. x$ D- q- Automated Motion Tracking
* b9 n1 C4 ]- s+ X1 C" ]8 u, j& Y' Q- R- PixelChooser Masking System
9 ~" g4 Q# |( N- High-quality Image Restoration Tools
- E# }" c2 Y! g; Y: S- D- Popular Film Effects1 Z. I% _- q8 Z8 k
- Dazzling Light Effects
. O5 T) V4 U5 v6 `( S7 T8 X- Painterly Effects
! i9 E9 I. }, T9 w- Realistic In-Camera Effects
4 y% L( b) e, O- Thousands of Customizable Presets, }4 ^" Z+ Z7 m) n% |0 M
- Stylized Effects such as LED, Damaged TV, and Tile Mosaic3 L; k1 F0 l# Z, r# p
- Automated optical image stabilization without the use of point trackers' |- ], k1 T0 D* N

+ d0 z3 u' a' W3 bFilters in Continuum Complete 7 for Sony Vegas:4 d* Q; X$ h8 H9 n: Q
3D Objects8 w: ^5 H: a' I# h7 c- b- W/ Y
- Extruded Spline
7 ^! h4 ]6 F0 V4 ?& k0 u4 {, O( Y% R- Extruded Text! ^8 M5 q% h8 V4 ^1 y0 u
- Layer Deformer
& C- F! r2 {; ^1 F8 s1 D8 |- Type-On Text
* Q  y& O7 Y* F) l- Extruded EPS. A, C7 E% ~7 I: V9 F) T$ V' _
( c. |; J" P6 j7 r) B
Color and Blurs:
- Q. b, ]% `- {4 W) u- Artist's Poster
! j6 X% ]! Z$ B4 h- Bright-Contrast/ R+ X5 b" ^1 E5 R8 }: X% F! V* `' J
- Color Balance- R" w* m# r7 {  H7 [- X
- Color Choker
; p- P# q* M3 b. m- Color Correction) {- |# S& Z4 O
- Colorize
& O0 u# X6 |" U- A; J, F% v8 q- Composite' V# R$ E/ G) k4 L! A* H7 P+ s+ j! F
- Correct Selected Color- o+ f  w1 c' q9 J# q4 b+ X
- Directional Blur
# u0 x) F/ g3 E2 J* z7 a) `- DV Fixer
' J5 B" Z9 o- ?$ A# u% ]$ T" P- P3 ^0 }- Gaussian Blur
$ w2 L8 Y: H5 V- Hue-Sat-Lightness' ~* q+ B8 e, K8 h
- Invert Solarize
& R: j( U- B$ j# Q- C. d- Lens Blur
  {4 E7 u0 S- A- Levels Gamma8 v# x% u2 e3 |8 k( K; |
- Motion Blur
- ?+ K: ~7 I, b: _' }4 w0 G, s/ o- MultiTone Mix
, b' N! k7 g/ s0 [) s- Noise Reduction
! u5 s7 N0 G4 Z6 W* j. P- Posterize3 x9 m2 k3 |$ v0 D/ J6 ?! y
- Pyramid Blur Radial Blur
$ x8 Q# l! e& s3 O9 M2 v  b- RGB Blend& B1 z) ~; K% P- M
- Safe Colors0 R# b5 E+ |" F4 a. B! V* U
- Smooth Tone
; k# n! Z7 S2 q, ~) o- Spiral Blur$ f8 b3 h2 Y* _" N; m! T
- Tritone
1 M6 l, U* x& w8 y2 w4 `) S- UnSharp Mask
7 T$ J6 @; I5 l+ ]8 z; y
$ d3 i2 j5 |" u4 ]* L/ q! |+ NEffects:* m: \! G( e5 Y+ ^. V( \; ]
- Alpha Pixel Noise
2 j* c% i9 T: m2 g" W- Alpha Spotlight
9 P1 R' z; G" `6 K2 X* v- Cartooner
. ^  k5 Q: Y% O! F( N# Z) K3 ]- Cartoon Look
& T. R+ B6 `! F# t& ]. D- Charcoal Sketch
6 V# {0 _/ f: }. f0 o& e6 U- Colorize Glow
) `' Z' D/ w& z" A- DeGrain
: d3 j- h& F9 u4 h' s2 C% L/ N- DeInterlace) `! [; B+ d! Z2 Z. M
- Drop Shadow
9 l* ^* y& h% U1 y) |, `- Dust and Scratches
. p$ k& h6 p" x; G5 Z- Emboss
" z& r5 w. W+ f' K$ a, l- Film Damage
! M- D; T- {9 X5 \$ a- Film Grain
. j+ a" w( U8 z% _0 S- P  u- Film Process" ?" L2 V; B" Y- d& M( k% E1 u
- Glow% A/ g! |; h% C! T" u& i  S5 j6 [
- Glow Alpha Edges1 p3 N- m/ r  T2 h7 D$ U$ p6 @9 H
- Halftone
* N' _% g& a* R* q: ~1 c- Median5 d5 ~& b3 Z2 t( c. J4 X& `
- Misalignment4 x2 Z* `5 W! ^8 @2 y
- Mosaic
% z! K* K& y; O# U. P! e: j# [% h- MultiShadow! n! l* ^3 c2 O4 u8 `
- Pencil Sketch/ {! z8 z+ f3 O. O
- RGB Edges  m9 Q9 R: b' ]7 I
- RGB Pixel Noise; v1 U7 ~6 i3 H; H, o( U
- Rough Glow
* e  m/ N* }1 ]$ n3 M' }' ^) J- Scatterize
/ M" l; y3 E3 Y9 I1 u( o* v. i- Spray Paint Noise
# L3 D! x/ N2 [. l0 R+ q7 f# M* R; T- Swish Pan0 S: e$ W& g/ K, a
- Water Color
! w: u1 F/ D6 ?( w: @- Witness Protection( O0 r) t3 D- w4 E

/ Q; b) ~5 V/ [Keys and Mattes:! H& p4 e1 C: ?* M% ^1 \3 N2 R( a
- Alpha Process+ O2 {: p3 I' p  U. S6 R
- Chroma Key
) C& b7 i, @, S) ^, f- o- Composite Choker* {6 v  i% u- N  I" u
- Light Wrap
+ ]/ W/ p/ ~9 w* I" G- Linear Color Key
5 @8 a' X9 U" L% O- Linear Luma Key
7 T/ p" w0 W! H" K' U- Make Alpha Key
; Q2 e: g* O% H' R' f0 q- Matte Choker
1 s6 T5 Q- d! p, A; e2 A3 m- Matte Cleanup3 S* n& t: X5 D% h
- Motion Key! P! f6 s& c1 e! M( P
- PixelChooser
/ I) p( n% h6 T! Z1 \- z2 I2 @0 D8 C0 h- TwoWayKey
1 k8 A5 ~  a: u: z9 G7 A( M8 s- Wire Remover
0 R$ ^% g1 D3 a0 ~7 I/ |6 \6 x* i6 H! r1 i$ m! E! ^/ Y0 h
Distortion and Perspective:2 Z. k3 k% N7 F6 i
- 3D Image Shatter
- z7 V/ R& h; D% g% ?3 C- Z/ Q- Bulge
  p9 V0 t6 [8 j1 y- Corner Pin
) x  x7 O  ?  _! G0 @8 H% ~- Cylinder  {' {" L: Q6 s7 A
- Displacement Map
/ x) f: V+ V% f* m- DVE
3 Z$ e/ K& }: p) i! u3 z3 o* N- DVE Basic
* W8 F7 J$ S  K1 `- Fast Flipper; P- z; x  c& F2 u# y2 v
- Match Move
$ H6 ]2 b8 t+ B0 A- Page Turn
/ w" I! W/ D' P' Y- Pan and Zoom! w, s) h# |* m6 o
- Ripple. X: ^: W2 n/ l& {/ h
- Sphere$ s9 L- n4 ^  h5 S, @  _8 H
- Sphere Transition
) M7 e& I1 |9 X: ^+ s- Turbulence
4 X5 s8 L2 R9 l+ {$ \- Twirl
2 k6 }' x0 `* n- V) j( _6 D- UpRez
- t& z; f" }. J1 U0 D& @) |# C- ]+ V- Vector Displacement. x& _' Q7 c# L# t4 {* w0 d2 K- V" n
- Wave
4 o1 B4 C' I0 i/ A/ b2 u5 E0 w
* W! A' @! |8 wLights:- ^4 o% B5 }9 S8 O8 u& e, R4 L
- EdgeLighting9 d" V( T! q2 C: ^
- Light Sweep
+ v% D1 N9 v+ p3 i$ Z- Rays Cartoon
: d0 c& j, \: A- U7 e- Rays Puffy Light
3 j! N, ^: O3 r) b3 |) X7 m- Rays Radiant Edges' w( B0 \1 U  R/ L1 N! ^
- Rays Radiant Spotlight+ F3 L7 y! Y* n8 X. D" b( l
- Rays Ring' E8 Q$ X. V/ y2 D; e- n0 _
- Rays Ripply
& _' A/ t. i  r( F- Rays Streaky
& p9 w, v$ p' P- Rays Textured
! W% G: d& Z5 Q- Rays Wedge
+ R2 L9 |0 p; G  Z( L* b: e+ W- Reverse Spotlight$ d" A! u6 R' V/ w
- Spotlight6 I) O5 m1 ^9 y  z4 L) v4 j+ W& r. i

/ U6 X! b1 {8 s1 w, C2 v# pOpenGL:* n: F" Z8 ^( q1 x
- Damaged TV
. s: ~6 i/ U5 s0 r+ i" Z0 u; G- Glint, [& b. {7 |' c2 C$ F& }
- Glare. A! Q. N5 w: ^: H) _
- Glitter
4 ?8 j4 S% L% N3 X4 z' S# w- LED1 m9 H1 e. G2 X# d8 G. E5 Y" H/ n
- Lens Flare9 F" R4 K8 {/ z
- Lens Flare Advanced; E7 N" s5 `0 ]+ p1 d" o' h
- Lightning
+ h- J7 U6 e+ D7 k; _* S- Prism: D+ W) ?4 I! @0 d  w5 o1 \
- Scanline
0 h( |7 f; Q  @; M
" s' w6 u# M* r3 Y0 }5 t9 t( pTime:
% d' e7 t! L2 Q3 u& g% q& t2 }( o- Jitter! P: `0 I! X5 G9 \
- Jitter Basic3 O# ~1 G. W8 C9 Q3 F
- Looper; N; R1 t# C+ s! \! _6 T" W
- Optical Flow
6 a! A/ `9 d7 Q. D4 _! ?# H* ?- Optical Stabilizer7 i. z# \! T6 A/ n
- Posterize Time
7 X' r1 R2 `# A4 ?! P* N- Z+ F- Temporal Blur$ a+ B" A1 r' {: f3 \! t2 s4 Q
- Time Displacement
7 k. F9 O4 q, `: q: _- Trails1 n+ r9 a0 i7 h6 N+ v9 f5 w
- Trails Basic4 L4 G2 D/ v$ R$ H+ G* ?: Y8 P
- Velocity Remap
* C* ?7 f# j- t5 M( `7 m5 p0 x* X' s! n& ^& u. b9 ~- U4 |
Supported Hosts (for Windows):
1 s$ W7 E: o4 q1 V) H( m. E: n' L- Sony Vegas Pro 10 (minimum version 10.0a)# _3 ]2 r3 p; v: O& s

" u5 v# s6 a) Z6 ^) N+ v& O% C) D, g0 z2 p( i" K" }
Boris Continuum Complete 7.0.4 for Sony Vegas Release Notes:, c* h* n( m8 c8 Y
Changes made between version 7.0.3 and version 7.0.4 are:
. G* u3 f$ s0 B/ u3 {8 C0 \a) Several New Filters Added per Following List:
) |, }2 b+ X0 o! s* p) E0 p: j! N/ `- Corner Pin
; z3 o3 `4 r: O7 o$ @& d- Match Move
* ~  A; S6 f" t; B- UpRez- z1 T% A5 o& K8 ~9 T# P* y
- Pan and Zoom
( g/ U$ Z5 n  J9 Q7 @2 F- y7 R- eb) Fixed Bugs:6 P/ ]  F# F8 x1 _
- DV Fixer Contextual controls are now working
2 K" i: S$ s) v- Sporadic crashes in Spotlight problem has been Fixed6 W* V( ^4 r4 B: q( W9 ]& g
(additional bugs fixed that Require Sony Vegas 10b):
  G$ D6 k% n1 G) I# }4 n& N( y/ X- auto-animating filters now refresh when applied to static generators, stills, or empty events. Previously they did not refresh., T2 U( u$ z3 ?( c* T1 F; K4 j
- Vegas level presets saved after creating a motion path work now. Previously they did not work.
4 ]) U! u! ^! z- All Time filters- Rendering as a DV NTSC AVI now give correct results. Previously they produced a garbage result.
+ [6 P7 ^% f  ~6 r- BCC Motion Tracking or Time filters (Jitter, Jitter Basic, Looper, Optical Flow, Optical Stabilizer, Posterize Time, Temporal Blur, Time Displacement, Trails, Trails Basic, Velocity Remap) now work on an effect that has a disabled track above it in the Vegas timeline. Previously they did not work in such a case. 3 i+ N1 R) q: U

% ^& V/ h8 e# J" N+ f  h) U- ?, `7 b9 ?! `( r; C9 k. y
. V1 ?9 S" |* L/ b/ h8 D3 g
Download:2 l) W/ X1 D( K' q7 A7 c
1 h8 ]: |2 o. R: qBCCAE705Win_CS3_CS4.exe
  ?2 b4 ]9 f/ k+ i" @+ ~BCCAE705Win_CS5.exe
2 _6 F) p% O$ o0 \1 HBCCAE706Win_CS3_CS4.exe: Q% y$ H& |; K, @$ }& s
9 l9 L2 t6 F1 V: {) H1 ~- m) L+ z# w1 q& N' N: _# k; w* c* ~) ~
BCC703OFX_32Bit_Release.exe+ T2 I% Q& @4 W4 X, r* a
BCC703OFX_32Bit_Units.exe% U; ^1 q+ O: A9 d+ }5 y
2 k  j2 ?3 ~3 o( \+ v; CBCC703OFX_64Bit_Units.exe
- ]" G2 a* h- V5 [BCC704OFX_32Bit_Release.exe
, ~0 a! y4 p6 w8 W0 J: V# [BCC704OFX_32Bit_Units.exe
% @; i8 I- s/ u/ wBCC704OFX_64Bit_Release.exe
4 Z+ E3 v( q+ I' A! rBCC704OFX_64Bit_Units.exe/ J- m* p% b" M: ~$ Y' v% \+ @; ^
, e. v2 ?* }  Q9 z
, K$ _- I& ]( f5 n# H  J; l

/ c/ H6 n% @5 P) W: k: {( {


GMT+8, 2024-4-25 21:56

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