

Pixologic ZBrush 2018.1

发表于 2018-9-29 23:01:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: Pixologic ZBrush v4R8 P2$ f7 U- k! t6 X" k2 N9 M! M4 U0 _
Program Type: 3D sculpting
0 B9 `5 _% y0 jDeveloper: Pixologic, Inc.
; P+ y. [8 i# [0 }- Q$ ~5 K) j8 DHomepage: http://pixologic.com" T' h( q6 U5 }' {/ D
Release Date: 23.09.20172 X; m; T. Y4 o5 c# u6 N
Interface Language: English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, Korean' Q% m1 r2 A/ o6 A6 I
Platform: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10, 64-bit ONLY
% m& k8 ^( [# j0 A5 D: wFile Size: 1.4 GB4 E3 z& g( u6 j# D

: X8 O2 f0 x! B5 i9 ?ZBrush is the 3D industry's standard digital sculpting application. Use customizable brushes to shape, texture, and paint virtual clay, while getting instant feedback. Work with the same tools used by film studios, game developers and artists the world over. Dynamesh is ZBrush’s digital clay. It rebuilds the topology of your model as you sculpt, creating a smooth, even surface for you to add fine details. Step between different resolutions of your model, and changes on any level will be applied to each one. This enables you to create complex models, but still be able to make big changes when you need to If you're a concept artist or illustrator, you'll find that ZBrush bridges the gap between 2D and 3D. Compose 2D images where you can make real-time changes, while maintaining accurate lighting and depth. Paint models with pixel-by-pixel control using customizable brushes. Use GoZ to create complex textures in PhotoShop and see them applied to your scene as you work.' W: {6 \: N# p4 d* ~; D; J$ O: ^" J/ P

0 K3 a# m$ l1 i, R: u: BZBrush introduces multi-language support, as well as many other enhancements such as a new transformation tool, the Gizmo 3D and a new text generator that will allow the artist to create text and logos with real-time adjustments. And these are only the beginning!$ v7 I, P1 w3 `0 y( ~! z

; O+ ^* J6 m1 @Live Boolean
" N& v0 p6 \0 \: q+ O+ g0 OFor all their power, Boolean systems have historically required a lot of trial and error before finally getting a satisfying result. With Live Boolean, artists gain the ability to combine multiple sculptures together and see in real-time what the resulting mesh will look like. Any model can be subtracted from another, regardless of their polygon counts. You can even use Live Boolean with the existing instancing systems in ZBrush such as NanoMesh and ArrayMesh. While Live Boolean is active, you can even sculpt on your models while previewing the Boolean results. All of these options can be combined together to provide new sculpting workflows that are unique to ZBrush.9 ]' h, H+ L0 d( w6 G6 D
; W. X9 W, \8 {) }/ i) a
Real-Time Preview
# L3 S7 t! W: r) |5 O8 vLive Boolean is also excellent for creating hard surface models. Live Boolean makes it possible for you to preview any addition and subtraction operations between your source models, allowing adjustments to be made on the fly.4 F4 L5 O: V3 X6 _3 R
There is no guesswork, since you are able to dynamically see the end result before committing to the operation. You can adjust any part on a mesh and see it instantly impact the model. It’s 100% interactive, non-destructive and works with any sculpt.
2 D0 H: B# b# r! k, m* k/ T* F' ~+ x. C, U/ `
Using Live Boolean for 3D Printing1 J& |* L0 `7 {9 j" b
Live Boolean is perfect for creating models for manufacturing, toy design, product design, collectibles, and more. Use any sculpt to create articulated joints, keys for 3D printing, hollowing, or even to create molds for production.
2 \/ a2 ?, B. C( W
% o- m  J; s5 C0 Y: TConverting Your Live Booleans
$ L* M5 c# i' k, YThe Live Boolean function is not only a preview system inside ZBrush but can also be converted to true geometry to allow export for use in other applications.* f! }6 s" ?  M* F7 w
When it comes time to finalize a Live Boolean creation, simply click a single button and the Live Boolean process will be converted to geometry. The structure of your models will change as little as possible, with topology changes only taking place where the source models connect to each other. Even with models that are comprised of several million polygons, the result can be generated in just a few seconds.
) C6 f+ {, `, ~! f2 m$ j: `& Q
/ P8 V8 s4 q; y0 u, A, OVector Displacement Mesh Feature, J% g4 N% E2 `. @8 Q# f4 F
Expand your Alpha arsenal with a new library of Vector Displacement Meshes (VDM). These are 3D sculpts used as brush building blocks that will allow undercutting when drawing on a model’s surface. As an example, you can draw a nose complete with nostrils in a single brush stroke. Or an ear with complete front and back sides. Or a bent finger, scales with a raised angle or even an open mouth. All of this without lost depth or detail.! F( a1 V  S4 I# I

( ]8 O3 G! J) W. C! ZWhats New in 2018:' }. y. V- ?$ i2 B# w. p8 G+ l* i6 l
Elastic Option for Curve Mode9 K' ^7 D0 v  M; p# @$ |& ^0 X% i
Liquid Option for Curve Mode- H$ }- X* t+ ^1 g3 ^
Equidistant Gizmo Mesh Duplication0 m% H2 H2 j$ v! c4 Y6 m8 {
Remember Draw Size
2 c3 R6 ^6 X! T6 ?Remember Dynamic Mode for Draw Size
" `) L: h1 K& I6 x( p* U% r$ \* xTessimate Geometry. ~5 h3 Y, T: u. m! W7 K( m" }4 g5 G/ c
New PolyGroup by Normals Algorithm3 m, t0 O# h% y2 \; Y, q
Added Draw Transformation Border option to hide transformation border
' M. S% q! R7 k4 u+ \Increased OBJ Import file size capacity
# x& J* r. D1 h) q% a# |" `Increased Output Size for 3D Print Hub7 d3 q4 B# e1 S# q3 ^: E
New Snake Hook Brushes for Scultpris Pro$ T5 q" w6 N4 N9 [% f$ e$ }" l
Option to Save Startup Default Material
+ D0 M/ X; I, L3 z' K. TQuickSaves Can Now be Saved to Any Hard Drive
% F4 W  p# D7 U' L8 G" l. XNew Activation and License Management System with Unique Login Support3 b; t  C6 o. w" w) f4 {
Create Displacement Maps from the highest subdiv level if HD geometry levels are present
/ E1 ]2 y- f1 c, Q; v8 bOBJ Import will not accept Color Vertex information
0 Z$ W6 A1 H" N4 J* D1 ]; jPresets added to Decimation Master
& F  [1 I4 R+ Q6 [1 ^# X9 [  R* k! e
Whats New in 2018.1:; E. w+ F& U4 U8 r1 x
NEW2 N2 Z2 O5 ~- K3 U. D8 h! e
Added various changes to increase ZBrush sculpting and navigation speed.  a5 h# T& J# j( Z! x  ]
Added ‘Go To Unmasked Center’ button for use with Gizmo3D center option.% v9 T* Q9 h9 c
Added ‘Uvb’ and ‘Uvbt’ (UV-Box and UV-Box tiles) UV map creation options.
7 b7 r- C" T. r. UAdded option to export Smooth Normals with OBJ files.
4 Y( p/ }1 Z. b5 MAdded ZModeler Inset proportional option. (A Single Poly only. CTRL modifier)4 n+ r! @( L( t0 J' m# j, S
Added a warning when loading custom brushes with auto-masking enabled if Sculptris Pro is active.
% }8 v7 |& q1 lAdded a MatCap Red Wax material so it will no longer be fully replaced when using ‘Save As Startup Material’.
$ l0 I# w- K  y( J
' V, N" K4 F2 _- `' {UPDATES
" T) E. o  v4 U; YFixed Groups Border weighted smooth mode (Smooth Groups Brush).
) P2 N2 @, ~% b0 M  F9 IFixed iCloud Photos shortcut issue.
5 H2 X+ H, [8 Q% F* ^; ]0 M0 W0 dFixed GoZ Photoshop Crash.8 a. a, Q$ i9 j' P: z
Fixed GoZ Max has been updated to work with 3ds Max 2017, 2018, & 2019.
* z2 _& A" u% H0 S+ [+ ]9 Z/ nFixed double clicking not opening ZPR or ZTL files on the MacOS.# i  I2 ?& F: B
Fixed issues with tablet pressure on MacOS.  o, B6 U2 ]7 y" i4 n' O
Fixed ZRemesher density control with Polypainting on MacOS.! }- r- [( l& E4 W7 a
Fixed CTRL + Drag duplicated crash when using the Gizmo3D.
9 k) I9 _) T6 s4 z* nFixed issue with geometry position sliders staying active when inputting values.
( J) O, x; o/ a- q3 r8 AFixed issue with lightbox not opening with large number of loaded brushes.3 @# r- a) `) w1 ~6 f$ J5 U' ^% N) N6 v
Fixed issue with VDM brushes when applying with textures.% j/ S; \1 z/ M9 i6 o
Fixed ‘Draw Transformation Border’ not storing with Config.* d2 \  G. g$ u& @7 {( }/ u, `; T# f
Fixed ZBrush not responding after restoring from minimize on MacOS.
( v0 a- j! [; v2 ]Fixed typing with a French keyboard on MacOS.5 c/ T2 h! e( z* K) k
Fixed importing of PNG files on MacOS.
4 Z' ?7 @1 l) e5 iFixed custom UI not storing when in full screen mode on MacOS.$ `1 J" t% ^6 E3 {, x7 Z' V
Fixed Screen Saver from activating when ZBrush is launched on MacOS.
5 r! G/ y; T! yFixed computer not sleeping when ZBrush is launched on MacOS.' }/ }' C9 W: d3 K6 j
Fixed issue after UI is saved in window mode on Windows.
4 P, O% W, X/ {8 P6 R5 IFixed issue of UI not being saved in fullscreen on secondary monitor on Windows.
* h, t0 I. c$ E- A$ f  RFixed UV Planar smoothing UVs when applied. Now smoothing will only take place when SUV in the Tool>Geometry is enabled.
/ V7 b# q9 H! Z; P  @
5 W4 ^# _' w6 m" g( ^Minimum System Requirements:
- C, G2 l& ?) Y" x9 C6 NOS: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer. (32-bit operating systems are no longer supported.)
4 k' l0 R( }: b' L  ACPU: Pentium or equivalent AMD.
5 \+ A' `  u# H: Z$ y. d7 HRAM: 4 GB (6+ GB strongly recommended)
3 }6 f0 l/ h9 j! R: kHDD: 8 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk.& Y" e4 C0 L/ l; I
Pen Tablet: Mouse or Wacom compatible (WinTab API) pen tablet.; i4 i( `0 j" N7 p/ t) F
Monitor: 1280x1024 monitor resolution with 32-bit color.
$ W8 h; Y/ y; F0 B$ KVideo card: Most cards manufactured 2008 or newer. Must support OpenGL 3.3 or higher.
1 F! ]4 G% _9 u' y
$ e" J/ C* s# o. YHighly Recommended:
1 V- k5 a- I/ P2 X7 Y) I0 m% E* FOS: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer.
  z1 B* C8 G: k; K6 P/ S$ a( mCPU: Intel i5/i7/Xeon technology or AMD equivalent.
7 s/ @6 b4 |! ]  ]# zRAM: 8 GB required for working with multi-million poly models. (16+ GB preferred.)9 x9 b7 E2 B5 S; Q
HDD: 100 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk. (SSD drive highly recommended.)' l" m8 Z3 U9 O1 r- Z
Pen Tablet: Wacom or Wacom compatible. (WinTab API.)2 h* |# b) I; q6 ]: x# r
Monitor: 1920x1080 monitor resolution or higher with 32-bit color.
: J9 O2 [, \, P4 W1 f$ n% P; jVideo card: Most cards manufactured 2008 or newer. Must support OpenGL 3.3 or higher.
. x/ M% q% @3 ?* [! b1 ^
6 y! q( w$ E" Y: _8 A! |" k7 X3 E( e4 t( J% O  J

# k4 z& I# a3 k* @# o1 O' m& F" K" A6 V/ W! E! u% m

" D: `: B1 [8 X. |/ h, G9 H9 D, ~6 K+ C$ I( z3 c

3 e1 Z! w6 q- J0 I% hDownload:
$ Y' t( u+ ^! a+ pZBrush_2018.1_Installer.dmg
" L$ @4 _( M4 VZBrush_2018.1_Installer.exe* l3 Q9 W* @9 i+ x% b
7 h5 U  r4 e) j5 A0 H( X7 d; j5 oZBrush_2018_Installer.exe


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