

FXhome HitFilm Pro/Express v11.2.0008

发表于 2018-12-27 19:10:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Release Name: FXhome HitFilm Pro 6 a( k% G7 _0 p: W+ @
Program Type: Video Editing, Compositing
& {5 n% J  I. FRelease Date:  January 16, 2019+ O4 u/ a, T" C
Version: v11.1.0004
! t$ g3 w/ Z0 b- @2 [6 [5 VHomepage: https://fxhome.com/software-update: ]$ m0 X* F; {0 G* l% i; f! E
Interface Language: English
& U' f" J8 C/ o7 b4 w6 g5 UPlatform: Windows & Mac; n2 Z9 I- _+ l; q" m3 x
File Size: 335MB / 425MB, [$ T- j* Y: |$ x
7 H6 Y% f2 w3 ?# R2 B) B$ K
HitFilm 11 is a unique combination of video editing, visual effects and 3D compositing for filmmakers and professional artists. HitFilm brings your ideas to life. Create beautiful captions, complex motion graphics and more. Increase your level in this business with HitFilm all-in-one video editing.5 s  {/ n) ~5 O' |1 `

) S/ {+ n. P7 g2 M/ b' _5 V3D compositing for filmmakers and professional motion artists. Everything you need in one product. Want to create epic videos on a budget? HitFilm brings you the biggest ideas to life. Create beautiful title sequences and sophisticated motion graphics. Take your channel to the next level with HitFilm's all-in-one video editing. 7 M( `# {! \" C9 D. q3 m

5 X$ k5 v# P9 q8 e7 mAnything is possible
& I9 }2 B6 L* }9 p7 ]% `7 wHitFilm 4 Pro is the only video software that includes everything you need to make a movie on a huge scale, regardless of budget. All those times when you had to limit your ambitions - this is already in the past. $ [2 |  @2 P) Z
& j. H. [$ G# N' ?. W' G
3D objects4 q( H! w" f& Q6 i3 ]& M! n- A" G
Add various 3D objects to your scenes - from helicopters and spacecraft to the Empire State Building or a manufacturing company logo. Animation of objects and removal from the virtual camera, lighting and shadows in real time, reflection and physical lighting based on producing beautiful photo-realistic results.
) W: `. Q4 _0 y5 I
5 |; n- ^/ X; @6 i/ SVisual effects
, O( m5 G2 A6 L  M3 f, wThere are over 200 effects in the library from which you can even create your own. , Q" d0 G2 W8 A- O; e2 Y9 q
Among them are the following:- o* O4 W( h. h# q2 D
- Harmonious arrays of particles will be needed to create amazing fractal animation with thousands of particles. Forms can be animated to the music. ; X+ z' z: L5 u7 Y) |' t' w4 E
- 3D particle simulator combines 3D physics, dynamic forces, collision reflectors.
8 [. q0 z. o8 H7 T& }" |  \% r- The effects of dirt and damage will help to create realistic images of damage, effects of dirty camera lenses, artificial grain, automatic shake and optical motion blur.
: [' F" Z% r) `- The program has the ability to work with different lighting effects. You can create your own glare effects on the lens and automatically pin them to the brightest part of the frame.
2 y% w9 w. |! k- You can also include surround light effects in the scene. 2 i/ G5 I3 ]. p+ ~
- Procedural destruction will be needed to split images and videos into thousands of 3D fragments, add realistic blood splashes, effects of shots, electrical storms. 4 `- O1 Q: T+ Z6 R" ]$ Y
- Combines the now classic 2D layers and the 3D development environment.9 g( [  u6 v. G$ u1 o/ X
- HitFilm is an excellent tracking solution for tracking in any format - 2D and 3D. # `+ z2 C' M1 |% g# [- U1 {
' e; W6 u; t5 K; E9 B
0 v$ r! j% Z5 Q5 \$ R7 ~7 g: OEditor The HitFilm Pro video editor contains all the necessary tools you may need for professional video processing. This Ripple, Roll, Slip, Slide, Transition, processing an unlimited number of video and audio tracks, the sound on the timeline and translucency graphics. More than 20 plug-ins are provided for working with color correction and gradient in HitFilm Pro. In addition, there is the ability to export high-quality video or upload it directly to YouTube. 3 ~, z. W0 K" a$ {& _

: R8 y- G: r5 w' _+ m- e1 eEverything is possible; m+ u/ h# Y7 s, k% I+ X" y
You need to create a huge scale movie on an indie budget. Limit your ambition - that's in the past. 0 c) G) V2 H  G  g$ c& H" _+ u

) K. p& M: V+ `# S: a) r3D objects
# ]% W7 D# f9 |0 Z: WAdd your objects to your scenes. It is a real-life photo-realistic results. ; B2 v* K; {3 F7 z; P

* z( u& G& i1 d# @& v. P  KVisual effects; V; C( P1 D- W0 T9 v5 G4 r2 u7 H) _
This is from a junction of lightning and fire distortion. There are over 200 effects in the library, all of which can be re-mixed. ( _2 ?, N: K) X1 B

: H% W0 |5 C/ C* gGrading1 E, y+ Y2 |% e- t* n4 {
HitFilm Enhance your hair frame or customize your area in such a wide landscape shot. It’s a bit of a funeral. 4 S) D7 N3 a/ B; c

8 @% j' j& ~6 s# x* SGet animated
) O3 ]- v+ X" a1 k4 b. Advanced animation and motion effects.
6 m9 f) R" i7 u: ~2 a6 t
  G( w6 T* y8 y7 ^' j/ BTitling3 n( i( Q# N7 B+ `
From advertisements to end credits, we make words matter. HitFilm 4 Pro for all your titling needs. Your titles can be customized using HitFilm's advanced compositing and effects tools. / F% m, f8 T  b1 ]% K
5 _* z0 n  Y5 h% P9 w. ]
The Animation; X4 L; t3 }% q! e, z8 u
You have the complete control over your animations, with a Powerful a keyframe graph editor and bezier a paths. If you’re working with 3D pre-made sequences, * R. m1 C; z% g" S' L, W

/ S. I5 H$ _$ a; `8 L' nParticle engines
5 o! M) R' v, k2 H4 l% R* g2 s. HitFilm 4 Pro's got two ... Create your own systems or patterns, audio-influenced patterns.% r' |! Q# h# u# k

$ h$ \) e+ g* g6 w+ R0 a8 D/ zMinimum system requirements:, ^$ ~# }2 E( |8 |/ l3 J* ^
- Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 - 64-bit operating system.
3 Q5 A9 j7 V; I8 ^" J- 1.2GB free hard disk space for installation # z1 H+ U0 v: [- ^
- Internet 6 v1 q7 Y, w. _9 s
Core i3, Core i5, Core i7 or Intel Xeon (Nehalem) processor or AMD equivalent ! b  p, `  x: N1 b# D
- 4GB RAM 4 ]3 j. ?5 _( n% ]; V9 Z
- Capable 512 MB video memory (NVIDIA GeForce 9 series, Radeon HD 5000 series, Intel HD 4000) - P8 Z* X6 N6 g+ A9 r
* O$ H/ K- G) _) M
) Z  A3 w$ f- F7 P
8 k6 m6 n2 K% b. i1 \2 d/ B3 a

4 Y  a& k& w. F* N+ k( q
6 |' p, T+ B5 r+ R$ T; a3 N% j6 ^  _6 V9 `. `
$ {2 U( m5 p1 O! {; z3 xHitFilmPro_11.0.1844.pkg( n" F2 U# H& n3 M
HitFilmPro_11.1.0004.pkg5 I* _- x% T( L* [5 N$ n9 M
$ f. h" Y# Z: P% J7 X6 uHitFilmPro_x64_11.0.8319.47197.msi3 s1 G7 W/ |4 x8 {0 j
, W: b* H$ z) E# z: J
# h* D) o, ^$ z% F0 AHitFilmExpress_11.1.0002.pkg) w1 e( u7 ^3 a0 F
' v( e- v4 O( K, a6 vHitFilmExpress_x64_11.0.8319.47197.msi
$ F7 }2 i1 }( {! i" t! q; n" e; R' x, R1 c% a) w- [

5 V) G& _" p( V+ m7 fhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_x64_11.0.8319.47197.msi
/ Q# U6 x: r  u+ W$ chttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_11.0.1844.pkg
% B' Z: h& W, \# E1 p) Qhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_11.1.0004.pkg
2 z2 Z/ t* R* S: E* D3 fhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_11.2.0008.pkg5 t" R1 E9 r" U3 P2 M+ m: X& K
0 W: w+ z3 ^: h
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_x64_11.0.8319.47197.msi; d5 P2 o8 J" O. x6 m2 h
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_11.0.0587.pkg* j/ Q2 \* h" Z$ G9 D! S/ P
- s; |# u8 L8 Z" a4 {http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_11.2.0003.pkg  m- E6 @0 Q7 E. C" ?. S# L

* v1 ]* J* Y0 O; M5 b' m


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