

[After Effects] RevisionFX Effections Plus 21.1.1

发表于 2019-2-21 09:47:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: RevisionFX Effections Plus 21* O! y4 Y" i/ i" w. R& G
Program Type: After Effects Plug-In
7 X. O8 F4 [* M" ~Release Date: October 9, 2020) y( V2 P. u/ Y+ G
Home: https://revisionfx.com/products/effections/after-effects/
3 D9 `" x4 c/ h, s5 ]; }' F+ |% B5 cInterface Language: English$ g+ p) l" U' f2 N4 \# \
Requirements: Win64 / After Effects, Premiere Pro CS6 and up.$ f/ D8 @8 f$ {- ?; Z0 r
File Size: 68.8 MB
, W( E; Y* I- B2 y  p$ W( k8 H, m
Effections are our bundled collections. RE:Vision Effects’ Twixtor used to retime up to 160x slower than real time. DEFlicker by RE:Vision Effects is designed to smooth out annoying flicker and artifacts when shooting high speed or timelapse video.
1 J" J) X6 f3 O# U3 G' i4 c/ |& s
  y! V& P& X+ K7 sEffections are our bundled collections. RE:Vision Effects’ Twixtor used to retime up to 160x slower than real time. DEFlicker by RE:Vision Effects is designed to smooth out annoying flicker and artifacts when shooting high speed or timelapse video. DEFlicker/ Y0 t3 H) F6 V) x* {: t# z( H( L+ D
DEFlicker is your solution for problematic high frame rate and timelapse footage!
# F0 `7 m: [3 F' F% q& L3 J4 J" O4 }/ k
DE:Noise$ G+ i. ^4 L  M6 N
Reduces noise using novel feature-sensitive spatial filtering along with time-based optical flow methods!
, K, {* u% i3 D. B9 v* S  ^" M1 w
+ A/ b4 A% D( D! w2 l! n+ Y5 d1 I, {FieldsKit
1 j  B3 A  |5 {2 D7 c$ JFieldsKit provides smarter deinterlacing and better workflow options for interlaced footage.
% Q: i5 c5 n7 L3 D" r/ u+ w' S9 C9 {7 Q' M9 v. M4 l
ReelSmart Motion Blur- @  e/ {. q' A4 i4 U# A4 L6 X
Applies natural-looking motion blur by automatically tracking every pixel.2 I+ j: }7 G5 ]! E! v4 a$ g
, N! f6 @- I$ \$ d" ^
RE:Fill# o% `0 ?, o1 N: G& Y+ T
RE:Fill mends holes in images by intelligently filling user-specified regions.
/ j0 L* u* P0 g- `$ p3 |, |3 r6 p, t( z4 g4 `( ]
) e1 `* U1 J0 D* [- mRE:Flex creates visually stunning morphs and warps with an easy-to-use interface.$ |% `7 r  @9 y/ p

6 U# r  T" L( C3 R9 r: c8 V# R5 [RE: Lens+ f9 e+ }8 T9 @/ b
Lens conversions, projections and stabilization for 360 VR and fisheye footage." f4 X  f& U+ p/ p5 r
8 S+ X* @8 T5 _  V0 C- l. m
RE:Match; \9 Q( f2 ?6 t$ L0 o; `
Automatic color and texture matching that addresses problems of multicam and stereo shoots.
7 [  D/ s# y! y2 V- X: D
0 Z/ T. O$ H, o' I; Q, T$ U8 oRE:Map
( n3 s4 @# x) GRE:Map provides professional quality mapping and distortion tools.: N+ Z/ D9 \) z" c  u4 V

$ W8 N3 E( X7 {- }% Y# ^PV Feather
6 Y; o4 h+ x& R0 h, x  m7 S( kPV Feather provides per-vertex feather control for After Effects!
/ x) ~8 J/ x5 W0 a" y( @* p' l, |8 W7 i- P
2 i% K* e3 S( ]$ T- {( j- H8 kShade/Shape automatically turns your 2D artwork into 3D rendered imagery!
0 S" \: t: T5 j8 ?/ T* W! j7 I1 B9 F3 Y
SmoothKit7 {/ ]+ a3 [, j# Q% G: g
The ultimate blurring filter set that combines user directed controls and feature sensitive methods.
0 b4 g" U. j8 j1 b
7 ?* [0 r. T) C% OTwixtor. s  G/ Y" e0 @4 E4 o
Intelligently slow down or speed up your image sequences with visually stunning results.# ^. E( [1 L4 \5 A" r5 P
9 C( [) i/ n6 _0 `
Video Gogh
( P( n! [- ^& x. n8 XVideo Gogh turns your pictures and videos into painted works of art!
5 ?+ H9 J# B' Q! v& ?' ]
5 n' v' ?/ J; H- Cincluded:
+ t5 Y+ W+ x) i/ S. k; u% dDE:Flicker v2.0.0
# M2 t' s4 L, S! ~DE:Noise v3.3.0' T" s; a0 O% O- ?0 }4 h8 [- j
FieldsKit v3.6.0# }+ n% V1 m8 d/ i  n% Y7 `$ a
PV Feather v1.8.1; e2 N; d2 j( ~2 n( N- _
RE:Fill v2.4.0
( [& U7 j" L0 c8 ^& G+ s- eRE:Flex v5.4.0
% X: e& b% l- r% l6 URE:Grade v1.1.0# g* i# }2 u" S) f
RE: Lens v2.2.0
, D! r' ]$ \' k$ m3 bRE:Map v3.2.1
9 \! Y% z& B# A/ m6 b8 f5 @9 RRE:Match v2.4.0
8 j! l# S3 a6 jReelSmart Motion Blur Pro v6.2.1, ?  T$ D1 X  k8 H0 w2 v
Shade/Shape v4.3.1" o: @. {& T. z4 f9 b: {
SmoothKit v3.5.2
( w" g& a1 ^+ G' t7 STwixtor Pro v7.3.15 l2 y: k5 J: C; T" J; L
Video Gogh v3.9.1
! s" d$ u4 W0 i  P  P( Q3 k! Y' v
; N+ Q0 [9 k# U+ F9 X1 ^) |4 mEffections Release Notes:! T! o0 E1 }3 |  X: m5 h; N
Version 20.0.3 | October 9, 2019* I4 `' h9 [6 j  ~
Now a one-click download all the plug-ins installer.
) K0 I/ y9 F+ v, a* J
0 n' M8 o3 a: ?+ D% I, AVersion 20.0.2 | February 11, 20199 h% D  Z4 U4 A
Adds RE:Grade to bundle (this product is free for all who bought Effections V20)
! z( q( ~% ~' ]; \! j0 B! E5 T" a8 u* {. W5 Y7 T
Version 20.0.1 | January 16, 2019$ A: Z2 k7 g$ i, O
Fixes a problem were RE: Lens v1 was installed instead of RE: Lens v2 as part of the package- R, s0 W; A2 p* u9 m
/ E( y8 _( n- g( f9 s* r/ p& e
Version 20.0 | December 3, 20180 }$ d4 E/ p( c3 D  R
Uses new RE:Vision Effects licensing scheme.7 q/ ~4 w4 d4 e! f0 K, u+ [
Changes what's included in the bundle" o" f0 r  Z) a( |! Q' W

5 ^8 T( l: @0 Q, D: xVersion 18.0 | April 18, 2018
5 A) L: H- u2 N* H# v8 vAdds Twixtor Pro v7 and RSMB Pro v6& ~6 `" z# ]1 O
6 [# N8 S& S; R. z: n# Q
Version 17.0.0 | January 31, 20182 V% n- ^  R$ p1 x) x
v17, now including RE:Match v2
+ K( a7 i9 O2 E: [
* t9 `; S% Y" d, [Version 17.0.0 | January 31, 2018
2 V. L' A/ c: t' Xv17, now including RE:Match v2+ Z8 R0 c1 v  j0 {* H' u3 l

. `! R0 J0 Z7 K: _( RVersion 16.0.0 | October 10, 2016
6 i" A5 D  F" MRelease of our new all-in-one installer.
9 }, E  P' @  U$ `) z
% h4 c4 G: F+ d3 n5 z2 cCompatibility:
  u- S( r3 P& ^! }6 D4 \& nInstalled plug-in will work with After Effects CS6 (and up) and Premiere Pro CS6 (and up)., i* l1 u# I7 Q. E, ^# L: q  Y

* I( s7 a" R. h) O& g! a$ j9 n  tSystem requirements:
% G3 B( ~. H9 X& O! rThe same OS and hardware requirements for the version of After Effects that you are using.  x# d9 D5 I0 X- ?6 _! E6 V, }# ^

1 [/ r* A6 ]+ m; v; ~% l7 k0 W$ W( P( G2 x3 A7 G" f

$ Q1 ]& o  x& I& |2 [Download:4 ?/ U. f* L6 e, v/ _* M) s
$ j( y* R, q9 g; v: s1 uhttps://revisionfx.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/EFXN10AEInstaller.dmg
# S$ S% W6 K) \9 e2 L+ uhttps://revisionfx.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/EFXN20AEInstaller.zip
! F/ V7 X* e+ c  yhttps://revisionfx.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/EFXN20AEInstaller.dmg2 `+ Z; m: I# ^7 G4 j$ i
https://revisionfx.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/EFXN18AEInstaller.zip6 M/ e3 ^( s5 U
https://revisionfx.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/EFXN18AEInstaller.dmg& o5 g, e, r" t' p
" g) j2 Z9 g0 j3 chttps://revisionfx.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/EFXN17AEInstaller.dmg
! p% N) ]3 v% d; V6 `6 m( hhttps://revisionfx.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/EFXN16AEInstaller.zip! ~* }5 F) X) W9 }
! L* R( D7 _* e3 o! K6 o/ B1 C  t% ?( |  o5 Q9 j$ t3 B/ X; D
- P% h  K- ^# f* t


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