

FXhome HitFilm Pro/Express v10.1.8309.07202

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Release Name: FXhome HitFilm Pro   g7 `2 |% S9 t3 `
Program Type: Video Editing, Compositing- `* d7 ~- c' t3 x% G  C5 q
Release Date:  12 NOVEMBER, 20180 D, _! M- {2 g
Version: v10.1.8309.07202' a" Z) C9 s" A7 B1 F$ V9 ?! |
Homepage: https://fxhome.com/software-update OR https://www.videohelp.com/software/HitFilm/old-versions#downloadold
* ^- r! q3 v0 I1 E1 `( r8 G' ]Interface Language: English
6 B" b! D6 ?+ R) SPlatform: Windows & Mac+ N% E( }7 l/ H6 D- K, Z# d
File Size: 380 MB / 443 MB
! w2 V, g( z7 r) N* X( J" i/ }1 R" c0 S& h3 h* l, r- v
HitFilm Express is a free version of Microsoft Windows software that uniquely combines the capabilities of the linker and editor of audiovisual information presented in digital form.' y2 Y* |$ m3 ]: O1 C8 C4 _& y

. G! M1 N* K3 r: b& H; gAs in the case of other video editors, the main task of HitFilm Express is the cutting, rebuilding and gluing of material, compression and formatting of files, as well as the creation of special effects.# a' w3 w4 w$ x' e& n
' U8 f  O( Y8 N2 s7 D" D
This program supports simultaneous work with an unlimited number of audio and video tracks, fast switching between them is possible thanks to programmable keyboard shortcuts. Settings can be made from the project menu by clicking “File” - “Options” - “Shortcuts”.
6 g# o! u) A) o; J  e0 U# ]5 `
$ b; p4 q, s( g; sDespite the fact that the Express version is, in fact, the “younger brother” of the entire HitFilm line, this product is already equipped with advanced editing capabilities, such as color correction, noise reduction and scaling.! H- c+ f% S* |: ~' `

/ J1 {+ k8 ?$ F7 u/ d% P4 U4 `; B+ E% q6 \But still the main feature of the product is a great variety of effects, allowing to bring to life the most modern and innovative ideas. With the help of educational videos, the user will be able to recreate the model of technology, shots, explosions, natural phenomena and natural disasters, elements of horror and retro paintings.
( N" q+ U& o9 q7 B
6 I, E/ U* _. }  v( |9 NThe program interface is modern and has a characteristic set of elements for video editors. However, the abundance of additional windows makes it somewhat cumbersome. In order to increase comfort, developers provide the user with the ability to customize their own workspace.7 Z& Y* W" C/ b9 u' e1 D

0 ^: w( H# e2 g- S7 D7 `3 X: G% DHitFilm Express supports the import and export of basic image and video formats out of the box - MOV, AVI, MPEG4, H.264, JPG, PNG, DV, which distinguishes it from its competitors, providing similar opportunities only in paid versions.
! g: G6 w; m, a4 B+ u3 o: A- n, e4 [9 C. f% D0 m. C! H0 \! `8 |
Benefits of HitFilm Express
# C  @2 {+ M% ~5 y% R& U5 _, [Ability to work with many formats of audio and video files;# ?2 P0 {/ w* E( _% l% d
A wide range of tools that allows you to create a huge number of special effects;
" y: S# T! k$ u, o7 o1 RAvailability of documentation and periodically updated training materials;
( M5 x% _4 y2 J# eAdvanced light tools to create diffuse, interference, flare, reflection and other effects.9 s* H" V! V2 t& C: _5 a4 S$ b
HitFilm Express Disadvantages2 R8 X# e5 F& J; L

; U+ S+ w; D+ m9 SThe absence of Russian-language video tutorials and program interface;! @! y$ ?# w4 I, H; k0 a
The complexity of working with the editor on monitors with a relatively small resolution due to the abundance of elements and auxiliary windows.1 m& S8 M+ \6 @" n5 c

4 |; u# q/ w2 C0 V# H6 D$ HHitFilm Features:' W# ^4 \: J/ F5 B- ~9 _% h
Give yourself the best start& |* B7 y+ B$ T3 W; q
Being new to filmmaking or having a tiny budget doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the best tools. HitFilm Express will change your expectations.
/ O+ w- E7 y' L; H
/ B2 m3 S" A4 y" g6 [; n% y0 bBig features, small price
: K* ?5 P/ Q; N9 c& N3 \8 U6 E. }HitFilm Express isn’t just an editor. It’s also a fully featured visual effects and compositing product. You won’t find that combination anywhere else.
+ a2 g* |0 a0 k- E! Y8 m& x* U( w, E
Everything you need7 X! `6 J; x6 m4 L, t
From edit to upload, HitFilm Express for Mac has everything you need to complete your movie masterpiece. Spend less on software and more on cameras and equipment!
) c2 Y6 @/ q+ y9 T; c# y0 c. b9 X( v+ P9 z& Q' E
Hours of free training
+ g6 G" k0 Y- Z% TGet maximum value from HitFilm with our free online tutorials and friendly online community.! A9 U; f8 f% B; K0 B
+ o' R' Q$ K! w: h' e* O0 T
Powerful video editing0 j( ~' [3 j: Z9 W9 k
The foundation of a good movie is good editing. HitFilm Express gives you all the tools you need to construct your project, be it a movie, music video or video blog.
% v' R3 [9 ?' `6 V9 e
% Q$ z; c" y. `7 A6 p) @  XEssential tools+ \& W! y" R; C+ t+ E, ]8 h
HitFilm includes essential editing tools like ripple edit and transitions, plus multiple video and audio tracks.& j$ D; l3 \% I" m4 C4 M9 s3 d

9 `. O  @  o, ^0 H$ t' gEasy YouTube upload6 I$ {0 G5 d2 H& G# h& ~& \& V
When you’re finished, upload high quality HD video direct to YouTube from inside HitFilm — couldn’t be easier.. Z* X( P, ]0 O, U' \" Q
/ n+ Q# U9 @1 h) B7 ?
Incredible visual effects
$ v, M, c5 u/ R1 _2 DHitFilm 2 Express also includes a stunning toolkit for designing your own visual effects.
! Z0 {/ v6 }$ q7 u1 a4 N- ]) Z9 Z% M( Z% z, M1 u7 b& y" E
Over 100 effects
; l( S$ g; q6 k) iLightning & electricity simulation, 3D computer generated gunfire, 3D text and realistic lens flares are just a few of the visual effects highlights included with HitFilm Express.
- P8 @/ [; e" R3 J8 W& o+ P& u% b" f
Advanced motion tracking
" `/ q+ }7 b  e1 ?6 r) i4 o6 pBorrow some Hollywood technology with HitFilm Express’ motion tracking features. Using sophisticated optical flow techniques you can track the movement of an object in a video, opening up a world of exciting visual effects possibilities.6 u) V" H. N$ E3 q% i7 Z; S. @, {
' ?! b3 G  `2 K& b1 B0 S; n
Layer compositing. z6 a+ |$ l- x
Craft entirely new scenes by combining videos, images on your timeline. Add effect to your layers to create stunning, unique visuals.8 o  d" R& K( {7 g

) B+ k! y8 W& N) ?1 t* mShoot on green screen9 M+ J6 ]) J) j9 Y
Place yourself or your actors onto new backgrounds by shooting against a green screen. HitFilm makes it easy to create your own newsroom or sci-fi landscape.
  {+ T* O) T0 K& ]5 j3 v, _7 a( Y$ w4 a5 w; w2 X2 @
HitFilm Express 10.0.0562/ G0 m& k9 ~, h+ R& p& k+ `
- The font list now properly recognizes and lists all fonts installed on the system6 @, i; ]  L8 o0 M" G  v$ |
- All font styles are now listed for non-English Windows localizations
/ M7 f! H7 J$ w7 p5 T) y- OpenType fonts now appear correctly in the font menu
& j3 N9 v: T' K0 u$ ]: t" \- Improved drag and drop behavior when replacing transitions; L- n% S9 U- M  K
- 3D models no longer clip incorrectly when stored in an embedded comp set to 3D Unrolled
+ d! f2 w: G" E( f8 M7 k- 3D models applied to particles can now be correctly illuminated by Environment Maps/ k% S1 L: W3 p# K, `
- Creation of mask points is improved, to provide better control over their curved or linear status# C6 {3 `: G+ b. u# O! G
- Selecting a comp as a material source layer no longer causes stability issues
* J# `% \3 L' i( N2 e- Improved editing of text layers in the Viewer panel  H7 f' r2 C2 `+ F+ Q$ d6 `
- Improved rendering of mask controls on layers which do not match the timeline resolution- I  v) ]$ p$ \$ |
- Improved editing of complex text characters, for example 'ñ' is now edited as a single character, rather than as two6 G+ S( y. ?: _
- Trimmer no longer hangs when you try to open a plane or other non-media asset* f8 P9 B/ I9 h( D
- The Use Audio and Use Video options in the trimmer now update correctly
9 H! I% D) d0 \8 L* p- {& K- Fonts containing multiple styles now display all styles correctly in the text panel: D! x" \5 ?$ r4 e
- Some fonts which would jumble characters when a specific style was selected now display all characters properly0 Q7 E: Q- C5 }3 |% w0 z* L
- Accuracy of clicking to create a new text layer on High-DPi displays has been improved3 d; H* }  H2 B' f. E0 i1 v
- Indenting text no longer creates multiple entries in the History panel% }% @3 L- \* V
- Editing the left indentation of a text layer now updates properly, without the cursor disappearing8 L* _% i' d0 a& [! ^% q( N
- Corrected an issue with the maximum dimensions when creating export presets1 |1 n! E0 G$ y$ s/ b# n4 |
- Adding mask points when Path animation is enabled no longer causes stability issues2 m# I1 e( F' |! d0 I! h. d
- Viewer now updates to show results while editing transitions5 q& u9 N' [  R0 E
- Click-drag to rubberband select multiple points in the Layer panel now works correctly
" g+ d$ C& H6 C% p
& M1 ]3 d% |0 t% x" R+ {! e! A
* `+ m9 {7 N- Y! U# S& s2 D: [& [# _3 h/ j* ~

+ E* e% j3 U1 {# g# B9 d9 |# d
% r$ l1 u% c% ]) V5 E

# \% I4 {* Q: C  h8 ]6 C  F; CDownload:
: d( {8 X. Z9 b% A3 d) k* MHitFilmPro_x64_10.0.8218.60494.msi
- P# H/ b  C: D2 [  vHitFilmPro_10.0.1812.pkg& ?4 m7 Z' \) o; y! F
, d2 S5 b$ \+ ^6 }4 w& [8 H' xHitFilmPro_x64_10.1.8309.07202.msi% L: `' d# F4 p! p7 g& t4 J
8 d4 V9 p$ R6 S6 W& L7 d
HitFilmExpress_x64_10.0.8218.60494.msi7 B7 j. h1 q: ?
1 t4 N/ j" j2 |; U. @- gHitFilmExpress_10.0.0562.pkg
  o8 g# k! W* U& kHitFilmExpress_10.1.0578.pkg: {) G* i" c+ o6 Z) e& Z
# [* \; J! M5 P  R, F# g
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_x64_10.0.8218.60494.msi) t( p2 ?3 }* W, g  |' V! N- d
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_10.0.1812.pkg, j% r1 ^) A" o* T7 \$ _
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_x64_10.1.8309.07202.msi9 r+ d+ ?, }0 f6 t7 m
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_10.1.1832.pkg: m) |8 M! E8 u% U5 A
5 J8 f8 ^  \* V* i- ?
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_x64_10.0.8218.60494.msi, b4 @/ H2 l% n* M9 F% Q
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_10.0.0562.pkg; M( ^% C, x9 e4 i
! ?' \* Y6 w% `# G$ [http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_10.1.0578.pkg
. V! w+ g' c& G* P: z0 Z


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