

Pinnacle Imaging 32 Float 3.5.0 Build 13773

发表于 2019-5-15 13:50:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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32 Float - the first full-featured editor highly accurate images (32 bits / channel) for Adobe Photoshop, based on color patterns Beyond RGB. You can adjust color, brightness and contrast while maintaining the image in 32-bit mode. You'll get clear, photo-realistic images without ghosting and color distortion.3 w* @: y$ V7 H! ]  {

6 _/ C9 c6 `6 M" xADAPTIVE TONE MAPPING# ^% S' e+ [- Z; ]) B3 L
Adaptive Tone Mapping creates a new, custom tone mapping curve for each individual image, maximizing the beauty of every image.
5 c9 C- ~2 F/ |  P8 W2 k# c0 @: f  x1 Q  ^9 ]/ N! O
8 j7 r6 \, e( H* ]0 C4 @7 MOur new Dodge & Burn Brush combines dodging and burning into a single tool. It allows precise sizing of the tool and feathering as well as a selectable application flow.* e/ p3 x0 h9 c2 Q2 f* v
9 c, d' d4 b9 U9 P/ E4 g9 M8 o
IMPROVED TOOL LAYOUT3 L3 y: x) I, r0 a+ ?
Float’s tools are fixed neatly on the side of your screen and follow a logical top to bottom order that helps you quickly make the edits you need.3 u  v, `# w+ |7 M) b

0 O7 m* ~5 i' z3 ]100% BEYOND RGB WORKFLOW
  c+ z- Q/ e9 \/ |. ]As with all Pinnacle applications every function and tool in HDR Expose 3 works in full 32-bit mode with no intermediary conversions to 16-bit resolution. You’ll be working with all your data, all the time.
) V. M1 D( n0 d' U+ s
& o* c3 y% F8 C5 YRequirements:
9 l. O. t2 i( E2 @Windows: 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 10.
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* q1 K- I! b! s" H8 i! D/ X9 M
' d) E8 ~5 t7 U2 t0 G' o  A
- R- ^# G% Q9 d/ T4 {0 T& Q$ C1 W8 Z
( N- c4 f$ J) o! |- n) Z
Download:  W' ~: r: I( F. E2 {& x7 @- p
Pinnacle Imaging 32 Float 3.5.0 Build 13773.zip


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