

Pinnacle Imaging HDR Expose 3.5.0 Build 13773

发表于 2019-5-15 13:51:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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HDR Expose is a high dynamic range digital photography application for Mac and Windows that works in 32-bit floating point precision. Automatically merge multiple exposures into one HDR image. Adjust color, brightness and contrast while maintaining a full 32-bit workflow without tone mapping. Produces crisp, photo-realistic HDR photography without halos or color shifts.2 K3 w* h  j: f4 U6 w5 ^
2 y* N" o: a- P  d
The pro’s HDR choice
& d8 ^; E! a3 o  m2 XIntelligent tone mapping, unsurpassed de-ghosting, powerful image merging.) l* S. s: `  z( h8 Y7 d, }0 o

8 i% `% _9 D& _0 P2 N8 C, q  ?Since the beginning of High Dynamic Range processing, HDR applications have been applying the same, one-size-fits-all, tone mapping curve to all HDR merged files. But your HDR images are not like everyone else’s and wouldn’t it be great if your HDR application could analyze each of your individual HDR images and apply just the right amount of tone mapping for the best image possible? Unified Color’s Adaptive Tone Mapping does just that.
8 @4 H- b3 @5 ~0 u8 B! O8 y% v3 M! }, `5 q2 v- ]/ ^* B1 U
DE-GHOSTING. O! n: [7 |# W2 L
“Ghosts” can appear in your merged HDR images by objects that move between the frames of your different bracketed exposures. HDR Expose 3’s new key frame based de-ghosting algorithms allow you to choose the bracket exposure you want to use to isolate the moving objects in your set. The result is the smart and accurate elimination of ghosts.
( ^1 t2 O& W2 v% E+ w/ Z% @: U: @0 e% `
What's New:
* m8 j% S: X% A+ [/ H( Z) p8 e/ ~
0 u6 J' W+ E7 M/ r5 c! cAdaptive Tone Mapping creates a new, custom tone mapping curve for each individual image, maximizing the beauty of every image.) Y) j) y& F3 a

* m  w% m0 B- f8 W7 G6 y9 R3 X0 nBEST IN CLASS DE-GHOSTING
  n6 a9 m2 z" m1 E3 p“Ghosts” can appear in your merged HDR images by objects that move between the frames of your exposures. Our key frame based de-ghosting lets you choose the exposure you want to use to isolate the moving objects in your set.7 X, ?& D! ]. C2 D3 W2 C- I) @

2 s% ?9 c: Q" P# H$ @* XFAST IMAGE MERGE1 R' D  h) x, `9 S
HDR Expose 3’s alignment algorithms virtually eliminate the anomalies created by merging multiple images that are misaligned. They’re so powerful you can even hand-hold your camera to shoot multiple images.5 h" u9 j0 {" x, U7 S

% ?0 k0 g% i- E& yCOLOR TUNING
; K; ^) \# i  g, X: h, i2 f  ]3 @8 hIndividual colors not quite right in your image? Our powerful Color Tuning tool allows you to click on the color and adjust it with a simple drag of your mouse. Adjusting colors is easier than in any other image editing app.8 m1 f, m! N. ~8 `, D* f0 V; ~, m
% L' a) _; O' k. W2 k  F9 N* u7 |% f
1 X4 t1 Q6 I' g7 UHaze caused by light refracting inside your lens is multiplied when merging multiple images. Our Veiling Glare tool removes this haze from your merged image with a single click, giving you clear and natural results./ x0 D$ F+ r. S* I4 x) F" K' Z
- ]. l, C: a2 B/ J$ u6 A! S% w
PANORAMA & HDR BATCH MERGE9 e$ O2 k( w3 H" d. e% ~. R4 R
HDR merge individual panels of a panoramic scene and tone map them as a group to provide even, consistent output that can be stitched into a wide panorama.
) K1 {7 T. W; v! S$ [/ C( b8 l8 t' k
5 R$ j! Y3 x9 m: RAs with all Pinnacle applications every function and tool in HDR Expose 3 works in full 32-bit mode with no intermediary conversions to 16-bit resolution. You’ll be working with all your data, all the time.
$ ?0 _) v) n2 o8 G( j* N/ T7 q
) O7 C8 P6 U) Z+ i; sRequirements:
. F5 C3 _& C/ F: f0 H2 ZWindows: 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 10.
, O/ N9 o# d- A- S. f9 U3 h, O
6 {2 ^9 }/ V3 ^/ L- J
; e4 k1 d% E6 u3 D! _) n3 P  k+ C* F% g2 i1 |) t5 `1 `' o' O- z% @; g' o6 o
& z2 F8 o( k8 a. }) L  ^; a6 @+ ~

! F* W9 P  O2 t2 |7 @) [
: U. j& i, \: b* v: _4 l# Q. x: f' h$ `) Y+ l: J( a# F1 p
5 G1 L2 L. Z% ~2 h. N6 y5 V$ M

+ N% h! `5 i  k  C5 TDownload:
2 g- t/ @4 v) P7 hPinnacle Imaging HDR Expose 3.5.0 Build 13773.zip


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