

FXhome HitFilm Pro/Express v13.1.9319.49035

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Release Name: FXhome HitFilm Pro ' J( Z% [. N4 k, t0 X1 c
Program Type: Video Editing, Compositing
( f2 \8 X0 w' b' c' R1 E6 yRelease Date:  30 SEPTEMBER, 2019% \, Y" v2 v2 N: F2 B3 d$ M. H
Version: v13.0.9126.07201
# u7 _% n. F  Y- v0 N; zHomepage: https://fxhome.com/software-update OR https://www.videohelp.com/software/HitFilm/old-versions#downloadold OR https://fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/whats-new OR https://fxhome.com/express/whats-new- D, ]" H2 V  J8 ?! z
Interface Language: English
) Q4 ]8 X; T5 i' \& m5 {Platform: Windows & Mac4 @. H, e+ ]. p
File Size: 380 MB / 443 MB0 n9 m; W, ?( F' v7 n

, g0 R  f8 a8 yHitFilm Pro is a professional video editing software solution that offers you all the tools and effects you need in order to create amazing movies.
2 @9 D# p/ m( S3 S1 c2 ~/ Z+ Y) z7 P2 r/ z; o4 K
Organized interface and workspace customization3 u' o2 J# t2 l1 d9 K% e$ m
From the first minutes you run it, you start to understand that HitFilm Pro wants you to get the most out of its feature set and deliver astonishing results. The main screen provides external links to video tutorials, discussions from other users on the forum, the movie wall and a complete user guide to help you get started.
" q/ q# ~8 @1 ?$ x4 T" n7 f/ c0 R2 f  J
The interface of the application is more than comprehensive and is well structured, it follows a logical scheme that places all the tools you need in plain view, ready for use.3 _+ t  d  U: Z* |5 B

2 k0 ]0 f) L3 Y+ I# {- T1 iTo impact your workflow in a positive way, it provides one-click access to project settings, video editing and exporting sections, between which you can switch at any time without resetting your project. Moreover, the panels that make up the interface can be detached and placed anywhere else, allowing you to fully customize the working environment., r  e' \; g1 X! J: H( J2 R1 v
* |- U# l; \8 D# m
Generous effects collection and various editing tools
' `; }3 H2 e( j9 }' `! zAs far as features go, HitFilm Pro does not disappoint. It offers you a preview window, a timeline editor, a rich effects library and a history area that contains all your actions. Furthermore, the 'Media' area is the place where all the loaded multimedia files are displayed, enabling you to quickly arrange them on the timeline using drag and drop actions.
$ [4 ~# b! K( x$ E/ H$ ]  W5 u3 a" C- G: w" }$ A/ @9 w! T
The main attraction of the application is the effects panel that offers you a large number of fully customizable effects from categories such as’ Blurs’, ‘Color Correction’, ‘Distort’, ‘Grunge’, ‘Lights & Flares’, ‘Particles & Simulation’, ‘Quick 3D’ and more.
9 k7 y3 J; g% D, x/ H7 ^4 X
& Q  R8 m# e8 }) hA movie creation utility for all users
: N1 [# Z. Y3 n6 u8 nHitFilm Pro is an advanced movie creation and editing utility, ready to help you create, enhance and distribute your videos. It can export files to various formats, create image sequences or even upload them to YouTube. The above mentioned facts only scratch the surface of what HitFilm Pro is capable of and what it can help you achieve.
3 x6 ]2 J9 K% {/ C1 D/ P( c; e1 L; A
6 J/ q1 ]( E( R; o) G) u+ cAmaze your friends with blockbuster visual effects: y2 W4 d" ]7 T" _$ E
HitFilm Standard gives you Hollywood quality visual effects and 3D compositing at an incredible price. You can drag easy presets onto your videos or combine effects to create your own unique visuals.
; G# n- i3 O& ~3 X
6 r6 w2 A0 O  MGunfire: I! N, S2 ~4 a# o  n. [
Turn any prop into a convincing weapon with HitFilm's photorealistic, fully 3D muzzle flashes. Create any kind of gunfire from pistols to miniguns and futuristic plasma rifles.
% ~4 o- ^  @0 H2 R1 L8 N$ N0 |+ D# k0 y4 p1 ]8 d% x0 R
Lens flares
" f% p& w0 v& o. R3 cHitFilm's wide range of highly customizable lens flares enhance your lighting and add authenticity to your visual effects.& q" i* H+ U0 ~3 W2 T7 D; J

' A4 e/ o5 f  P: S0 P2 K  `6 kLightswords
# G5 m$ n$ C- p6 H' @Easily create sci-fi's most iconic weapon using HitFilm and show the fanfilm community what you can do. An elegant effect for a more civilized filmmaker.
  b" B" `( I. N8 PInvisibility and cloning* M) U( K+ h5 I4 z8 f
Create Predator camouflage and wizard invisibility cloaks with the versatile displacement effect, or use split screen and masking to clone your actors.( z" O: {1 M9 C. e0 S# _. b+ l/ E

4 [9 d5 Y- i: d* }  v5 P  s# s3D pre-built effects+ ?  E: ?% Y( t. H% A3 N
A range of drag-and-drop smoke, fire, explosion and shockwave effects are included with HitFilm. They're ready to go, so all you need to do is drop them into place.
& p2 h5 i% Z5 ^+ J3 x6 U0 A0 W6 |1 I2 y+ |
Debris6 ?+ E5 q! z* }4 J
Falling Debris
; X/ z) ?# T9 g+ b; HFire & Explosions" Z/ J" h$ t# o( L6 s# @) d" d
5 D- L1 d# M; i# h/ @0 FFire Explosions
# v' X4 F  }) M( E3 r3 U5 D0 NSci-Fi Shockwave! m$ X0 y- n+ E7 R8 B/ Y
! K3 u+ _4 O5 z4 {) e0 KMissile Smoke
0 q, M" ~5 O& y+ nSmoke2 p' f. D5 E2 X' F- q
Sparks4 r5 [( i- W* ], F
% J' C$ ?" y/ q  p, DWeather0 L1 x% J1 `1 \) Q3 X
Fluffy Cloud
/ I' v. ]! m7 _" J; [/ [Rain
' k, d( A& ~( j. x( u7 y) {6 z1 v/ @6 Z/ N9 b4 @& K
Storm Cloud
- q5 _1 T' D, P; F* a- hDo you want even more stunning special effects and a powerful particle system? Check out HitFilm Ultimate »
( C, n& x5 F, }+ o5 H) [  Y* D( \% S! F- R* Q9 f1 Y
Edit your movie in HitFilm1 b% z* V5 |) J7 i- I3 M
Import your videos, trim clips and add transitions with up to 10 video layers and 10 audio layers. At any point you can switch to creating visual effects without having to change applications.1 f7 W9 Z  v1 j& J3 @# ]9 ^" n# b; O

0 u5 K) N/ N' I& {6 d: B4 ISuper fast workflow
) W$ V5 G- e& _( Y, o# N* X- KNobody likes having to transfer videos between different apps. If you edit with HitFilm you can switch effortlessly to 2D or 3D compositing and back again without having to wait for clips to render.
+ y3 R6 k$ [$ v. Y' {
9 w- V8 K& m4 W! a' T- v; NTransitions
% I+ u) T( A1 T; z  q$ e0 W0 N" M( bA selection of high quality video and audio transitions are included to enhance your editing, from fades and dissolves to animated wipes.
. o- s8 S/ Z* ?3 L3 P4 \
# K6 ^! r9 @4 o' YCreate new worlds using 3D compositing6 Y+ A2 ^5 [3 X( D
HitFilm Standard includes 2D and full 3D compositing, which is revolutionary at this kind of price. Sophisticated techniques including green screen removal, virtual sets and cloning are easy to master within HitFilm.
. Z7 m$ d; _4 t# A4 U
4 `0 Z* j- U! q& g& I1 ?5 b* x' LGreen screen6 t) p) R+ _3 p4 Y/ Z
Easily remove your green screen backgrounds and replace them with something new, like a virtual set or exotic location. HitFilm's effects and layering features will give you quality results every time.5 n$ p8 y: @% R: F: L
  j" ^$ W7 f3 q5 W8 X0 j* v* E
Green screen compositing
  b$ V: [* B3 y  ]+ a3 `Genuine 3D environment
$ M0 ~( P% F: j# n: I5 r+ E# V6 aSwitch to three dimensions to open up even more creative possibilities. You can even move your video layers in and around HitFilm's 3D effects to create unique visuals.
: w; U; j& d  q6 e
1 ^" u" n0 `3 A! F8 E3D compositing/ a+ t  ~. B9 N! l+ S
Fine tuning
% u) V7 E9 X$ `5 t: uA range of keying tools, including spill removal, light wrap and color correction, help you make high quality composites.
6 N$ x! M1 k/ U7 S8 x% O6 L9 d/ I' b
' `8 S( U# U4 C! F+ xTemporal effects: ~0 l) l* ]) z) \3 i7 @# g
Exclusive time displacement and channel shift effects join the speed ramping, motion trails and other time-based effects.0 [, y1 G( M' v( C; N& {+ V$ j

) s( j5 c; f/ I4 B2 HMasks
+ y; t& K# v* G" O; q9 `* gHitFilm's masking tools are great for creating sophisticated interaction between layers, tidying up the edges of your green screen studio or removing unwanted parts of an image or video.
1 `$ n. Q! V  y& X4 J1 [8 W# }0 ?' x4 D- q7 f! s$ ], Z* O
Depth of field & motion blur" d  N+ P# q4 i" u
HitFilm's 3D cameras work realistically, with optional depth of field automatically blurring layers based on their relative distance from the lens. Turn on automatic motion blur for more realistic movement of your 2D and 3D layers.- s  n% X) k& }* i) C7 d- L, ]

8 e( F8 a, i  H- C( N+ j3 PLight & shadow
3 ]4 [9 M# t/ _HitFilm's 3D lighting lets you create entirely virtual scenes or match the lighting from a live action shot by mixing different lights together, just as you would on a real set.
5 B: f! \* n6 X9 u3 h# o' X# u: nNeed professional level compositing? The ability to import 3D camera tracking data? More temporal effects?
+ G+ U- U) `! ~6 `" J( C2 F8 l8 z4 N# Z/ h. E! e; s
Check out HitFilm Ultimate
; ]& c. @& X3 P' w! @Make your videos look like professional movies
& M  P& L2 ]3 H0 WFilm looks( ?. P' U& j3 ^/ |: q9 M& K5 z
The 'film look' presets are a quick way to give your movies a professional appearance, whether you're going for an action blockbuster or a tense thriller.! W9 w! }7 ~  L

$ V) w# F9 `1 o0 D3 Q: L# G9 pStunning filters- d' {0 ^9 S/ r' r2 J: s
HitFilm Standard comes with over 65 effects for blurring, sharpening, distorting, warping, color correcting and stylizing to make your movies look better than ever before.* V5 @) `$ b8 c( x
1 I# ~9 _4 z" Q, B$ o3 G) o
* e3 _. ^' U% y1 [3 aChannel Levels
$ t% P/ c  N5 F( M; S3 \( DTone
) U  q6 ?: \! l! Q' o8 w; k, e5 t$ }. A, D+ Q+ b; ]
Distort* {7 o8 e  ^. e$ X. l3 l* F
* _+ j' v& Z. _4 U; _Displacement5 {, W5 ?$ k$ G9 }( V
Insect Vision  J+ h! D7 I2 c) W
Magnify/ v/ V! ^  h5 W9 I; q
Pond Ripple8 ?0 Z  [7 J# g* h) i5 P: u
Quad Warp
0 ?7 ]8 r3 T. {1 h4 J" b$ _; T* xReflection
& P+ \* q8 Y, B$ [. rTwirl6 B7 z3 H2 h8 }2 U6 W4 y- c
Waves0 \, U& U) W: s9 b6 e; W" H
Witness Protection
! L: z: i6 S2 C' _9 e; w! J0 U
Temporal! T5 u4 v4 `' O- m8 w, G7 v
Echo9 I/ I- H' n5 k2 y4 c0 Z
+ ?: b: {8 B# Z8 T5 fMotion Trails
8 R% X/ H% m1 H8 fSpeed
' t7 b! K; \: G( ]  R$ wStutter* _: d: U/ I* K! K$ F& ]2 d
Time Reverse- c/ o7 H* r. y

1 G2 }! i! F6 B$ O  yBlur & Sharpen& x$ r8 C* c' Z+ }  _
Angle Blur
- m/ G: E" D7 C6 yBlur
0 S& o/ g' j4 r( gRadial Blur
$ [! w$ [0 ~( T% E; ESharpen- k5 E8 j2 x& F' b5 d" @# W
Zoom Blur
8 b1 j+ g/ @& p. S7 e) h! M/ I7 D2 ^' H/ _/ B
* I; M, K& T2 L" T) ^0 B3 _' p4-Point Color Gradient9 h7 V" X4 M* M% C
& v" ?& k. h$ m$ ]. RColor Gradient9 p& D4 D  ^( \% C
Drop Shadow
% P2 o3 Y8 _2 G  h" w, O: kFill Color7 y1 m: o0 h; B7 l
$ o4 }3 {. M6 `$ A+ vGleam
9 V, Q9 o/ O) e# |6 k; S$ e! ULetterbox
! w' L$ R$ ?' {" I- d5 l& nLight Flares! v4 N: N: K" C% J: x/ F9 V0 I

5 Y( G" S0 A7 I5 B) j- W, a* h) xChannel( d/ j. I6 p6 H  S( t/ j6 Q
Channel Blur
$ x0 q1 V' Z. PChannel Mixer
5 F& s# N9 ]2 H7 qChannel Swapper) w! `4 l  s/ G; l+ a* ?
  I* m) I8 e) r! @; B
Keying1 M7 d. B, c3 k7 J" R
Chroma UV Blur
$ y! \2 X, ~9 e4 m- vColor Difference Key
* F/ J2 e, J5 J% g; _, t5 H/ sCrush Blacks & White Alpha
, j% @- W4 T" M$ }, w3 lDifference Key
" T/ U$ |3 A8 E5 v% L) CErode White
! l6 k$ f6 C7 ]) ~Hue & RGB Key
0 {9 C5 h- L4 LInvert Alpha6 K! Q6 `& [  i: S0 C
Light Wrap
0 f1 m6 E' }! X/ o* BLuminance Key/ \; B+ R1 G2 K' R! B3 F
Spill Removal
( w8 |; I9 e6 ~0 a8 }' }( P- B) X/ L% k0 ?) X% _0 [& x' o  k
* h. K$ M1 i, f* W: ECartoon
; K3 A6 h# M( tEmboss  j) h0 @0 z* i; `; ^
Glow* H, D1 z9 s% }& {) w2 v
" b% Y' F7 \6 VNeon Glow
0 ^! }) n( r6 I! cOil Painting
+ X+ i1 w6 N% b/ W* s9 B$ kSolarize2 v- F0 T3 f7 j. _/ T
Threshold2 e6 ^  ]3 `* p0 M
. x4 l# r  c+ y# J7 v% x3 y1 _. `  v1 V* l
Color" [9 E- l/ N8 T+ W; c0 M
Auto Color9 e0 D' Z& `4 m
Auto Contrast
! Y5 i6 n6 m' b8 JAuto Levels' y! L( ?% X! C; K0 K
Brightness & Contrast
) ^3 [( s6 B% `$ sColor Balance
$ V. E6 r' @% P' mColor Temperature- ?- E  ?2 B& }' H# }& a5 k" d
Crush Blacks & Whites
1 D- g0 T) j% U! X* b( K% _& S( }Gamma
3 l- g6 {1 I2 D% x# s# HHue Colorize
$ A( X" L% D. u; L- [Hue Shift$ ]- y1 S0 d/ K" c8 `0 U/ g$ H1 ]
Hue, Saturation & Lightness
/ W3 T( h  F) L) f( NInvert* X: A4 ]' d6 d! @: }4 ]  F
Noise & Grain
0 ?3 ~7 B2 u4 B
" {) d4 |0 S/ P0 h, QGrain
$ N* h3 C) Z9 z/ t4 {# gNoise
4 q) r# a# k& P, }8 F8 D( \2 cDo you want more 110 filters and more high-end options? Check out HitFilm Ultimate »2 H/ d5 C" v  [$ B! z) s
( d" j/ Q' W  s9 Q& X) D
Supporting your filmmaking. J% k8 D/ g$ j( r2 ]* B
HitFilm is easy to use, especially if you're already familiar with video software. If you ever need to ask questions you'll find online assistance, video tutorials and a friendly community only a couple of clicks away.# q: Y5 z- P" {% |( t! y) ^

2 I1 v) D/ H1 }. S  b; UFree video tutorials
& [; C# t# s; t8 pA series of detailed video tutorials are available for free from HitFilm.com and from within the application itself, so that you'll never be without nearby assistance.! e- i8 E. B, C8 l# O

1 C0 x- @9 ?8 f( _! ]! g" Z9 VVisit the tutorials section% S/ M* a7 J( L; s6 c) j
Home screen hub
2 E' w0 Z& H0 ^( R3 B: zThe Home screen keeps you in touch with the HitFilm community, delivering the latest news, software updates and video tutorials direct to your computer.
: ~) @+ Z8 M: c6 y
* e* L* s8 V3 P% X8 IStay up-to-date
& f+ k/ {# O4 I" C: qHitFilm is always being improved with optimizations and new features. As soon as an update is available the software will let you know. All point updates (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc) are entirely free.
, I( t0 A+ V% N: F, j2 H( h+ j# s2 M& W# P
Join the community" s' x9 _0 t# ?: P7 P. b
When you purchase HitFilm Standard you join an international community of filmmakers where everybody works together to watch your movies, give useful feedback, collaborate and assist.
2 y( m0 N0 b) ?/ p4 Y
* y+ f" O6 G" d3 j/ O/ B" cComprehensive documentation. J" N! _- R4 i2 x) m
You can find out about every feature of HitFilm Standard using its in-built help system. Quickly search for the feature you want to use and discover everything you need to know.; ^4 l* z: y" T6 H
, V( S. l* }, g! q  a6 {+ \: X
Friendly support  [  [. r, E, D- q# i0 M
If you need extra help there's a growing global community to talk to and rapid assistance available through the HitFilm support center.6 e% N. b1 \5 @

) ^  h, u" ?- R/ aShare with the world/ q: h2 N* T" O6 U: e
Be a HitFilm creator& g% t( {5 T9 O+ C" g) K
Submit your movie and you might be promoted through the HitFilm website and YouTube channel. All you need to do is tick a box and make a great movie and we'll help you get some more hits.
  n, u/ T# f9 W* i. D, O, d. Q& _7 k
+ w% U$ `! X3 y1 k9 A- ?Integrated YouTube upload+ k' v' q, m& x) V. Q' F
Everybody is on YouTube and HitFilm makes it easier than ever, automatically converting your videos for optimum HD playback before uploading them to your channel.
1 j4 {+ \  ]# h* Z$ [. h1 l: z. |+ i, o
Utilizes the latest hardware* C  F* o8 ^* U7 v
GPU acceleration5 c' P! J! e7 p2 n7 _
HitFilm uses the power of your computer's graphics card for fast performance, even when working in full 3D with complex particle simulation. Use your graphics card for more than just games!5 W1 Q5 e% \4 y8 `0 t8 Z, s

) @+ M3 `9 @+ J; w/ z) H) V64-bit & 32-bit& j4 j8 i- b2 ^& f/ v
If you have a 64-bit computer you can take advantage of your extra memory to create more complicated projects.
/ f8 A  L  B$ H6 c2 J# s
4 h5 @. i  O; V, m1 n! I* vMulti-core aware
, }; A+ b$ |& {Whether you're using a regular dual core desktop or an ultra powerful six-core workstation, HitFilm Standard will make good use of all your system's resources.
+ r5 Z5 c4 E9 W+ B9 {9 k# x2 R- ]! ?
Works with your files
& B4 f) Q* Z0 O$ oMedia organizer
; C" w# Y. A4 C5 sThe Project Media list takes care of all your videos, images and audio clips. You can organize them yourself or let HitFilm Standard do it for you, keeping everything neat, tidy and easy to find.
- u1 M2 b' Z% \, d, q" d
( p: `. V1 \0 _: J) @7 hFormat compatibility
6 u2 r$ d6 O3 M3 t7 WYou can use most common video, image and audio formats in HitFilm, including WMV, MP4, AVI, MOV and MXF. This means that whether you shoot on a camcorder, a DSLR or semi-pro cameras we've got you covered.
+ f, S8 G9 U+ ]3 Q3 L% M4 f1 `
+ w% Y3 D1 m* C2 T4 [Multiple export formats
( V1 L1 u+ c$ x5 r  f2 cExport your videos using a standard template or by customizing your settings. With HitFilm you have full control over your exported videos.
/ J% K$ A, p" c/ z- M. K
* h' [, G4 ~" r' W! r" C6 YWhat video formats does HitFilm support?
& I2 e2 N" f7 m% {' vMP4 H.264 Import & Export+ v: S. v% t7 H* J9 C- o, {
AVCHD Import (requires HitFilm Pro or Premium formats)& {3 C. l! M( `; c) B) J
QuickTime Import (QuickTime install required on Windows): g2 |7 N. `* W5 j' X! y: h
AVI, M2T, M2TS, MTS, MXF (DVCPro HD), DV, HDV, WMV Video Import0 T1 u: x2 G" `( y. A% \7 f6 Q0 E. U
HitFilm Pro also supports OpenEXR, Apple ProRes (Mac), GoPro CineForm (Win)3 a4 t! B  D9 H4 _
) x/ J+ K8 C! Z0 z
What's new in HitFilm Pro Version 13.17 _/ T, y- k3 V* R) o7 K
VEGAS Pro integration now supports audio. (PC)
# g' ^2 j( ~$ |0 k) HUsing VEGAS Pro integration with drop-frame source files no longer causes invalid frame rates. (PC)
" U; s/ }. l' ~- i- i" fHome page web links no longer cause stability issues.
, y8 [- x. T* v' e3 I' yRestored the contextual menu for motion paths on the Viewer.
( C! B- x: }0 UAdding masks to layers whose visibility is toggled off once again works correctly.
9 g5 F& `& X: s6 n! EUsing the mouse wheel to navigate the value graph no longer causes stability issues.
8 i. r, S% U3 @, q+ c: u% JDrag and drop of an .OBJ asset onto the timeline no longer causes stability issues.
4 Q  |# [3 c4 f% b* y" ]All three position values now display correctly for 3D text layers.2 O0 O7 ]9 \9 |- A
Clip position now updates correctly while dragging a clip beyond the visible area of the timeline.
( D3 z9 m1 V) r6 {) }/ R) e  ?7 f* UDragging an audio clip below the master track no longer causes stability issues.  y. ^4 z; a/ R. q( A1 v9 y1 A
Deleting failed export tasks from the Export Queue no longer causes stability issues.
+ a0 [" d$ A3 KThe Spatial Interpolation options are restored to the right-click menu for timeline objects.4 G7 O, p, w& l% U2 R) K1 j# y4 D
Closing the application immediately after creating a mask no longer causes stability issues.! q! q# |  C) p5 e' n! `  ~& a
Dragging a layer from one composite shot to another no longer causes stability issues.
& o% Z- y; h2 A- T1 m! _
2 I$ [/ \" }: h$ b' JWhat's new in HitFilm Pro 13.0.9126.07201:+ l) d6 Z: S0 |6 g* E3 B
Added the ability to lock tracks on the editor timeline, and to lock layers in composite shot timelines.$ S3 e! {; p% a2 R
Added a Strength slider to the LUT effect, to control the intensity of the LUT.
' f  X$ @( i" ^The ribbon bar now provides information on what updates are available.
+ U+ f! Q: r2 B8 e; ]! v1 ZSelecting "Delete media cache" when no project is opened no longer requires HitFilm to be relaunched.
) o6 O! \" B0 Y% T0 A
- O1 ^, |" w/ ?: z  gSYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
/ u% r" i: y: m1.2GB free hard disk space for installation
6 e: g, o, @7 |; ?7 X8 \Internet connection required for online activation and web services
( l: Z% V1 X) ?0 l, xIntel Core i3, Core i5, Core i7 or Intel Xeon (Nehalem) processor6 |: v/ \  [0 @$ i! `
  @: @2 M7 ]' q2 h( s9 Q! yOpenGL 2.0 capable hardware with at least 512 MB video memory (NVIDIA GeForce 9 series, Radeon HD 5000 series, Intel HD 4000)8 I- o0 s! N- s+ _' D  |+ a
$ |: S' e. o- X( @  U9 q% X  ?

0 g8 d, n8 M+ x
* l) s/ [$ G( w0 D* C, U0 a  e' u( M5 `! c/ H% J9 J
1 U3 t  f$ t4 R1 G; {) [. i

' A" u' ~7 Q4 s8 w& a: G) dDownload:) e. K; m+ g+ U; g
HitFilmPro_x64_13.0.9126.07201.msi' y8 U9 t+ v4 {) j8 |
5 |4 q' Z; i% h) b; m1 d0 OHitFilmPro_13.1.0007.pkg4 c5 L) u# N' G( i& H7 @- b
) d3 a0 }" D9 _' Z( k( J+ p+ x2 c' D8 ?) d
- D& B  _& [  m  ?HitFilmExpress_13.1.0004.pkg
3 K$ ~! @# k# s& \) AHitFilmExpress_x64_13.1.9319.49035.msi: A& }( x  _& o/ W* C# `% V

( B3 f) Y" m, Ihttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_x64_13.0.9126.07201.msi3 S0 x6 D' m1 U  ?% |
; X) F9 I0 L& K: Zhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_x64_13.1.9319.49035.msi
  C0 Z: N! a/ Y( F2 vhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_13.1.0007.pkg* L, @; d% u! }
0 S3 ^6 U) S7 F" Q
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