

Autodesk Maya 2020.4

发表于 2019-12-11 16:05:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: Autodesk Maya 2020- X  c$ n! T$ a
Program Type: Autodesk Maya6 X4 A3 B4 f/ z& ^
Developer: Autodesk- z3 R" n" s4 U, @
Homepage: http://www.autodesk.com/products/maya/overview9 A) G4 @. O$ H  o
Release Date: May 4 2019$ P  P- P' U% P2 ]* Z, e! ?$ v5 i' y
Interface Language: Multilingual $ k3 E: S1 H3 a' [
Platform: Autodesk Maya 2014/2015/2016, 64-bit ONLY
1 w, b" }# W7 X6 Z. FFile Size: 1.86 + 1.07 GB + 1.49 GB
! `' V! H! m  T' ~, |! \6 \% G6 e4 P9 Z$ F
Autodesk Maya - Maya® product for 3D animation, modeling, rendering and compositing provides a universal set of functionalities for computer 3D animation, modeling and rendering based on an easily expandable production platform.
& X: U  y; M  s: P) l" O" Y& ~: @# P8 h5 Q6 Q: U+ G2 ]
Maya provides tools for creating high-quality characters and effects, as well as increasing productivity for performing modeling tasks, working with textures and tasks of creating toning modules.
- @+ U; z+ \# m: T7 I# f8 @$ a& r
Features of the program:$ w8 k6 b; L  v( J  R; B7 \6 `. X( r
Building objects and characters by modeling and editing surfaces created on the basis of polygons, NURBS curves and subdivs with the ability to convert some types of surfaces to others.% O2 p# |/ Z0 p' ?' q% ^
Tools for sculpting.
0 n$ g' c8 m4 q9 E( I9 z! q% ], ZSimulation of the behavior of realistic deformable materials, hair, fur, fabric, liquids and gases using adjustable field systems (wind, gravity).
# O, _; Z& E5 r- MReplacing particles with geometric objects.
9 }2 E$ l2 m0 NSystems for creating realistic waves, foam, various atmospheric effects./ j3 F1 j6 o0 ?; r7 x4 y: ^
Rendering in global illumination, caustics, ambient occluison, refraction, reflection, motion-blur systems. Miscalculation can be using multiple computers. Rendering results in Macromedia Flash, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop. You can convert 3D objects to 2D objects.
  i0 J: O% l+ Z. d% cScene animation systems: in key frames, procedural animation, inverse animation, through programming.
6 y+ C) u$ j, a9 A7 xHighly efficient environment with the capabilities of keying, tracking, color correction, rotoscoping, 2D and 3D drawing, distortion production, composing the environment with visual effects, calculating depth of field, blurring objects, and supporting stereoscopy.
+ v' L" K. H$ a8 d6 OCollaboration with Autodesk MotionBuilder, Autodesk Mudbox, Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Softimage, and other Autodesk products.0 w* \( [& f8 m
High adaptability using such tools in creating scripts and applications as MEL, Python, Qt Designer, PySide, C ++ based API./ h' S1 d' l" ]  x( H& c% C
, u+ k8 ?/ a# |  ^
Key features of Autodesk Maya:
, \/ M3 P! E  x. h6 d  E) pAccelerated modeling workflow. Achieve high performance with accelerated polygon modeling procedures.
6 y! T5 R* @* F  p# @Scene layout tools that work with smart data. New scene composition tools make it easy to create large, complex worlds.; p- E7 E" c4 c0 s. H

; V+ ]8 e: G! A( {: q3D animation
# ^3 N9 t& g1 {( W* q( WTools for general animation Tools for animation in key frames.
7 I2 x% O9 c: L! I# ICharacter Creation Skinning, rigging and poses of authentic characters.
. T! k, P: m) q$ UFrame Sequencing Quickly streamline and produce virtual films.6 ~# O1 |9 K9 c) n
Grease Pencil Plays animated annotations directly in 3D scenes.
) e' S3 V: {# Q1 P! }% jCentering and symmetry of joints Compounds are automatically centered in the grid.
& V+ Z* K) L' G+ b. G- [* F: O6 ^) [0 o# a- H+ ~' t2 M
3D modeling- G  D) z$ v9 B: T1 h3 h
Modeling networks using polygons and subdivision grids Intuitive tools for creating and editing grids.: e7 }* y+ g6 u, {
Surface Modeling Create mathematically smooth surfaces.8 h' j) [/ o8 b9 K' ]1 n
UV textures, normals and color coding Workflows for creating and editing UVs have been optimized.
6 c7 \* b% Y2 N% @" qAccelerated modeling workflow Advanced integrated feature set.
8 q% R7 Y3 Q( ~. z+ y& V+ @, |! U8 n3D rendering and image processing
  |0 [/ V" c) R) \5 NBuilt-in rendering modules There is a choice of a wide range of integrated rendering modules.
. _) s4 X5 S) B# B  W$ g9 {6 i4 YMaya Composite High-performance compositing system with HDR support.8 c; V2 ?  ]6 `
Animation Based on 3D scenes, you can create animated animations./ j5 p* B1 D4 ]
Professionally tracking your camera You can embed computer graphics in dynamic frames.% \0 |9 S4 H/ L+ U8 v3 P" e
Viewports and a new generation of shading. The work is carried out in an interactive environment with high visual quality.
/ l4 Q$ l7 B1 [/ E) s) `% xSurface and Volume Attributes Paint Effects Controls how Paint Effects strokes interact.
! Z6 S- _; Q3 }. K7 M/ {Improved Site Editor More convenient creation, editing and debugging of site networks.
6 }7 Q# [$ U3 T9 y/ MMaya nHair Highly realistic locks of hair and other curve-based dynamics.8 v3 v1 ?; C3 c5 b1 l# o+ y1 C
Maya nParticles Modeling complex 3D visual effects.
/ T8 y, \' J$ L; f! ]; ZMaya nCloth Create realistic deformable materials.# C' C2 J  l" X
Maya Fluid Effects Modeling atmospheres, liquids, and water surfaces.; F$ [  S! }: b* V: R+ Q
Dynamics of solids and amorphous bodies Modeling a variety of rigid and flexible objects.  W- f" Q/ F" ]5 J/ c$ ]6 L
Maya Fur Creating the effect of grass, hair and fur.3 ]" z7 @4 ~( r: ~

7 J, i( J/ u: {2 a' }. h: P( \Workflow integration
% Y1 |7 ~3 w2 [+ A8 N' g7 Y$ i( WScripts and APIs Scripts and APIs are used to adapt Maya.
3 U5 g6 E  ?- x4 W6 zIntegration of 2D and 3D Optimization of work processes improves the quality of work.
* p  ]1 r' N- p) d; XData and scene management The product can handle large volumes efficiently.
  z4 n) j8 M  s1 X* S" wScene layout tools that work with smart data Large, complex worlds are created with less labor.
! x# O+ z( d1 R8 y/ o- G1 A+ _Improved file path processing Quick and easy diagnosis and correction of incorrect paths.% n5 r$ u% x; f. q5 c. B" c# N

% I# `8 Y+ S  w1 t, H: s* aSystem requirements:! f2 |" S) C3 `) _! Y; D
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1) and Windows 10 Professional (64-bit only)
; W! X' \& Z! HBrowser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox; f  Q5 Q: g1 b, C6 L
Processor: 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
! _9 T3 |  y7 M7 J% N$ v3 ^RAM: 8 GB of RAM (16 GB recommended)
( W) C" z8 E' W; y" oHard disk: 4 GB for installation+ f# H: f1 q4 \5 W
Mouse: three-button
3 ^! G4 i: i  q6 I, d! B: x" [
' p; x1 a5 J+ `% _# B2 n
: X1 k. E: {7 ^
9 N, _3 I' J9 i2 v6 n6 g. x- Q* L
8 `4 a/ g0 v1 ~5 a3 Q! c6 T+ ]* Y0 y
Download:8 d9 p' @% e( f% G  w3 K
4 g+ k/ j- A5 [http://trial2.autodesk.com/NetSWDLD/2020/MAYA/7BB6654A-AA77-4493-818B-57ABC6DE2083/ESD/Autodesk_Maya_2020_Mac_OSX.dmg
4 \, `4 ^' X. Lhttp://trial2.autodesk.com/NetSWDLD/2020/MAYA/BB8314BA-8DE1-45E4-B827-79F63158212E/ESD/Autodesk_Maya_2020_ML_Linux_64bit.tgz
$ ]" o+ R6 K3 h) n5 [# Q8 h$ Z8 G3 E6 o+ o9 `, f  I0 }$ }
https://trial2.autodesk.com/NetSWDLD/2020/MAYA/853EB643-B759-4014-94D0-D47DC275C384/SFX/Autodesk_Maya_2020_2_ML_Windows_64bit_dlm.sfx.exe: ?3 R4 U; ]* s  q; G8 B/ l* p- i! F


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