

FXhome HitFilm Pro/Express v14.3.9931.38452

发表于 2020-2-27 14:27:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Release Name: FXhome HitFilm Pro   J6 \8 A9 F, d1 ]" N, K& f
Program Type: Video Editing, Compositing: i9 I2 s6 g0 Q) I* X
Release Date: April 20, 2020" b# |0 @! h6 P% b6 P' t
Version: v13.0.9126.072011 b/ N8 {) C- J* X
Homepage: https://fxhome.com/software-update OR https://www.videohelp.com/software/HitFilm/old-versions#downloadold OR https://fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/whats-new OR https://fxhome.com/express/whats-new
! C5 P( ?4 _6 P1 ~Interface Language: English
: ?3 n) ~4 u$ N  N9 H) CPlatform: Windows & Mac
- Y6 C3 U' n$ _5 @$ c2 PFile Size: 380 MB / 443 MB
7 W  K* c+ H  ^; z
# Z# ^6 m5 j$ y2 p; D: {( xHitFilm Pro is a high-performance software that combines several tools for editing, creating and visual effects for video . With it, we can launch, import and get the desired editing results, even when working in the background, while we are constantly working on other tasks. This is a workbench where you can control the entire process of editing visual effects, allowing you to customize archive material by adding effects per frame.$ n  H8 s+ }# g/ z9 a2 |- ?& Z  U

8 M' k" e! I" |1 X' aNew in HitFilm Pro Version 14.0
- N8 F( N% p; [$ t5 ?% {  `0 \. EStyling of the interface has been updated.5 f' I# U  F$ }5 ]& ?
Access to the Home and Edit screens is moved to the Window menu.$ |- E1 v# Q: |  ~& [
Imerge project files in the HitFilm media panel can be right-clicked and opened in Imerge for editing.
6 m- `4 Q: R. G0 z7 p7 n& R% TGPU accelerated hardware decoding for video files is now supported for exporting on Intel and Nvidia GPUs. (PC)
0 Q( B6 I! P- O$ w# F/ x* q# Y* @The font 'Inter', which is used in the interface, is now installed with the software.2 m$ R6 t8 }. I5 m* z
The View menu has been replaced with the Window menu.
. s; c4 x. B/ {/ c4 OA menu has been added to the tab of each Panel, to aid in interface customization.
; F) [7 |3 J2 h/ h6 \$ wExport has been integrated into the main Edit interface, through additional export options on the timeline, and a new Export panel.
4 s+ g8 N2 L" Z1 GImerge project files are now compatible with HitFilm, and can be imported and used as media.
! h! O0 m6 ]0 p7 A& }# FClicking the green plus icon next to Effects in the controls panel now opens an Insert menu, which can be used to add effects.
- J3 K- |5 Q3 R% Q! K# G. {5 W* FComposite Shots can now be created instantly from the Media panel, using the new Composite Shot button.+ q+ G" W/ M# D4 n0 Y- @
The color of masks can now be changed per mask, making it easier to keep track of multiple masks.
1 i9 U9 A6 T+ r( \A new Effects menu in the top toolbar provides access to all effects, and stores the 5 most recently used effects for reuse.
% s) p" N" Q$ b' L7 {; b1 O% k* Y  mThe Text panel now includes options for All Caps, Small Caps, Superscript and Subscript.3 g) r( Y( T' v$ s/ [
HitFilm will now open files saved in VEGAS Effects.. t! ^- d5 V" G0 k/ J
VEGAS Image files can now be opened in HitFilm.1 R9 _' Y/ q& V. O
A Templates button has been added to the media panel, for easier access to templates.3 `! H# @$ X& a9 l
A button for deleting the OFX Cache has been added to the Cache tab of the Options window.
9 t9 \5 S9 w& t! I1 c: R( U/ yAdded support for select After Effects plugins.; {. T* c" o' X# H
A mini audio meter has been added to the Viewer, so audio levels can be checked at any time.
5 R% i% D5 b# h0 M0 x) j' TA visible notification has been added to the viewer, when effects are disabled by the currently selected quality profile.  k' {9 g9 l  O4 G
When effects including a color picker are dragged onto the viewer, the color on which you drop the effect will be auto-selected.
" l6 @) a, E- Q# [8 x+ P- yImproved support for multithreaded rendering during pre-rendering and export.
/ }+ g' r/ m4 C' ~A new Chromatic Aberration effect has been added.
" d, ^$ \4 }' V7 x2 |A shortcut (U) has been added to reveal keyframed or modified properties. Press U once to show keyframed properties, twice to show edited properties, and three times to revert to showing all properties.
6 J! S; X* U, LThe materials options for 3D models now include a layer picker, so the layer being used can be easily identified.
2 }* K" P- L, C7 e- b# UTimeline layers including video layers, can now be applied to 3D models as textures.4 z! J* @( l+ d7 a+ l
You can now use drag and drop to add 2D Effects to layers in the viewer.( t! A! q. q( c0 W5 J; o$ A' D

& ~3 P+ s* z- q; u6 `  }
, E! E4 G; O: q- n% L8 q( Q' ?2 dEnhancements( E2 L$ {. {: f3 w: [1 c' C
Behavior effects can now be used on the Editor timeline.; r7 P6 L9 a7 j; W
Improved user access to the Activation app, through the Options dialog.
/ R/ h# A( J2 N* `0 G3 v5 ]2 X! k8 iImproved export performance by decoupling encoding from rendering and readback during the export process.
  e) a& A8 N) m6 j  i- EThe Auto Save recovery dialog has been adjusted, to improve clarity and functionality.9 {8 a2 W- f0 n, `, p
When a nested composite shot is opened, the position of the playhead is now retained from the parent timeline.
9 i/ w$ q8 V# o3 @  y7 qThe Panels in the View > Panels menu are now listed alphabetically.
% |% [% ]! X* @( E$ lMultiple layers can now be toggled in a single movement, by click-dragging across the toggle buttons.
. `- Q. H; @4 _5 l. MDouble-clicking a Mask shape now adds a perfectly centered mask the exact size of the frame.
; E) D8 G. [  V$ X1 X  aDouble-clicking an effect in the effects panel will now apply the effect to the currently selected layer.
3 S  c( J( R% k' e$ D% kThe decoding process for AAC audio files has been updated.
2 {: _' ^/ S1 i3 zThe icon indicating Offline Media has been updated.5 b6 X9 a. A$ T9 N7 v- [# e8 g  z
Additional zoom levels have been added to the zoom menus in the Viewer and the Trimmer panels.$ ?! }! ~0 C, i6 M' C# O. r4 m
The Trimmer will now resize to fit when the panel size is adjusted.6 G' t* ~3 g2 W* P! q" |3 T) T
Improved handling of auto save and project recovery.
9 [+ P5 h, Y! ^9 ^% }0 u
3 ?& y( O% \5 W" L) N. sBug Fixes: @0 g6 X; u$ x  g% r0 S
Improved accuracy of rendering of layers which have a camera tracker applied.! ~; q" {! r( \1 U3 |1 c1 y; q
The bit depth for 16-bit images is now displayed correctly.
0 t, X- R: E2 g; n. kSupport for 64-bit PNG files has been added.
; c( [% n2 G8 d( e$ U% a( yClarified the wording of the error message displayed when an export runs out of disk space.# T1 W" a2 Y. d6 O, f7 o
Duplicated export tasks are now numbered sequentially.
- u" {& A; P) d5 b) y) B9 MPasting a cube shaped force onto a particle simulator layer no longer causes stability issues.$ O. e: c0 @: x5 J/ ?
Adding a deflector to a particle simulator layer no longer causes stability issues.
4 P- t+ K, w. q! O: o( i2 [2 ], wThe minimum size of the interface on High-DPI displays has been adjusted.
; W, k* |- x! j/ m) v0 H/ |% qLightened the default timeline color applied to assets which are added to the timeline./ s! q# l8 @6 h4 v# T0 J7 b
Image sequences using 16-bit per channel color now render accurately.- S, O% _7 C" r$ ?$ E' o
A : B searching can now be used to narrow the search results on the timeline and in the insert menu.8 Z2 l( l; h0 J) R  Y+ N1 U3 J
Using an IME for non-latin characters no longer causes stability issues." s" I* t. u, {% w3 E5 s4 P
The Export queue, when opened, now auto-scrolls to the most recently added task.8 v/ {6 ^( J3 ^/ x8 K; A
A typographical error in the installation process has been corrected.6 e* ?& v6 y) ~
Improved selection and resizing of very small objects on the editor timeline.1 H& O& s% K8 p4 a* Z6 {* B8 u
Improved the sorting of items in the export preset list whose names include numerals.! v* m! A, F" P! r
Improved the sorting of items in the effects panel whose names include numerals.
  N3 b% a  H9 [2 b; d5 jImproved the sorting of items in the media panel whose names include numerals.
( e1 f/ j4 c# ?. ?( l( T5 A6 VThe transform property group in the controls for Editor timeline objects has been placed after the effects property group, to accurately reflect the render order.
' [3 y! |) J9 _5 IImproved rendering of the interface during the process of moving panels.' W$ e% b9 q+ ~2 o' j4 D
Improved the Mac handling of projects saved on Windows using absolute file paths. (Mac)" a% v1 d7 t7 [8 C
Changed the default export location which is used when the specified export location is not available.$ e' ?; J7 g: p
AAC Audio files now load correctly.
  a. {. s* t, K! f5 P; }2 a! fMoving objects on the timeline no longer causes them to become deselected.) k7 a% G' K- R) G+ t& {
The shortcut for advancing 10 frames is now working again.
' b' z6 ^3 N% V$ c8 aThe zoom controls in the layer panel now give more expected results.
4 G; X0 N4 u, ]* _. h5 v4 V# r5 uOpenGL errors no longer show multiple error dialogs.
8 j* N. G5 q* R5 Y+ _9 w! V& j" XPre-rendered footage will now correctly display audio conform errors, when necessary.
/ ~' Z7 I0 V, S% W2 m+ WImproved performance of hardware decoded video playback.
/ ~- G+ |- p& i* V# zUsing CTRL+C in the import dialog after opening the Edit menu no longer causes stability issues.0 P" _  b, N1 U
Dragging a marquee to select multiple layers now works when the bottom layer is locked.
+ @7 z8 e$ t; o$ H/ s$ s8 i5 c4 {" rKeyboard shortcuts for Locking and Unlocking layers have been moved to the Timeline category.3 E) ~+ {6 g$ H8 c3 H, R, l! u
Typing Japanese text containing a first word longer than the line wrap width no longer causes stability issues.$ v/ S# |1 N, l7 A
Improved the search function in the Effects panel, to provide more logical results.
* O+ q" }0 \9 `Dragging the menu bar at the top of the Mac interface now moves the window.! ?- {3 M" ~9 M* P3 {/ O1 g# o3 u
The control panel no longer displays contents if nothing is selected.2 j  n: c- A8 V! i+ L  M& z# I
The selected property for each timeline is now remembered when switching between timelines.$ L1 d0 n8 {: e. k9 O* Z
The viewer panel now updates correctly after the color depth is changed and the panel is floated. (PC)
) y8 d& h' l* r' o. e4 W" V- @Improved the accuracy of the RAM preview indicator.
8 M; }5 `; c; M' Z% jHitFilm no longer allows you to move the playhead past the final frame of the timeline./ T, r$ _8 ^2 V. W  ~: v- |
Corrected an issue which caused the framerate of certain MP4 files to load incorrectly.6 g; w: J7 @& C2 p2 f% Y. y
The styling on the Delete Workspace dialog has been improved.
7 L( N" `1 `* u% W2 ]The zoom menus in the Trimmer and Viewer no longer display unselectable zoom levels.6 }, b5 s$ }' y8 i2 I* |2 h$ Z
Performance of the Unlock All keyboard shortcut has been improved.& O  g: w( x5 [% Q7 u. i4 k  Q: j
Improved performance of using the mouse scroll wheel to adjust the timeline zoom on Mac systems. (Mac)
$ o( G) j' t1 j; h1 QEditing text properties no longer alters unselected text.
! S  i+ s3 X/ }The size of the text cursor is now based on the currently selected text size.2 f: q1 J) R/ b
The open tab in non-focused interface panels is no longer marked as active.
& A1 g- A, K" p- q. E! K4 n$ @Constrained shape masks can now be dragged in any direction from the origin point.
- G* f% |! L# }The Delete button in the media panel is now disabled when nothing in the panel is selected.5 D. e( b; K# Y4 a
Double-clicking on offline media in the media panel no longer moves focus to the trimmer.. Q( ?- m1 j  s- a3 i
The contents of the Lifetime panel are now restored, when switching from the Editor to a composite shot with a particle effect selected.
) c% N' F% t+ V9 O2 |. [Improved handling of MOV files on Windows, to correct some import issues. (PC)
1 p+ m# n0 u1 a  HThe LUT effect is now properly limited by layer masks. Areas outside of the masks are no longer affected.5 _( ?8 i  q; u; ]$ \9 H
Styling has been improved when renaming export presets.# u$ c8 R$ S7 h9 K6 d& N4 B" D
List mode in the media panel now uses the correct icons for audio files.1 D8 s3 u# G- J& k9 P
Improved support for FBX files to alleviate material conflicts.- s% `: A) g" o, q3 R. a; O
The Text panel now displays the correct font for text layers, when a project is moved between a PC and a Mac.
! f' C: a9 H% _Improved the handling of textures on 3D models to increase consistency of results and eliminate some flickering issues.; R& ~* E6 I8 }, O
RAM previews are now correctly synced with the timeline contents.) D" o# ~2 ~/ t; [
Text spacing is now consistent on the editor and composite shot timelines.
$ r1 p  I, p8 [9 v; t* k' bSearch results in the Effects panel now include folders.
- M+ r- n" t, u* L1 l  M+ QConverting a mask point from locked curved to unlocked curved no longer moves the handles of the point.! _$ K; k3 ^/ W& _0 ~
Improved the styling of the origin point matrix in the layout panel.# Q6 p0 B0 i) E3 ]
Improved the consistency of text character spacing.
- k+ w! ]1 W8 d! z2 _* V0 ~Text layers with the text size set to 0 are no longer selected every time you click in the viewer./ @& r) R5 E4 R' e
The Color Correction Wheels effect no longer swaps blue and green when using the wheels to make adjustments.9 L2 h3 U3 r) q! ~7 K' }" {
Disabling the auto-save feature in the Options dialog now correctly disables the other autosave options as well.2 Y' O. W0 i( y6 Y& Q  N
Export presets whose names have been edited now update correctly in the export queue when a project is re-opened.& L" w" D( i* f" b, E4 ]5 D
The Export preview now displays at the correct resolution on High DPI displays.
: X# Z. d& W5 @" pExport tasks will now provide a warning for any offline media in the timeline being exported.
) X9 P7 [, d, R; `3 @9 L% XExport errors are no longer clipped, so the entire message can be read.
2 X" Z# i) s7 u% f# ~Paste Attributes no longer allows you to paste in cases where no properties will be changed.
3 [+ n$ V. N0 l" P% s# nTimeline objects copied by dragging are now selected after the duplication is complete.) p3 x5 Z# y. f* `( V. f& r( J. ]
When using IME for languages with non-Latin characters, entering numeric values no longer offers autocomplete suggestions.
, j* L4 A& {5 ?3 p* DSuspending an export no longer causes stability issues.
, O9 V5 d/ q1 b# z9 VImproved stability during the export process.; x( L& @; A5 ]" J- j, R2 i
Adjusted the styling of the current frame number, when the timecode is set to frames.( t. `2 [) i2 }) r& {$ y- ]2 b
Keyframes being edited on the timeline will no longer be hidden behind unselected keyframes.
0 v0 F: r$ r$ B9 Y8 ~$ `Changing the sort order in the media panel now updates the sorted list correctly.% h7 @+ \* S2 e# L1 U2 {' O
Keyframe handles no longer disappear when the project bit depth is changed.- i6 H5 N) W7 F: D; p
Improved support for importing image sequences containing file names of different lengths.
1 k7 ]/ {" Q7 g: d0 FCreating a composite shot by adding a particle system to the editor now creates a single history event.7 ]& F* b! t  E/ b+ V8 [. R& b5 `" ?
Scaling a plane on a single axis no longer creates unwanted transparency.
" `0 D3 L! z0 E* a0 |* m
5 a5 `' ^- Y0 h8 A4 wVersion 14.31 Z# |6 ?- E, N4 B# N  M8 q  J
Performance and stability of FBX models in the software has been improved.3 s# `% J' C& ^  u  O
Composite shots deleted in the Media panel no longer appear in the Viewer, or cause stability issues.
. o' x& @$ b& ]% w: e' _6 ~2 @Motion blur now works correctly with FBX models.
3 P8 l/ g8 y' D$ l3 J4 b; cEditing the timeline location of keyframes on a parented layer no longer causes stability issues.
# W' y9 J2 P% P" P' C: E" Q$ v9 f# kThe Gamma handle on the Levels Histogram effect now displays correctly.
1 |' c2 s/ R, P5 |% z4 eCancelling the render of a composite shot containing ambient occlusion no longer causes stability issues.: _0 S4 N' r6 j" ?: y+ g6 f; c9 s
Exported files will no longer be removed from your hard drive without warning when HitFilm is closed.$ T. s; v* y6 \7 B1 i7 e& L0 [
Changing the configuration of multiple displays no longer causes dialogs to open offscreen and be inaccessible. (PC)
9 P$ E4 n5 c+ H; hThe YouTube 1080p export preset now uses a Level of 5.1, for improved compatibility with older video players.
5 p$ D3 A3 r! g2 P  TComposite shots containing the Speed/Duration tool now render correctly.
: r9 c0 Y" Q2 _: JImproved a rare stability issue involving deleting media from the media panel.# Z: t+ Z5 y# ^8 P% X
When a user switches timelines, the scopes now update correctly to represent the contents of the current timeline.
5 j, Q  Q' w. c$ ePre-rendering a composite shot now accurately includes all frames, without duplicates.
) C4 P" a9 d- }" D. s8 Q9 bUsing the mouse wheel to zoom the Viewer when the frame contains reflections no longer causes stability issues.
# B, E& u# K2 X- B0 dThe font used in Parade Scopes now supports High DPI / Retina displays.
) l3 Z+ M# j  c6 w/ E/ J' Y
* Y) L4 f" ~  D( MVersion 14.2! Q* S7 p% B# l2 I
Improved compatibility with AAC media, so it imports correctly.
% P/ b5 b% J( H+ H2 MImproved compatibility with ProRes files, so the ProRes 4444 codec now imports correctly.# t7 h  w* Y7 |; G8 L
Improved stability of AMD hardware decoding. (PC)
, Q. B1 q$ {1 z* MUploading crash reports will no longer fail and give network errors. (PC)
$ k( z7 N# u/ |+ fImproved performance of hardware decoding when the timeline contains duplicated clips. (PC)
/ F2 f- v8 A8 k) x+ OUsing NVIDIA hardware decoding will no longer cause some clips to be displayed upside down in the viewer. (PC)
" p6 ?/ R: `4 {4 A! wUsing NVIDIA hardware decoding during export no longer causes stability issues. (PC)* O. r& S2 g7 c8 `# G
NVIDIA Hardware decoding renders certain files more accurately, which were previously corrupted on the Viewer. (PC)1 j# p% w% [6 I$ I) M+ S$ y+ ~$ N
* a% {6 o6 I& W$ ^
Version 14.1
- g$ @' b5 i- n6 j$ UComposite shot timelines can now be floated out of the main interface.9 m3 y* q. E: N4 U# X* e4 a
Motion blur now updates correctly when the framerate of the timeline is increased.0 O* _! L. R( B
Click+dragging the visibility of multiple layers no longer affects layers on other timelines.9 A6 S$ S8 |1 u; V
The Recent Effects menu now lists the most recently used effects chronologically from top to bottom.
! h; t! J2 Q& Y/ b5 f4 kSelecting an effect in the Favorites folder no longer causes unwanted scrolling in the effects panel.
- @8 ^! U. G; p" v& c. j% E' F" UCreating a new project with the timeline container floated no longer causes stability issues.
0 c# d: m: ]* p+ r+ L& \0 MAdding an effect to multiple items at once no longer creates multiple items in the history panel.
5 s2 Z6 Z3 o8 e6 z! p3 yLaunching the software with a Favorited OFX effect not loaded no longer causes stability issues.
3 e3 D8 g& d0 q9 EThe favorites menu for effects is no longer permanently disabled.2 ~- r4 M2 c" j& o% l/ a, K
Closing HitFilm after using a Video Copilot effect in a previous session no longer causes stability issues. (Mac)2 o# V# J' i# e
Estimated time to complete exports updates more accurately at the end of export.# j7 m$ v4 H- `: [# o- P
Improved rendering of masks on systems with AMD graphics.
/ P4 q/ H% V0 S; K% [" W  b8 EFavorited transitions no longer appear in the effects menu.
$ @: D! M( J0 J. @- Q  t' D* Y! gThe effects menu now works for adding effects to the controls panel, as well as to timeline objects.  [6 t) d5 S. \) @% }* w# y0 p
The export command dialog now auto-populates to the default export directory.
0 ], T9 E) ^* \- v  b; c7 bThe auto-save dialog no longer appears if the auto-save option is disabled.
0 |6 w5 \# u7 B, O5 h' c1 CMedia using a different resolution than the project now renders correctly using downsampled viewer resolutions.
1 J% i0 [: }* n7 xEffects icons are no longer displayed when the native Mac menu bar is used. (Mac): C* }" L" n9 I/ h9 D: b. n6 h
Improved the rendering of mask curves while the mask is being drawn." v3 o+ V6 ?! D( I8 Y' m0 |$ j
Improved the styling of the background color swatch, in the viewer options menu.
& T+ m& c4 q( J6 l' {Viewer now correctly recalculates zoom when the project dimensions are changed.# k- L# N: V9 c& N' Y/ C
Improved the styling of the effects search popup.; }8 S( t: T: E4 }
Remove Stock Background now removes white backgrounds more accurately.# A; N3 j6 c2 T) I' r" N0 X3 l- j) Q
Uninstalling Imerge Pro while HitFilm is running now correctly disables the "Open in Imerge..." menu item.: G9 E0 v* n* l* T9 ~
Improved support for video files created by OBS.
! m/ n, G$ y7 L$ C& aLarge media previews are downsampled correctly in the viewer, as they are adjusted on the editor timeline.% \  R( F" \% o% Y/ l/ f( i) s$ N
Resizing the viewer no longer causes an infinite render loop in the zoom menu.# u& p: e: G9 x- b$ z
Recent plugins are now remembered when HitFilm is closed and reopened.& D( P5 _( u8 b( H0 C
MP4 files using a level of 6.1 will now load correctly.! |" `* t  A9 a
Improved rendering of high resolution files when viewer resolution is set to low quality/resolution profiles.6 n% _& ^1 H% t. s" ?/ D* B  [( E( U6 B
Reduced the contrast of the checkerboard in the viewer, to reduce distractions from the content.
8 Z% s; e: E, oAdjusted the color of the asset duration bars, which indicate the unused portions of a layer on the timeline.7 q+ C( z: z" O' j
Improved rendering of the blue box surrounding the viewer when it is the active panel.4 I. u/ R) @3 H9 Y, J' X
6 `# [& Z) @% X9 ^8 {3 |6 ~
Version 14.0.1. T% a+ Z( g- B# j5 x; p
Opening a project containing OFX plugins no longer causes stability issues.
, Q) a: Q3 T6 H. f; s2 S  {! B: l1 I( t: W$ z) [
System requirements
1 c5 P8 V0 j, Q8 l  w& _Apple: macOS 10.15 Catalina, macOS 10.14 Mojave, or 10.13 High Sierra; e8 ?; q' l  E2 e  r
Windows: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit), Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)+ |" Y9 |8 H& z2 q
Internet connection: Required for online activation5 L/ k/ z( g- [  q2 o$ e
Processor: 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors or AMD equivalent.0 x$ |4 {2 Z' o- B
RAM: 4GB (8 GB Recommended)# l6 x+ }' K. G; I
Graphics card:
! n7 ?6 v5 Q. k/ w; D9 q* CNVIDIA GeForce 600 (Kepler) series (2012)4 I! E: Y8 j: j
AMD Radeon R5 240 (2013)- \- j4 m3 S. |' h& e
Intel HD Graphics 5000 (GT3) (2013)6 \3 y& |! _! k2 ~# |
Video memory 1 GB minimum (2GB or more required for 4K UHD.)
0 u) E& S6 q6 c; Z% M" |4 j, S" L* s0 W" j

% E" h- b9 E) r% \, w' X3 O, Z9 c2 ^2 H
: W/ U) u- H5 e: U
4 G  H' Z- f1 Z% L3 H& M9 O
- C5 i" j& q) I+ M

; [) K: O. D' f2 dDownload:, a$ T1 R0 t( h" F
+ Y. |" i( P# k% T/ r& t4 d# zhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_14.0.2191.pkg
" \" \9 e5 b" u+ k$ d( U% jhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_x64_14.0.9522.51820.msi
4 D' }& J+ L4 m: Y6 H6 Thttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_14.0.2194.pkg
$ U3 J7 P- `" W$ n9 e- zhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_x64_14.1.9605.07202.msi
0 B3 Z" J; o' g  m9 f! ?* U, a5 Zhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_14.1.2208.pkg* i8 m8 a! G; C( @4 s( [/ E: i
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_x64_14.2.9727.07202.msi6 [; f& f: F, ]: o% j
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_14.2.2249.pkg' Q6 F& [) }& d' U: F
http://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-pro/HitFilmPro_x64_14.3.9931.38452.msi2 c3 }: B3 Y1 z
/ G8 Q) {  g; u: Q" b  X- u/ B3 K6 Y) `" ]
$ H' S4 _+ @# L) d0 nhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_14.1.0004.pkg
, |- X6 C  v6 \5 l& _5 k! Thttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_x64_14.2.9727.07202.msi
9 `2 C8 f" @2 s7 Lhttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_14.2.0936.pkg
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4 ^- T  j. Y# M' v; R3 `. d' ihttp://installers.fxhome.com/hitfilm-express/HitFilmExpress_14.3.0983.pkg


GMT+8, 2024-4-18 17:11

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