


发表于 2020-3-7 22:40:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Program Name: MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro 14
1 S* `' P, ^9 ]" C- n4 D. q# KProgram Type: Audio editor/ p! g3 Y, Q! X; @% u8 l
Developer: Sony Creative Software, Inc.
0 x2 i3 p/ K3 l( cHomepage: www.sonycreativesoftware.com/soundforgepro
. b2 B- R+ c$ ]+ yRelease Date: 4/18/2019$ G3 t  R, B1 H! F8 u
Interface Language: Multilingual
1 p+ y* w1 m: \; S7 t0 |Platform: Windows 10/8 / 8.1 / 73 ]/ o, h/ k2 @9 m& z  Y. L' n
File Size: 604 MB
7 C& y% T1 p  M9 j
4 [! f' v* o, G/ j7 IMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro 14 offers professional-quality mastering, editing and sound-design features all within an intuitive and inspiring interface. It is the application of choice for a generation of creative and prolific artists, producers, and editors. Thanks to its multi-channel recording, an intuitive workflow, extremely powerful editing features and an array of mastering plug-ins, it has continued to set new standards in the audio industry for more than two decades.7 O1 n" z6 i, _3 c  a8 ~
) s8 W  S# s1 [* G9 X! p, n
5 I2 r3 E; f" f* }! d$ Y1 R0 ]Crystal clear on multiple channels. Record pristine audio on up to 32 channels simultaneously, at sample rates up to 64-bit/768 kHz. SOUND FORGE Pro 14 is a fully-portable recording studio that you can take with you wherever you go for multichannel recordings of classical concerts, live bands and other challenging projects.4 W% F7 G& T, K$ m( @0 {

2 q' N& c" x3 ~, o. c0 q% EAudio Editing) W% n6 l# R, p/ u8 I
Total precision. SOUND FORGE Pro 14 provides professional audio processing and sound design at the highest level. From video soundtracks to the final surround sound mix, edit audio with sample-accurate precision. Numerous effect processors and editing tools make SOUND FORGE Pro the ideal application for sound designers.1 X: J9 T" H% y. N8 F, G
# E( L0 J8 G! B  u
8 M4 Y: J+ [) ?$ e% U* z5 q% gProfessional sound, noise free. With the all-new SOUND FORGE Pro 14, you can deliver technically perfect masters for CD or streaming, all thanks to its advanced signal processing tools and high-end effects based on top-quality DSP algorithms. Restore recordings and remove clicks, pops and other noise with ease.
2 }6 y# S! {  i1 k- s+ ~" P% z  M
; v- U  X4 p$ B3 C9 r$ S  xHighlights# `) S; q* J( a# l0 F$ s5 Q) L
- 32-channel file recording, editing and processing2 f; w- r, X; T% V9 j  R5 F
- 64-bit architecture$ w1 F7 E2 n  [0 r. f9 T3 G
- Customizable interface: 4 color levels, new icon design & docking
7 l' ^5 \; l% x- Upgraded VST engine & ARA2 support2 l, e; e' F# q, L1 V! n
- Record at 64-bit/768 kHz
( N& u7 O7 d' Q, ?. O/ `/ I- Numerous audio effects & plug-ins
. p2 S: m. N' r0 e- Mastering and restoration with iZotope plug-ins: Ozone 8 Elements & RX 7 Elements" v% ~# G3 m  ]% Z: }. Q' a* ]
- New Oscilloscope and a Peak Meter V2 for level measurement
  L: K$ z; ~; R# E5 k+ f( [  S) X- zplane élastique Timestretch with new élastiquePro v3 engine
- u' X4 }9 k6 {; O& B0 o. |7 ]9 O1 \% e8 _% t
What's New in SOUND FORGE Pro 14?/ E; |# Y* |& b6 y# Z
- Wave Coloring, a new graphical representation mode in the data window that visualises the sonic qualities of an audio file.
* D4 t( j, z" U6 W9 p) e- Instant Action window with shortcuts to frequently used tasks.! _! |' X8 g: z6 l/ u# n
- New Oscilloscope and Spectroscope visualization.
5 e1 _0 \8 {% @5 ^* ^3 ]- Quick converting audio files from Windows Explorer context menu.
& M" S* y; e  J6 d* r" O- QuickFX: Professional VST effects with many presets and extremely easy operation using just one fader./ j5 B( l% E+ S+ Y. y! _2 E
- Improved VST support with many bug fixes and a faster scan.
, f& v& X) R0 n6 y  z1 M- S* X% \1 l4 W* S5 C( e& X( i
System Requirements:
" L) ~  S# g- s8 Z; T- You require a 32- or 64-bit version of one of the following operating systems:
  O& s) S! o! v% c" G0 e- Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 74 X+ b/ q* W, f- y
- Processor: 1 GHz
  u  m7 t) H7 z( a( x; `- RAM: 512 MB
# p" H" w9 Z9 s- Z$ ^- Graphics card: Onboard, min. resolution 1024 x 768
- T8 V4 X3 o- y) C$ P7 x( S- Sound card: Onboard# g* R$ w- l$ o# i- n) d
- Hard drive space: 500 MB for program installation , m4 V$ @2 H9 w( d9 e0 ^' Z

7 K. j* u, a! T, S
9 h# f" g8 ~5 N" T# `- P) M5 z. ]! I6 S7 J3 u$ j/ _

" i6 ?$ v% @2 J0 k9 Y2 s" x6 F4 q" W4 M" u# i/ H" V
& u+ T$ S* q0 A% Q1 K% \MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x64.exe0 Y) ^( q& L, |/ t1 I7 \
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x86.exe6 R  s- ^* Z+ S- |+ R2 ^2 y5 e. r
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x64.exe  d6 z! J0 m9 e: d+ @+ O3 t- T
6 E8 l1 }& b+ L' U( x% JMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x64.exe
4 b+ L9 ]. ^! X0 |* n) yMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x86.exe6 G. D3 {1 }7 p3 Z0 R  M
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x64.exe4 z  K7 h$ p2 \
6 M. q" G$ K' _/ S  t! _MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x64.exe
) O( Z9 q& a* p. wMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x86.exe
% f. W! ?. K5 p$ GMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x64.exe7 R' b# N6 w7 j" p$ q
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x86.exe9 b( p, s4 z. |2 P" y% Y; w
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x64.exe
* E0 {" g5 \7 R4 x9 f; n; d4 |MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x86.exe
& G# q* h7 j. {$ DMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite
5 h' W3 ~7 _7 h5 s/ G0 N: ^MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite
' M/ o+ q( {! A) kMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x64.exe
; G9 r# e8 g  k% R0 SMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x86.exe
0 a" n) T/ e& }+ W" @+ l4 |MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x64.exe* F9 [$ n8 E; F
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x86.exe
5 _3 M6 Z) V) C0 {' y; FMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x64.exe
* H) _: [1 t* D  M+ X. I( `3 ]* JMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x86.exe5 W2 Q! L* K. y' v/ S; o) M
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x64.exe
. O- o" J2 k! i; _) ~( RMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x86.exe# i5 P& V7 e5 m* B% L
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x64.exe) z/ n2 Y" a6 G# w! |
1 J3 V6 S& H# F1 i' c0 a, sMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro 14.0.0 112 Suite x64.exe
3 ?1 ?) x" b) \, W. S4 [% k1 S: iMAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro 14.0.0 112 Suite x86.exe" \" a) `7 @6 g9 U. ^7 [
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x64.exe5 W% a0 ^- q) p+ |. ]4 ^; N8 T
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro x86.exe; i1 ]' w& n9 x: H. K2 r
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x64.exe5 u8 V" o% y6 t- H+ K! G5 z
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite x86.exe0 ^* a) Z$ C( [" C2 r6 }. a

9 Z" ~$ O" Z0 [$ [MAGIX Sound Forge Pro 14.0.0 Build 45 Suite! ?2 M. j* i  c% K
x86:: n4 ?$ O! D1 l6 @5 I0 }( [! g( Q4 w
9 e) Y  v4 i( W7 U2 Y9 g9 c2 g0 R' t
! N8 _9 [8 Y1 P& `https://ssl-update.magix.com/download/af7d000bf248a98059103960144a145a


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