

[软件] Pinnacle Studio Ultimate 简体中文版

发表于 2020-8-10 22:03:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Program Name: Pinnacle Studio Ultimate v24
! @# r7 \3 V' H' w! N5 I/ GDeveloper: Pinnacle Systems; T& J3 t3 Q- P9 f2 Z, M% e3 ^, U) R
Homepage: http://www.pinnaclesys.com/en/products/studio/ultimate/
5 p; a$ A% X4 I+ d- ]0 T5 qRelease Date: November 29, 2019   m7 K# x1 @; @: |* N- w
Interface Language: Multilingual ! W) r; m4 `& w/ Z
Platform: Winindows XP, Vista3 i  Z( g; N8 U' `# b) c/ ?
File size: 1.84 / 1.73 / 1.16 GB  g9 G* q( Z, L1 A

! e* j: x2 S7 ]$ h4 f' KPinnacle Studio Ultimate is a powerful video editor that is a collection of creative video editing tools. Create stunning videos and movies with a combination of professional video editing and unlimited creative expression, plus quick fixes for common mistakes, color correction, and camera shake.
6 K, t, E/ H! h2 Q3 h
9 e9 @5 d4 R5 u) F9 F  M2 EThe rendering speed in the new version has increased up to 10 times thanks to the updated "engine" and support for nVidia CUDA and Intel QuickSync technologies. This video editor allows you to achieve amazing results and realize your most daring creative ideas thanks to very high performance, new features and characteristics, as well as a rich collection of content with more than 2000 effects.+ Y+ r& J5 Y; f
. q, W- X" h8 e/ j2 s
New Features in Pinnacle Studio 24
2 R+ O5 K! k$ T& KNEW Dynamic Video Masking( {& @7 n% @7 C; l4 w* }3 O
Manipulate masks, frame by frame, with new controls
' l2 G: E4 W. M, j& yCreate custom masks with shapes and new freehand drawing tool
  ^* f( }5 ]+ a" hEasily identify faces using face tracking and masking tools# v- y# K1 a0 P* V- J
Save and load existing masks with new shortcuts
' M" G$ S% N! p$ h  N+ U7 x
. H  |1 v, m: [; ZNEW Title Editor
* c9 T5 Z2 {) @% [; C( UCreate custom motion graphics and take control of your titles—right down to the word or individual letter—with the redesigned Title Editor
' ^" J' N+ Y! `2 k3 oSet style and manipulate individual parameters of any text with keyframe-based controls—add motion, rotate, scale, and more
! ~; I: K5 \( x, u2 Y! R, u! ~Save as presets for future use
9 q' ?: A# x5 W: |4 }: o  M; h' L/ B( N( {2 y+ Z
NEW Graphic Overlays
! w% L/ b! j* S) {! OExplore new animated overlays, graphics, and backgrounds for instant drag-and-drop creativity.4 c% {, ?8 a. N7 ?0 M& N

( n3 `' P4 v+ q" e, w2 jENHANCED Keyframe controls2 Q' ^) T8 X8 j
Multi-select a group of keyframes by drawing a frame around them to highlight, reposition, or even duplicate and streamline your editing.8 v' g* v9 b, F% l8 Q6 {( f
* c' S( H+ Q# C% i5 N+ @% O
NEW Project notes4 S6 j0 V" e" |$ I4 m8 K& V' \0 J
Remember where you left off and leave notes on next steps with new project notes.
7 f9 Q, `% X+ k. O- h9 ^6 y# W9 U& \3 g  F
NEW Clip Masking& M9 ]: s0 o  N) X
Apply your video masking edits only to targeted clips, instead of applying them to the full track.
# H$ |# k! W* Q. \) y2 P/ |# Q8 B* s6 o* N1 Z
ENHANCED Split Screen videos4 d" T8 Y+ P7 u. J" {! \
Auto fit your media to the size of the drop zone with new SmartFit controls—edit the size and position as needed.# |6 M8 ?6 ~7 z8 p. a$ M

2 ^8 r9 e8 ]. GENHANCED Keyboard shortcuts
% L9 _0 j5 ^8 q: YSet up new shortcuts in the control panel and easily search by letter to see what it is assigned for.
$ p: o: x6 ]. e! E. Q' i- O/ ~" B/ M
NEW Face Tracking
4 O9 M2 M/ b3 D+ F" g( H: A4 LEasily identify faces using face detection, tracking and masking tools.
( Y/ F5 X8 b' f2 g5 d4 G
! \% W" V! y. vENHANCED Performance! q0 T6 z" Z6 o  q, j/ r
Enjoy higher bitrate and enhanced Intel® Quick Sync video hardware acceleration.7 h0 \/ g3 c, D% r0 m7 M3 ~
% i" Y1 w7 d, Y& W
NEW Training Material6 `. W" D6 b5 U; x0 H- f+ b* r
Learn the new features of Pinnacle Studio 24 with new training videos and written tutorials.& E) V1 I  ~& j9 v& ~2 Y
) Y( y% p8 t" _! P6 Y) @( z
Advanced editing
, E/ E7 A5 T- [0 CAdvanced keyframing controls deliver the power to fine-tune every parameter of your clips, transitions, and effects across unlimited tracks.
- U9 \' v& ]# b: M# `- H
, T  Z9 y$ x& b# F5 U9 j1 F5 PUnlimited creativity) J8 I% r; o: X$ y" P6 E
Leverage pro-caliber tools including full Color Grading controls, dynamic Video Masking, 360 video editing, and more!
8 S" |8 ^: e- T6 l& Y  M. |- f- I' W" o5 D8 D) D$ s
Loaded with power
& |0 x9 b9 j1 _! TTap into smart editing tools to save presets, export grouped clips, and even create customizable shortcuts with Pinnacle’s customizable interface.7 y8 p% g7 E& G

3 f  q* \: F' ^* v/ gKeyframe precision
) `& l' P/ ~! bAdd keyframes to customize almost any parameter of your edits—take complete control over your motions, effects, and overlays.
/ ~/ M4 ?& x) M. \" \" i  v% q3 r! u, T" W* Q, r( Q2 Y( q
Customizable workspace
- F0 g6 G1 |/ h$ RSet custom tool shortcuts, group and edit clips simultaneously, and explore a streamlined workflow for your most intuitive editing experience.6 ^  p6 e0 I/ o) [2 a

9 A: _' {5 R+ S; u' L: Q1 FAdditional applications3 z" H( s6 w$ x& h. |
Included tools empower you to capture video and record your screen, author DVDs, and leverage compatibility with many third party plugins.7 E4 W& F0 K+ ^$ C) }
/ i9 w+ `$ W% U5 Q% [% H4 w- y3 B
Features fueling your video editing software; Q8 _. [4 S6 _: j* w: O" B
Go beyond basic editing with advanced tools* r' _5 i+ y" @7 t# y
Fully loaded with everything from basic tools to advanced creative features, this Ultimate video editing suite will empower you to create your best videos yet.9 x! [% z+ P) `1 H& U9 y# B
, H7 c8 p+ \' z+ |2 y$ d
Advanced keyframing, unparalleled precision
& F- h6 ?+ p7 SGo beyond traditional keyframing and fine-tune every individual parameter of your edit. Add keyframes to command control of your videos’ positioning, size, speed, overlays, transitions, effects, and more for frame-accurate customizability.. K( e% O9 K+ Q  _/ b. \7 A

* J3 I3 h* z) U/ O% g$ NExperience the power of Color Grading) }2 m! M  i, e/ ^
Color Grading" W7 r# b0 D3 k- n/ U. z: r; w
Advanced controls like the Tone Curve, HSL Tuning, Color Wheel, and Selective Vectorscope make it easy to independently adjust colors, highlights, midtones, and shadows.
& k  M* m5 g& P4 S; x, x& Z% R1 y+ l% E3 Z' o0 ^; F+ K. `
Color Correction
- o; D: Y8 Q: \. x  r' I5 d$ |Adjust white balance, correct underexposed scenes, and apply instant corrections.
0 o+ ?  G+ y& z5 k( O1 p4 u% m9 z
: J( h5 o, z$ y6 \0 c+ tLUTs & Filters( S$ f  R/ \4 d4 y, b
Instantly apply a filter or cinematic LUT profile to create a specific film effect and alter the overall tone/mood of your scene.) d! L6 c& r; n
! B* ]3 S5 r6 V2 Y+ I: I$ R2 I( _2 D
Target special effects
6 w3 y( _. T3 z" s, y( pBrighten faces, blur backgrounds, censor license plates, and edit other targeted areas. The Mask Creator gives you the power to isolate and apply effects creatively to make characters and important information pop on screen!  }# L/ E; Z( Z  B
! e* Q) `1 M* f! L0 R- x! p$ g
Clone objects2 Y# k2 K! t+ a2 _+ r% d
Clone characters and objects on-screen and enjoy expanded storytelling possibilities. Interact with an evil twin, create unique montages to show the passing of time, and get creative with this powerful tool.
( e9 w2 v9 E" |" R. F( [& p
6 K0 u6 [) e7 }' ]% QCombine clips
: @  p5 m+ V+ @3 p  ILayer clips creatively to produce new scenery and achieve special effects. Swap a rainy day for a sunny sky, change the content displaying on screens, and create illusions by combining clips with Video Masking.5 O; D0 a- r& V( k

6 t" a/ M9 Z; Q' r1 A9 [3 k6 zRemove distractions
2 ?( I4 r3 R" x" KEnhance footage and prevent reshoots by hiding distracting objects from your clips. With Video Masking you can remove people who wander through the background of your shot, erase graffiti from a wall, and clean up footage.  D* M- R$ m# w: a$ @+ y  J8 Z
) j" Z, F5 i: A! t6 _. q" G
Custom transitions0 |* Y1 h; ?9 D6 [
Create unique walk-by and wipe transitions to follow motion in your video. Enhancements to Video Masking controls enable you to evolve your mask frame-by-frame to help you ensure seamless blending from one clip to the next.
* \/ t) M+ {/ \6 Z* y" y5 T. `4 Q' c
Improved in Pinnacle Studio 24 Ultimate.) K: ~3 b2 i: e' A4 Q' S
- Keyframes: Effects and Movement7 x+ }; ]5 ^, R- s2 \/ q
- Motion Tracking (New Face Detection and Tracking)
3 Z3 N% C% T1 D* S1 y& _% ]- Video Masks (+ NEW dynamic controls)
! t7 _3 q; ~2 B' D. z% W* D( j- Customizable workspace and shortcuts (+ Searchable Shortcuts)6 S1 i% A5 D, G2 B
- Grouping and nesting clips5 ?$ ~$ [' ^$ i
- Keyframes: Effects and Motion# O( u1 k' {0 ?; M; S0 A
- Hundreds of Effects, Transitions, Titles and Templates (+ NEW Animated Overlays)
0 z* S  ?; `4 u( F3 h# L( ^2 _- Split Screen Video (+ Smart Fit)3 v' p* U; w3 C9 z& F2 N
- Motion Tracking (+ Protective Mosaic); M9 e6 C1 [; E& s7 T
- Video masks (+ NEW dynamic masks)6 w+ i# N3 ~! k; U/ S2 V
- Hardware acceleration Intel® Quick Sync Video3 G! `6 g6 e/ Y( n3 M

  P  s0 ?5 t' o) P! CSystem Requirements
2 h& F  u6 D. W6 G- Windows 10 recommended, Windows 8.x, Windows 7, 64 bit only  M9 K( g; K# ?& |
- Intel Core i3 or AMD A4 3.0 GHz or higher ◦Intel Core i5 or i7 1.06 GHz or higher required for AVCHD & Intel Quick Sync Video support . W7 E6 D0 v% M. b& h1 {4 j
- Intel Core i7 4th generation or later or AMD Athlon A10 or higher for UHD, Multi-Camera or 360 video
6 U! G7 W# D. ~/ j: x- {5 o- 4 GB or higher, 8+GB highly recommended for UHD, Multi-Camera, or 360 video9 J* ?* N; ^4 w$ r6 y
- Minimum resolution 1024 x 768, minimum 256MB VGA VRAM, 512MB or higher recommended for hardware decoding acceleration
0 m3 k2 U5 n; Q5 o- K. X7 @- Windows-compatible sound card
" L3 l! o0 ~" V- 8 GB HDD space for full installation7 j. n" {  F) G! j, F
- Internet connection required for installation, registration and updates. Registration required for product use.+ R6 H( }( t3 P& j

) Y. R4 ^6 v4 ^/ E+ ~* Q1 g7 @Import Formats3 ?) U; O2 ^! }3 q1 n& s& W) {
- Video: AVCHD2, DV, HDV, AVI, MPEG-1/-2/-4, Flash, 3GP (MPEG-4, H.263), WMV, Non-encrypted DVD titles (incl. DVD-VR/+VR), MOV (DV, MPEG-4, H.264), HEVC1 (H.265), XAVC, MXF, DVCPRO HD, XAVC S, GoPro LRV, Cineform
4 X6 C1 Y8 Y- y9 t- Z0 a* }7 e- Audio: MP3, MPA, M4A, WAV, AMR, AC32, AAC, Vorbis, WMA, U5 }. F5 Q! O* F: V( {1 E: l
- Graphic: JPS, BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, PSD, TGA, TIF, WMF, PNG, J2K5 n8 W2 [4 I, P! ]" T
' x# e; u3 Q9 I- X" X
Export Formats
# g$ X+ w; q) o: M- Disc: DVD, AVCHD, Blu-ray ($)
2 m" ^: |7 ~5 f4 v" i5 j  ]' I- Video: DV, HDV, AVI, WMV, MPEG-1/-2/-4, Flash, 3GP, HEVC (H.265, H.264), XAVC S, MOV, M2TS, FLV, 3GP, GIF, Cineform- P! X) `8 B, a
- Image: BMP, JPEG, TIF, TGA/ v/ F5 v9 ]1 C; n1 h1 f( g6 b# p
- Audio: AC32, MP2, MP3, MP4, WAV
, }% T7 t8 ~3 x% e/ s6 G
/ c! @; z: v* e+ D) O: E! G3 ?Accessories$ f9 _: J" l/ Z3 t6 F
- DVD burner required for creating DVD and AVCHD discs, [0 C) r8 _9 f, t4 y6 G
- Blu-Ray burning requires purchase of a separate plug-in from within the product
! A9 }7 I1 R8 [* V0 f4 u% Z+ r: F+ }5 O3 v  }7 {. D( P$ B
Supported Languages$ N- R8 E4 x( D5 }& M% P. y9 Z
1029 – Czech# ~( R  v/ c# @
1030 – Danish
2 c2 j8 E8 e% r" T# P1031 – German1 a0 B! M1 G+ T# `) \
1033 – English0 b5 N7 e/ O" l9 U, s
1034 – Spanish
7 D' l9 Z$ f- o. E1 ]/ t1035 – Finnish
$ k/ `9 h, n4 G8 R$ t% C1 f5 X( z* y1036 – French( }( y0 ^  C# y0 j- I9 }
1040 – Italian
4 p% W& D9 _; I. R$ i' o( R1041 – Japanese
" l, K4 c( \- b  O& }3 I$ {" i7 u1043 – Dutch0 y# |. g4 d$ B
1045 – Polish" r! `1 N( l% Q( H& [
1049 – Russian
" A7 ^) s, V2 f, r! g1053 – Swedish
& }/ b1 T% |; {+ p. s2052 – Chinese【请到软件技术站下载】
* K" s2 J0 Y" S  X0 L4 v6 l/ x  J) y) v4 q- o; X
( Q9 a( P$ x2 l- S- {7 W

! I+ C3 c( c8 T0 S1 M! }3 g. O: R; g" l% }4 X
/ I0 T$ c6 \: r; i' r

1 ?9 J1 P7 q3 [  [& N/ _0 D& A
( c% x& {, @$ t! A6 i) fDOWNLOAD:0 t3 ~( r( N: e
http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/1029.mst3 f; I" v* I' d' Z0 W
; {# \9 V+ ~9 T! X4 E& G9 |" X3 m& k% vhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/1031.mst
( M) i8 d  {5 a# ~http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/1033.mst
2 Q5 V+ t& g7 x* b; ~http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/1034.mst! O" p) w! N6 F& H4 Z) l& c" Q: A
% R+ v* m' I* Q- H2 ^2 F  V6 rhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/1036.mst
  h# Z3 @5 j3 l, L9 g! M) @$ fhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/1040.mst* b( x5 C8 D7 a, [( x
http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/1041.mst1 R- e6 ^* B6 z6 q9 ^# A
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7 d  I4 g$ F  R; t8 ^2 Zhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/1049.mst
- v: r- F/ y6 j' }http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/1053.mst! m& [# h+ f9 p. ]/ ?1 S8 n4 q5 f  f
http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/Data1.cab" h" `; i( F3 S- d3 x: G" R; G( y$ s5 N, o
http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/183/64bit/Studio/PinnacleStudio.msi% E- Y1 s: q: S. r, a3 t
5 \( g  X# Q1 E  o) ?+ ?
4 r; T+ n4 }, K$ H7 a- Nhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/1030.mst
+ d+ l* p  \/ Z6 U- Chttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/1031.mst
& S1 D/ Q3 ?. ehttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/1033.mst
" ^* J3 S+ s; S' Y1 Y7 M! {. Ahttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/1034.mst7 L- X1 g0 t) L" N. G
* G) o+ Q$ H3 D- Bhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/1036.mst& d/ ~, S+ r1 F  Y4 Q
) l+ }- o+ D+ [2 z7 X) Phttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/1041.mst# ~/ X2 J5 i' i8 o5 A7 z2 v
http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/1043.mst+ D, S1 T2 v% j3 ]! O( d
http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/1045.mst- C3 s3 x5 C+ q3 J$ W
3 g: @3 q7 ~% N9 y9 a0 Qhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/1053.mst
; b0 h# l9 I1 {' O" xhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/Data1.cab" v& g- i) [4 l; |" z
http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/219/64bit/Studio/PinnacleStudio.msi- e; K6 j" t8 w9 k8 f  t( k$ F4 l
/ J( H3 F% ~. @5 c' Y! J
* f8 o5 _; v" @0 }0 {- jhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/260/64bit/Studio/1030.mst
; K/ P9 ^0 x  p0 }( X+ lhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/260/64bit/Studio/1031.mst
. L( l7 I6 y+ M2 I5 q0 yhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/260/64bit/Studio/1033.mst
0 ^7 a. v  S) ^, D8 D7 u3 L; z8 xhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/260/64bit/Studio/1034.mst
4 |: Y# C/ B7 `8 v# U9 W" Jhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/260/64bit/Studio/1035.mst! D1 W* Y, I( b* v
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; F, [7 Q9 S" ?* x& B; vhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/260/64bit/Studio/1043.mst3 l3 d# O7 f# e! w
# U% V+ P) p7 d! Bhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/260/64bit/Studio/1049.mst
/ }& I/ p  \. v" k6 h. V. c. V! }http://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/260/64bit/Studio/1053.mst2 Q+ b* {1 g, f# w* @& T
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' I8 C. W" `' R  f+ VPinnacleStudio_Patch_24.0.1.exe
/ H! {1 ?: C$ s( c* Y, J1 YPinnacleStudio_Patch_24.1.0.exe
+ u; w; i  E- [- m+ [" ~; @' T
. n/ {5 y/ E# l- s" Ehttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/jY8m7p76VM/Pinnacle-Studio_24_Installer.exe
8 B& ^2 H/ L( @( z. d( G$ P: ^7 |+ G, V
  e. \7 B2 x2 m& ?( t* a* xhttp://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/patch/24.0.2/PinnacleStudio_Patch_24.0.2.exe
- _. A3 y5 u0 T0 `/ B; F6 P4 Jhttps://cdn.pinnaclesys.com/Release/webinstaller/PinnacleStudio_24/patch/24.1.0/PinnacleStudio_Patch_24.1.0.exe
* l* N$ G  {; o  k: r/ I
5 A. N9 O" h6 R2 M+ X( |
0 u  p! j4 w! q  `) {* }3 x0 F1 W! b5 B

1 X5 q, W. e/ E# u+ B3 h) b( X+ L2 \4 I
8 o( J5 w: K  }& Z, v* E7 e

- D9 v! i* d% l0 K% l9 C7 U* lPinnacle Studio 中文汉化包 v1.0 2020.08.12.exe" i" P, I. u9 N( Y
Pinnacle Studio 中文汉化包 v1.1 2020.10.04.exe$ u. f( g) L. E4 L7 g6 o/ _' J. b
Pinnacle Studio 中文汉化包 v2.0 2020.10.04.exe2 U, C* E* F7 b
Pinnacle Studio 中文汉化包 v3.0 2021.03.08.exe2 @3 d: t& d% q/ ~: q

( g5 c$ {6 @7 Q) B5 p! F4 y6 k2 u3 m7 t5 K; Z
) \1 W! l4 {$ m


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