

CyberLink AudioDirector Ultra 11.0.2304.0

发表于 2020-9-14 20:57:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: CyberLink AudioDirector Ultra 11" k' {0 L* r1 n$ V- @3 R: @9 R
Program Type: Audio-editor   V+ r; w+ }5 T' A7 b" u: {2 f
Release Date: 2019-01-29% b$ j7 O7 J- s/ H8 B6 C
Homepage: http://www.cyberlink.com/products/audiodirector/features_en_US.html?&r=14 o! s. Y3 @0 j- e
Interface Language: Multilingual
4 j5 t9 L$ }' m% ]Platform: WinALL
$ Z9 T- k5 n# J7 F. M, a! GFile Size: 365.8 MB$ f! x1 j3 G6 W+ x' T, i

; ^9 x. u4 d' w5 P. ]Precision Audio Editing for Videos. Proper audio is critical for setting the right mood for any video or movie. AudioDirector contains high-end tools to edit and fix audio tracks for professional results. Seamless integration with PowerDirector’s video editing workflow makes AudioDirector a must-have application for professional video makers.( b- O& e, S" `5 l8 m8 c; t" f

: q; t: |  |  W8 C1 pAI Wind Remove
) R# _9 D0 Z1 k, {1 URecording outdoors will never be the same again! With just one click you can use the power of AI to remove wind gusts from audio clips, bringing clarity to dialogue and ambient sounds.+ O, J4 \0 B8 z3 r$ K8 E! B
6 x, r1 K0 Z& @* P5 d6 c
Punch & Roll Recording
. }8 f  j' k; b% y8 ~, mQuickly record lengthy voiceovers or podcasts, and seamlessly make corrections to your dialogue tracks.# q! [( u7 b* R& u  i8 |# m
" K% ~; r* Q5 k; G. A" F& ]. |
Restoration Adjustment Tools
* ~- Y/ m" F) k- i- Dialogue Contour NEW - Change dialogue’s inflections
; S  T! f0 i2 W) X( Q- Plosive Removal - Remove distracting breathy sounds in speech8 v3 J2 S' O1 y. F
- Noise Reduction - Clear unwanted static and background noise
% W' z9 u! Q# G4 g4 {. t5 R+ d5 @5 q- Declip - Remove distortion caused by clipping! O0 l1 D2 S- g6 G# k3 b8 }
- Declick - Clear track of clicks, pops and crackles, z4 ^1 s+ ~% W; `7 v
- Hiss Removal - Eliminate hissing sounds from audio tracks. ]# n- k+ T7 [
- Hum Removal - Get rid of low frequency audio artifacts" n: \9 B& X9 e0 p) ~3 u/ [

% x/ ^3 ?* D1 O0 J0 K8 XVisual Spatial Audio Editing- ]$ C1 O. E8 Q4 [# q1 a. d% S" c1 o
Edit audio tracks for 360˚ videos in a visual preview window to precisely tune audio direction and elevation.
' z- E  v( y8 `% }4 V
/ B0 g! y  r7 c+ e: z# A# ~2 Z360o Video Support
. C8 [, J& E+ @& OPreview 360˚ video, import & edit multi-channel audio clips and export in 360˚ formats for a smoother workflow.
* D4 v( K& O" z8 ~$ i+ p8 x
# F" a( k& D3 D8 uVocal Transformer5 h* }- X* n  N2 F$ p
Alter existing vocals through a number of natural-sounding filters. Choose from five existing presets including phone, gender, robot, and more, or create your own.
5 _, U  E% [3 ^& j0 k6 b( b) f- x' v; ]
Multi-Channel Device Recording, _" ]0 o* q7 O, G
Record from multiple audio channels at the same time directly into AudioDirector. You don't need to spend time syncing channels, so you can start editing right away.5 s/ v9 ?$ U# g/ N

5 \/ G* _: l: ]7 F/ zTrack Alternatives in Mixer Room9 R; @! O6 L5 b# t: b! z  F
Sample different effects and recordings on a single track with Track Alternatives. Add multiple tracks to the same timeline and preview different styles without having to individually mute and unmute them.
5 u6 r) _$ o$ b- a. ], t7 L) ^. ^( K0 W, ~  {3 c8 F1 y
Ambience Creator, R2 ?, i+ I9 G; v! g  L3 g
Maintain a constant ambience through your audio tracks by choosing a background sound sample and using it consistently in the entire clip.& L% q; K* P6 r7 d2 T+ a

: Y. j, Z: h& C. @  x! P9 x6 w0 oSurround Sound Panner
! t4 [5 r4 Q) s/ a+ {7 d  DCreate sophisticated surround sound projects using dynamic panning technology.; Z- H' e4 P: r: G3 @* G8 X, R
# B: c2 [1 K% W! v2 f; \* h
Auto-Fit Background Music# S' D; O/ r) w, k% Y
Automatically adjust background music tracks to fit the length of your video. AudioDirector analyzes the music and seamlessly remixes it to fit the length of your video clip.
. }4 [/ |4 G( p, m- a
' w/ v! ]5 C7 a5 D8 S+ UBatch Processing& C; T) Q: Q, Y; x3 i
Apply your favorite effects to multiple audio files simultaneously, saving hours of tedious editing time and repetition.5 J/ F8 e# F; Z- Q% o9 |3 p

8 {( P8 `) f9 q0 j5 V  B5 |$ BCodec Preview* `, \( {: k( D' I% ]; A
Preview the final result and identify any artifacts from lossy encoding before you produce, so you can make smart processing decisions and create better sounding audio tracks.
. |7 o: Z# n/ H2 A" c7 t1 ^/ W; u8 B, X1 p
System Requirements:
; p1 h9 s% q/ E7 j( X) A. s3 B- Microsoft Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7 (64-bit OS only)
9 P1 t5 k* R3 _' ]8 p4 S; @- Multi-core Intel processor with 64-bit support8 h( p# o8 n6 b  @; L
- 128 MB VGA VRAM or higher7 V$ l' ?0 c; t  @" b  y
- 4 GB memory required (8 GB or above recommended)
3 s) L; d0 h* e( h0 b- 1 GB hard disk space GB required' [9 d7 `; ^; T# Y* ~- `' t
- Windows compatible sound card is required" d$ k: F3 @( d' O
9 c0 \+ b; t) _; e
Language Support:( f% A+ G1 ^9 s7 e3 Q
- English
& D4 V4 }1 ~) J# a0 x1 {* v! N8 r2 x' G) o- French
% d- G* P: L% u1 M6 r5 P- German( G/ U: Y# X' i5 d4 D1 e  f7 A
- Italian3 N+ D/ G8 x* m2 N- Y
- Spanish (European)
, U/ m& E4 K- d- Chinese Simplified9 W' i2 [2 l/ B6 t, l: F0 Z4 V" C1 }
- Chinese Traditional
" E7 W( z& A4 z7 Z- @' }4 b% W# g: w- V- Japanese
6 }$ w1 }! i2 W' {- Korean
% Q, i/ {: ?; c6 j
. A8 Q, n6 U1 }' X  x7 e& d
8 V, c% e4 _) ]8 W4 o3 D7 C) x7 r3 P- I2 x! K- G( G* y
  b  g' K0 p: t" I1 U# ^0 T

1 ?, V' d& h; J) E3 w$ G* e: i6 v$ T2 V" A" Z+ d: b2 ^
; {% ^( Y7 }+ k7 O6 N1 B  A  L
5 Q; i# N9 X! j/ v
/ G. K) c2 B( o$ X  V
DOWNLOAD:& S0 o& c; |6 `/ D. z! H  \$ b- j
CyberLink AudioDirector Ultra 11.0.2101.0.exe
; t1 Y" V2 Q* d  b' VCyberLink AudioDirector Ultra 11.0.2110.0.exe& f' r5 `# R( b' F3 R. l0 c
CyberLink AudioDirector Ultra 11.0.2304.0.exe


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