

Lightworks 2021.2

发表于 2021-6-22 14:49:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: Lightworks 2021.2! m/ ~! t+ d8 E+ o6 ~8 m/ w* I
Program Type: Media-editing system& R; c* L+ O) Z2 l" ?
Developer: Sony Creative Software, Inc.
+ v/ }6 X! e4 t7 ~6 jHomepage: http://www.lwks.com0 |% A" x' i2 G( T3 H
Release Date: April 9, 2014( w0 Y9 l1 ?* C4 F- Q  C9 B
EInterface Language: English6 ^' W' ~6 R0 \
Platform: Windows 7/8/8.1 64-bit only
  I$ E. M  Y* Y) EFile Size: 75 MB % e2 P7 R- W6 t
. G# C0 M: m* E5 r6 X- G7 m
Lightworks is an outstanding video editor that is helpful to create and edit any video clips efficiently. This program offers you a platform full of outstanding features to create a video as you dream of. It is a professional’s choice and quite useful in the filmography. By using this program, you can drag photos, music files or any video clip while editing a video.
! b4 P0 a" I4 T* A7 I; G; m
4 N8 a6 G7 v+ B2 o- w1 K( a- e# yA modern tool that is great for editing video content. The application does not make excessive demands on the hardware of a computer or laptop. Comfortable use is possible even on budget models. It is worth noting that the rich functionality of the application can be additionally expanded for free using plugins.
6 J4 M8 M/ n0 X: g4 ?! z0 c5 F1 h6 R9 T# n0 F3 W
Important Key Features:8 g/ W3 W0 V! [; t
LightWorks cracked provides you extended sharing for gathering.3 R0 t+ i; H  Y2 a- C% g, o/ s
This software provides you a simple and intuitive user interface.
3 t0 L) M% {: fAlso, the application provides you easy timeline editing and trimming.; N! a' @, O. V+ J6 h+ ?$ N
Further, the software has real-time ready to use audio and video FX.- \* y0 w8 M* i5 X7 V( J% ]0 F) g
The application supports wide file-formats including variable frame rate media.
, I% q7 j  h3 {: U% n% YMoreover, you can access amazing royalty-free audio and video content effectively.
; u$ v$ \, ~2 Z: e" N# p, F- [; C9 {It contains Lo-Rex Proxy workflows for 4K video quality.% N) U! O0 e: U# F6 e
Also, you can export videos for YouTube or Vimeo, SD or HD up to 4K.2 W+ Y/ u  b( C2 R8 |7 p* ?
Furthermore, you can grade your sequence professionally utilizing up to 32bit GPU precision and histogram tool.& l$ e5 G7 W4 N4 g5 \5 h0 y: A% ^( P
Supports all the major operating systems including Windows, Linux or Mac OS X any version.' T& I' [7 ?6 V0 v; \' e7 \" `# I
Fully supports unmatched formats such as RED, R3D, DPX, AVCHD and much more6 }' [7 D- I( I
Creates ready-made videos for YouTube, Vimeo, etc. to share with your friends and family.% }5 W9 B- }6 f& b9 I3 f2 u, R
This software makes you able to import, render or export a very fast speed.4 h- f% ]: \( `* [- v
Sync your videos directly with Multicam Editing and generate a video saving hour of time.
" W0 i! z6 I# V3 `- D; Z3 W$ X. rMoreover, it has a Realtime GPU pipeline architecture to deal with over 100+ inbuilt effects such as blurs, mates, and masks, etc.8 p& _- Q( [6 k: Y% O* A
Supports the three main manufacturers of I/O equipment.; v! a# o0 v5 p- `4 Q; c& d

) g& l6 ]  P  f. J/ fSequence Export Improvements:
- F& ]1 ^3 U0 j' I1 j- This latest release adds intelligence to the export panel allowing you to easily see what format option your sequence can be exported as, even allowing you to export if the exact sequence frame rate is not allowed/supported.% P5 V- F/ g/ r! p
- Any export options that cannot generate the chosen aspect ratio are now clearly marked in red on the export panel and if chosen, show a helpful explanatory message regarding what will happen.
3 i0 p' y- _' p9 Z( u
& P1 d, }6 F$ W( g, ~; X" K. }Transition Appearance Improvements:" S, o0 A4 r9 R1 D; x
- Lightworks 2021.2 shows a much better representation of the transition and what media is available on either side of the cut. The image below shows the standard transition over two clips that have enough media available.
; V- Y1 q7 U; p! U- In previous versions of Lightworks (prior to 2021.2) this would have looked the same had there not been enough media present. Lightworks now provides a clear indication that the incoming clip does not have enough media present to perform the transition (the red line and darker grey section) This indicates that playback will be incorrect over this section, giving you a clear warning that the effect needs adjustment.
6 z1 s' U; a! {0 l" F' q0 A, A1 q* A, ]  i# C
Subtitle Workflow:
8 I( ^' F, M  f! Y- Using a combination of ranged Cue Markers and BITC (Burnt in Timecode) functionality now performs a subtitle workflow. Simply mark and park the section where you want the subtitle to appear and click the Cue Marker icon (keyboard shortcut 'm'): ]  L( ^& h+ _. M, m/ U
- In the ‘Description’ field of the Cue Marker, type the text you want to appear.& a( W  i% \- I( b4 k
- Open the BITC tab, select the ‘Sequence’ subtab and enable the ‘Cue description’ label. This then displays the Cue Marker text on the sequence viewer which can be modified as desired, change the font, size, colour, background colour, position and more.) ~0 \  x  r7 _; Z
- This can be done throughout the entire sequence and the best part is with 2021.2 you can now export the Cue Marker list as the Subtitle SRT format, which can be shared and imported into other applications such as Davinci Resolve.
, B+ t2 a- N& v( Y# B3 m9 t9 z7 \
Find: Clip References Improvements:
$ j1 X3 ~2 g. S3 q# V9 C- One of the extremely powerful features of the Lightworks application is the ability to search through a sequence and generate results based purely on the search criteria, to either highlight the matches, create a bin of matches, or create an entirely new sequence that contains just the sections that match the search criteria, removing everything else.
; r) v' N) V7 I. m" N
" q, J! Y& q8 ~, _# p* LIn Lightworks 2021.2 the ‘Jump to’ options have been restored and new search criteria has been added to make it even easier to find or create results based on these new options:
0 r# Z+ p, g' i1 K- All the Segments within your sequence with or without “Effects” can now be searched for and the results displayed as required. To narrow down the search simply deselect the Video or Audio tracks on the sequence timeline.
# A# |+ ?" H* D5 w8 q4 m1 J- Need to see if there is media offline in a large sequence? Set the ‘Media’ search option to ‘Without’ select the “Create bin of matches’ results option and click ‘Search’ all the clips within the sequence that are missing media will appear within a new Bin, simply right click the bin and select: Media->Repair to fix all the offline media within the sequence.
& G' q+ `/ z, f- Deactivated multiple clips within your sequence but you don’t remember which ones? Set the ‘Active’ search option to ‘No’ select the “Highlight matches’ results option and click ‘Search’ all the deactivated clips within the sequence will show with a yellow border, all of which can be reactivated with a single keypress.
$ z3 K9 k5 T5 D0 I/ Q- Just want to see the segments within your sequence that contains Cue Markers? Set the ‘Cue Marker’ search option to ‘With’ select the ‘Create sequence of matches’ results option and click ‘Search’ A new sequence will be created instantly containing just the areas of the sequence where Cue Markers reside.
2 c* E3 ~: {/ m# \( v0 l# J3 b8 A8 w
Set Default Frame Rate On Import:4 k8 v+ t+ Z% _5 _9 J. {
- The flexibility that Lightworks Universal Projects brings allows any frame rate media to be imported into a project, but what if that media does not have a frame rate, how should it be handled?
7 y' ^8 J- U- j6 G$ Y# i- Lightworks 2021.2 answers that question by allowing you to set the default frame rate for any media that doesn’t have a frame rate (audio only files, EDLs, Image Sequences etc).
- Q* D' j' Z: ~% |) e6 O6 o, r- Open the ‘Local Files’ library and right click the panel to reveal the ‘Import Commands’ panel, click the dropdown arrow next to ‘Default frame-rate’ and choose the frame rate required from the list of options. Once set, all files that import that do not have a native frame rate, will be correctly set to the frame rate chosen.. a5 ~' G1 Q; k, l8 o; j% @; l. t

6 \6 q3 l/ I. E9 ?6 S9 a8 A5 A# TImproved the Batch Metadata panel:
2 c% I1 G& u; ]- V' d- The Batch Metadata panel is a really fast and effective way of changing data within columns quickly and easily.
5 y8 U$ [& z  r- With Lightworks 2021.2 that flexibility has been extended even further to allow you to specify the name of another metadata field to copy text from (eg. ) within the ‘Value’ column. This is an extremely fast way of moving metadata between fields in huge chunks.$ y( ]3 f, W1 r) x1 E0 K5 X
3 r8 M# k" Q4 n
What’s New in Lightworks 2021.2?: C. u# d* L7 e# z1 [$ B: n) y
The video tools panel has a Histogram graph that can enhance video graphics.. U6 s4 k5 h" m4 K
Content Manager contains Frame Rate search criteria.
$ e2 |* B* G' n1 zThere are many other additions in this release that make this software best all around the world.$ _/ y. k0 |4 ^, J% f- r. A
The new release of LightWorks comes with the decoding support for HEVC/H.265 files (work in progress)& w3 [3 Z8 q4 l% i
Now, this release has the ability to lasso segments on the sequence timeline
( b- x# V3 V0 HAlso, Added “Libraries” heading to the Content Manager
, q: L9 z& A2 A9 R0 P$ ]( gFurther, support for AC-3 audio in mp4/mov/m4v/m4a wrappers is present in this release.
8 @* }& F) k  m# i, T: R
5 ~4 I7 w0 e, ~9 t7 F7 jSystem Requirements:
! W' k% S7 F. b  q; ?3 ?- u5 j) U% pMac OS X 10.8 or newer version.
3 V4 x' N, ~( J9 M  bWindows 10/8.1/8/7/ 64-Bit All versions.
9 [" ?0 l3 E7 R4 q+ EWindows Vista And XP.
. R* R3 @* d9 k+ \6 a$ vIntel Core i7 2-GHz processor or higher.
7 @) q1 @$ k* S: F! [& J% @Ram 3-GB or higher.
0 E/ ^* a" }7 ~9 c  R1920 x1080 or screen resolution support.) m! p2 ~6 l3 n% \( G! U
A supported graphics card 1-GB or higher AMD or NVIDIA.
, T$ X+ v2 F6 `" j' ]; vIt needs minimum DirectX-9 or latest.
/ M" {6 t' w$ t5 A( I7 P
& B# C' F- ~' U" Q) [) ~, S0 h, u. O5 u
# q* l( `5 q/ c/ o+ s: B
2 Z# L# A, Z4 Y$ j0 n

9 u6 |1 w8 V, N- n( v. O3 i: \+ ^DOWNLOAD:* T( K# Q+ Y1 u2 R2 x1 t* u5 t
, a+ F$ A! f/ V1 c& H( N; T: Jhttps://sk.sftcdn.ru/Lightworks_x32_Setup.exe


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