

[Other] Hap Encoder 1.2.0

发表于 2021-7-1 21:21:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: Hap Encoder 1.2.0+ G8 v7 n/ s/ O5 C/ R
Program Type: Video encoding
$ q% R% X" U0 b8 u+ `) LRelease Date: 3 Aug 2020/ F+ e  F$ ]1 `5 H
Homepage: https://github.com/disguise-one/hap-encoder-adobe-cc/releases- K3 J! l1 f; d/ z
Interface Language: English' k! c" ^4 K" p
Platform: Windows 7/8: j( a7 l% k! {
File Size: 62 MB
9 ^) P& ?& O$ [0 B5 {
7 A% `, o, F6 W% F5 _
For exporting media from Adobe media encoder, launch Adobe media encoder, add the project you wish to encode and follow steps as explained below:
Select HAP Video from the drop down list of encoding formats. Associated Hap presets will appear besides this combo list only when HAP Video is selected.
Select the desired preset from this combo list. These presets contain standard settings.
You can customize the settings further as per your requirements by clicking on the preset it self as shown below:
You will see the Export Settings section with many different parameters which you can customize.
& S- K% D6 }$ N) j# g" x
+ e( W0 q3 |5 I# m
Hap Encoder 1.2.0
  g+ }1 Y  S" K6 j6 dNew native After Effects support on Windows and MacOS1 B- D# u% L. z; E
Faster export due to avoiding copy-at-end step previously required for XMP information$ J& c$ U$ r  m6 }4 F% M
Fix to fades / dissolves in Premiere for alpha-free movies, due to frames not being pre-matted / alpha pre-multiplied
: @+ Q/ V' l# t& h6 aSnaps frame-rate to standard rates where sensible, also final frame duration stored automatically, enabling more sensible frame rates to be reported in downstream playback engines
! u6 m7 K4 u- ^Legacy MacOS High Sierra support" s  [9 D( j. g, S3 p$ s% e6 a5 P: W
Fix for creating user presets using 'match source'4 R! J2 {' N3 O" w6 a9 g; t9 ~: g, U
Numerous behind-the-scenes fixes and improvements
. v' k/ }7 d% a. M1 y$ Y* ~
# ?8 ~3 V; |7 LHapEncoder 1.2.0 release candidate 1
- \  y, E& Y5 `9 R$ f  ~0 V9 QAfter Effects support% ~3 U' `( k, S, Q" M% b
Many behind-the-scenes enhancements [details forthcoming]
7 O7 }* R, M) FMultiple bugfixes [details forthcoming]
. ?* z1 J. T: V5 {* _7 z
+ k  N7 v1 ]( _# S/ R- i. DHapEncoder 1.2.0 alpha37 ^8 p7 s7 g9 j% U  K
Alpha-release including major new functionality! ~% v+ k; s9 b+ X6 D
AfterEffects output module
9 z) e& E/ |$ ^* P8 ~: Unumerous bug fixes
* ?6 T8 X& U8 t/ N( yalpha2
) \; N3 E+ M' Tfixed an issue with snapping framerate to standard MPEG rates
* Y% U5 I& j3 h" g! oalpha3: t" @( ]- |2 K5 G' O, u# t
fix config / logging issue2 H& G) \5 P, L- }
1 ~6 j) z, @; E& y6 c8 N2 |9 u
1.0.9-rc1) Y$ k, f) x5 ~1 o
This alpha release is undergoing testing. No QA has been performed yet!
1 a8 R& q( l9 a1 q$ \* Jfixes install fail when only Adobe Media Encoder present
% e1 P; a3 P' ^$ ]2 Cfixes install fail when only Premiere 13 present; m% q0 j* }% G; ?
fixes incorrectly stored time-base for 29.97fps; x7 ]6 z4 {6 m; a( m% a
audio support
+ x: S7 J  A. B( q9 p/ t& w'fast' quality option: Q9 T' X+ _& T# [- a
0 C0 M' f; s/ T/ p/ j' z
% R* Q0 ]% T; THap encoder plugin for Adobe Premiere CC 2018 Alpha Release
! ~  A/ X: C8 Y! pparallel exports may cause host system UI to become unresponsive, although export will continue
# b  O0 i* T! _. g( S2 {audio export unsupported at present
" Y, R- a) A1 t) s& H# b! Y9 V- Wexport quality options unsupported at present
4 ^0 z2 b; l% q9 A1 N! L+ ~4 o4 i* g& Q2 F% _

5 M6 d1 ^. z  s) Y" W5 K8 ?5 v: V3 U$ O+ ^- e
( J8 m2 G5 m: V$ A) L' k
- V' g9 S4 L' a9 K
/ r# e1 |) H7 T; ]2 P" `: S1 w
DOWNLOAD:, I7 E( ^+ W0 h
https://github.com/disguise-one/hap-encoder-adobe-cc/releases/download/1.2.0-rc2/HapEncoder-1.2.0-rc2-macOS.pkg0 c, Y) V* w2 m; }3 }( j1 b, C
https://github.com/disguise-one/hap-encoder-adobe-cc/releases/download/1.2.0-rc2/HapEncoder-1.2.0-rc2-win64.exe* h& Q9 b4 H" V/ M- h
https://github.com/disguise-one/hap-encoder-adobe-cc/releases/download/1.2.0-rc1/HapEncoder-1.2.0-rc1-win64.exe9 J$ ]) u0 a& r, F# H
& Z' X% Z0 r6 Rhttps://github.com/disguise-one/hap-encoder-adobe-cc/releases/download/1.2.0-alpha2/HapEncoder-1.2.0-alpha3-win64.exe
, X, l+ g. _% B9 Z) x2 bhttps://github.com/disguise-one/hap-encoder-adobe-cc/releases/download/1.0.9-rc1/HapEncoder-1.0.9-rc1-win64.exe
. R5 m4 T* ?, F1 t% lhttps://github.com/disguise-one/hap-encoder-adobe-cc/releases/download/1.0.9-rc1/Hap.Encoder.1.0.9-rc1-macos.pkg% g7 A0 ]( p% Q+ R, v2 X; n
+ o# S% N, H7 U$ Qhttps://github.com/disguise-one/hap-encoder-adobe-cc/releases/download/1.0.8-rc4/HapEncoder-1.0.8-rc4-win64.exe


GMT+8, 2024-4-26 13:23

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