

ON1 Portrait AI 2023.5 v17.5.1.14051

发表于 2021-10-22 09:33:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: ON1 Resize 2022% u7 M, I- N- Q7 E5 q* i3 Q, D
Program Type: Digital phography, Photoshop Plug-Ins) N) y) o! N, O) C
Developer: ON1, Inc./ ?6 S9 u' F' u8 t! Y/ m. q
Homepage: www.on1.com/products/photo-raw/% E& S$ z8 h1 r
Release Date: October 21st, 20215 }8 j, M: [1 F5 H/ q) V
Interface Language: English: N& L2 t6 D' O
Platform: Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit only
  ?, x- O1 h+ O& |1 n7 [+ EFile Size: 82.8 MB  / 57.5 MB
; E3 p7 M" J% ~; C
3 [' T1 M% Z: WON1 Resize is the perfect image resizing tool when you need to resize your photos for printing. You can quickly resize photos without losing sharpness or detail. ON1 Resize also includes one of the fastest ways to view, select and edit photos. This is a new starting point for your editing and resizing of your workflow.6 g3 F. s& A& g; X; M& n5 t
. w5 Y4 f4 r  }( G
The resizing process can be done by manually adjusting the parameters or by selecting the area to be cropped with the mouse. In addition, you can crop photos, apply different masks, use retouching, zoom in or out, work with multiple layers, and view a histogram. The program allows you to choose between different blending modes (for example, dark, light, soft, hard or bright light), as well as adjust color, hue, saturation and brightness. There is support for batch processing, which means that you can add several to the list at the same time. files and process them.
, b2 c' Q7 K7 }9 T4 vWith ON1 Resize, you can view information about each file, such as color, exposure, size and modification date, undo or redo your actions, perform basic editing operations (cut, copy, paste), view photos, and export edited images to PSD, PSB, TIF, JPEG or PNG format.4 U* y* U& d" x  W% {
& K; B0 h) v/ z' F
Key features of ON1 Resize:# a0 ^, L0 E% h
Get high quality photos with original interpolation algorithms based on Genuine Fractals® fractal technology.
+ o% f  {6 Z. p- x/ e7 n" NIncrease the size of an image without losing sharpness or detail that would otherwise have occurred in Photoshop.
! X9 o" u  X9 I6 i! y' O- p* b# jResize and crop images in one step.
0 q: Y  q% o' T0 M  e& S0 pCreate a mirror effect gallery wrapper for printing canvas prints.
& G5 A8 r7 a; D7 r) d8 C8 |% s) X/ sA tile of images from a larger file to be printed on a smaller printer, allowing them to be collected later to recreate a huge print.0 ~" R! p; P1 ^3 M  k- }
Control texture and grain.
; Z: c5 P; l, YSave presets of your favorite settings for future use on similar images.
$ Z2 X2 ]3 _* ~$ D) QBatch processing.
5 n+ ^* r( e+ k1 w6 Z0 s" VFast browsing and cataloging.; |* t6 `( k% }5 h4 r
Works as a standalone program and as a plugin for: Photoshop CS6 or CC, Elements 13, 14, 15, Lightroom 5 or CC.$ m, y+ B/ k4 I; `" e
Compressed Photoshop Files - When you save files in the Adobe® Photoshop® PSD format, they are compressed to half the size they used, losslessly.9 F- ^" k3 z7 M3 w- U) t

1 A) ]) G2 k2 }$ uSupported languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch
8 \( C7 W6 {. C1 Y7 ~& `, ^0 j! b- ?1 t: G3 m
System requirements:
- P* V! `- v1 m- tWindows 10 - 64-bit only- j9 C( W: L1 h4 E3 M9 U
Intel Core i5, Xeon, or better) C/ x' K  u7 \$ l1 y4 `
  W* \$ J4 B6 H, E! u, O: v3 h2 P1.5 GB for installation  p: K$ c% c, p; k$ D. F: G* r! R
OpenGL 3.3-compatible video card with 512 MB video RAM, 1280x800 resolution (at 100% scale factor)
$ H6 m) X/ A' d8 }2 {
$ S  f5 V6 d# I: b0 w7 ?! [( A, u, z- D/ h

6 v4 W, n3 g/ E, v4 v0 ?  m
1 [% o5 O0 D, E
4 ^& w! W4 X" c3 s, n: j3 u' R& r, X; R

7 l0 A! Z# ?% R" ]1 Y' E( g( h0 {+ k1 _
DOWNLOAD:- P7 x2 ?' m9 b! `
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2020/8865/win/ON1_Resize_2020.exe, j+ _8 A& v  `2 _6 f6 I% y
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2020/8865/mac/ON1_Resize_2020.dmg( r: P" |6 V# i, U# |. i$ p
2 B! [, g6 ?1 i6 nhttps://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2021/mac/gm_9783/ON1_Resize_2021.dmg7 ]* |) s3 a7 ]& e. l- A
* X4 j7 ?3 ~' X# \0 m7 w4 Y. V2 Thttps://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2021/mac/gm_10035/ON1_Resize_2021.dmg
  q2 A& Y. O+ F& q0 khttps://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2021/win/gm_10100/ON1_Resize_2021.exe$ Z$ e; o5 |# h, ]2 g8 u8 c9 l
% y& q# R1 z  w, z3 Chttps://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2021/win/gm_10403/ON1_Resize_2021.exe
8 Y! I0 b9 G. u5 zhttps://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2021/mac/gm_10403/ON1_Resize_2021.dmg
4 c1 T3 U* \( [! L1 hhttps://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2022/win/gm_11291/ON1_Resize_2022.exe; ^1 k5 i- p: r' j9 E$ }4 s" f
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2022/mac/gm_11291/ON1_Resize_2022.dmg. Z* E4 P+ j$ R! _
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2022/win/gm_11481/ON1_Resize_2022.exe; I2 x, O% ?+ t) K
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2022/mac/gm_11481/ON1_Resize_2022.dmg7 g: ~4 Q- W+ l. S
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2022/win/gm_11675/ON1_Resize_2022.exe: c# a/ ?4 n" N# d9 u
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2022/mac/gm_11675/ON1_Resize_2022.dmg# {" D/ W& K3 e: Y* Q3 V( J
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2022/win/gm_12237/ON1_Resize_2022.exe% _$ I4 Q* i7 X4 W5 j6 n( g
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2022/mac/gm_12237/ON1_Resize_2022.dmg+ ^' H$ V5 R6 N- Q
( ?2 d, g2 V8 [* Thttps://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2022/mac/gm_12526/ON1_Resize_2022.dmg* `, p- t1 m( f& u
  O. m/ T* k, A/ p7 l. c+ D* |https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2023/mac/gm_12965/ON1_Resize_2023.dmg0 f% h( e0 ^( z# p* O3 u
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2023/win/gm_13102/ON1_Resize_2023.exe. w; Y6 B, w3 X- }1 ^! Q1 s
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2023/mac/gm_13102/ON1_Resize_2023.dmg( l/ P0 T% d0 H7 R
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2023/win/gm_13508/ON1_Resize_2023.exe5 o' U7 B0 t; @8 }" ]2 ^, ~8 [6 i
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2023/mac/gm_13508/ON1_Resize_2023.dmg# X; l8 x0 O. ~0 p# @2 F' u
1 H8 ^$ T* E( xhttps://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2023/mac/gm_13585/ON1_Resize_2023.dmg8 L  `  k- ^, R( _( D- n% F! a
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2023/win/gm_14051/ON1_Resize_2023.exe& W5 ^7 n& ]6 B' R, C
https://ononesoft.cachefly.net/resize_2023/mac/gm_14051/ON1_Resize_2023.dmg0 |7 e( A$ [7 i  g


GMT+8, 2024-4-19 16:47

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