

Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 8.0.20

发表于 2022-3-2 15:07:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro v8( |! L! N+ P) A; _$ L
Program Type: Advanced Audio Spectrum Editor5 }' y. B5 j. x, s  L5 B; J. G
Developer: Avid Software Inc.
! b! W( t, `3 _& \Homepage: https://new.steinberg.net/spectralayers/
+ y) V, B4 S) Z  U% y' ^Release Date: March 1, 2022# X  Y0 u2 Y: [
Interface Language: English* W& u% X% z; l
Platform: MacOSX
; `# h) {! ?, {. f1 `4 e5 qFile SizSize: 1.01 GB
: k" }/ [3 i! t! B* T! M0 }
' R. L1 F3 z4 S7 Q) C6 kSpectraLayers is a new approach to audio editing, with new concepts to transform the way you work. For the first time you can directly edit spectral data, opening advanced sonic worlds, and use innovative enhancements to traditional techniques. Visualize audio in astonishing new ways, including 3D. Work with mixes like they were tracks. Integrate these abilities into your DAW and other tools. And all in a familiar interface that you didn’t realize you already knew.2 V; ?9 B8 h. U- Q5 i- s
& s& I" F# C! Z' d
8 z/ E# h1 A* c. t8 R+ a' BSpectraLayers is the first completely visual editing system for audio. It extends the traditional visualization of spectral editors to every aspect of editing sounds, including how they mix together. To make this approach intuitive, SpectraLayers employs the model of high-end image editors — not just the interface, but what you can do with sound and how you do it. So, despite its advanced technology, SpectraLayers is immediately familiar and instantly powerful.
* A5 I& @( {& T. h" l% V' u6 Q; D4 w
Major features:
$ ?! U, w6 k- }, yYour new AI partner4 s1 S5 Z( U; [
Just as audio engineers focus on separating increasingly fine details in sound, the new AI in SpectraLayers Pro 7 uses algorithms to learn from the data flowing through its built-in neural network. In the same way that these algorithms can now accurately determine how to apply color to a black and white photograph, the AI in SpectraLayers Pro can sense discrete events in a sound field and isolate them on independent, colorful layers for processing. AI is changing faster than its history can be written — be at the leading edge with SpectraLayers Pro 7.7 |9 v( A+ i( G* f! R# S1 g, O
3 y  {2 |0 B- {
Unmix - Tracks to stems: ^* {$ U' ^* O" t, Q6 _( s  A
This AI-assisted process in SpectraLayers Pro scans the finished file of a song, allowing you to “unmix” it and extract the different instruments to separate layers, with default settings for vocals, piano, bass, drums, and more. (SpectraLayers Elements allows extraction of vocals only.)* s& [0 j- a3 t4 q7 z! Q

+ R8 Y0 r& N0 g5 _. |Unmix - Components
3 X3 ~# s9 ?, [" k3 P( ~0 @, iUnmix stems into tone, noise and transient component layers. Reconstruct missing noise hidden by tones and transients. Comprehensive learning algorithms clear the path to clean extraction.% v6 Z1 u0 I( g  T0 x- R0 z; N

2 m( g8 ?  T  c! OPattern finder
: K& U% r' O, [( lSignificant advances in pattern recognition are a hallmark of today’s rapidly evolving AI technology. SpectraLayers Pro 7 allows you to select a target sound and then trigger a search to automatically locate and select every other similar sound in the spectrum.2 v9 L, b  I! O5 Y- t
6 i+ a6 {$ O0 _
Voice Denoiser
/ I& A' M" D7 \; ePerfect for cleaning up location interview recordings, the Voice Denoiser algorithm is trained to recognize and isolate the human voice. You can automatically attenuate everything but the voice for maximum intelligibility.0 }' c/ [# V% S
3 H2 X5 _9 n+ K0 ^
De-esser& ?! S; o( O3 K' i7 ]
Spectral de-essing is the most precise and least invasive way to tame and shape vocal sibilants. Manual de-essing in SpectraLayers Pro has always been quick and easy. Now, the new automatic de-essing feature makes it even easier. Manual or automatic — either approach is far more accurate than typical waveform-based plug-in processing.
2 t' ^$ D( p6 o) Z) Y7 X9 B6 ~
0 m- d2 }; }% lREPAIR PROCESSES
- U, u/ {$ S! f9 J/ g3 [Hum reduction
5 T2 [7 M4 l; F2 f: V/ [This automatic process detects and eliminates unwanted hum, as well as higher harmonics generated by the fundamental tone. Hum harmonics can be independently attenuated to the level you choose.* r4 g7 ^( i2 W! D
/ ^; W" E2 B% ?9 }/ Q* B3 y) H2 J
Clip repair
1 N/ l) g! d' J0 k" J( P# gClipped peaks come in many shapes and sizes. The AI in SpectraLayers Pro 7 has seen and evaluated 32,000 of them, so it knows exactly what to look for and how to automatically apply the best repair.4 v4 p  a7 b6 P# u+ `2 u7 p0 i
5 V5 c4 K" p0 L* |& F( o  F
Click repair
$ d# i! G2 w/ o+ _7 J2 q5 [  YAutomatically detect and repair clicks, crackles and pops. Invert the process to audition problem sounds in isolation, then execute the repair after you’ve dialed in the fix you need.
9 j, Q/ t/ h1 ~8 Z+ Q' N
% y5 z- P$ Z% ~0 FImproved healing4 K1 @3 B, _6 p$ D1 w
Better interpolation and faster performance, now assisted by AI, looks more closely at noise, tones and transients, making this easy repair process more versatile and precise than ever.
8 ~& H5 H  h1 i4 N
' E: v* N" ~  Z) Y& L6 T$ ^! ESystem requirements:
7 K5 \. e' y/ S  X9 i6 lWindows 10 (64-bit)
  x; V3 O1 E/ x! iDual-core processor (quad-core processor recommended)
& p/ U; `. @- V4 e+ E7 @: J4 GB RAM(recommended 8 GB)  o  y& P" `/ T  W5 V
4 GB of free hard disk space (for temporary files)
7 b. H) J3 R& m: t* nOpenGL 3.3 capable graphics adapter (DirectX11 recommended)8 H5 q4 `5 a( A, x, @- @! x: j8 v  _
1280x720 display resolution1 C; {# Y) c# f" K2 g: I
Windows compatible audio hardware5 y) k4 {" v8 E- U8 p7 h& X( y

) P5 M* N; d! Z" ?
. f% k  H2 X$ F1 N+ h! w" v, |1 ^# M
: Z) |; \0 ]! Q+ ?DOWNLOAD:
/ l+ L% b% ~9 e# R# s+ tSteinberg SpectraLayers Pro
+ v( d. l8 A* \/ \% }+ S  W7 cSteinberg SpectraLayers Pro 8.0.20.exe & |6 {, L' t( @$ w4 n, K2 y

% }! B. ]% ~$ v7 c
( k- H8 g! q- x3 ghttps://download.steinberg.net/automated_updates/sda_downloads/511e6c11-3fd8-4129-b47c-817952516171/SpectraLayers_8.0.20_Installer_mac.dmg
* d( B3 W( D+ S' X+ ~  ~, r; R4 Fhttps://download.steinberg.net/automated_updates/sda_downloads/511e6c11-3fd8-4129-b47c-817952516171/SpectraLayers_8.0.20_Installer_win.exe; b- A; ^6 B: u. A! y5 T6 b
https://download.steinberg.net/automated_updates/sda_downloads/2b443518-3c2e-4673-b58d-5101d4af5da8/SpectraLayers_8.0.20_Installer_win.exe3 m: n, \, d& b- `- M- x- S
6 @- n! ?# w, o& @9 J(访问密码:702844)
4 X* A' }% w! q8 Z9 s7 P1 i" I  y* q, N

  [# [. j) l2 A1 [9 P# T5 {9 Y- I# h8 ?  H


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