

[Maya] Golaem Crowd v5.3.2.1 for Autodesk Maya 2015/2016/2016.5/2017

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Program Name: Golaem Crowd v5.3.2.1 for Autodesk Maya 2015/2016/2016.5/2017/ ~; M$ ~' f$ l% H1 \+ ]! i/ |
Program Type: Artist-Driven Crowd Simulation, ^/ v8 m& B" E# b. J% j
Developer: Golaem S.A." g+ @: u% P) _( }  Z- `
Homepage: _http://golaem.com/content/products/golaem-crowd/overview
# S7 I: _' S$ v  `* U1 Q( W% lRelease Date: 19.11.2016- `# k; m( p5 I
Interface Language: English
1 b+ O3 H# P' IPlatform: Autodesk Maya 2015/2016/2016.5/2017, 64-bit ONLY) K5 o0 k6 q3 D# T
File Size: 21.13Mb / 21.12Mb / 21.13Mb / 20.89Mb
) I% W- A# F' a9 f1 Z; t6 x* A3 G- ]
Integrated in Autodesk Maya, Golaem Crowd makes it easy and affordable to populate worlds with directable digital characters, from a few to thousands. Artists from all over the globe use Golaem Crowd to bring life to commercials, episodic productions, feature films and games.
3 A; L: R* S  E( @7 k. V8 J" m
1 z1 c5 L. ~$ \( }• Create Convincing Shots in a Few Days
7 s6 R7 e" {8 i. \" |- Integrated In Maya. Golaem Crowd offers an intuitive interface, based on Maya workaday objects. It can be used by any artist, trained under 3 days.
8 a0 ]$ |' _& A9 `( G- z2 f- Free Characters & Motions. Reduce asset preparation time and start your production at once. Use our diversity ready characters & comprehensive range of motions.2 A, X* i$ J+ B& B
- Powerful & Customizable. Built for performances, Golaem Crowd allows artists to find the right creative approach, whatever the number of characters.+ g  @3 n( ~* f2 i

3 O' b: F/ c7 C6 z• Intuitive & Powerful Toolset
9 a$ Q+ t! Y! M( h" o# d, N- m- Placement Tools. Take advantage of the various placement modes and automatic obstacles detection.# ]1 k: }7 V9 X( M2 r4 _5 {; |* N- Z
- Behavior Editor. Design and debug behaviors using an intuitive editor with built-in behaviors and triggers.
/ U+ o3 j0 U$ {& ^1 W# R- Animation Engine. Let Golaem Crowd make your motions loop, randomize them, adapt feet to the ground...% F, |4 R% X% j1 d
- Navigation Behaviors. Use built-in path-finding and avoidance behaviors to make your crowds walk around or build on your particles knowledge to drive them.
7 Z/ @/ d: z( F  q- Physics Simulation. Add realism to your shots with explosions, attraction/repulsion forces or fall down effects., J& a' }; s) _/ f9 {
- Diversity Control. Create realistic crowds by automatically generating more diversity at all levels: animation, behaviors, props and shading.! G  I9 k9 b3 _) l7 ^
- Previz & Rendering. Preview your crowds in real-time within the Maya viewport and render them efficiently with our license free procedural rendering plugins.2 i+ g* g' [/ B8 N
- Pipeline & FX Integration. Build your own tools on top of Golaem Crowd, send simulation output through your pipe, provide the fx team with the data they need.
2 `2 M/ {; F7 o7 D6 {
. H) ^7 l+ W, l! ]What's new in v5.3.2.1:3 j+ r3 u1 E( f$ ~; E* }
Important Notice6 n7 o. J0 g7 T  l
From this release, Evaluation licenses have been replaced by Personal Learning Edition licenses.
" r5 Q: K! g5 \3 M: Y; }Personal Learning Edition licenses are not time limited anymore but all files generated will be "waterwarked" at rendering time.
1 C0 y. b+ m8 Z- eMore info on http://ple.golaem.com >>; k  ^4 T/ K# c. u; x- \% N
New Features5 _! `8 `/ H  T  K& i
- Shading diversity in the Redshift render plugin5 R0 Z; B: r" l! w! ~; O, `
Improvements) U5 _6 v  j9 j
- Values of Time Offset / Time Warp layers can now be set or added
4 o# u  w) p9 S0 n/ ~4 W! ?$ \- Improved Bind Pose Detection Mode in the Character Maker (now uses skin clusters information)6 H4 Y/ w9 _6 f) r. N2 d- U
- Improved performances when using multiple Simulation Cache Proxies in a scene
; L& i) R/ m: O3 Y8 a! q- Added support of instances in the Redshift render plugin
. o4 w9 b/ R9 R/ F( W* g; t- Added support of Vector Shader Attributes exports in the Alembic Baker) ~7 Y# T' z3 V3 u. K' @  k- ~
- Added selection information in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
! I" V  u9 T$ y5 s) F) N) G) a- Added default material support in 3delight and Renderman render plugins
. ^1 f0 v6 B7 {# f4 J$ T. E- Added Up axis check in the Maya Scene Settings Checker3 x$ r4 v- _2 a( E: i
- Support of scaling in the Character Geometry GCG file, M' d1 ^- c1 v& u  u2 {5 l/ |4 s
- Support of Blendshape / Blind Data animations in glmExportMotion9 l: [2 ~. U% a, D- c' y. R. R0 x
- Added evaluation mode in the Ramp Node0 K* s; b5 G, M7 r1 h" d
Bug Fixes
, C  B* c9 w5 _7 S+ U0 |9 _' k- Fixed node transform not taken into account by instanced geometries at render time' R6 t; g9 w1 V- Q/ E
- Fixed simulation display frustum culling when using huge values for the far clipping plane- B% L+ B# A" e3 r  n  y+ |% X! T
- Fixed creation of Stop Triggers when duplicating behaviors' {0 X- y% u: I! O
- Fixed mapping of Motion Clips when duplicating Motion, SyncMotion and Locomotion behaviors3 S3 R6 a- B4 t6 y; J
- Fixed mirror animation in specific situations
) ^8 K/ a5 ?0 p0 Z1 u$ o- Fixed a crash when rendering more than 8 Crowd Render Proxies7 }! J9 n) N9 X+ a
- Fixed a crash after picking an entity with a start frame different than the simulation start frame# g  C6 o- m7 U
- Fixed a crash when exporting an empty mesh as Character Geometry GCG file
; _8 H' C. T* ?! D( e- Fixed a crash when refreshing Simulation Cache Proxy when in Simulation Mode$ S  K3 e; L( b4 \
- Fixed a crash when using ragdoll with zero-mass or zero-density
+ [# |2 Q. u* b" Y- Fixed a crash when a ApexCloth behavior is started8 C! o  N  R5 Q
- Fixed a crash with uninitialized entities in VP2
- O3 X/ T; j& r6 ]- Fixed a crash hen rendering a mesh without a shading group in the Redshift render plugin8 z7 J0 Z1 O/ `% V2 F- W# q
- Fixed normals when using Render Previz on some Character Geometry GCG file
$ H! C3 }; g5 N9 E+ P9 t! g+ u* \- Fixed multi material handling in the Character Geometry GCG file
% r) c7 z$ _* p" h2 a% u  `, ?" e- Fixed ground adaptation when the entire motion had footprints
% P4 n9 R. w  B- v2 X- Fixed ground adaptation when blending with non ground-adapted animations* X$ m& D# ]" X& w
- Fixed material export when baking a simulation as FBX1 ]" R3 I$ t; c* M, V+ J0 p
- Fixed namespaces creation when baking a simulation as FBX
/ m/ E' P! H8 [/ B: y9 d- Fixed display of Box Crowd Rigid Bodies with VP2
6 P4 D5 e! E8 X0 f- Fixed parameters not correctly taken into account when having multiple Flock Behaviors
8 a  C/ E7 n; {# H3 x- Fixed Sync Mode based on Body Mask in the Motion Behavior& N5 S" Z0 I2 E- f. ^6 `4 k
- Fixed non reproducible simulations when using more than one particle system
3 a! Z% P' l% q- e# E- Y2 g- Fixed disconnected roadmaps in the NavMesh Creator
# C( d- }/ T2 k' f3 D4 U- Fixed no Cache Replay display on CentOS7
0 j" ?7 p/ b. fRefactoring
7 s2 L6 G0 x1 ?6 f' O- Replaced User Properties with Arbitrary Geometry Parameters in the Alembic Baker+ v! `0 ^& f8 e, ]! Q) x
- Bake Simulation Cache Layout as a Simulation Cache has been moved to the Simulation Exporter Tool (Baker tab)
* k0 t7 Y" s" p2 f9 o# v- Decreased limit for warning message when computing a NavMesh for a huge environment
2 @" ~+ j5 h+ u' ?- Target reachability is checked even when there are multiple zones in a NavMesh5 H1 T0 [: ?, q( B
- Removed Layout operations on a CrowdManager Node (Kill, Set Mesh Assets)+ l/ o1 w7 v, z7 A8 P9 P
- Render Previz geometries get refreshed when shaders are imported
) Y' E  X. U" J/ `% x. k0 ]- NavMesh Creator now ignores hidden geometry
& {6 m- ^- A5 _  n+ wAPI
2 L! Z- `0 p4 y6 o$ b- I: f* g$ C7 p- Added a -personal flag to the glmCheckLicense command3 @6 F/ r- A! i! `5 \
- Added a -savedWithPLE flag to the glmCheckLicense command
4 V6 q& g$ w$ C! K  ~1 b( p8 C- Added a sortedBones attribute flag to the glmCharacterFileTool command
2 B) C6 b1 m7 Z; \3 a0 c4 x- Added a entityKilled attribute flag to the glmSimulationCacheTool command
8 R6 P0 i3 W! g# `" n" Q1 z- Added a boolean return value to the glmConvertFbxToGcg command
9 p7 V/ E3 O; b& o% ?
3 X$ Z4 W" K9 y8 Y' _For What's new in v5.3.0.2:
0 [6 _# N) L  b+ o+ ?& f  yBug Fixes
0 ^1 b$ d0 ~, fthe Fixed file browser for the UI Maya 2017
; y8 K/ v8 |: K/ B% C5 [$ t
) o. z+ e' u, S2 M1 vWhat's new in v5.2.0.1:6 z9 s: H" ~$ g' O, Z0 v
Bug Fixes
% S7 D* |8 `6 C! I" A* s+ Z- Fixed a crash when displaying the simulation cache in Viewport 2.0: B: D5 P* L6 T2 v+ [$ S9 k8 }  V
) f, Q" _, l! U; z& }. B
What's new in v4.2.2:. ]' n  ]: d, m' X0 n
New Features3 R+ x# U) [  L% C8 X
- Master / Slave Behavior to constraint Entities from one Entity Type to other Entities (e.g. spear entity to soldier entity)
3 N" e3 A/ W4 X( a6 Q  l- UVPin Behavior to remap simulations on a specific UV Space
" j- l# A: V  b0 A- Support of Maya File Path Editor to relocate files* T. g& R* x. r- M/ Y
- New direction channels (boneDirection, paintedDirection)$ G6 v* C$ y% q; Q2 X4 k" w+ w
- Master Entity Channel, r" e: j" X! w& l
- Rigid bodies can now be exported in a PhysX environment file (.xml) from the Physics Locator
$ a' D* A" l* h/ K1 P$ V2 {" HImprovements
+ v, A& n2 V: p' N- Automatic computation of a Character Physics Properties now excludes the effectors from the physics by default in the Character Maker8 e: b- @' V5 w( N5 X
- Automatic computation of a Character Physics Properties also computes angular limits based on IK Planes in the Character Maker
" G# b; `- B! u0 h4 v% d- New Reset Angular Limits button in the Character Maker, R3 i0 Z$ ?9 S7 @. q- Z1 u6 b
- Visual Feedback on nodes when the hierarchy is different between the Golaem Motion Mapping and the source Character in the Character Maker
# k' v+ c. J9 Z- Force direction and magnitude can now be controlled with dynamic PPAttributes in the Force Behavior
& M- y; g, `! V4 I2 w& ^! C- Added a velocity threshold attribute to stop the Entity in the Locomotion Behavior! C9 d8 J/ @; b' ?, K  _! e
- Added Separation, Alignment and Cohesion Weights in the Flock Behavior! x) j, }6 R. A4 w9 ]- Q
- Added a maximum up angle attribute in the Flock Behavior
9 H) W/ D3 g5 R" g7 M; x- Added a warning message when the number of rigid bodies exceed 65535 (which triggers a crash if all of them collide with the AABB of the same object)
2 S4 L5 G9 T5 q' O- Crowd Rigid bodies are renamed accordingly to their associated mesh transform
9 p* T$ a, [3 j+ |. mBug Fixes
8 F: R1 {; j0 {" ~  w! t* q- Fixed a crash when batch exporting a simulation having Painted Zone / Vector Fields; D2 s& ?" F3 A9 A9 P6 R
- Fixed a crash when loading two skeleton consecutively in the Character Maker. m( K* f' o* D2 G* ~& h  l
- Fixed a crash when unmapping Maya geometry from the Terrain Locator
3 c& K2 S3 w, @6 D$ x5 q4 y- Fixed a crash when Expression Trigger was active and empty* n2 v+ n. N2 m4 ?; z9 u
- Fixed a crash when restarting a simulation while having nodes like Nucleus in the scene/ ]* q; o7 d& J# W* e) G
- Fixed wrong computation of collisions when using default values in Physics Collision Triggers  i# L* ?* \- C4 v% |' K
- Fixed camera update when playblasting crowd simulations with VP2.0$ i$ o7 w) ~" N9 i; a, y
- Fixed 3Delight Render Proxy creation with Maya 2016
/ R9 }( J; v8 i- {- Fixed update when using multiple splines with a painted surface3 K1 w1 A  f5 d6 F6 Q* C$ E
- Fixed a warning message when a bone was mapped to both the last extension and first auxiliary of the next bone' p3 N, k' \* m6 D; e
- Fixed creation of a Crowd Rigid Body without a selected transform object2 t/ o$ e; W' T- J4 |
- Fixed computation of a Crowd Rigid Body when added to a hierarchy of transforms! t4 `4 c* b9 q  r9 Y+ h! J7 s
- Fixed display of Crowd Rigid Body when in Convex Hull and Triangle Mesh mode9 f- a8 P6 ?3 }
Refactoring9 v3 m6 {& V4 v2 a$ i6 S/ V; s* i
- Helper icon next to PPAttribute, Bone, Limb, Effector, Blend Shape Names Attribute/ Z+ E' l8 H0 g6 Z
- Default values of Physics Collision Triggers have been changed% ]6 e/ T  W1 Y! B

" i' k& G" S5 P) {# i4 A' R6 fWhat's new in v4.2.1.1:. a9 r: v/ |8 v/ t( w* }' }7 y
- Fixed CharacterMaker physics spreadsheet selection and updates
7 Q* @  l# S0 _9 D9 e$ pv4.2.14 s2 v* r) P$ t1 j
Important Notice
! q3 a$ x8 r% F: G" s4 q) Y. pFrom this release, Bullet physics engine is not supported anymore (replaced by NVidia PhysX)1 q' U# _/ A6 Y' |& i
New Features& @; o- n' Z* b8 z( X7 _; A
- Maya meshes and objects can be directly used as Convex Hull & Triangle Mesh colliders for the Physics simulation
- u7 m7 q) j2 P- Crowd Rigid Bodies can be dynamically defined as Kinematic or Dynamic objects
' [# ~: T, T% B$ X8 |4 S- Crowd Rigid Bodies can be taken into account in Collision Triggers (either using Id, Color or Physics Mode)+ R0 ~# Y) a* Z4 I, V8 J
- Collision Triggers now have a collider / collided property, m& D6 M6 N% w6 }: c* L8 F
- Containers can be expanded / collapsed in the Behavior Editor
+ I2 `( b+ t+ e* e' `8 g% h8 j- New Channel / Expression Trigger4 \' k& _/ \, o4 ~: o
1 @7 c; b; o) `- Crowd Rigid Body shapes are configured automatically based on the connected object properties& b' {0 o/ s$ j  W# Z. X
- ObjectID pass can be configured in the VRay Proxy (one color per mesh, entity, crowdField, all)& F$ K; @0 N- v( a# G; o" A; w
- Heading / Attitude / Bank offsets in the AdaptOrientation Behavior
/ o5 j9 s& _! x- Visibility, Object ID, Motion Blur attributes are now stored at the Object / VRay Properties level in 3ds Max plugin$ ^9 D. ^0 P8 K- N- Y/ c' X
- VRayGolaem 3ds Max plugin transform is now taken into account when rendering Crowd Characters in 3ds Max
% p) W6 s6 f& r- Render Checker now checks if the required PPAttributes have been exported to the Simulation Cache2 l6 V7 ~  `: i3 S( A
- Edit Physics Properties window selection now selects the corresponding bone in the viewport
3 E7 a1 z+ J. D& O- Unphysicalized bones are not displayed by default in the Edit Physics Properties window
$ O! _" S6 @" @- }- Added a button to remap auxiliary and extensors bones to extensor only (and vice versa) in the Character Maker6 D9 ~& D3 Y% c% B1 g$ A
- More precise visual feedback of updated or ended behaviors in the Behavior Editor (using gradients)+ H3 }) Z! m5 R) A; @9 Z' K
- DirectX11 compatibility tool
& B2 c  b  N5 B: yBug Fixes
1 V6 |5 D) t" _; ^" J& S, Z- Fixed Locomotion Channel in MotionClip nodes
5 ?. C1 J1 f9 L( s4 h' A/ Q$ `3 Y- Fixed Geometry Behavior evaluation when Time Warp is used in a scene# d9 D9 f" \8 F* E; t
- Fixed the Alternative Operator interface when changing condition order: m, p4 N* l2 l3 t
- Fixed Alembic export with blendshape animation
- H$ m( B( a4 ^& O4 H; T- Fixed bad orientation of Geometry Behaviors in the Render Previz display mode  ^4 [2 ~# N2 Z9 Z3 g( P( g$ l+ w+ c
- Fixed geodesic skinning support in the Render Previz display mode) X% m+ f6 E  A6 z. X2 @, e' D
- Fixed vertex cache display of Geometry Behaviors in the Render Previz display mode when not every submesh has a cache* W/ ~9 j9 x4 [9 J  h
4 x, w9 n, a  F3 R8 f* k% O$ U! v  P- Refactoring of all rendering plugins to use the glm_crowd_io API (see below)
% z; h! g4 l) n) i8 {4 n: d0 W- Q* A- Motion Blur attributes have been removed from the VRay Proxy and are now read in VRay Camera attributes
2 d+ Z' K5 k  k% H( `- Fixed the save of the position of the VisualFeedback window
" n1 O- V( b( ?% A6 O  w' z- Fixed the save of the position of the MotionClipPreview window
7 a3 ]+ `# }  K& d! m* s- NavMesh Creator can now process any polygon (doesn't have to be quads or triangles)
& c+ ~2 d& `) z1 x; x: K- |- Creation of several Crowd Rigid Bodies when several objects are selected
7 y* ?2 T6 s4 JAPI
3 }. c$ A7 l6 [# E/ a; ]( p- Geometry Generation API (glm_crowd_io.h) to generate Character geometries from Simulation Cache files' I% V+ k- v9 P1 R1 m: R8 }! T8 L
- glmSimulationCacheTool command to query Simulation Cache attributes( g9 C6 D; e+ f2 ]! k% `! C
- glmCharacterFileTools has been renamed to glmCharacterFileTool
" Z, M( w1 j5 {4 m5 B) X3 i% J  E5 O2 H7 T9 J

: w) u) |2 v: d- C- y/ m/ iWhat's new in v4.1.2.1:1 y: u. U% E9 E) j( g* q
Bug Fixes2 m( ]9 Q0 k8 H1 K
- Fixed an important memory leak during simulation (appeared in version 4.1.2)
/ u6 _0 v8 `5 ]; O6 F; n! u- Fixed a crash when rendering different Character Files with Arnold$ j0 @+ h  s) m( ?9 C; R

, i2 V2 b; Z, G' P) }( vWhat's new in v4.1.2:$ _: P1 Y# n: w, T
Important Notice" P' c  J4 ]) l3 k5 y
From this release, Renderman 18 is not supported anymore- Y+ p/ }" ^. W  X3 `# w
New Features, T$ x# S7 l4 ^* o1 p: a5 b4 f
- Support of Renderman Studio 20.09 N" d0 w  s4 c. m: B1 T
- Support of Maya dirmap mechanism/ K3 n# g1 ]0 w) V" Q
- Render Previz display mode supports Maya Lights (ambient & directionnal)
0 T( y! ?2 t0 f- u0 y# e* u! Q7 x- New Mental Ray Proxy shading system (mia_material_x_passes and all render passes are now supported)
& P2 v, E0 q5 M9 ?Improvements
$ E1 A( `: z/ R6 |/ L  A. e  g5 K, o- Flee target mode in GoTo Behavior
) y! H6 {* ?0 o8 b6 J' t- K- Expressions can now also be used in the SetBone Behavior( u6 V( X' v! j0 L
- Vector Channels now support [x/y/z] (this.position[x])
* l0 R2 _1 g4 ~8 [. j- q4 J0 I- Ramp controls can now be used in an Expression in the Attribute & SetBone Behaviors
4 T( E6 I2 |# ?  K- Roll bones can now be out of the Limb bone chain in the Character Maker
; ]9 S9 N8 k6 D0 E( u- Added a second curve in the Loop indicator to improve precision in the Character Maker
0 P$ S: F6 t  e8 w( b# W: W1 F3 @- Added a #tid# keyword for Mel/Python callbacks / scripts (will be replaced with the EntityType id)% n1 P$ o5 ^9 f' T* `
- VRayGolaem 3ds Max plugin checks if the Golaem VRay plugin is correctly installed before render starts
3 N) k; r/ }0 h$ O" s+ }( @) ]Bug Fixes" I0 |7 d3 D3 Z
- Fixed a crash when Character Files were not found in the Simulation Cache Proxy2 Y& ?. Y& V, M1 r
- Fixed a crash when the Character fbx and the Golaem Character have different number of bones
4 Q6 ]5 Y+ Z- F+ L& _% `- Fixed a crash when using a MEL expression in the Attribute Editor
& b" l/ F! y/ t( w- Fix Physics Collision Entity Type trigger
" P3 X$ U# j4 f0 u/ ]- Fixed Attitude computation in the AdaptOrientation Behavior
+ W  X1 \) d0 q/ s$ ?2 N& \- Fixed a bad blending computation between motions when an Motion Behavior is started and stopped during the same frame
% t6 h9 t0 g- d) A; ]$ o- Fixed scaled skeleton import when using the Joint Orient Detection in the Character Maker
1 P) |& u! @9 J, p( Q. V/ q2 JRefactoring7 z) A% Y; [; l7 L( N
- Using bone names instead of bone ids in IK, LookAt & Constraint Behaviors. F/ d' w3 J9 X2 R, {
- The #noise# tag in the SetBone Behavior is replaced by Ramp Controls* f& {) M6 [6 G
- Render plugins now log an info line when rendering starts
: r# `  C! J, H+ A# \( HAPI
' ^) b7 }- k1 K5 p5 Z; Y, X4 }/ z* s- glmCharacterFileTools command to query / set attributes of a Character File (.gch / .gcha)
% `! W" [, ~" b  x. H- glmCheckShaders, glmCheckBoundingBoxes, glmGetRenderingTypes are now replaced with glmCharacterFileTools
5 t' i* b7 G( d- ~# v5 z( A- Environment variable GLMCROWD_DIRMAP_ENABLE to disable Golaem Crowd dirmap mechanism
7 L1 p0 O2 O0 z2 f
, G  t7 t+ K, T1 B' L5 `) k, hWhat's new in v4.1.1:
% P# w- M8 o) O5 l% l# U- NImportant Notice  G; [1 e3 L; i" ?1 C: h8 K: h
IMPORTANT: Notice that starting and stopping duration attributes in Motion behaviors have changed between Golaem Crowd 4.1 and 4.1.10 l4 S+ Q* U# Z. t- ~% X
Use MEL function golaemCrowd41To411() to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 4.1 to 4.1.1! b( `. y7 z- t( h# E
New Features. P, T: [# ~9 n; }! x
- VRay for 3dsMax proxy can now display cached Entities as bounding boxes
! ]( ~- t  z, L- VRay for 3dsMax proxy allows to control rendering parameters directly in 3dsMax3 _8 f( X) i" @; R# J
- Renderman for Katana export tool in Renderman Studio Proxy
- Z) A* ]4 O8 T4 P( BImprovements
) J8 _6 |; c3 D- \! N6 z0 n; R+ c" r- Support of Renderman Studio 19.0 for Maya 2016
2 ]$ O. s# Q0 a$ l7 T  R- Motion, Locomotion, SyncMotion, LookAt, IK Behaviors have now starting & stopping durations controllable with PPAttributes
4 h1 Q) a. Z* ]' p- Highlight Behavior, Trigger and MotionClips selection in the Behavior Editor Outliner! d9 K- x4 [) D4 I4 S8 p
Bug Fixes
' C7 V* k+ `5 _7 Q7 B9 e- Fixed a crash when painting on meshes without UVs
0 M. M8 M8 s6 q0 G+ M9 z! d- Fixed a crash when a particle system has a groupId but there's not GroupEntityType defined( q5 L& k6 d& h* p' x; j7 _$ b
- Fixed a crash when only a part of the Entities have Squash&Stretch bones in the Animation Bones display mode
7 u# k/ d$ h" L+ e) ?# x- Fixed a crash when a Force Behavior was started on an Entity that has no Physicalize Behavior/ e+ x4 {0 Q! Q
- Fixed frozen Entities when using the Physicalize Behavior
9 I) c1 f( J3 m. L. K5 _9 k5 i: H- Fixed inertia computation when using the Physicalize Behavior
; b4 r6 K  V% ^, y- {+ l5 ]- Fixed wrong display of sphere bones in Physics Shape display mode
6 |( \/ r- {/ Z3 G) X! o+ e- Fixed an issue that allowed to connect two nodes inside the same operator+ c" e  j* ]8 N" Y  M4 m- ]
- Fixed SetBone behavior blendshape expression
" a( S" P6 u6 D8 t- Fixed Proxy transform combined with frustum culling
1 i6 p- [& _8 t! n: W- Fixed Mental Ray frustum fov calculation7 f7 V( o' ?# h% I/ j7 |0 h
- Fixed VRay for 3dsMax Proxy random render issue
% e& v  c% o: n- Fixed VRay for 3dsMax frustum culling
, m" D0 K/ m/ l  ^' [4 {* @- Fixed vrscene export of the Simulation Exporte
) N$ P* R2 J, E4 g$ H. Q' f- Fixed import cache format detection in the Simulation Cache Proxy( M( `3 R* g- }0 T, N1 W- T: x
  w: ~2 `2 p1 d% H% @; d- Removed Partio cache format option in the Simulation Exporter
: q, I7 [$ B( ?" J4 ^- Added a license check to the commands glmExportMotion, glmExportMotionMapping, glmPaintTool, SimulationCacheEditorExport/Importor) @" ?0 [: }; |8 V& N) p% n6 |5 L

$ V! \. v- s" `/ @  rWhat's new in v4.0.5:
, d) \' W* p* }) x4 ~4 I- eNew Features5 u$ X2 o7 h1 [+ C, ]2 X! j- B: H7 R
- UVPin terrain adaptation$ |' D1 [. W* J- l
- Simulation Time control in the CrowdManager node (supports Maya Time Wap)
. {$ g  d1 [/ w  {. X+ [1 }( G- Simulation Export pre and post MEL/Python Callbacks
$ A; s+ a9 b& S- Support of Archive Scene Maya feature (via the CrowdArchiver node)
9 O2 d) o% b% \. w& m- Support of Maya 2016
0 ]$ C! x# e; iImprovements
! t* {8 d6 G7 w) x! [- Global CrowdField control in the CrowdManager node9 F6 {; W5 d$ e( y) H+ }' H
- Light Linking support in the V-Ray proxy
* v9 @) O/ H) i- Render proxies can now be created in Maya batch" R2 b* [. m: |" l5 J& ]6 J, k! Z: h
- Focus on the selected Behavior in the Behavior Editor from the Visual Feedback selector
. n) i+ D. h+ M' S& a5 QBug Fixes
0 R) m) q0 x4 z9 e) P- Fixed a crash when exiting Maya after having rendered with MentalRay( h/ U, i% _# V3 \# Z! z* x6 E- [1 e
- Fixed a crash when exiting Maya after having rendered with Arnold  K2 X/ G+ F$ r8 c7 ^) S
- Fixed a crash when rendering with 3Delight $ Z6 [) W' k( I7 t1 ?" Z
- Fixed a crash when opening a scene if the working station has no graphics card5 X( f) s1 ?$ C
- Fixed blendshapes assignment in Render Previz display mode
; |6 {, u3 q4 [' w8 Z$ C! ]- Fixed ground adaptation on no-spine Characters4 s! m  C0 N& V$ @* W; Y* X/ G. P( P
- Fixed Vector Field target refresh; Z! B* m$ `$ Q( r  O4 n5 u
- Fixed Simulation Tool Rib export (bad syntax)
6 O3 H9 }0 [6 ]" x" w) o- Fixed Linux silent install not properly using Maya default install location
+ J' `: U! P. s" K+ C* F1 `- Fixed RPATH not properly set on rendering plugins
1 [* s: v) D# s8 F' r- Fixed Physics Shapes meshes and Shader nodes not correctly deleted when deleting the Character Maker Locator
+ u: j( B6 b* Q0 m. o- Fixed Simulation Cache Proxy losing its Character Files list/ g& \) Y- [6 |0 ]9 q
6 [, V  j& E" O
What's new in v4.0.3:
) U$ k! t. Q* Y8 V+ D9 B1 [$ k% }New features
/ c) w! d( k) V8 S- RendermanStudio Render Proxy now supports Renderman 19.01 h1 ]  ~  j$ s( v" B: z8 ?+ h3 h
- RendermanStudio Render Proxy now supports Subdivision Surfaces/ \" U; \  ~* q! J/ X! X6 x6 ]
- Character Files now contains Shader Groups
$ S% V6 S6 A/ |7 a, i+ q- x' }- Blendshapes values can be set from the SetBone Behavior, S3 p1 V1 n/ i0 T* j- ]7 ?
- Blendshapes values can be read from the Attribute Behavior (new Channel)
5 z! O# Q, b6 Z5 ?& PImprovements2 d& o; y( _( @* \# p8 `
- Constraint Behavior can now constraint position / orientation / scale of a constrained Maya object
: \8 q( i" N" P4 l  u" r- VRay Render Proxy now has a Frame attribute (to offset Simulation Caches)0 o& j3 ~; E4 A
- Alt key to duplicate a Behavior from the Behavior Outliner into the Workspace
9 _( Q$ ?( v- A% C; y3 r- "Save As Template" now works on single Behaviors
' T; r. b0 f, A2 k- Alternative Operator displays an id for each condition in the Behavior Editor. W2 I& Y9 i/ P+ \) Z# h8 ~1 w9 d( e
Bug fixes, w6 d8 N6 i% ~# N6 i
- Fixed a crash at the CrowdField Start Frame when the simulation was not completely rewinded  }4 b8 s' ^5 J" A! \/ j
- Fixed a crash when resetting shaders on an Empty Mesh Asset in the Character Maker
/ i1 k) o( _  t) L; \7 J- Fixed a crash when editing the Physics Shapes in the Character Maker9 e6 T8 g+ T, L9 j
- Fixed a crash when deleting the Character Maker Locator node
2 g/ X7 U6 A# `4 L$ p4 U  Z- Fixed a crash when using a not valid mel expression in the SetBone Behavior
' r4 I. t% t: U" Z' T/ S, ?3 M- Fixed Physics Properties reordering in the Character Maker6 L5 I: R, z  X$ l! c4 \( ^
- Fixed multi-Population Tool Locator emit
; U$ i2 M3 F% @" y' j. |- @- Fixed bad picking when using Impostors Display Mode
5 i; _2 L0 ~- q7 z( c# C2 i- Fixed the edition of a motion delta orientation when exporting a Motion file in the Character Maker* ?8 r0 e% L9 ]! `: X# {0 W# M
- Fixed the Character FBX Export (non-skinned bones were not exported in the .fbx file)5 O% M% U. R9 d4 y4 ^, b9 B
- Fixed Batch Render when motion blur was enabled
# w) u3 d" a' r7 x* V- Fixed Arnold Batch Render when a CrowdField was in the scene. U2 @1 Z5 z" h! K4 J, P
- Fixed Renderman Batch Render callback/ I; X; i3 l7 a& a
- Fixed "Save As Template" feature when Target Locators were connected to a Behavior( o0 o9 f+ [2 P1 X" n# i2 `; A
- Fixed "Add New Entity Type Attribute" feature in the Behavior Editor
2 g- k' J: g& E  `. t1 A# dRefactoring) _6 v5 s4 b8 f8 ?' I
- Combobox instead of tabs for Character / Motion / Motion Mapping in the Character Maker) Q, ~% C; U) f
- "Relocate FBX" context menu on Geometry Asset in the Character Maker
* |. a8 ~; I$ w; H. B- Arnold Render Proxy now uses Shader Groups to shade the Crowd Characters
* I' C+ h) `+ }( a- j% }; Y- Alembic Export now exports Shader Groups as a User Attribute. \+ C4 ?# |1 T: T) I' N
- Creating a Cache Replay Proxy switches to Cache Replay Proxy Mode4 S' v& k6 I2 C3 h
API6 h4 i7 ]2 ~* Y/ K! J% o
- New flags in glmExportMotionMapping in order to create and export automatically the .gmm file
& a' I/ `/ M! e9 ~! ~+ ]- glmSortParticleIds to sort particleIds of a particle system along x or z axis( W) z# Q7 k) n; Y

3 Q; K: I7 _% d0 r: G- aSupported Rendering Engines:
+ I( {3 N3 _, q7 N1 e- Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X/Arnold Core 4.2.X
1 i" Y# X2 w- {! S# B- V-Ray For Maya 3.07 z$ R2 @- e! C% q' [
- Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
2 W0 ^% }5 V4 n- 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX" C) g$ c0 m/ r8 k
- Renderman Studio 19.0- y$ u/ c4 p2 L$ I9 ^- j- z
- Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
' t0 _5 J( I: W: i- _
8 E) [2 ?# ]6 D8 k$ ?! u+ LAlso supported (but must be manually installed):4 L8 P' R3 d4 J$ b+ c9 I) T
- Mtoa 1.0.X/Arnold Core 4.1.X 0 N& g2 H4 [7 g8 O5 q! n* R
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4
" H2 n! s6 m* S  n1 b$ P- Renderman Studio 18.0
5 @- D1 T" U% D3 C) e% c2 u* b/ f- ?# ?/ y% t
3 f- q% |; Q8 E' @* a( e
, t. u) W! ]7 r/ J
Download:8 O( A$ G/ ]6 l6 |) {
Golaem Crowd v4.0.3.zip
4 E8 T+ }. G) IGolaem Crowd v4.0.5.zip
4 b- a, A* D! u. q) ^2 r) B9 X4 j+ O/ z* y( |) h3 p& i) Q
$ o0 U! F" h5 O0 hhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-
7 f4 q  q$ k0 [2 U& {$ @http://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-
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& u7 U# x) ~. N: J9 Y
7 g( g3 K0 e& \1 A% O) t4 e# j, lhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-5.3.1/Golaem-5.3.1-Maya2015.exe) ?6 X# Y; e. B, D% F$ A1 j
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- M3 ]% X/ |; n  O+ chttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.3.1/Golaem-5.3.1-Maya2017.run
4 G$ Y2 }2 A9 R% Z) D( ?7 W# l8 j# Q. i
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1 [) d* _* ~6 F! c7 W- Ohttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem- `: C( p3 x. K- B4 U
1 d# z: `4 S; k. j' Q( ?http://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-
" T# g: O: Q; |3 @& V1 Y* v6 Rhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem- k( y$ r- x+ W1 Y! Z5 U6 L
" z9 w9 _. n$ _! `8 j6 _! yhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-
' B4 B+ ^  N) `0 r: q/ M! B, B% ehttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-
$ m( ~8 c8 S& b6 i! L7 M# |5 O# ?  N  F9 _/ ?% g9 j
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1 _& q/ x9 y9 F7 }# e2 d0 M3 Ohttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-
5 S$ |1 ]1 P3 k2 xhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem- b" q3 U" c& B2 r' A
+ j) U, _* ?$ r; C  mhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem- ]' E# Q' p% }9 ?3 x* z
+ C  ~" B0 K' N% ]) F1 e* b: T8 hhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-; U/ D' ~7 Z7 z% M  Q

& Y5 V1 _1 m7 I& l/ h' h; x; E; Mhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-5.2.2/Golaem-5.2.2-Maya2014.exe- j# a7 l9 S  N
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) G) x+ t% k  v6 Ahttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.2.2/Golaem-5.2.2-Maya2014.run( G+ P5 s8 ?* l1 [& g5 X
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- M' m$ l2 o2 X( q+ e5 \0 T
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5 H9 `, O& t% I1 x* ~3 Ihttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.2.1/Golaem-5.2.1-Maya2016.5.run
7 b# }5 a3 y9 Q/ e4 g! f- y+ zhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.2.1/Golaem-5.2.1-Maya2016.run
/ ~4 ]8 @* ]2 |( }+ ]9 I# k# X8 h- T0 g2 r0 y
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/ h' u/ O; R+ Yhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem- T" X- j3 o) D' D5 h! T  O7 j* g
) S" S. Y1 _, U" X# o
" f+ M% Y$ I4 ?3 {4 khttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-5.2/Golaem-5.2-Maya2015.exe" @; k  o* z0 S: S
* v' D0 }# v# s/ I. [1 V! O5 S( ]& }  Jhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-5.2/Golaem-5.2-Maya2016.exe
; Y! B2 k2 Y3 m" A7 Fhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.2/Golaem-5.2-Maya2014.run
1 n. L; W! m4 t) U3 m( @- Uhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.2/Golaem-5.2-Maya2015.run. ~$ k, \- r+ c# W
7 w8 |& K. V( w; B  whttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.2/Golaem-5.2-Maya2016.run
& i2 w' r1 D& S; F: [' w  Q& H8 B* i0 n+ R
1 H% p- l7 v5 l$ p9 s# _http://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem- ~* D' w* s7 R/ t2 j/ J
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. c1 z, Y, q, ghttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-
. _+ T. g6 k  B3 d+ fhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem- d. r. O# J0 @! Y
/ ]1 y% g- L' D9 H/ q  }http://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-
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$ p/ `; @5 D/ L. Ihttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem- }: x1 C( f$ r4 P7 J! |
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. i" C+ h" L% [: D8 dhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem- `' N4 G4 i. {$ j& n
! Z9 T, b9 W' V+ q/ m5 I+ x/ p- V/ G% S. r: L+ X: h1 U
/ ]7 \) M' n) Thttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-5.1.1/Golaem-5.1.1-Maya2015.exe5 w6 @& z" T" W- W
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* W. G* @$ {- A/ Phttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.1.1/Golaem-5.1.1-Maya2014.run
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& o, f- ?+ O$ E5 dhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.1.1/Golaem-5.1.1-Maya2016.5.run
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; U- _, Y8 N" E; R& C: w; Zhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-5.1/Golaem-5.1-Maya2014.exe6 F1 b- ~/ f! ^3 F! C+ t( K
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" P3 Z, F  Y1 V# b" b% x  mhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-5.0.4/Golaem-5.0.4-Maya2014.exe8 t- Q% x& ?% k2 x  L
4 w2 W. f2 b: mhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Windows/Golaem-5.0.4/Golaem-5.0.4-Maya2016.exe
* ^, Q; J; s& @0 [/ M0 v+ \0 g7 Shttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem5/Linux/Golaem-5.0.4/Golaem-5.0.4-Maya2014.run
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7 U! z' I0 S! k0 v& q9 M2 G7 c- {3 b
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7 _' D: @/ A5 e5 W
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2 w" x8 M" K: v9 O& L+ a1 Y/ j# S. w9 u5 m
! H4 @* `+ ^9 }: \+ Hhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem4/Windows/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3-Maya2013.exe
4 B- ^3 j, a! d0 Whttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem4/Windows/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3-Maya2014.exe
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! D% j; w4 E$ R' d8 u7 Chttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem4/Windows/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3-Maya2016.exe) G0 w+ E7 w7 t( U" h
& ~4 P! W* e; U; `1 C$ f0 Thttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem4/Linux/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3-Maya2013.run
1 O$ _8 A) I- |# V: Q* Lhttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem4/Linux/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3-Maya2014.run
2 Y% V  l* x/ Ahttp://golaem.com/packages/Golaem4/Linux/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3/GolaemCrowd-4.3.3-Maya2015.run; `. A' M* A1 [) m9 Q
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) |8 I  {. F2 z9 ?http://golaem.com/packages/Golaem4/Windows/GolaemCrowd-4.3.2/GolaemCrowd-4.3.2-Maya2013.5.exe6 ^2 |) M% m4 |6 z' \8 w1 ?
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GMT+8, 2024-4-24 22:53

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