

Next Limit RealFlow 2012 Build 0085 x86&64 流动液体仿真软件

发表于 2015-4-24 22:28:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Program Name: Next Limit RealFlow 2012 Build
9 O/ o% S" g) @# A- T- f+ IProgram Type: Fluid and dynamics simulation tool- B( w* P# R; t" }
Developer: Next Limit S.L., S- @- d8 p2 f8 I( M
Homepage: www.realflow.com
  _% [* U" |* p$ e/ E7 {Release Date: 12.04.2012
% k* V- T; q8 ?: u" Y: v$ wInterface Language: English
( O) E1 h+ [) W9 }6 w, }" R0 iPlatform: Windows 7 SP1/8/8.1 64-bit
' r' [+ D' }1 o/ J8 hFile Size: 226.52Mb7 O; X) n: m6 M- J8 M% H. L

7 d- f$ c" N, n! ]9 v6 sDripping water, automatic foam generation, faster simulations and lower memory use+ j  F  P( ~2 J& R8 |+ n. r
New emitters: Wet, Waterline, Splash&Foam, Wet&Foam- A( W  ~; E0 |& \
Faster input/output operations- ]' K& U4 [5 }% e6 X, m
Distance and velocity fields and velocity and vorticity maps can now be exported
/ X, M1 p% t& d3 \" HGreater controllability of fluid surface – new method of combining particles and fluid fields.
: ~. i# U5 D0 X, SBetter control of the strength of interaction between objects and fluids
* p! \) Q& u9 \7 t8 c! USecondary splashes
4 V1 L, g$ b* N3 \* W7 u! h% VRealFlow 2012 now provides a built-in, easy-to-use tool to create fractured objects directly within your project.
( ?9 `; Y, y+ n% P- _6 _- ?.
% m" P8 J) s; E4 N* ~7 f7 ]. fVoronoi fracturing method
# _7 |1 V) U# Q1 H0 D4 lAutomatic generation of multibody node for fractured object
" ~* E4 `% i  n$ e% Q% EOptimized fractures for Caronte$ b0 k. V$ A" M+ M6 S4 O9 ]
The Retimer Tool in RealFlow 2012 works on any of the RealFlow 2012 elements and opens up a world of possibilities:
  v: }& f6 d! `0 @0 w5 F, }.8 y! e) @6 h. p% t) q
Bullet time effects
. N* E/ Q5 c# B/ \# D; bReversed simulations
& n/ `+ j- {" \% T$ V1 N! {2 XSlow motion effects
7 S; n& e! ^+ A5 `Dynamic simulations controlled by engines
2 G, N/ N# F1 WBy using Servos, it is possible to use RealFlow’s dynamics solver to animate rigid bodies in a physically-correct fashion
' K( k( t3 S0 V: v0 }8 CNew Layers panel – faster workflow, easier simulation, improved visibility6 G3 j& w8 M7 v0 Z
RealFlow 2012 also comes with some new shortcuts shelves
1 X- c' M# O1 |- f/ u# Y- _Nodes list can now be filtered by name8 }: [  _) P0 O. {' o

, ?6 n. l/ @# s4 T) F+ E破解方法:
- v* d) U5 o' d( V: QRealFlow 2012 32Bit standalone:
$ r8 C. n: B  p) u2 m; n. C% R----------------------
. U6 M2 j  f; Q! c1. Install RealFlow.! S% P! N. t) r% N/ ~
' Q7 [3 _. i& B$ ~. M2 D, h6 q, D9 m# V* X" Y1 t4 Q
2. Open the crack folder Copy License.txt and RFGUI.dll paste to RealFlow Installed Folder replace the existing files
+ Y0 a" C" N/ l& u5 B+ F& j" @5 U" Q* _. J# p( h
Eg:- C:/Program Files/Next Limit/RealFlow 2012  E6 o( |6 D# U! j2 G3 J5 r5 l

, _$ A+ K6 c; j, h/ x" A打开crack文件夹拷贝license.txt和rfgui.dll到RL的安装根目录覆盖3 a- t9 M6 H5 p5 ^

8 V, P- g4 I0 R% `3 G! L0 M' G3. Start RealFlow, if it's a fresh install the local
) D2 S! ?# T. Q" H, F2 Wlicense manager should open automatically, otherwise7 q& ]- d; O* y1 s4 A
start it from the menu Tools > License manager.
3 O, K) `& O' M; P( m4 y9 b& `/ q5 E
Delete any demo license then add license and import
/ p1 U7 V# A; d" T: b& U! Q0 M(from file) the included license (license.txt).
# |7 h* o& e6 A* i3 m) |( U/ }6 v, F+ ]) R* `3 `, z
打开软件,弹出license面板,不是第一次安装的不会自动弹出,在menu tool>license manager打开。, u* \8 P3 ^5 y- l/ T
通过from file找到刚才复制过去license.txt文件
7 y7 \9 C" F; O* w0 O6 q& F% G" j) U1 c
4. That's all,
6 n8 a, t; ]% s4 u7 B  `
) B2 ?0 p3 Z; g5 m* WThanks To XFORCE
" q8 s8 k7 c  m. f5 a0 p- c4 g6 c2 @% D/ l9 C- L$ q
Enjoy !!!
1 S* u  S) y. y# D7 @4 v3 ^* }. L6 c5 n4 d3 T) D" u2 O
Download:, m4 J8 P' j2 m
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWJp9MW 密码: sk7d" z+ B) F# @3 I% l( Y5 k

1 d) \/ n* j4 Y9 g) p" {% ?


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