admin 发表于 2012-7-30 22:48:24

Eyeon Fusion 6.4.1092

6.4 新功能介绍:

新增对 PFTrack 镜头畸变模块的支持。
新增 三维复制工具,通过另一个形状/网格的顶点位置或粒子位置再复制出新的形状。
新增对 ARRI raw 文件读取的支持。
Can now box shape multiple polylines and XYpaths, when the “Allow selection of points from multiple polylines” pref enabled. It must be enabled using Shift+B hotkey, rather than from context menus or toolbars.
Added the ability to do multiframe editing of polylines and grid mesh for all previous key times, or all following key times, along with all key times (as was the previous behaviour).


Fusion 6.4.1092 安装程序

32位与64位 迅雷快传

eyeon Connection for Fusion6.4 V1.0


Fusion6.4 32Bit
Fusion6.4 64 Bit

6.4Rendernode 32Bit
6.4Rendernode 64Bit
页: [1]
查看完整版本: Eyeon Fusion 6.4.1092