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Eyeon Fusion 5.3.5 32bit+64bit

发表于 2012-4-19 07:31:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中文名: Eyeon Fusion 5.3.5 更新64位版及网络渲染工具9 |. m2 P' C  H- i  ~2 w$ e, P
英文名: eyeon fusion% ]+ y& W+ @% @1 _
版本: 5.3.55
, s0 |- O* ]2 |, t0 O4 ?- x* d( Q地区: 美国
! F5 t/ F9 m2 F( B8 h9 d简介:" U4 k0 G$ L4 k  b9 l2 _
Fusion 5.3 is the second major release under the new subscription program offered by eyeon. Clients who are currently enrolled in the program will receive a host of new features and upgrades at no additional cost. These upgrades include:4 ]$ ]! w( q/ \' S' B9 x

' Q+ x# N6 t( Q9 I+ ~7 F5 J  A1 k: q: l1 N7 L0 ?
· Multi-threaded particles
2 S  r, J4 }& `$ W& b! W  K8 b% W+ |# _4 q) ?. v
· A Ranges Mask tool
% d$ A3 b/ ]" d# V; N0 n: x4 _- k# Y# Q! h9 A* f3 p( v
· A Sticky Note tool
. J# x. z; x) t% l/ n
  p! V1 v. H, ?4 b) t8 p· A new Underlay tool
- ]: i% L' s$ A# K! M7 S9 p9 T( T+ o# E+ B5 g
· A new Variblur tool (for per-pixel variable blurs)4 H! q' \' ]1 r
; H1 v3 P1 M' m' z9 @
· Filter modes for Transform, Merge and Letterbox tools" o% |  k8 p' E, u/ n2 ]

( E6 c5 D' M; h9 U& `· Plus additional UI enhancements and workflow improvements2 p- _  ]. w; G3 A  N+ F- G* ~

0 U9 ^4 d4 m/ f& y" f
5 z+ f, p; ]1 L5 P0 z7 g1 n
' d. H( C* E1 QAs a separate release from Fusion 5.3, Fusion x64 will be able to break the current accessibility limit of four gigabytes (GB) of both virtual and physical memory. eyeon’s extensive developmental knowledge secures the benefits of multi-core and multi-processor systems. This enables Fusion artists to take advantage of more RAM and system resources for a more interactive scope.
' e% `) i1 I( Y, e
6 d! [) F0 v) G. t- @* W- c6 V% x
' u3 l3 Y: n- T3 h
“The requirement for software that can fully utilize everything a 64 bit machine has to offer goes hand in hand with that machine's abilities. Having additional memory and higher processing capabilities, which is not even used, means that running 32 bit software on a 64 bit machine seems not only wasteful, but kind of sad as well. There is an ever-expanding demand for visual effects, raising the bar. While increasing the pressure on artists to deliver more, better, faster, it is exciting to be working at a time when the tools rise to the occasion. I have been fortunate to be a part of a VFX team that pushes the envelope, and part of how that is even possible has been more powerful, faster machines running 64 bit applications. Fusion fits into that paradigm, and I have eagerly awaited its 64 bit release.”9 _/ ]. \: v! p$ ^( D/ l
0 B' X, j3 x' a' p, F: P9 y
Aurore de Blois, Sr. Compositor, Aurora FX
& D7 h1 W1 X5 X/ W& @3 x; x$ A# _6 m7 l: E. P" _) y. t. @5 y+ J. ^+ M
( `" L" P5 a8 |' d
# [' \7 B+ N2 H5 A  Y
Key upgrades that have been provided during Fusion’s subscription program’s first year also include: OFX plug-in support, a new Vector Motion Blur tool, enhanced 3D scene importing, 3D LUTs accelerated by GPUs, expanded metadata handling for DPX, Cineon and OpenEXR formats, Python scripting and Tracker’s new infinite sub pixel precision method. These features, together with new tools and upgrades in Fusion 5.3 and Fusion x64 offer artists a quick response to feature requests and a quick-release schedule.
$ o/ x7 l$ Q" P) H/ F5 }. P: r; y/ ^( U: C3 H
. d! H- \2 T" j& e

3 S" `% D( o" j9 R2 [“As we release Fusion x64, eyeon shows our ongoing commitment to squeezing every possible ounce of performance from modern workstations. With the increasing resolution and complexity of modern effects shots, artists need all the memory they can get and Fusion x64 helps them deliver.”
: g# |+ f# m$ B/ D
& g# X6 O$ B; r" W2 ZIsaac Guenard, Senior Product Manager of eyeon Software
( }$ ^. P) z7 K" U/ w  z7 K$ P8 C2 w
) b; [& j. R  G& @* v3 s/ ]4 x
+ q& J! J# V% o. j* m6 _
Pricing and Availability4 {. S4 G  ]% h4 i* M
% F9 v0 u  B, }  G* Q" h
Fusion 5.3 and Fusion x64 bit are available at no additional charge to eyeon subscription customers.1 C8 K# F8 w! k

: H! e) R% B" g: l( Q
6 A1 @, I. Y8 Y2 {
5 i. r7 |' t. D3 d6 L6 b+ iPress Contact
+ X& B; Z( H" g0 [# a- \' {# H( P" e* {
Donovan Zulauf
* D) {2 Z. U+ x+ X5 [3 h( I  Q( d6 Z/ q+ q1 Y, q' C
Public Relations( b& H% U# r9 c! r8 H- g
  G1 `6 S( U7 p
eyeon Software Inc.
) w+ i$ }) ~6 u7 P6 E- Z3 H& a: g  w2 j' s5 ]" x; F
416-686-8411 x180
* {3 w/ L# H5 U1 i7 `9 z, S1 r. b( s# q; Y
donovan@eyeonline.com5 ^' U0 {! g% y/ o& H
/ E0 J( H' b! ?" ^/ M3 v- Y
2 D/ H+ w2 C5 ^9 k) A( z3 C% J- t

, H; i! G: N( x% q  `5 d2 U; u2 a1 S; i8 Q3 ?3 K7 i/ b
Sales Contact
5 c/ i2 m6 Z, |9 W3 [! I+ A* k7 W3 q1 l$ v) e( a# Z, A/ u
Michael Bailey# ?9 C" O. B. G- O; o$ i
* g5 X1 c  c6 s$ \, b7 \- E1 m$ o
Senior Director of Sales% ~2 N  J$ V: E) C* T
0 c+ Q# t3 j- h8 d
eyeon Software Inc.
4 v7 m" w* v7 f  ~; V/ A: h
) @4 O+ ]+ z+ ~+ e0 G0 f
9 V5 K5 u* s* e/ U416-686-8411 x270
* o9 f* q4 z: X/ v/ h& k4 M3 t6 H; J+ S; C! q
- {6 P, A+ ^# t! e
4 u. F' C9 m; Y3 a! V5 D( O/ w8 ]  B3 |
3 A* y! L" [- X& r- D, s$ c, D0 W- Z* I! ?" O
About eyeon Software
6 W8 R8 z1 Z9 H& P$ leyeon celebrates 20 years of Fusion® innovation, leading the desktop compositing revolution. eyeon Software is dedicated to providing the best possible solutions for dynamic desktop compositing and pipeline management. Drawing upon expertise in film special effects, eyeon continues to develop innovative tools to maximize project control and minimize creative barriers. Today, eyeon offers products to meet the demands of film, with a comprehensive toolset for the commercial broadcast, motion graphics, games development, and stereoscopic markets.9 f4 I" Q9 ?  w' H  J; r

# `2 {% ?6 f, ~3 a4 c" r
  ^# U8 l. }# p6 Y4 c2 U
% G) |2 B* |1 {3 ]7 ODigital Fusion, eyeon Fusion, eyeon Vision and eyeon Rotation are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of eyeon Software Inc. All trademarks, company names and products are the property of their respective holders. Copyright © 1988-2008 eyeon Software Inc. All rights reserved.
& V3 n! i9 ~6 I! F

3 T& M2 n- V7 \, S" c, u. Y$ q) S+ K) A2 W* N* a
; }$ f+ m% T  r2 y
- E0 O+ u/ s+ i1 ]
  q0 V7 [- S0 j7 T
下载地址:0 V7 `3 N3 F1 q9 |+ q) q9 {7 C
ed2k://%7Cfile%7C%5BEyeon.Fusion.5.3.5.%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B064%E4%BD%8D%E7%89%88%E5%8F%8A%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C%E6%B8%B2%E6%9F%93%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%5D.Fusion_32bit%26amp%3B64bit_network.tool.7z%7C151690333%7Cc3208004f79bbb9e5916a095dbf9dfba%7Ch=rcczmvlj7red4mktowtr3chzoqz6mday%7C/  ]/ X' {( K" C, N6 w
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4 X. I, z- B1 [5 m$ ^. d3 F7 S' u# J2 y' X' i( h1 w
+ K/ j1 h" a" ?5 ~
7 d4 G3 s) x# X- e3 Q$ o
' C, t) X  A& x% F* J, U8 X
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